
pokemon fanfiction

Jake_Zick · TV
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

chapter 32 part 2

As fast as the orders were being issued Raichu was doing exactly as said, creating a barrage of attacks in which his opponent could do nothing but try to dodge. But unlike before every once and a while one of the attacks would come unexpectedly and score a direct hit. Thankfully for Umbreon while the attacks were fast there wasn't much power behind each one. But even if they weren't doing too much damage, the number of attacks that he found he was unable to dodge was slowly increasing.

"Raichu, adjustment A59! Iron Tail!"

A loud sigh was heard from the audience of family members as they all continued to watch the fight progress.

"Even if it isn't Dad's favorite tactic, by just watching Raichu I'd swear that he was the one battling," Jake said while holding back a yawn. "It looks as though Sarah has finally gotten used to Umbreon and is starting to take the offensive, but she's still not taking it all that seriously. As always this is nothing but one large game to her. Especially when she's using one of Dad's Pokémon; you show her a move she doesn't expect and she'll just kick it into the next gear. I'd hate to be in Anna's shoes right now."

"You're just saying that cause she already has your Umbreon and Sceptile more-or-less figured out by now," Alex shot out at her brother without taking her eyes off the fight. "Besides you would also hate having to wait until she actually starts attacking for real, you always want to finish your battles as fast as possible, impatient as always."

"Yeah cause unlike you I can't come up with strategies out of nowhere," he muttered under his breath. "If I could do that I may have actually made it further in the Hoenn League. You don't know how lucky you are."

"Did you say something?"

"Nope, you must just be hearing things."

Giving him an odd look Alex just focused her attention back to the battle where Umbreon has just tried for anther counter-attack.

"Actually if you two don't mind I have a few questions I'd like to ask you."

With their attention to each other and the battle, the two twins didn't even notice Professor Oak sit down next to them a few moments ago.

"About what?" Alex asked.

"About how your sister battles."

"I'm guessing you mean all those numbers and whatnot right? She's just entirely using Dad's strategies, right down to the Adjustment System. If you want to know how they work if would be best to ask him," Jake told his godfather in a slightly annoyed tone. But it wasn't because of Gary's question in particular; there were too many inferences that he was making along with it that made him a little testy.

"I could but I think that I would rather hear it from you two instead of Ash," he told them, a kind smile making its way across his face.

"Alright then," Alex spoke up. "Although I'm not sure if we can tell you everything that you would want to know."

"That's okay, anything is fine. I'm just a little curious. First of all what the heck was the move that Raichu used just a little while ago? The one that Sarah used to block Umbreon's Hidden Power."

"That? That would be Raichu's most powerful combos. I believe that Dad calls it a '360 degree emergency defense', or something like that. It was meant to be just that, an emergency defense move to protect Raichu from a powerful attack coming at multiple sides, but in the process it turned out to be an efficient finisher move as well. There have been more than a few trainers who have gone up against Raichu in close combat early on in the battle just to lose a Pokémon in seconds," Alex finished up, laughing slightly remember the looks on the faces of some of those trainers. "The only problem is that it uses most of Raichu's electricity, even after charging, and the explosion that he creates to help block the attacks causes problems for him as well."

"Ash has some good moves up his sleeve," Gary said to himself with a small smirk. "Okay then how about those Light and Heavy Stances that Sarah is calling out? And on that same note, those adjustments too."

"Well…" Looking cautiously over at her father, a grin and a small nod from him were all she needed to continue. "Alright, I don't know everything about them but those are Dad's main strategies that he uses as a Frontier Brain."

"Main strategies?"

"Yep. The stances are something that is unique to only Raichu, without directly telling him they can explain how he should be battling and to confuse the opponent. Um, I'm going to try and explain this as Dad does so I'm not sure how clear it'll be but I'll try my best. Let's see, the strategy is divided into many different commands, starting with the general separation of the light and the heavy stances. Light stances focus on speed and mobility while sacrificing physical power and defense. Heavy stances are the exact opposite, focusing on power and defense while sacrificing speed and mobility. I think that there's more differences between the stances than just that but those are all I know. Each of these is then divided further and given numbers; with the exception of duplicates to keep people from figuring them all out, each number is a different strategy complete with its own set of favored moves, execution, and code words."

"Code words?"

"Um, well the best way to explain it is that saying one attack can mean something completely different."

"Mind giving me an example?"

"Alright, let's say that you tell Raichu to use Iron Tail. In one stance it simply means to use Iron Tail coming straight down, in another it means to use Iron Tail in a sweeping motion and then right into a ThunderPunch, and in even another it just simply means to use Volt Tackle. But the real confusing part is when he switches stances nearly every other attack, that's when it really gets hard to follow. Even we have a hard time figuring out what is coming next, and we've been watching him use this for years. I'd hate to imagine what his challengers think at that point."

"Ash came up with that?" Gary somewhat blurted out unconsciously, taking a moment to remember that he wasn't the brash trainer that many people still thought of him as.

"He didn't gain the title of Arena Master for nothing," Alex responded with a smile, showing every ounce of her pride in those words.

