
Pokemon: Final Days

. . . "I-I.... Where Am I?" 'So you're awake.....' "Huh?" 'So you do not remember, this world is now your responsibility' "Wha- How? Why?" 'You shall unveil it yourself, for I, Arceus will support you in this world' "Arce-WHAT!" 'I shall grant you what the protagonists of other worlds have - A system' "A Pokemon God giving a system? Pokemon world with a system?!?!" Fates, Balance, Order, Space and Time, Will He know the true secrets of this world? Join our hero in for he transmigrated to the world of Pokemon. . . . .

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


*Author's note: "Another late upload xD. Do not worry because I will upload the next chapter before the weekend because I'm not home at that date."


The sun shone brightly over the town of Lagoon as a bustling crowd gathered at the local Pokémon stadium. Excitement filled the air as the residents eagerly awaited the first Pokémon battle between two aspiring trainers, Haru and Kasumi. Professor Rowan, a renowned Pokémon researcher and the referee for the match, stood at the center of the stadium, ready to officiate the momentous event.

"Why did Professor Rowan, my parents and Kasumi's Parents suggest the stadium here. We just want to battle and it became a big deal here in our town! Look at the people watching." Haru lightly grumbled.

Haru, a determined young trainer with a mischievous glint in his eyes, stood confidently on one side of the battlefield. Clutched in his hands was a Poké Ball, containing his partner Pokémon, Eevee. On the other side, Kasumi, his childhood female friend, wore a determined expression as she held a Poké Ball containing her companion, Piplup.

The referee's voice, which is Professor Rowan, echoed through the stadium. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first Pokémon battle in Lagoon! This is a battle between Haru and Kasumi, and it shall be a battle beyond expectations!"


The crowd erupted into excited cheers, their anticipation reaching its peak. Among the spectators, Haru's parents and Kasumi's parents watched the battle with bated breath, their eyes fixed on the intense showdown.

Haru's father leaned over to Haru's mother and whispered, "Our son has been training hard for this moment. I hope he can showcase his skills."

His mother nodded, her eyes filled with pride. "I believe in him. He's always been dedicated and resourceful. I can't wait to see what strategies he'll employ."

On the opposite side, Kasumi's parents exchanged hopeful glances. Kasumi's mother whispered, "Our daughter has a strong bond with her Piplup. I'm sure they'll give a tough fight."

Her father nodded, a determined expression on his face. "Kasumi has always been persistent and quick to adapt. Let's cheer her on!"

With the encouraging words of their parents ringing in their ears, Haru and Kasumi focused on the battle at hand. Professor Rowan raised his arm and declared, "Haru, Kasumi, are you both ready?" They nodded in unison. "Then let the battle begin!"

"Go! Eevee/Piplup!" both shouted in unison while throwing their Pokeball.

As the referee's arm swung down, Haru wasted no time in releasing his Eevee onto the battlefield. The small, fox-like Pokémon stood poised and ready, its eyes gleaming with determination. Kasumi responded by releasing her lively Piplup, a small penguin Pokémon.

With no hesitation, Haru quickly start the battle, "Eevee, let's start with Tackle!" Haru commanded, his voice filled with confidence. Eevee dashed towards Piplup, its tiny body full of energy.

"Piplup, use Growl to lower Eevee's attack!" Kasumi countered. Piplup let out a courageous cry, causing Eevee's initial charge to lose some of its power.

The spectators observed the battle intently, their eyes darting between the fierce contenders. Haru's father couldn't help but comment, "Haru needs to come up with a strategy to turn things around!"

Haru's mother nodded in agreement. "Indeed. He's always been quick-witted. I'm sure he has something up his sleeve."

Encouraged by his parents' words, Haru swiftly called out his next move. "Eevee, follow up with Sand Attack!" Eevee kicked up a cloud of sand, temporarily blinding Piplup and hampering its accuracy.

Kasumi gritted her teeth, determined not to let Eevee gain the upper hand. "Piplup, use Water Gun!" Piplup unleashed a powerful jet of water, dispersing the sand and striking Eevee directly.

Kasumi's father couldn't contain his excitement. "That was a well-timed Water Gun! Kasumi is showing great skill!"

Haru's mother smiled, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Haru needs to come up with a strategic move to regain control."

Not one to back down, Haru shouted, "Eevee, use Quick Attack!" Eevee darted forward at an incredible speed, catching Piplup off guard. The surprise attack left Kasumi momentarily stunned.

Kasumi's mother clapped her hands, her voice filled with encouragement. "Come on, Kasumi! Stay focused!"

Kasumi regained her composure and shouted, "Piplup, use Peck!" Piplup lunged forward, its beak aimed directly at Eevee. However, Eevee's nimble movements allowed it to dodge the attack gracefully.

The crowd erupted into cheers and gasps of amazement. The battle between Haru and Kasumi was surpassing all expectations. Before the match started, The system had issued a first battle quest, urging Haru to win the Pokémon battle. Unknown to the trainers, the system promised great rewards for achieving victory, including rare items, and even a new Pokémon egg.

[ First Battle Quest!

Win your first Pokemon Battle against your Childhood friend, Kasumi

Rewards: 500 Pokédollars, three evolutionary stones (Fire Stone, Water Stone & Thunder Stone) and an opportunity to choose a new Pokémon egg from the System Shop!

Goodluck Trainer! ]

Haru's determination grew stronger as he realized the weight of the quest. He assessed the situation and made his final move. "Eevee, finish it with Swift!"

Eevee's body shimmered as it launched a barrage of sparkling stars that soared through the air and struck Piplup with pinpoint accuracy. Kasumi's expression turned to one of astonishment as her Piplup stumbled backward, unable to continue.

The referee stepped forward, his voice filled with awe. "Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this incredible battle is Haru!"

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, showering both trainers with admiration and respect. Haru's parents jumped to their feet, beaming with pride as they hugged their triumphant son. Kasumi's parents also walked over to Kasumi and said, "It is okay to lose in a battle, it will help you get stronger next time so keep your head up high and use this battle as an experience." Kasumi nodded to her parents and looked at Haru, a mixture of disappointment and admiration on her face.

She extended her hand, offering him a sportsmanlike handshake.

"You were amazing, Haru. Congratulations on your victory," Kasumi said, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Haru smiled and accepted her hand. "You were a formidable opponent, Kasumi. I couldn't have asked for a better first battle. Let's continue to grow and improve together!"

"Um Um!" Kasumi nodded happily.

Professor Rowan, witnessing their display of sportsmanship, stepped forward and addressed the victorious trainers. "Haru, Kasumi, you both showed great skill and determination. I believe you have what it takes to embark on an even greater challenge. Consider collecting badges from Gyms around the region and challenging the Pokémon League. It will test your abilities and grant you a chance to become true champions."

"Woah! The Pokemon League!" Kasumi shouted loudly.

The system interface flickered, displaying the rewards for Haru's victory.

[ Congratulations to the Host! As the winner of your first Pokémon battle, you have earned 500 Pokédollars, three evolutionary stones (Fire Stone, Water Stone & Thunder Stone) and an opportunity to choose a new Pokémon egg from the System Shop! ]

"Thanks System!"

[ No problem! ]

As the sun began to set over the town of Lagoon, Haru and Kasumi left the battlefield not just childhood friends, but also as newfound rivals. Little did they know that their first battle would be just the beginning of an epic journey, filled with adventure, challenges, and unexpected twists.

And so, their Pokémon journey commenced, with the promise of exciting battles, new friendships, and the quest for victory in the world of Pokémon!