
Route005 : Round-1

"As I said before, the tasks for all the groups are gonna revolve around catching pokemon. Groups 1-4 will share the same task just like how groups 5-7 will share a task and groups 8-10 will share a task" said oak

"We're gonna be doing the same task as that crazy-strong looking team, huh?!" said sora.

"Crazy-strong looking, huh? To be appreciated by the one who the old man talks about so much, it's surely an honour" said a girl with silver-hair and a bunny-like headband.

"The honour's mine, miss bea. You're the heir of the fighting- type gym leader of galar after all" said sora.

"I'm gonna win the tournament though, sora" said bea.

"I'm afraid I'll not give up that position easily" said sora.

"Then make sure to meet me in the final round!!!" said the two of them simultaneously as they shaked hands.

"The task for groups 1-4 is to catch three metapods which reside in the edge of the forest with a red ribbon tied around them. There's only six such metapods so only two groups can possibly pass." said oak

"As for groups 5-7, their job is to catch the entire evolution line of a pokemon with three stages. The task for groups 8-10 is to catch one of the two high level gabites at the edge of the forest who could evolve into garchomps at any moment" added oak.

His words made many of the kids forfeit, which led to group-1, group-5, group-4 and group-3 dissolving because of atleast three children forfeiting in all of those groups, making every member of those groups disqualifying as a whole.

"That old man's crazy! High level gabites which could evolve into garchomps any-time soon would be about level-46, that's nuts compared to the other tasks" screamed sora at the unfairness.

"While gabites might be strong, are they really that scary to you? And here I thought I'd get a rival who wants to beat leon too" said bea.

"Who's scared, huh? I'm just pointing out how much better we'd be if we complete a task no other group could do" said sora.

Hearing that, bea just smiled and said, "you're gonna be interesting to look at once you're an actual trainer"

"Because of all the forfeits, group-2 is the only team competing in that bracket, which means that if group-2 forfeit later or lose, there'll be no teams advancing from that bracket, the same goes for the 2-team fight which is the second bracket" said oak.

"I'll be handing out six pokeballs each to group-2 and the teams in the second bracket while giving two great-balls each to the teams in the third bracket. To complete their tasks, group-2 and the teams in the second bracket get a level-26 raticate and a level-28 farfetch'ed each whereas teams in the third bracket get a level-32 fire-type starter and a level-31 primeape each." said oak

A few volunteers came to the groups and handed them the necessary equipment and pokemon for it.

And so the games began! With sora assembling the group which contained a terrified tomiyasu. On their way to the edge of the forest, a conversation striked.

"Sora, I've seen gabites and garchomps back home a lot and they're fierce and incredibly strong, I don't think a level 31 primeape and a level 32 raboot could do anything against it" said serena

"Don't worry blonde miss, I'll easily beat that gabite" said satoshi.

"Mate, are you autistic?" asked sora as a joke.

"Anyways, since you pulled me into not forfeiting, you're gonna need to take responsibility. Let's come up with a plan" said tomiyasu

"Yeah I have a little something we can try. I suspect there's atleast a single loophole which oak wants us to discover" said sora.

"Big brother why is everyone scared of this gabite?" asked koharu.

"Do you remember that dragonite we saw on father's laptop? Gabite's almost as strong as it" said sora.

"Then let's catch it!" said koharu

"That's the plan, I think" said sora.

"Come close you all, I have something to discuss" said tomiyasu. And so the team started discussing their strategy as their walking ended up leading them to the gabites.

"Oh, is that group-10?" asked victor, a rather pale boy with dark-brown hair and a hat.

"So you made it huh, sora!" said bea.

"Yeah, have you gotten your gabite yet?" asked sora.

"I was just gonna do that. The two of them are together, how about we team up and take them out" said bea.

"That doesn't sound so bad, bea. Perhaps you're actually not a muscle-bound dumbass" said sora with a little hearted taunt.

Bea just kept quiet, approached sora and punched him in the face and said, "what was that for huh? I'm older than you".

"Wait what? I thought you were seven like the rest of us?" said sora.

"I'm twelve, you know? I'm going to get my starter next month" said bea.

"Okay, grandma bea. I hope you're not gonna be all bones by the team I become a trainer" said sora, only to get punched once again.

"Anyways you two, let's not fight together. It seems like y'all are sora's friends so let's discuss how we're gonna beat those monsters" said tomiyasu, a sensible lad from johto.

"As if we're gonna listen to you, the team-up's just us not getting in your way" said bea, speaking for her teammates.

"I can already see the gabites not far away from here" said gloria to her teammates.

"Let's move in for a closer look you idiots. I'm gonna begin this right now!!!" said bea.