"So then how many of these stances are there?"

"Um, well between the two of us, Jake and I know around 15 with about twice that number in ones that we get the general idea of. But as for the total number, I think Dad said that there were over 100 of them."

"Over 100? And Ash and Raichu remember them all?" Receiving a nod in return he couldn't help but indulge his curiosity a bit more. "Then how many does Sarah know? Because from what I can see she is pretty proficient with them, and has been switching between them without too much thought."

"If I were to take a guess I'd say probably about 40 or 50 of them. She can figure them out almost too easily it seems at times."

"Like I said earlier, demon is a good description for…ow! What was that for?!"

"You should know by now not to talk about our younger sister like that dear brother," Alex warned him along with another smack across the head.

"Maybe, but then again it fits you too, for other reasons…" He muttered while rubbing the back of his head. "Sisters, who needs 'em."

Shaking his head at the two Gary wanted to see if he couldn't get that one last question answered. "Then what about those adjustments that Sarah keeps calling out?"

Looking back at him the professor, Alex couldn't hide the very embarrassed look on her face. "To be quite honest, I'm not entirely sure."

"You're not sure? How come?"

"Cause Dad doesn't teach us these types of strategies without any effort on our part. We have to figure out how they work by ourselves, and only until we figure them out to a certain point will he then start teaching us how to use them. And even then, once one of us figures out one of his advanced strategies he won't teach it to the other two. Sarah was the one who was somehow able to figure this one out, not me. But what little I can tell you is that this is a strategy that Dad uses for all of his Pokémon, not just Raichu. What makes it so hard is how cryptic it is, you really can't tell anything by just hearing it or casually watching the battle. Well to compare it to Raichu's stances, the stances would be how Raichu should move while the adjustments are how Raichu should expect his opponent to move."


"The only one that I somewhat know is the A adjustment. Depending on the number after it, it'll tell the Pokémon which way his opponent likes to dodge. I may not be as good as Dad or Sarah but I can tell that your Umbreon likes to dodge to its left when caught by an unexpected neutral attack, one that doesn't favor any side. This was one of the more advanced things that Dad taught us before mainly just supervising our training. Each Pokémon has movements that it does when it isn't thinking and will do them on instinct. If you can figure these out then it is just another way to predict your enemy. You just have to force them into a position where they don't think, only act. 'It's at that point where you can see what the Pokémon is really like,' or so he says."

"And that's all you know?"

"Yep, sorry but these are two of Dad's famous, and strongest, strategies and he isn't willing to let go of them too easily."

"Wow Ash has really changed since I last battled him; I think I might actually have to try next time."

"Oh please you wouldn't stand a chance," Alex blurted out without thinking. As soon as she realized what she said her hands quickly went to cover her mouth. Looking back she only saw the professor laughing.

"Yeah you're probably right. I'm not much of a battler anymore, I do research and my Pokémon either just help me out or relax outside. Although you really think highly of your father don't you?"

"Of course," she replied sheepishly. "Even if I want to follow in Mom's footsteps, Dad is still one of the best trainers in Hoenn, on par with the Elite Four. He's even competed as a coordinator and won several Grand Festivals. There aren't a lot of trainers who have successfully completed the whole Hoenn Battle Frontier, and Dad is one of the reasons for it. Even in school I overheard many of my friends claiming that they would one day get good enough to face my Dad and beat him. Not to mention he's all I could ask for in a dad, even with two other kids he always finds time for just the two of us doing only what I want for the day. Of course that's not to say that Mom doesn't do the same but, how could I not be proud to call him my father?"

"Now that I can easily see, just remember that as you grow up Alex. You really are very lucky; you, your brother, and your sister."

Though he wasn't really participating in the conversation Jake couldn't help but let a smile come to his face after hearing that. Alex took the words right out of his mouth, and he too was proud beyond words to say that the Ash Ketchum was his dad.

"Yep, I know. And I don't think that it'll be hard to remember that."

"Feint Attack!"

Raichu recoiled and fell to all fours as Umbreon appeared off to his right side and hit him square in the back. Trying to counter with his tail brought about no such luck as Umbreon was already out of range by the time he recovered enough to make the strike.

"Heh, looks like we finally found a way around his speed," Anna muttered with a cocky smirk. "Even if we seem to be having a harder time dodging their attacks, Feint Attack will hit no matter how they move."

"Raichu, Heavy Stance seven."

At this point in the battle Anna had gotten used to Sarah's lack of surprise to her moves, but even if she was used to them it didn't mean that it didn't annoy her. No matter what she did, Sarah would either just smile or continue keeping an eye on Umbreon. It was only in the young brunette's silence that told Anna she made a good move.

"Alright Umbreon keep up with the Feint Attacks!"

Grinning at the Electric-Type, who at this point was as silent as his trainer, Umbreon charged forward once again.

"Raichu try to hit him with ThunderPunch before he moves!" Sarah called out as the Moonlight Pokémon started to get close.

