
Pokemon: Gates of Heaven

People and pokemon have a very rich and complicated history. Tales of Wars, Myths of heros, Stories of creatures still beyond human comprehension. All centered around people and pokemon. These stories show we haven't always been friends. Society has developed into a delicate phase of peace and prosperity. People and pokemon have reached an equilibrium at which they view each other as friends, companions or even family. But just like any relationship, there are issues and there will always be an end. With the progression of sciences more is known now about pokemon, now than ever before. But with that knowledge come power, progression, and danger. What will happen when the innovation of man causes the world to collapse? A better question, what would come if that broken world is what people desire?

Space_Kitten · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A Cry for Help

(Week 5)

Morning, Mr. Book. This was another good week on my end. I hope yours was the same. I spent the whole week learning more about Pokémon, the most interesting was actually about bug Pokémon. There are a few types of bug Pokémon that are actually considered geniuses. Every bug Pokémon that undergoes what is referred to as the cocoon stage this includes Kakuna, Metapod, Slicoon, Cascoon and a few others actually are more perceptive than most other Pokémon at this time, and memorize everything that happens around them until their evolution. Something that is also cool is that they are not actually able to focus on anything, so they can see and think but, not train or learn any new moves in this time, and they find anything more than simple actions or things they are used to difficult. I think it's fascinating.

Aside from the Pokémon research, I have been having dodging practice with Lucario. I initially wanted to do gymnastics, but after I twisted my wrist, and nearly broke my neck attempting to do a back hand spring I decided, to be safe and not. Instead Lucario decided to train us some more. He would use Aura sphere and we would have to dodge it. He had this really cool ability to change it's direction and speed midair. He could nearly stop it, make it spin, make it go up and down, slow and fast. He had near complete control. He would fire them at me and Thomas, making sure they wouldn't hurt to much when they hit us. It still stung, because otherwise there would be no motivation to dodge. Lucy joined us shortly after because she started laughing at Thomas when he tripped over himself, ate the ground, and got hit in the butt with an aura sphere. Lucy was supposed to be trying to learn Calm mind, a move that amplifies Physic power by centering oneself, but since she wasn't focusing, Lucario decided she should join us, as dodging is an important part of fighting up close or at a range.

We eventually got really good at dodging them, but then he made them faster and sent them out more often,. We could never keep up. to make things worse the better we got the harder the aura sphere would hit. I have a few welts on my sides, back, stomach and legs because of this. He at least had the decency to not aim for the face ... too often.

We also had a test this week. This was probably one of the easier tests I've had. There are a bunch of bookshelves around the lab, and the doors to get anywhere were locked. Each door had a question about Pokémon and we had to find the information, whatever page had the correct answer also had a password at the bottom that would unlock the door. I never realized until now just how many doors this place had, but my Arceus. Excuse my language. I had to find four different books to get to breakfast and another three to get to Classes with Mr. Alakazam. I learned about the bugs from that. For every minute that I was late Mr. Alakazam would add another question to our practice. I was precisely 25 minutes and 37 seconds late. I had an extra twenty five questions going over literary rules because I couldn't find the book on Tepig. I knew the answer but couldn't find the book, since someone put it in the wrong spot. I was so done with Pokémon trivia at the end of the day.

(Week 6)

Mr. Book, It is nice too talk to you again. My week has been alright, Thankfully this week the type of leaning had changed, from technical to more practical. I was initially learning about Pokémon themselves but this week I started to learn about food that Pokémon eat and the like, I actually had a class with the cook, a person I almost never see, on how to make some basic Pokémon food. Lucy and Thomas thought it was amazing, but I found it to be a little unusual. It wasn't awful and definitely not the worst thing I had ever eaten, but not the most appealing. My teacher seemed to think this was a terrible thing as she made a super big deal about me eating it. It wasn't a big deal.

I also got to do some practical work with Pokémon. I got to tag along with the daycare assistants and do rudimentary check-ups on the Pokémon. It was long and exhausting but everyone was impressed with how much I knew especially with me only being nine. It felt pretty good to be praised for it, especially because I worked really hard for it. I have been researching Pokémon on my own for some time now and it made me happy to be recognized. I was also a big help because I could borderline talk to the Pokémon. The group I was with was dubious at the thought that I could do such a thing but after helping them with the primeapes they held their opinions to themselves. Especially because I didn't get hurt when trying this which is not overly uncommon. They had me do the checkup on the overly touchy or sensitive Pokémon and any questions I had they answered. I was told after that I was a huge help, not only keeping everyone out of harms way, but they actually managed to get through everyone they needed to today. Probably because they weren't spending too long trying to find a way to stay safe and do their job.

