
Pokemon: Humans And Monsters Alike

Welcome to the world of pokemon! But unlike the Pokemon you know well, this story is much different. Some Pokemon take on traits of humans and we call them Pokemen. Follow the journey of a group of Pokemen on their quest to be the very best like no one ever was.

YellowKarato · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Episode 0: Prologue

In a small town in the Kanto region, a Charmander Pokeboy named Leon is called over by the famous professor Oak to his lab.

In the lab were 2 other Pokekids, a Squirtle Pokeboy named Wart, and  a Bulbasaur Pokegirl named Ivy.

Oak: Welcome children, you all probably all ready know why I gathered you here today.

Leon: Yep! I'm 11 now!

Oak: precisely young man. All of you have reach the age were you can leave this small town and go on an adventure of your own. But I also want you to help be with a favor.

Wart: What's that?

Oak: I want you to take this, I call it the Pokedex!

The professor handed the children a small red device that suddenly beeped.


Oak: Its a device used to record Pokemon data, I want you to go around the region and see as many Pokemon as you can. Good luck!

The kids walked out of the lab with a purpose. That purpose was to conquer the Indigo League in 2 years. As they leave their home, the start their journey to be the very best like no one ever was.