Nodding Raichu charged up another punch but before he could even swing it his opponent disappeared from sight only to wind up striking him in the back from the opposite side as the first.

Wincing in pain Raichu spun around and lunged forward with his attack only to swing through thin air as Umbreon returned to his original spot near Anna.


"Brace yourself Raichu and use Iron Tail!"

Once again the black Pokémon darted forward as the mouse Pokémon planted himself into as strong a footing as he could muster. As the Dark-Type disappeared from view, it was only a short second latter he was back behind Raichu and got off a powerful hit again. But even steadied as he was Raichu wasn't able to counter fast enough before his opponent was retreating back to a safe distance.

"They can't even defend themselves," Anna stated with a rather curious tone, wondering if this was some trap or whatnot. Deciding that there wasn't enough to fear from what she had seen of their reaction so far, the smile on the blunette's face only grew wider. "I think we may have won this! Umbreon finish them off with another one!"

"Raichu ready a ThunderPunch and wait for my order."

As before Umbreon charged forward as Raichu's paws pulsed with electricity, ready for his next command.

"Raichu, left side! Hit him now!" Sarah called out with only a slight hesitation as Umbreon disappeared from their sight.

Not understanding as to why, the Electric-Type didn't even hesitate to follow the order. Spinning around, Umbreon was just fading back into view as Raichu's punch was aimed right where he was. But he was just a fraction of a second too slow as his rival was able to just barely dodge it and hit him in the stomach while the ThunderPunch continued on and hit the ground.

Jumping back to his original spot, Umbreon's legs suddenly buckled as he felt an odd sensation flow from his left shoulder. The entire left side of his body went numb, mainly in his shoulder where the ThunderPunch just grazed his fur. Growling at his adversary he tried to shake off the feeling to become mobile again. He could only wonder what would have happened if that had actually hit.

Sarah's entire body relaxed slightly as she watched the Dark-Type recover from the near miss.

"I don't think you should use that move anymore, kay?" She called out to Anna. "You'll only hurt Umbreon more if you do."

"She's joking right?" Anna mumbled to herself. "I mean that had to have been a fluke. Yeah, a lucky shot, nothing more. Feint Attack can't be dodged, you can't dodge what you can't see right? Don't listen to her Umbreon! We can still win this! We just need one good shot! Feint Attack!"

Anna was right about one thing, Raichu was panting heavily as he was trying to recover what bit of electricity he could. The combination of his earlier offensive along with the Feint Attacks was taking their toll on even him. But as with all of Pikapi's family, he trusted what they said without question. If Sarah said that it would only hurt Umbreon to do the attack again then he saw no reason to see otherwise.

"Left side!" The brunette called out again, just before Umbreon completely disappeared from sight.

Sure enough, swinging himself around, attack readied, he was face to face with a surprised Umbreon. Yet unlike before, the mouse was able to connect first. Throwing his entire weight into the attack, Umbreon quickly collapsed to the ground.

"Umbreon Flash!"

Just as Raichu was about to make the finishing blow a bright flash of light erupted from the Dark-Type's body, temporarily blinding everyone there. By the time it dimmed down to normal Umbreon was back on his side again, body glowing softly as his some of his minor wounds began to heal.

"Okay Moonlight will only be able to help a little bit at this point, but who would have thought that she could actually stop a Feint Attack like that?" Anna thought as Raichu stopped rubbing his eyes. "We need to win this fast, neither Pokémon can go much longer. Besides I can't lose now, not only is she younger than me but Dad would be disappointed in letting Umbreon lose after letting me battle with him."

"Raichu Heavy Stance 33 please," Sarah called out, interrupting Anna's thoughts.

"Huh? There isn't a Heavy Stance…"

Jake's voice quickly turned to nothing but muffled sounds as Alex covered her brother's mouth with her hand.

"Quiet," she harshly whispered, trying not to catch anyone's attention. "You don't need to give away…ewww gross!" The coordinator called out as she pulled her hand away from his mouth and hastily wiped it on the grass. "You licked my hand you little…"

"Well maybe next time you won't use it to cover my mouth," her brother replied with a snide grin.

"You do know that I will get you back for this right?"

After taking a few deep breaths the Electric-Type's body pulsated with energy, toning it down to a slimmer shape. When he opened his eyes, he too was ready to continue; though at this point it couldn't be for too much longer. With all the changes in electricity as well as fatigue rolling in, he didn't have much strength left.

"I think I'm getting the hang of these stance things. When she uses the light ones Raichu moves around a lot more while in heavy he primarily stays still. Using Feint Attack is out of the question, but the last time she used the heavy one she swapped out quickly after the Hyper Beam. So maybe we just have to use a powerful hit when they aren't expecting it. One good hit from either Pokémon and the battle is over, we just need to make sure that we hit first," Anna reasoned with herself. "Umbreon doesn't have enough strength to fire off another Hyper Beam but I think that there is only one attack of his that I haven't used yet, and it should work perfectly."

"Okay Umbreon use Skull Bash, we'll finish this off now!" She called out; the eagerness in her voice was hard to hide.

