
Ova 1: The Ancient Pokemon

[A few months later] [Summer — 8:00 a.m.]

In a well-known home in Nuvema town we can see the paladin of truth, the legend and current Unova's champion while snoring and somehow not choking on his own saliva, along with his pokemon who followed his example perfectly.

Following the events of a few months ago, Touya became the champion through unorthodox methods, and he faced the strongest enemy yet, taking care of a region along with all his paperwork and problems left behind by a certain negligent champion.

Which was verifiable, after all Touya's room was surrounded by all kinds of papers and documents.

And right at the moment when Touya was enjoying his beautiful dream...

"Touyaaaaa!!, someone came to see you!!" Touya's mom yelled from the lower floor of the home.

Touya just scowled and turned to the other side while trying to keep sleeping.

"If you don't wake up in 15 minutes you will have to make your own breakfast!!" Touya's mom yelled in a warning tone.

'Hell, I'm lazier to make breakfast than to wake up, good move' Touya thought and then made a superhuman effort and got out of his bed.

After maneuvering around the room without disturbing any of his pokemon, Touya dressed in his normal clothes and put on N's cap and then looked at his pokemon which seemed to be in a deep sleep.

"Hey you guys, if I fall we all fall, don't be lazy" Touya said calmly to his pokemon who sweated nervously when got discovered.

"{Hell, someday it's going to work, I'm sure}" Samurott said in a defeated tone.

"{Even you don't believe it Samurott}" Sawk said giving him a few supportive pats.

All of Touya's pokemon entered in their respective pokeballs so that he would then go down the stairs.

Going down, Touya could see his mother putting his plate on the table just in time with a sneering and victorious smile, as well as a man with black hair and dressed with a brown trench coat.

"You must be Unova's champion, my pleasure I am Detective Handsome, but not only in appearance but also in name" said the man at first with seriousness, which disappeared too quickly to change to pride.

Touya looked in the direction of his mother for some answer, which she just shrugged without understanding the situation much either.

"You see, I came here to ask you for a little help in capturing a fugitive" Handsome said as he made dramatic poses causing Touya to just look at him with a blank expression.

"A few months ago the gym leaders together with your friends managed to capture 4 of the 7 sages of the team plasma, one of them is possibly in the Relic Castle, but we have no information about Menek or Ghechis" Handsome said with an explanatory tone and quite proud.

"Apparently he wants to find an ancient pokemon and use it to please Ghechis, so... what do you say?" Handsome said looking at Touya who had moved from his position and was now quietly having breakfast.

"Huh? Oh, I refuse" Touya said remembering the existence of Detective Handsome while he quietly ate and drank coffee.

"E-ehh, aren't you t-the champion? y-you should help your region according to your oath by becoming a champion, r-right?" Handsome said a bit in shock upon hearing Touya's reply.

"Oath?" Touya said as he tried to remember something about it.


After everything that happened with N and Ghechis, Touya walked out of the pokemon league to go to rest in Opelucid City and return later.

But Touya stopped when he heard a voice behind him.

"Young Touya, I have something to tell you" Mirto said with a serious tone, leaving the pokemon league and approaching Touya.

Touya turned around and paid attention to Mirto's words.

"Thank you, you defeated N and Ghechis and kept the peace in Unova almost without any help, I have no way of thanking you" said Mirto bowing deeply in gratitude.

"Don't worry Mirto, after all it was something that had to happen" Touya said calmly.

Mirto looked up and nodded gratefully and then said.

"One more thing, could you do me a little favor?" Mirto said in a sorry tone as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Go ahead, ask old man" Touya said with a mocking smile making Mirto feel an arrow pierce his heart.

Mirto approached Touya, put his hand on his shoulder with total seriousness and said.

"Please, change places with me and become the champion" Mirto said with a pleading and pathetic tone, making all the seriousness of the matter disappear.

"What?" Touya said without really knowing how to react.

"Please! I can't bear the weight of this profession anymore! You must have seen the way they looked at me when I entered the league, I'm sure I have a hole in the back of my neck!" Mirto said dramatically as he held his hair with both hands.

"Wasn't I supposed to beat you to be champion?" Touya said ignoring Mirto's mental soap opera.

"No, that just gives you a place in the hall of fame, to be a champion you usually have to be a gym leader and elite four for at least a year, or be recommended by the champion along with great merit, and you young Touya!, you are qualified!" Mirto said in an explanatory tone and then pointed at Touya confidently.

"Well, actually I already wanted to be the champion, but I didn't think it would be that easy" Touya said a little shocked still by the strange situation.

"Wonderful! You are now Unova's new champion Touya! I leave it in your hands!" Mirto said with total satisfaction and happiness and then flew away with Braviary.

'Why do I feel like this won't be any good for me?' Touya thought still in shock at seeing Mirto's rapid disappearance.

//End of Flashback//

'Ohh Old Mirto, if at any moment I find you I'm going to kill you' Touya thought with a malicious smile as a gloomy aura covered him, causing Handsome to have a little chill.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Touya will help you, he is just in a bad mood from waking up early and from the paperwork" Touya's mom said to Handsome with a calm smile making him regain his calm.