And so, the two groups moved on, only to stop exactly a bit far from the gabites, enough distance for them to fire long-range attacks.

"Koharu, serena! Could you please go back to the spot where we met bea and the others. Inform us if group-8's trying to sabotage us or if one of gabite's friends are pulling over, all right?" said sora.

"Uhhhh... I wanted to fight it too but guess I'll listen this time. If you lose I'm gonna fight it instead" said koharu while serena just moved to that spot without a word.

Bea on the other hand stationed victor and gloria a bit away from her and put them incharge of the monferno while she stood with their primeape while kanye and giroud held the great balls as targetmen.

"Tomiyasu, control the primeape for me! Satoshi, hold the great balls carefully and watch your six." said sora.

"On it, sora!" said the two boys as they took their positions, ready for the action. Tomiyasu started reading from a piece of paper which he got from sora earlier.

"fire punch, seismic toss, karate chop and bulk up, huh? Seems decent" said tomiyasu.

"Your team got these moveset-sheets too?" asked gloria to which sora and tomiyasu nodded their heads.

While bea's primeape's moveset was the same as tomiyasu's, opening the moveset-sheets for the pokemon they were in incharge of led sora and gloria to finding some amazing stuff.

Raboot's moveset : work up ( TR ) flame charge, double kick, quick attack.

Monferno's moveset : swords dance ( TM ), mach punch, fire punch ( egg move ), scratch.

"I think think I've found the key to beating it" said sora as tomiyasu, bea and gloria also repeated the same.

"Let's back off a bit and use some set-up moves to beat it in one-or two turns." said sora to which all of them agreed.

Bea and tomiyasu just spammed bulk up with their primeapes while gloria used swords to buff-up her monferno just like sora's usage of agility and work-up.

With all this set-up, they boosted their pokemon's stats to max and went to fight the gabites fearlessly.

"Primeape, use karate-chop!" said bea as she pointed to the one on the left while tomiyasu pointed to the one on the right while he said the same.

"Monferno, use mach punch!" said gloria.

"Raboot, use double kick!" said sora.

All seemed to be way too easy. After all, which gabite could survive two pokemon coming at it with max-boosted stats, right? And so they so thought untill a move which decided the battle.

The gabites raised their eyebrows, looking like they saw the attacks coming from a mile away and they were unscathed with dust covering the whole place.

When the dust became a bit easier to see through, all sora and co could see was a scene full of despair as all of their pokemon seemed to have frozen somehow, even without ice or snow.

Recognising the move, sora put his hand on his mouth in disbelief. There was no absolutely way that two wild gabites in kanto had learned a move only accessible to gabite via being born from a certain pokemon not found in kanto.

As if to put salt in his injury, he felt his whole world shaking, literally! It was none other than earthquake, another move which for sure can't be learned by a wild gabite, not to mention two.

The dust completely faded this time, to show four completely devastated pokemon lying on the ground, fainted.

Witnessing this horror, an untimely occurance happened, the awakening of the wishes he asked for! For a split second in there, sora could see something he couldn't see before.

Pokemon : gabite ( according to sora )

Level : 46.

Ability: rough-skin.

Moves : earthquake, scary face ( according to sora )

Tomiyasu, sora, bea and gloria called back the four pokemon to prevent them from being killed by the gabites. Seeing it all happen, giroud and kanye started shaking.

"No way four fully-buffed pokemon got one-hit-koed" said the two as they trembled even more, throwing both of the great balls on the two pokemon to somehow stop them.

"Dumbasses!!!'' screamed sora as he caught the balls after running a bunch, ending up near the gabites.

"Why'd you risk your life for our qualification's sake?!" screamed bea.

To be frank, he was scared. But he knew that losing the balls would automatically disqualify group-9 and that he couldn't do it alone so he gambled.

The gabite he ended up near screeched and tried out a left hook on sora as he simply ran.

"I've found it! The key to winning it all, the loophole oak wanted us to discover, follow me and inform koharu and serena to tag along too!" said sora as he grabbed bea's hand and ran at his top speed.

Looking at the ones the two thought of as pests, the gabites didn't follow them. Reaching the place where the two groups met, sora said,

"Koharu, serena, run after me!" said sora as koharu and serena followed along.

After all that running, the two groups reached the lake-side. Sora panted a bit before saying,

"Here's my key to it all! Sit down for a minute!"

Just then a loud voice announced,

"Two hours are up with three more teams forfeiting. The three groups in the third bracket remain. One hour's all they have now"

Peeking from the shadows, a brown haired genius of a boy smirked as he stared down the two groups resting.

______End of chapter no.5________