The Pokémon in the facility are a lot more tame than wild Pokémon. A good example is Primeape. In the wild they attack everything on sight. I even looked into this with Mr. Alakazam, and we found that a test was done, and it was proven that Primeapes that are tamed by people experienced a significant decrease in mortality from rage. They are also far less savage, I've seen what wild Pokémon do to each other, and it makes me wonder what really causes this change? I don't know but the more I think about it the more I don't like the question. I felt like a lot of the questions I've had recently have been bad, or had answers that I don't know if I really want answers to. There was a saying, 'Curiosity Killed the Meowth'. I always thought the saying was awful, because had meowth know what killed him he could have avoided it. That's how I always seen it, but maybe Curiosity is more dangerous that I had thought. Maybe I'm overthinking this, I have a tendency to do that, sorry.

Mr. Book, I mentioned Clover before, but do you think that she was actually a warning? There are many reports about Absol being at the scene of disaster before it strikes. Some people think they are creatures that bring disaster, do you think that she came for a similar reason? Do you think she came to warn me? Do you think she caused this? I suppose you can't really think since your a book but if you could, what would you think? I suppose I could never understand, you aren't really a person you only think what I want you too. I'd have to be crazy to think you had thoughts of your own. Or maybe if I was crazy, you would. In that case, I wish I was crazy. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. If only I could have some answers, that would preferably not kill me. That would be great.

(Week 7)

Morning Mr. Book. I was mean yesterday telling you that you didn't have feelings. I was just paranoid, I still don't feel well, but this week has been better than the others. Ever since Mrs. Silvia died things have seemed stiff and grey. Fun isn't as glorious and I have a tendency to get lost in thought. You actually really help me sort my mind out. Thank you for that.

Sadness aside, I have some really good news! Thomas nearly evolved Yesterday! He started glowing white just like everything I had ever heard before. I have never seen evolution before, not this close anyways, it was really exciting. The bad part was right before he could finish one of the scientists ran out and tied a string with a smooth stone that stopped his evolution around his neck and took him into the building I still haven't seen him since. I'm not worried about the stone because Lucy has had one for a few months now too. Its only been a day or two and while I've never seen one of them taken for a test like this before, I'm not worried. Actually, I am worried. I don't want Thomas or Lucy to leave me. I don't know what's going on anymore, as the days pass I feel myself growing distant from everyone in the lab.

The only ones I really have left are Lucy, Thomas, Clover and Noah. I haven't told you how I met Clover and Noah did I? Well, this week was just more about Pokémon and I'm sure your sick of random Pokémon facts, so I suppose that I could tell you that instead.

Anyways, onto the whimsical meeting of me and Clover. It was a cold day of late January, I wasn't doing so hot. I had just had a test a few days before where I had to solve a series of puzzle rooms. The first was a series of riddles, I had to figure out the answers to locate a button out of a selection of about thirty two. If I got the answer right I passed if not I was shocked. With each wrong answer the punishment escalated. I messed up a few times. By the end my hand hurt a lot, my arm continued to twitched unintentionally, however I guess I was fine all things considered.

The second room was a puzzle where I had to step on these tiles that lit up red once I stepped off of it. I had to turn on every tile, then the door would unlock. Once the tile lit up however the floor would get really hot, so I couldn't turn back. I had made a path but realized at the end I had missed one. I had to run across the red squares and touch it and get back to open the door, otherwise I would have been stuck there, and the room was getting hotter. I didn't have shoes on, because this was one of the tests that started the minute I woke up, and who sleeps with shoes on?

I ran across the panels and it burned my feet. It hurt but that just made me run faster trying to escape the pain. I had made it the the panel but my feet were in so much pain that I almost couldn't walk. There were blisters already starting to form and they were throbbing. I was already in tears at this point and as I sat stranded surrounded by a sea for red I started crying. I sat there for who know how long until the heat made breathing hard, and my stomach willed me onto my feet as I tried to make it to the door. It was agony, and to make things worse I tripped just before the door burning my hands and arms too. Adding insult to injury, There was one more puzzle. It was a maze in a small room. There was three levels, with slides and stairs and the temperature continued to decrease the longer I was in there. I spent the next three days in a hospital bed recovering from the burns, and effects of extreme internal temperature fluctuations.

I hadn't even finished recovering, I was covered in bandages and It still hurt to move, but I could bear it. I tried to run away. I ran into a nearby forest doing my best to elude anyone chasing me. That's when I ran into Clover, or rather she ran her claws into a tree right next to my head. She though I was a danger to Noah, who at this point in time could barely even open his eyes, and didn't think twice about killing me until she saw the condition I was in. I was a trembling mess, even without the intimidating Pokémon that just cut down the tree beside me. However once she saw the condition I was in she brought me back to her den, careful to not irritate my injuries and that's when I met Noah. She told me to get some rest and I surprised her by affirming I would. I stayed with her for a day or so until Thomas and Lucy managed to find me. I went back with them once they got to her den, but Clover was out when they got there, so I didn't say goodbye. I'm still not sure how they managed to find me. Anyways, I knew I had to go back and thank her for looking after me.