"By the way I also wanted to ask, why is there a giant cloud in your garden?" Detective Handsome asked with curiosity, remembering that little detail.

"Ohh that, that's Reshi, Unova's legendary pokemon of truth" Touya's mom said in a calm tone making Handsome get shocked again.

"L-legendary?" Handsome said suspiciously and in shock.

Touya finished eating, then washed his plate and approached a puzzled detective Handsome.

"Okay I'll help you, when should I go?" Touya asked Detective Handsome causing him to snap out of his shock.

"I-, the best thing will be to go now, I'll be waiting for you there" said Detective Handsome, regaining his composure and leaving the house quickly.

Touya reached for his bag and put on his shoes before walking towards the exit.

"I'll be back soon mom!!" Touya said out loud not knowing exactly where his mother was.

"Wait!! I'm going!!" Touya's mom said coming down from the second floor and then hugging Touya warmly.

"Be careful son, I'm proud of you" Touya's mother said hugging her son tightly and squeezing his cheeks.

"See you mom" Touya said smiling calmly before leaving his home and going to Reshiram.

Reshiram was sleeping in a ball of himself, giving the impression that he was indeed a great cloud.

"Hey Reshi! I have to go find an ancient pokemon with a sage, could you take me there?" Touya asked Reshiram who moved a little to look at Touya.

Reshiram seemed to be a bit sleepy and tired so he just ignored Touya this time, but he decided to accompany him just in case by returning to his pokeball while he was still sleeping.

"You were in torpor for a few centuries and you're still too lazy, welp, I'll have to ask Hydreigon" Touya said calmly and then threw a pokeball from which Hydreigon came out.

When leaving, the first thing Hydreigon did was to approach Touya and hug him and then rub her face next to him.

"What a dragon of calamity" Touya said as he smiled nervously at Hydreigon's sweetness.

After this, Touya flew with Hydreigon towards the outskirts of Route 4 and then headed towards the desert zone.

After walking a bit through the desert and the endless sandstorm, Touya arrived at the Relic Castle meeting someone.

"Ohhh, but if it is the champion Touya, a pleasure your highness" Bel said seeing Touya with a mocking tone and smiling widely.

"Very funny lady, what are you doing here?" Touya said smiling slightly and curiously.

"I'm studying the statues and their reaction to the rage candy bar, fresh from Sinnoh!" Bel said in an excited and explanatory tone.

"I thought you were studying in Black City to be a researcher" Touya said a bit confused.

"That too, but with these activities I can get extra points, besides they help my learning! Although lately I am having problems with my vision" Bel said with an excited and then tired tone as she rubbed her eyes.

"You should be more careful, or get an eye exam" Touya said with a warning tone and concerned.

"Don't worry! I'm sure I would look good with glasses anyway!" Bel said with total confidence and proud tone.

"See you Touya! Then tell me why you were here, I have to hurry and I'm late to see Professor Encina!" Bel said impatiently and then flew off with Unfezant.

'I guess I'm not the only one with too much work' Touya thought with a nervous smile and then entered to the Relic castle.


After going the same way again, Touya reached the deepest part of the castle, that place with sand dunes where he had his encounter with Ghechis.

Unlike last time, Touya could notice an entrance to his right, which seemed to be made of some ancient rock.

"I guess it's that way, how the hell didn't I see it before?" Touya said a little shocked at not noticing said entry the first time.

And when he passed through that entrance, the first thing he met was a recruit from the team plasma who was quite upset to see him, but he got worse when he recognized him.

"Shit!" said the recruit of the team plasma and then escaped by another path.

"Hmm, that was new, I don't really know how to feel about it" Touya said thoughtfully at the current situation.

After this, Touya followed the recruit and found him quickly guarding the way to the next room.

"I-I will not allow you to continue! I have to stop you to give the great sage Ryoku a chance to redeem himself!" The team plasma recruit said with a nervous but confident tone, throwing a pokeball from which a Krookodile came out.

"I guess I'll have to fight" Touya said a little excited throwing a pokeball as well.

And after a one-sided beating from Sawk, the recruit knelt on the ground in defeat.

"How could I fail him? I just had to guard the entrance, silly fool! Now the tragedy will haunt me" said the recruit of the team plasma giving himself some blows to the head like a small child.

Touya patted him on the back a little embarrassed and then continued through the Relic castle.

After going through a room with 4 pillars of which two were destroyed and on the floor, Touya went to another room with four pillars of which two were destroyed and on the floor.

Seeing this, Touya blinked a few times, went back the way he came and saw that the four pillars were also in exactly the same way.

"Either it is ancient magic, or some ancient decorator without any imagination" Touya said curiously and then continued his way through the exact same rooms.

In some of these the path was separated by two paths, so Touya always chose the one that was closest to him.

And somehow, after going through a couple of rooms, Touya came across the sage dressed in a dark green cloak in front of an entrance next to some ancient vases.

