
Pokemon Gray

The fight between truth and ideals, a confrontation that continues through the ages and which never seems to have an end. This story tries to capture the essence of Unova, what each character represents and what was one of the best if not the best Pokémon story. -Pokémon and the image do not belong to me, and I only try to interpret the characters through this fanfic. -Any advice to improve is welcome. -The story is inspired by the game and not the anime. -There will be small changes, but I will be as faithful to the story as possible. -The names of some characters change depending on the language, so I will name them as I know them. -At the start the writing is quite simple, but I improve my writing in every chapter, so don't worry :P.

Grim_Jester · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Route 4

After getting the gym leader's badge, Touya spent the night at the pokemon center, took a shower, and continued on route 4 the next day.

Currently we can see him walking in his cloak along with Sandile (who is the only one who is not affected by the desert) in an unconventional way.

"~Yabure kabure no yabu isha ga, take yabu no naka e sutta kora sa, yabu karabooni sutta kora sa, yaburetara buretamotte sutta kora sa~" Touya sang happily as he walked to the beat of the song.

"~Sa sa sand Sandile~" Sandile sang happily as he imitated Touya and wagged his tail.

Thus they were walking for a few minutes until Touya's Xtransceiver began to play.

*Ring Ring*

Touya answered the call and could see Cheren and Professor Encina in it.

"Ohh, you finally answer, but where is Bel?" Professor Encina said with her usual smile.

"She probably didn't realize you were calling her" Cheren said in a tired tone.

"Well, I am calling you to tell you that we will meet you at the stop before Mayolica city, there is something important that I have to give you" said Professor Encina calmly.

"What is it?" Cheren asked curiously.

"Be patient young Cheren, see you there!" Professor Encina said and then cut the call.

"Hey Cheren, now you have a good reason to call Bel" Touya said with a mocking tone moving his eyebrows.

"S-shut up" Cheren said with a red face and then cut the call.

"The poor man can't stand jokes" Touya said innocently and then continued walking.

After a few minutes Touya came across a large highway that is under construction.

"I don't dislike the idea of ​​having a faster trip, but I honestly prefer to cross the desert the old-fashioned way" Touya said with a thoughtful and slightly sad tone.

"Sand Sandile" Sandile said sadly.

"I'm sorry for that little friend, I'm sorry they have to ruin your home" Touya said a little embarrassed.

"Sand Sandile" Sandile said shaking his head and then smiling.

'Maybe N is not at all wrong with his ideal' Touya thought for a moment and then put it aside.

After walking a bit more and having several battles with scouts Touya reached the end of the route.

At the stop he was able to meet Cheren and Professor Encina.

"Hello Touya!" Professor Encina said happily as she greeted Touya.

"How has Professor Encina been?" Touya said with a smile.

"All good, but to the point, here is what I wanted to give you" said Professor Encina and then give each of them some ultraballs.

"What is this?" Cheren asked curiously.

"They are ultraballs, with them capturing pokemon is much easier, it is very difficult for them to resist them" said Professor Encina in an explanatory tone.

Touya frowned a bit because of this, but it went unnoticed by the others.

"Well, I have to go find Bel, complete the Pokedex and most of all enjoy her journey!" Professor Encina said happily before leaving.

After saying goodbye, only Touya and Cheren remained, who said.

"Actually, those who convinced Professor Encina to complete the Pokedex and start our journey were our mothers, mine told me" Cheren said with a proud tone.

"*Coff**Coff* Mommy's boy *Coff**Coff*" Touya said not at all subtly.

"And you say it?, you love your mother more than anyone in the world" said Cheren rolling his eyes.

"You got me" Touya said raising his hands.

At that, both of them were silent for a few seconds and then laughed slightly.

"And what will you do now Touya?" Cheren asked curiously.

"Well, I'll continue on my way to Mayólica city, and you?" Touya asked with a smile.

"I'll go catch the pokemon left on route 4" Cheren said thoughtfully.

"I see, here, this will help you" Touya said giving Cheren his ultraballs.

"Don't you want them?" Cheren asked in surprise.

"No, I only capture the pokemon that want to be captured, so I don't need them" Touya said calmly.

"I see, it sounds like something you would do" Cheren said with a smile and then said goodbye and left.

"Ahhhh, there's a lot to think about lately" Touya said in a tired tone and then put his cloak in his bag and continued on his way.

When leaving the stop, he was able to find a very beautiful scene with waterfalls and a great metropolis.

The air was fresh unlike porcelain city and all the places in sight were beautifully adorned.

"Sandile!" Sandile said in amazement admiring the landscape.

"In that you are right friend, at least it is very nice what people do" Touya said with a bittersweet feeling.

After taking a few steps the first thing he heard was.

"Tell us where the nursery is old man, we the team plasma are dedicated to stealing pokemon and surely there are many in the nursery" said a team plasma recruit with an unpleasant smile.

Right in front of Touya there were two recruits from the team plasma teasing an old man for directions.

'Will I be able to rest from these idiots at some point?' Touya wondered in annoyance and then approached to help.

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