
Pokemon: Gamer Legend

A Yakuza member is reborn into the Pokemon World with Gamer System. A Legend will rise. 100+ R-18 Chapters planned [WARNING!] All types of R-18 content Support: https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones

DarkGod · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Greatness Pt.2

"So when are you going to give me my punishment for losing?" Officer Jenny asked Zane with furrowed eyes.

"Soon. Very soon," Zane arranges all of his pokemon in order to get ready to battle the Pewter City gym leader. It was rather easy to know the effective-types of each pokemon, however, it is not easy to predict each pokemon's power and the trainer's commands during battle. Every battle was unpredictable and so was one's pokemon. Each and every pokemon has different fighting styles and powers. Even the trainer's commands alone can determine the fighting style of the pokemon linked through their 'bonds' with one another.

A pokemon is only as powerful as its pokemon trainer. If a pokemon is given useless and weak commands by its trainer, then they would lose a battle. Zane is beyond powerful compared to any pokemon trainer in this world, but he still had to control his power during a pokemon battle. Every day he would cultivate his Dark Aura and Psychic abilities to peak levels. He would work out and lift weights, train with his pokemon, and his Dual Cultivation sessions with Ash's mom and Gary's cheerleaders also boosted up all of his powers.

Officer Jenny's thick vanilla thighs trembled when she heard Zane's words. She really wanted to get punished by him. But at the same time, she didn't like Zane for beating her so easily in a pokemon battle! She was angry at her own defeat and Zane.

Zane takes a quick log around Pewter City and has a quick training session with them. After he had breakfast with all the girls in his group and talked together and got to know more about each other. Amber and Daisy decided to join Zane in his Gym Battle.

"We wish you good luck!" They both shout out with thumbs up.

"I don't need luck," Zane cooly stands up and punches his hands together. He really was confident in his own abilities as a pokemon trainer. He wasn't going to hold back today.

Zane walks towards the Pewter City Gym. All of his girls follow right behind him.

Zane looks up at the gym it looks bigger and more advanced than the first-gen Pewter City Gym gym almost like a mansion.

Once he walks inside he is greeted by three rock-type gym trainers. All of them had torn up rough-looking clothes and scruffy looking short hair. They looked to be around their twenties

"Hey where do you think you are going!?" Says all the gym trainers.

"Move aside. Where is the gym leader," Zane coldly said, his merciless brutal silver eyes stare them all down.

"Ha these newbie wants to battle our Gym Leaders already!" Boast a bunch of the rock gym trainers.

'There are two gym leaders here?' Zane scratches the back of his head and thinks about such a strange thought. 'How could there be two gym leaders? It doesn't make any damn sense. Well, whatever it doesn't matter I will take them both down' He clenched his fist.

"Hey we are talking to you!" bark out all of the rock gym trainers.

"Shut up. I can take on all of you at once," Zane snarled as he spits on the rocky ground below.

"OI! Don't look down us!" They all said as they all angrily clenched their fist.

"Well are you afraid to challenge me?" Zane said as he pointed them down.

"That is it! We accept your challenge! You're going to lose so bad!" The Rock Trainers yell out as they take out their pokeballs.

In a flash, Ryakko and Dark Frogaider destroys all of their Geodudes and other rock-type Pokemon. It was a massacre

Zane recks them all in less than ten seconds he beats all the rock gym trainers and heads straight for the gym leader.

"Stop who goes there!" Thunders out a tanned voluptuous lady with long dark brown hair and sharp Asian eyes.

"Are you the gym leader?" Zane asked the tanned lady in front of him.

"My name is Brooke and yes I am one of the gym leaders here! Next to my dumb brother!" She barks out as she angrily crosses her arms and gritted her teeth. She was mad at Zane for disgracing her gym trainer team by beating them so easily.

'No way it can't be...' Zane has a strange feeling about the tanned girl who was in front of him. She reminded him of someone...


A/N: Tomorrow on August 1st there will be the biggest pa treon deal of the month

There is already advanced chapters up on pa treon right now about 3 at the moment. But tomorrow there will be 5 more. And there will be daily advanced chapter releases each day starting from August 1st.

[Best Deal] $10 dollars to read 520chapters ahead! With daily advanced chapters everyday!

[VIP] $10 you read up to 20 chapters ahead and get about 5 daily chapters! You also get main harem votes and more. Just message me your preference there will be a voting poll for harem choices on my pa treon tomorrow August 1st