
Pokemon: Frost

This novel revolves around a 16-year-old boy who seeks revenge on an evil crime organization for their evil and heinous crimes. He also wants to be the next Pokemon master and collects the gym badges.

DrxpyBoy · Games
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51 Chs

Chapter 47: Fighting with Poison

Mike entered the new gym, it looked brand new, everything was clean and shiny compared to the other gyms Mike had been to. Mike was eager to earn his fifth badge, he knew he had worked hard to get to this point. Jessica came up to the group, saying that Mike had to battle her younger brother, Luka, in order to battle her. Mike walked up to the battle field, the lights went dark, then Bright purple lights lit up the gym. The battle had started. Mike sent out Lampent to start, Luka sent out Seviper. Luka told Mike that he had 3 Pokemon, and that he wasn't going to be an easy trainer. Mike ordered Lampent to use Flame burst, which Seviper took decently, Luka ordered Seviper to use toxic spikes, which meant that if Mike wanted to send out a new Pokemon, it would be poisoned on entry.

Lampent used Ominous wind on the Seviper, which brought it down to low health, Seviper used Crunch on Lampent and landed a critical hit, and Lampent was just surviving off dear life. Lampent used Destiny Bond, then Seviper used Poison tail, and knocked Lampent out, since Lampent used destiny bond, it was able to take down Seviper as well. Luka and Mike were down to 2 Pokemon each. Mike sent out Lucario, who was immune to the poison spikes because of its steel-typing. Luka decided to send out Golbat for the type advantage. Mike ordered Lucario to use bullet punch, which hit Golbat, but it was still standing. Golbat used air cutter, but Lucario dodged it with it's quick thinking. Lucario used Aura Sphere, which hit Golbat, but Golbat used Air Slash, which hit Lucario right in the torso. Lucario retaliated with revenge, and instantly knocked out the Golbat. Luka was down to only 1 pokemon left.

Luka sent out Amoongus, and Mike decided to stay with Lucario. Amoongus used Energy Ball on Lucario, Lucario looked like it could only take one more hit. Lucario came back with Aura Sphere, which hit the Amoongus before the aura pokemon went down with a Giga drain, which slightly healed up Amoongus. Mike decided to send out Zoroark. Zoroark was instantly poisoned, which meant Mike only had a little bit of time left to defeat Amoongus before Zoroark would faint to poison. Zoroark used Dark pulse on amoongus, but Amoongus quickly used energy ball, and they collided causing smoke to fill the battle field.

Zoroark quickly used a sucker punch on Amoongus, which left it barely alive. Zoroark then glowed purple, take poison damage. Amoongus used Venoshock, which dealt double damage because Zoroark was already poisoned. Zoroark was on the brim of fainting, it just needed to take a quick move to defeat amoongus before fainting to poison. Zoroark built up the strongest dark pulse it has ever done, knowing that Mike would be proud. The Strong Dark pulse hit Amoongus, and knocked it out, then Zoroark fainted to poison, leaving no more survivors. Since Mike still had his Decidueye, and Luka did not have any more Pokemon, Mike was deemed the winner of the battle. Luka congratulated Mike on the victory, and healed up his Pokemon.

Luka warned that his older sister Jessica is 100 x stronger than he was, and that she won't go easy on him. Mike was determined to earn his 5th gym badge.