"Alright Raichu, you know what to do. Just wait for it, kay?"

As the two rivals faced each other for one last time Umbreon used what energy he had left to shoot off toward the Electric-Type, a white aura forming around his head as he ran right at his opponent.

"They're going to dodge it soon," Anna reasoned as the two Pokémon got closer and closer. "But when and where? Seeing as how they're in that heavy thing, Raichu should be slower to move, so it can't be far."

The blunette was becoming increasingly anxious as Umbreon was closing in on the last few strides and yet Sarah still gave no order. It wasn't until the last moment that she finally said something.

"Kay, Raichu now! Sweep and into Heavy Stance 34!"

Turning his body just as Umbreon was about to hit him, Raichu slid his tail underneath the Dark-Type and just caught one of the legs with one of the angles of the tip of his tail causing the Pokémon to trip and fall onto the grass. As he continued to spin, a small flash of the now familiar electricity flowed across his body, causing his body to once again increase slightly. But by the time he started to bring a ThunderPunch down on Umbreon it wasn't as noticeable a change as the other times.

"Umbreon roll out of the way!"

Not even able to open his eyes in time enough to see where he was rolling, Umbreon barely missed what would have been a direct hit. Yet moments later he felt something wrap around his leg and creep up to his body. Sarah started to make a⚡with her hands and Raichu did the same dawn and Gary and may said what is she doing ash said a secret move called a z move they said a what than Sarah said use Gigavolt Impact and Raichu let out a large amount of electricity Umbreon was stell up she said Light Stance 45," Sarah stated happily. "Your daddy's Umbreon took one of Raichu's Thunderbolts once before, but my daddy said once that Raichu's electric attacks are many times better if Raichu is touching the other Pokémon. Sorry but, I win."

Sure enough, the object that Umbreon felt crawling around the back part of his body was in fact Raichu's tail, and before the Dark-Type could wriggle his way out thousands of volts of electricity began to flow through his body as Raichu emptied what was left in his electric sacs into his opponent.

After only a few seconds the electricity stopped and Raichu fell to all fours panting hard. Umbreon on the other hand was unable to move, the force of the last attack along with the paralyzing effects prevented him from doing so. No matter how hard he tried he knew that this was the end of the battle, and finally collapsed with a deep sigh. Even in his current state he couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he realized that his attempt to impress the Espeon backfired completely. Guess he just had to wait a little while longer to find a mate of his own.

"Umbreon!" Anna shouted as she ran up to the fallen Pokémon. After looking to see if he was more-or-less okay she gave a sigh of relief as well. "I'm sorry Umbreon, but you did a great job. I'll make sure that Dad gives you plenty of rest."

So you knew about number 33?" Jake demanded of his twin after the battle was over.

"Yeah, of course. Heavy Stance 33 is something that Dad hasn't used in a real battle yet and is a complete bluff; it's actually a Light Stance that is meant to trip the opponent. It then leads into Heavy Stance 34, which if that fails leads into Light Stance 45."

"Then into Heavy Stance 64 or Light Stance 37, and it goes on for almost another five different stances."

Looking up the two saw their younger sister walking up to them with Raichu, who by this time was breathing deeper than normal but able to move without problem.

"Daddy has it all planned out to be able to finish almost any battle with that move."

Ignoring what Sarah just said, much to her frustration, Jake continued his little bought with Alex. "But she was the one to figure them out, so Dad only taught those to her! How do you know what they are?"

"Okay fine, I overheard them talking about it once. Happy?" Turning away from her brother she was about to congratulate Sarah on her win before the other adults swarmed around her and Raichu first.

"Daddy! I won!" The young Ketchum called out as she jumped into her father's arms.

"Yeah I saw honey, you did a great job. And you did as well Raichu." Ash finished off as his long time partner collapsed next to his mate, who after a lick on the cheek curled up along with him as he fell asleep. Exhaustion from the battle finally winning out.

"Yep, I did everything like you told me." than gave him back his z ring

"You did great Sarah," May added in as she walked up with Sarah's egg in hand.

"Thank you Mommy!"

"I'm sorry Dad. You let me use Umbreon and I still lost," Anna said with her head down as she approached her dad and handed him the Dark-Type's Pokéball.

"You did your best, that's all I can ever ask for," Gary told her as he took the ball. "Although I told you not to underestimate her, even I didn't expect for all of that to happen. She just turned out to be the stronger trainer in the end; you'll get better when you start your own journey."

Turning back to her once opponent Anna kept her head down low. "Congratulations Sarah, and I'm sorry for being a bit too overconfident. But I won't lose next time!"

"No problem! I think you lost cause I've just been watching Daddy and doing what he does. But until I can talk to Raichu I still can't use the Adjustment System like he does."

"Can I ask you a question then?"


"Dad's Umbreon is famous for being able to dodge almost any attack. How were you able to start hitting him about half-way through the battle?"

"Oh that's easy, Umbreon liked to dodge left." Lifting her finger to her mouth again, Sarah had to think a bit. "Umm, I attacked 84 times and he dodged left 51 times, right 40 times, and back 7 times. I just used one of Daddy's strategies to make him hit easier."