'This is the real character development' Touya thought proudly seeing that he didn't get lost now.

Leaving Touya's pride of not getting lost as if it were some special ability, he approached the sage Ryoku putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey old man, you're not of the age for a chase" Touya said to Ryoku who got a bit upset because of this but then he took on a gloomy and downcast expression.

"I guess you are right chosen one" said the wise Ryoku quite sad and hopeless.

Faced with such a sudden change in personality, Touya could only ask curiously.

"Where is that pride? What happened to you?" Touya asked the sage who turned to talk to him.

"I wanted to find the Relic pokemon of this castle, one called Volcarona, to deliver him to Ghechis and redeem my mistakes, but there is no clue or location of his whereabouts" said the wise Ryoku with an empty tone looking down.

"I can no longer dream or have goals of my own, I became completely dependent on the team plasma and its ideals, even so, I don't care that they have used me for what I think is a noble goal, but the most painful thing is that this place, It means more than all our castle and dreams to Unova" said the sage Ryoku as he sat on the floor and leaned against the wall without spirits.

Touya didn't even need to see through him to notice his emptiness and sadness, causing him to feel a bit of empathy as well.

"Good old man, now you will tell this handsome detective everything!" Detective Handsome said coming out of nowhere covered in sand and pointing proudly at himself.

Ryoku got up slowly and approached Handsome who put some handcuffs on him to start taking him away.

"Could I say something before go?" the sage Ryoku asked Handsome making him nod in approval.

"Young champion, I have not made a good decision with Ghechis, but I would like to ask you, can I trust you to improve this region?" Sage Ryoku asked Touya with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"Don't worry Ryoku, that's what I plan to do" Touya said nodding with a comforting smile.

"I hope I'm not wrong this time" Ryoku said to Touya with a slight smile and then left the room with Handsome.

Touya watched them both leave and then looked up and thought seriously.

'I still have a lot to do huh?' Touya thought, sighing tiredly and then looking at the entrance where Ryoku was.

"I guess a little more exploration won't hurt" Touya said walking towards the entrance curiously.

Upon entering, Touya could see a large room with four pillars and several of those vases around it.

But the most remarkable thing was a painting of a pokemon with six wings and the body of some kind of moth.

As he got closer, Touya could see said pokemon wrapped in his wings which seemed quite weak on the ground.

Touya quickly approached him but he didn't seem to have any external injuries or some kind of fever or illness.

Volcarona sensed Touya's presence and turned to look at him aggressively.

"Vooooool!!" Volcarona roared in a high-pitched tone, releasing a heat wave.

This wave barely affected Touya, which showed his actual weakness.

"Calm down, don't force yourself to attack me" Touya said to Volcarona with a comforting and calm tone.

Volcarona looked at Touya for a moment looking for any sign of evil or bad intentions, then widened his eyes in surprise and calmed down almost instantly.

Volcarona began to spread his wings carefully and approaching Touya, showing a small pokemon egg with orange polka dots.

"Vooool" said Volcarona weakly to then glow with a faint orange color and turn into some kind of ash before Touya's shocked eyes.


After this Touya returned to his home and is currently sitting in the living room with his mother looking at the egg which was on a small pillow on the table.

"So, you went on an adventure and then came back with a pokemon egg that is now your responsibility?" Touya's mom asked him thoughtfully.

"It's the strangest, murkiest and most misunderstanding description that you could come up with Mom, but in essence, yes" Touya said to his mother with blank eyes and a bead of sweat on the back of his neck.

"Hehe, that was the point" Touya's mom said with a proud smile.

Touya got up from his seat for a moment to prepare the food of his pokemon and make everyone eat happily.

And just as he was preparing to return he heard the scream of what appeared to be a fifteen-year-old girl.

"Kyaaaaa!" was heard from the other side of Touya's house and probably all over town.

"I'm not sure if I should worry about that" Touya thought a little dazed and then quickly went to the living room.

And when he arrived, Touya could see that the egg had been broken and that his mother was hugging a small furry and adorable bug about 30cm long and that looked a lot like Volcarona who also enjoyed the hug.

"Look at him Touya! He's adorable!" Touya's mom said as she stroked the pokemon happily.

"I guess you're right" Touya said a little shocked at his mother's attitude.

"I doubt anyone knows the name of this pokemon, do you have any ideas?" Touya asked his mother as he approached the little pokemon and caressed him too which seemed quite happy with this.

"Hmm, Larvesta, it does sound good" Touya's mom said after thinking for a moment and seeing the sound he made.

"I'll have to tell Bel to register him, welcome to this strange little family friend" Touya told Larvesta who seemed to understand him a bit.

"Laaaarr!" Larvesta said and then leaped towards Touya and stood on his cap with pride.

An interesting companion after all.

If you wonder, in total there are 4 Ova of the same length as this one, and one of them is divided into two equal parts, and the rest is spoiler so you will have to wait Hehe.

Grim_Jestercreators' thoughts