I visited her with Lucy and Thomas when I had recovered enough and she didn't seem very impressed. She scolded me for running away behind her back. Then she yelled at me for making the trek there without anyone to protect me. Lucy and Thomas were slightly offended at that but she ignored it. It was later learned that Clover could kick Lucy and Thomas's butts with no effort at all. Then she got mad that I brought friends to her den because it was supposed to be hidden. Eventually she forgave me, after some coercion with food, so she obviously wasn't all that mad. Her den was a small cave in the middle of the nearby mountains and it took about thirty minutes to get there, but the trip could be cut in half if you were really hurrying and not being careful. Then again that could get you cut in half. It was a short distance up the mountain side in a completely inconspicuous cave blocked by rock on the outside you have to climb over to get into. The cave is completely pitch black and if you make too much noise or bring any new light in you'll piss off all of the bats, and just prey to god you don't have to face one of the leaders. There are five, Two Crobats, two Noiverns, and an Aggron. I've met two, One of the Noiverns and One of the Crobats. They may or may not have tried to hurt me, but after Clover stepped in they backed off.

I love Clover, she reminds me of Mrs. Silvia a lot. She is super protective of me, but she acts a little cold. Clover is more sarcastic, has a bit more of a temper, and is more like an older sister than a mother, but other than that they are pretty similar. She has honestly been the most help trying to get through all of this. Noah's pretty cool too. He sees me as his big sister because I've always been around. Every Sunday, he looks forward to seeing me. I look forward to playing with him too. We all have a blast running around the cave while Clover watches us. Clover told me that she was going to start training Noah soon and even asked for our help, she feels she might have babied him a little too much. Lucy, thomas and I all agreed of course, ready to help make him into a strong, courageous, young man.

Crap! Its later than I though it was. I have to go now Mr. Book be back next week.

(Week 9)

Sorry I didn't talk to you last week Mr. Book. I didn't have time, and I didn't really feel like it. Lucy and Thomas are gone. I don't know where they are, but after we talked last I couldn't find them anywhere. Then today I couldn't find Clover. The rocks in front of the cave are gone, and the amount of Bats have reduced significantly. Something Happened and I don't know what. Noah is still in the cave but he won't talk he just lies there shaking and crying. I managed to get him to sleep once, but I don't have time to frequently visit him. I actually spent all of last time getting Noah food and trying to find a way to keep him safe while Clover is gone. It is completely unlike her to be gone for so long, but for whatever reason it is I'm sure that it's important. Mr. Book I'm scared. Everyone is leaving. Where are they going, why can't I come with? Do I want to go? Mr. Book If I disappear too, can I trust you to take care of Noah? Please? I don't need to hear an answer I know you will. Thank you.

Just to make sure that you can get to him I'll tell you how I get there. From the labs, You have to follow the Fencing around until you get to a place where the fence meets a set of trees. They are cut on both sides to keep Pokémon in, but if you climb to the top of the tallest one and jump you can get over. Ensure that you can cushion your fall, I do it with telekinesis. It isn't the most graceful of landings but it works well enough, and you don't break bones. Then you have to go straight until you hit the massive decayed tree. From there you have to be careful because there are beedrill, ariados, Syther, Scolipede, and other various bug and poison types swarming the area. Keep your head down, move at a constant pace and don't rush too fast, if you do that you shouldn't have any issues. If you can creep around them, and do your best to not bother them, then your safe to get to the cave.

You'll reach a large dead tree look up and, keep moving forward towards the mountain peaks you see, eventually you will reach the edge of a mountain face. Then you follow the face left until it slopes enough to climb. Once on the rocks go back until you reach there you first found the mountain, and keep going up. You'll find an unusual rock spike and that's where you move right again until you find a really big gap in the ground. This is the most dangerous part so be careful. There is a thin slope the leads onto a wider ledge. There should be a cave there that has a opening in the shape of a heart. Once in the cave hug the right wall until you find a hole in the ground. Jump down. It's a bit of a slide so be careful of getting rocks up your butt, but it quickly opens up so if you keep your balance you can stay walking down it. From here there should be two tunnels Take the left one, NOT THE RIGHT. The Right leads to Mr. Aggron, and I was told he can be very mean. The left leads to a small cavern that has a odd purple black stone that glows emitting a faint light making seeing not completely impossible. Noah should be there.

(Week 11)

Mr. Book, I have exciting news! Papa said That I will be able to be with Lucy and Thomas again. He also said that my Absol friend will be apart of it too. I don't know how he knew about Clover, but I suppose it doesn't matter. He seemed rather unusual when telling me though, he didn't even look me in the eye once the whole conversation. I thought Tomorrow was going to be bad, considering it was now the end of January, so this is great. I Should be able to talk to you some more the day after tomorrow, since it's actually Friday today, I just am super excited. Bye Mr. Book!