"Check your numbers dear," Ash commented with a small smile.

After a few moments of counting with her fingers Sarah let out a giggle. "Whoopsie, 98 times. Thanks Daddy."

"You counted all of those?" Anna asked, almost not believing her.


"While it seems a little excessive, that one I can understand that at least," Gary chimed in. "But how did you predict which way Umbreon's Feint Attack was going to hit, even if you can predict which way he could dodge you shouldn't be able to dodge that attack."

"Hehe, that one is easy too. Just watch his tail."

"His tail?"

"I think that I'll elaborate on that," Ash interjected. "As you probably know, the only way to truly counter an attack that can never miss is to stop it before it hits. So the key is figuring out which way the attack is coming from, most of the times this is rather hard but I think it's because of your Umbreon's lack of challenging battles in the last few years it's developed a bit of a bad habit. Right before he disappears, his tail drops a few centimeters to the opposite side that he's going to attack from. And considering that Feint Attack almost always hits from behind it becomes easy to predict."

"Umm, yeah," Sarah paused slightly, looking a little confused. "What Daddy said."

"I think that's enough," May told everyone, interrupting the questions for now. "It's getting late and Grandma will be wondering what took us so long. Come on kids, time to get everything ready."

"And I think it's about time for us to get things ready to eat. Anna, Caitlyn do you want to help me make dinner?"


"Aww, we have to go already?" Letting go of her dad, Sarah dropped down to the ground. Looking over to see that Raichu was still sleeping, she raced after her siblings and mom as they headed back for the house. Leaving Ash and Gary alone with just Raichu and Espeon lying near them.

"So you only taught them the basics huh?" Gary spoke up as the sun began to get low in the sky. "If those are the basics then we have each have a very different definition of the word."

"Well most of it really was the basics, as you probably heard anything beyond that they picked up from figuring out by themselves. It's only after that that I guide them through it. No sense in them learning the wrong way of doing something."

"But still, teaching them things like predicting attacks from the opponent's body movements isn't something many trainers learn in the first five years of their journey, let alone before they even start one."

"Okay to be fair she figured that one out by herself, I just explained it afterwards."

"Wait, a seven year old figured that out?" Gary blurted out, not even believing what he heard. After receiving a shocked look from Ash, the professor quickly regained his composure. "Sorry that was a little uncalled for, but still how can a kid of her age figure something like that out on her own?"

"Beats me," the trainer stated with a shrug. "It's just part of what I've noticed she has a natural talent for, I'm not sure if it's because of her age or whatnot but she seems to be even more observant than I am. It all started with just a question after a battle where I used Infernape. She asked why he turned one of his feet a specific way before using Flame Wheel. I had to double check just to see if she was right, and sure enough she was. I decided to hold back actually telling her what it meant thinking that it was a onetime thing, but she continued to do it, again and again for both me and my opponent's Pokémon. She even caught one with Raichu, the one Pokémon I thought we had virtually eliminated it from. So it was at that point I figured that she could understand the true use behind it. There is one other thing that she has going for her right now, a rather impressive learning curve; especially when it comes to anything involving Pokémon. She soaks up information seemingly better than a sponge, and can completely understand concepts and strategies that I've explained to her only a few times. In combination with her observant nature it combines to a rather potent approach. Even if she is just using my moves, her favorites are ones that I don't use all that often. Primarily the ones that focus on waiting and watching the opponent to learn as much as you can about it and then use that information to strike back even more effectively. If these two gifts last with her until she starts her own journey she'll be a powerful contender to either the League Tournaments or the Grand Festivals."

"You really do keep a close eye on them," the professor chuckled.

"And you don't?" Ash countered.

"Touché, alright then if those are Sarah's strong points how about Alex and Jake?"

"That one is just as easy, Alex is rather talented in being able to plan out the battles and creating, usually rather complex, strategies to go along with it. By planning ahead like that she has shown to be able to minimize her Pokémon's weaknesses while taking advantage of her opponent's. In fact, given a few years of practice, she'll be able to probably find effective counterstrategies to everyone of my Pokémon. I can only wonder how long it'll take until she finally reaches that point. Jake on the other hand seems to have a gift with the Pokémon themselves. I'm not sure how or where he gained some of that knowledge but he can pick out different physiological traits of his opponent's Pokémon and make a good assumption as to their strengths and weaknesses. He then uses that to his advantage in battle, focusing on their weak side or striking when they are most vulnerable. If they ever finally start to work together I would be hard pressed to think of a better doubles combination. Luckily for the doubles tournaments out there, I don't see that happening anytime soon."

"But from the way you talk about this it sounds as if you still favor Sarah to be the one to take on your title in the end and not Jake or Alex."

