
Pokemon Hellfire(Dropped)

In the world where pokemon and humans coexist, main character found an opportunity to go back in time to fix his life and decided to live to become the strongest. This story is inspired by novel Rise of the Dark Pokemon and other realistic pokemon novels. Some of the basic information is still same as those but the plot line is different. P.s: The first few chapters are like narrative explanation to help readers better understanding with only small interacting between characters.

Hein_Nay_Zaw · Video Games
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32 Chs

Chapter 29

As soon as Jack comes out of his hiding, he looks at the information of the poochyena.

Pokemon: Poochyena (green)

Gender: Male

Level: level 17

"Not bad, by the looks of its level, it not far from evolving into Mightyena." Jack thought and approached the person.

Seeing Jack approach, the other person does not do anything rush nor give attack commends to the Poochyena bearing its fangs beside him. He endure his fear decided to confront Jack.

"What more do you want? We do not have death grudge and although it is my fault for following you, you have clearly repaid."

Jack laughed after hearing this from the guy, although he acts tough, there are sweats dripping from his face.

"What do you think, I do not like unnecessary trouble in the future so It is best to pull out the roots while cutting the grass." said Jack with murderous intention.

Hearing this, the guy face got terrified and took two steps backwards and said, "Jack, don't push too far. Although I am not your opponent I can be of some use to you. How about it, I will help you kill Luke."

Jack smiled and said, "I do not need your help in taking out that trash but I am giving you a choice because I am in good mood. Kneel and submit to me or Die!"

His expression sunk a bit after hearing this. Even when he is speaking to Jack, he is finding an opportunity to get out of here but he cannot think of any ways out.

As for fighting with Jack, its a joke. He has seen Jack's strength. There are completely different levels. Even if he successfully sneaks attack him, it will only provoke Jack making his death more painful. More importantly, he does not want to die.

Jack clearly saw this but choose not to say anything and gives him time to think.

"I want to live." said the guy while getting on his knees.

He decided it after hesitating for a while. It is no use to delaying, touching Jack's anger is what he wants to avoid most at the moment.

Jack was very satisfied with the answer. Although there is a threat, it is not hard to control someone who recognize the situation and makes their decision. If worst comes to worst, he can still kill him easily.

He nodded and said, "Now, you only works for me. In order to avoid attention I will give you a new name. For now on, your name is Fear. Only use this name when you are reporting me."

Fear did not let Jack waits for too long this time, he bits his teeth and nodded. "Understood."

"Although you becomes under me, you are currently very weak. I will give you an opportunity to become stronger but whether you can use it or not depends on you." Jack transfer Fear something after saying this.

When Fear looks his phone, he got extremely happy and for a moment he did not even know when to say. After a while he bowed with an respectful expression and said "Many thanks sir."

"Do not disappoint me." Jack said in a cold tone and turns around to leave.

"Yes sir, I won't let you down." Fear nodded repeatedly and shouted. At this point, in his heart, he is very excited Jack has becomes his boss. He does not regret following Jack, in fact he is proud of it. "It really is a blessing in disguise." he thought.

The thing that Jack gave him is the way to improve the aptitude of Poochyena into deep green before evolving. The information about improving aptitude is very sacred and even if someone knows, it is very unlikely to inform others. Let alone someone who just becomes a subordinate.

But Jack does not care about it at all. The information about improving pokemon like Mightyena is not rare for someone like Jack, who has reached the peak of elite captain in previous life.

For him, it is more beneficial the stronger his subordinate becomes. Plus even if he improve Poochyena to deep green before and evolve into light blue Mightyena, Jack is confident to easily beat him.

It took around two hours for Jack to arrived at the nearby water source. When he arrives at the small pond, he does not go there directly. First he hides and scout the surrounding to find the pokemons occupying the area.

Jack founds out that the strongest pokemons near this area is pinsir group. They are very aggressive pokemons and attack anyone they see. The boss of this group is level 27 with deep green aptitude , so Jack choose to avoid this group.

He waited for night to falls before approaching the lake in order to avoid pinsirs spotting them. As it is small pond, there are only weak pokemons in it, so it is very safe to train feebas.

Now, Jack plans to hunt good aptitude pinsir and train zubat during the day and train feebas at night. He estimated that there are still around three days before the egg starts hatching. Before training the new pokemon, he plans to let zubat evolves.

10 days later, there is a person walking out of the forest heading to the direction of team rocket headquarters. On the way he got the attention of many girls but none of the girls dare to approach. It is not because he is too handsome, it is because he is carrying a cute little dog in his arms.

This person is Jack, during these days, the egg successfully hatched into cute houndour. After hatching, Jack feeds him all the nutritious food for another week. Now it is ready to for its physical training. Jack looks at the houndour with affectionate eyes and patted his head.

When houndour receives his pat, he wags his tail happily and lick Jack's face. Nobody would have thought this pokemon will become mighty and powerful houndoom in the future. After patting, Jack looks at his information.

Pokemon: Houndour (light blue)

Gender : Male

Level: 5

Attribute: Dark, Fire

Characteristic: Flash Fire

Holding items: None

Hereditary Abilities : Destiny bond, Heatwave, Snatch

Basic Abilities: Ember, Leer, Howl

TM: None

His level has natural improved to 5, after a whole week of eating. Not only houndour, both zubat and feebas have greatly improved after 10 days of training.