"Don't get me wrong, I have full confidence that both of them will excel in their respective fields and their natural rivalry as twins will push them further and harder than our own rivalry did all those years ago. But it is because of that very same rivalry that will narrow their views, each wants to prove that their path was better choice and neither wants to give any leeway into the argument by using some of the other's strategies. Sarah on the other hand is absorbing both styles equally and has already shown to be able to switch between them without much effort. This will give her an edge in almost any situation, allowing her to get further with less effort. If I had to place a bet, right now, on who will come out on the top in the years to come it would have to be her. But there are still several years to go before I can prove this so really anything can go in the end."

"Alright, I believe you. Like I said, even I was caught off guard at how much she knows at her age. You just have to promise to keep me up to date with not only her but her Pokémon as well."

"Fine by me, but in return I want you to keep as much of an eye on Alex and Jake as you can while they are here and keep me updated as well. Kanto news doesn't really reach Hoenn all that often."


Looking up the two men saw the very person they were speaking of running down the hill toward them, a manila envelope in her hands.

"And there's my little monster," Ash joked as he scooped her up into his arms.

"Aww, Daddy do you have to call me that too? " Sarah pouted. "Jake calls me that all the time already."

"Oh don't worry he may act like that but he's still your one and only big brother."

"Yep, I know. But he still doesn't need to call me that. Oh and Mommy wanted me to give you this before we leave."

"Oh yeah, almost forgot about this," Ash said with a chuckle. "Thanks Sarah."

"And that is?" Gary inquired.

"Part of the reason that we stopped off here," the trainer told him while handing the professor the envelope. "Brandon wanted me to give this to you to look over and give your opinion."

"Brandon did?" Gary said with a sigh. "I've told him before that I don't have enough time to look over other people's work."

"I guess he was thinking that you would be more willing if it was me handing it to you in person," Ash told him with a shrug. "Just do it this one time, if not only to give him a bit more confidence in his own work."

Looking at his old friend for a few moments Gary finally snatched the envelope from his hand. "Okay fine, but make sure to tell him that this is the first and only time."

"Your reputation precedes you almost too well."

"Don't remind me."

"Well I think it's time that we start to head out or Mommy will get angry at me, don't you think honey?"

"Yep! She's already wondering what's taking you so long."

"Blunt, isn't she?" Gary asked with a small laugh.

"You have no idea," Ash told him with a big smile. "Raichu, Espeon; time to go. You can lie down again once we reach Mom's house."

"Come on Raichu! Time to go Espeon!" Sarah called out from her perch on her father's shoulder.

Looking up Espeon nudged her mate lightly to wake him up and motioned for him to follow. Raichu was still a bit stiff from the battle but the nap had apparently done him a lot of good. Reaching to where Ash was standing the whole group started back towards the house just as the sun began to disappear behind the horizon.

"Well I hope this doesn't become a recurring event while we are here," May muttered as she stood outside the Oak's front door with what little luggage they brought with them. Alex and Jake were still inside doing who knows what, but at least she knew that they were only a call away, unlike a certain someone at that point.

"And what would that be?" Dawn asked almost unconsciously.

"Losing track of my family," the brunette responded. "First my kids and now my husband, this is turning into our trip to Olivine all over again."

"You worry too much about them, Ash can take care of himself. I mean you've known him even longer than me, and I can already list off quite a few moments. Not to mention you probably know him better than he knows himself."

"Yeah and it's exactly that reason why I worry," May half-joked while shaking her head.

"So how long are you going to be staying in Kanto?"

"We were just planning to stay until the day after tomorrow, but Alex and Jake will be heading out tomorrow. The original plan was to leave for home the same day they left but Delia convinced us to stay the extra night seeing as how we never really visit. She tried for longer but Ash needs to get back to his challengers. With him being the last Frontier Brain to beat, the trainers are always eager to challenge him as soon as possible. You'd almost think that with some of the rumors about him going around that a few of them would have second thoughts."

"Not too hard to see that one, kids will always be impatient. We both know that one all too well."

"And it's not only the kids at times."

As both women laughed at some of the references behind it their husbands just came into view with the two Pokémon and Sarah on her father's shoulders.

"So are you ready?" May asked when they got close enough.

"Yeah, Mom is probably wondering what is taking us so long," Ash responded while grabbing his bag from the ground. "And knowing her she probably already has dinner waiting for us when we get there."

"Your mom always knew how to make a feast, and she didn't even need a good reason either. I can't even remember the number of times when I visited that Delia had a large meal waiting," Dawn chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, I know," Ash waved it off, even if he knew it was true. "I think we should be heading out. It's been fun and thanks for your hospitality you two but my mom won't be too happy if we are late for dinner. Are the kids ready May?"

"They should be at least."

Almost as if on cue Alex and Jake came running out of the house with their two Pokémon in tow.

"Get back here Jake! I promised to get you back for that lick during the battle and now you're going to get it!"

"Oh do you really think that I would listen to you when you are chasing after me?" He yelled back at his sister. "If that's true then you're even stupider than I already thought!"

"I would have them apologize again but it looks as though they're already gone," Ash said rather flatly.

"Don't worry about it," Gary waved it off. "Sad to say I'm already almost used to it"

"Funny how fast you do."

"In case we don't see you again before we head home, good luck with your studies Gary and we'll be back in about a year," May said as she tried to keep an eye on where her two kids were running off to. "Although now that I think about it, you said that Anna will be ten in a couple months right?"


"So then there's a chance that we might be meeting up again in the Indigo League, and maybe even watching Jake and Anna facing each other in the tournament."

"I won't lie, it won't be easy for her to get all of her badges in time for the league seeing as how she will be starting a little later than most trainers but I have complete faith in the fact that she will make it," Gary beamed.

"Not to be rude but I think we have to run," Ash interrupted his friend after giving Sarah her egg back. "My two oldest are currently running the exact opposite way that they are supposed to and I think we need to catch them before we completely lose sight of 'em."

"Say goodbye to Anna and Caitlyn for us," May quickly got out as she hurried after her husband and kids. "And thanks again!"

"I don't mind Alex and Jake but I have to say that part of me is glad that they aren't ours," Gary said as soon as they were out of ear-shot. "I'm surprised that Ash hasn't gone bald from ripping his hair out dealing with them day after day."

"But for them it's probably just another normal day," Dawn added in with a sly grin as she pulled herself next to her husband. "Besides, I doubt that they ever have a dull moment when those two are home. Don't you think it would be nice to make our own house a bit more lively?"

"A bit more lively? Wait, Dawn are you thinking what I…I thought that we already discussed…" Gary stopped as he saw her grin grow wider. "Um, I think I'm going to see what Anna and Caitlyn are doing."

Watching her husband quickly retreat into the house Dawn couldn't help but start to giggle.

"It's always fun to tease him. But now that I think about it, it might be such a bad idea after all. Sorry you two but he's going to probably blame this all on you guys."

"You two really need to stop doing this," Ash scolded his kids as he nearly dragged them down the road by their arms. "You're old enough to know better, and to be quite honest, I have no clue as to how you survived a year alone together."

"Well if Jake grew up a bit we wouldn't have this problem," Alex nearly shot out at her brother.

"And if she could just get a sense of humor everything would be fine."

"That's enough!"

The two flinched at the sound of their father's voice, quieting down immediately.

"Seriously you two, let's at least keep the fighting to a minimum. I have nothing against you arguing about whether the Grand Festival or League Tournament is harder, you both chose your own path and should be proud of that, but when you get to this point it gets to be too much."

"Sorry Dad," the twins answered in near perfect unison.

"Your father isn't alone on this," May added in, walking only slightly behind the three with Sarah. "While we may be a bit too lenient on your fighting, but it doesn't make a good impression for people when the first thing they see is one of your arguments, especially people that you haven't seen in a long time. We keep telling you over and over again, and it works only for a few minutes while you both remember. Then it's back to this when the smallest thing flares up."

"So can at ask you two to make peace while we are at your grandma's house?" Ash asked them. "It's probably too much to ask for you to stop completely at this point, but while we are here as a family at least try to stop, okay?"

"I will if she will," Jake begrudgingly stated.

"And if he acts a bit more mature I will."

"How am I…"

A quick glance from his father made Jake stop and only mumble the rest. But even if neither was entirely thrilled by Ash's stern mood and wanted to get their opinions in, they weren't ones to try to test his patience any further than it already was. Even if he never really did much to punish them, the glares that he could give off have been known to scare some trainers into forfeiting and those were more than enough for the twins to comply.

Seeing that the two had calmed down, the trainer released their wrists.

"I know that you both understand why your mother and I ask this of you. Rivalry between siblings is almost natural but you need to learn not to give into it. I won't say anymore than that because you've already heard this speech countless times and I'm tired of saying it just as tired as you probably are of listening to it. Just remember to actually reflect on it this time and not just wave it off." Seeing that it was finally soaking in, for the time being at least, Ash decided to cheer them up a little. "Okay now that that's over, how about we have a little fun? Grandma's house is just at the end of this street on the left, so let's say the first one that get's there will receive a present."

Both of the twins quickly perked up at the thought, followed quickly by a hesitant look back at their father.

"But," Ash continued. "If I hear any fighting when we get there, there will be no present period, understand?"

Receiving a nod from the two of them, he couldn't help but notice their old energy starting to return.

"Well what are you waiting for? Shouldn't one of you be trying to get a head start?"

Before he even finished his sentence Alex took off with Jake not far behind, their voices nearly taunting each other the whole way there. And as always their two loyal Pokémon right at their heels.

"Are you sure that was the best thing to do right after that speech?" May asked her husband as he watched his two oldest get closer the white fence that he knew all too well.

"Hey even if we want them to behave it doesn't mean that we don't want them to have fun. Besides if this is anything like virtually every other race that they've had it'll turn out the same."

"You mean that you're expecting them too..."

"Yep, and I said all that in anticipation of it. I just hope that it doesn't turn out as one of the rare times that they don't follow their usual."

The brunette couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her husband's antics.

"In that case I better we better catch up to them soon or they might actually start up again, even after your speech."

"Just remember to not go too fast dear, you aren't just by yourself anymore."

"Ash will you stop that," May told him with an exasperated sigh. "I appreciate the concern but you go overboard at times. We have three wonderful children now and I think I can take care of myself once more."

"Need I repeat myself?" He asked with a cocky smile.

Unable to hold back, May couldn't help but follow suit as a grin came to her face as well. "Alright fine, you win. Like you always seem to do. I'll take it slow for now. Why can't I seem to be able to resist when you look like that?"

"Cause you know my reasons for doing so, and you know that I'm right. Besides it's always fun to tease you."

"Yeah yeah, I know. This isn't the first time. Now come on, Delia is probably waiting for us."

Agreeing with her, Ash was about to continue walking until he felt a slight tug on his pant leg. Looking down he saw Sarah there with her egg staring up at him.

"Daddy how much longer will it be until my Eevee hatches?"

"Well let's have a look shall we?"

Bending down to his daughter's level, Ash put a hand on the precious item that she was carrying so carefully.

"It's been shaking a little since a few days ago and it's getting warmer but it still hasn't hatched," the young brunette told him.

Sure enough the trainer could feel it. The egg was quite warm and while it wasn't shaking too much it was easily noticeable.

"Don't worry Sarah it should be soon," he said while standing up.

"But I've been taking such good care of it!" She protested. "Why hasn't it hatched yet?"

"Yes you have done a great job," Ash reassured her. "But you can't rush these things. Your little Eevee is still growing so that it can be ready for when it first leaves its egg, and when it finally does I'm sure that the first thing it wants to see is the one who has been looking after it all this time. You don't want to disappoint Eevee by asking it to leave its egg before it's ready to do you?"

"No, of course not!"

"Good, now do you remember what I've always told you about raising Pokémon?"

"Always think of them first, they are our partners and friends and we should treat them like we want to be treated."

"Very good. Then you should be just fine waiting a little while longer then right?"

"I guess…"

"Don't worry Sarah; Eevee will come out when she's ready," Ash said while taking her hand and leading her down the road. "You just make sure that you are there when she does. Now come on, your grandma probably wants to see you and your new egg."

When Ash and Sarah approached the house it almost seemed like a miracle, Jake and Alex were sitting on the porch casting several glances at each other but not actually fighting. They were alone, with the exception of their ever present Pokémon, apparently waiting for the two of them to make their way there.

"Well well well, I almost have to say I'm surprised," Ash said while holding back some of his laughter. "Either there was a clear winner or you two can actually get along."

"Actually Dad," Alex started, a large smile coming to her face. "We tied; we both got to the front door at the exact same time."

"And seeing as how we both got first," Jake continued. "That means that we both get a present."

It was at that point that Sarah started to giggle. "You were right Daddy, they both cheated."

The twins' smiles quickly turned to faces of shock.

"Wait, what did you say Sarah?" Alex asked her little sister.

"I heard Daddy telling Mommy that he knew who would win the race, and when I asked him who he thought would win he told me that you two would cheat so that you would both try to get a present."

Their jaws nearly hit the ground by the time Sarah finished. Of course it didn't help that even their own Umbreon and Espeon were snickering at them.

"You two have to give me a little more credit than that," Ash joked. "I wouldn't be much of a dad if I couldn't figure out my own two children. Don't think that I don't know you can get along when the time calls for it. And I knew that neither of you would resist this little temptation."

"So if you knew that we would both win, does that mean that there is no present?" Jake couldn't help but blurt out.

"Now when did I say that? I told you that the one who reaches the house first would get a present. How many times have you known me not to follow through with a promise?"

The two children's faces beamed once they heard that.

"I'll give them to you inside, come on."

Eagerly following their father, the last of the Ketchum family entered Ash's old home. It was starting to show its age in various places but Delia made sure to keep it as well kept as possible. The gardens outside still bloomed with flowers of every color and the inside was completely spotless. As Ash opened the front door an enticing scent wafted out of the home, the first signs of the feast to come.

Sitting on the couch along with Raichu and Espeon was May, happily petting the two as they cooed to her touch.

"Now there is one thing that I didn't expect," Ash said as his children sat down on the various seats around the living room. "I would have bet that you would be wanting to help Mom with the last minute preparations May."

"Well I did offer," the brunette stated with a small sigh. "But she told me that I didn't have to burden myself with it and I should just relax."

"That's my mom for you," Ash chuckled. "And if that's the case I think that it would be best not to bug her until she's done."

"So where is that present you promised us?" Jake quickly asked as soon as he saw a lull in his parent's conversation.

"Impatient aren't we? Okay then, now where did I put those?" After a few moments of searching in his bag the trainer pulled out two small boxes and handed one to each of his twins.

"Can we open them now?"

"Go right ahead. This was actually originally supposed to be a gift for when you set out tomorrow but it seemed a bit more entertaining this way."

"But what would have happened if one of us won and you had to give it to them?" Alex asked as she took off the box's lid.

"Good question, I was so sure that you two would do that after my speech I didn't even bother coming up with a back-up plan."

Not too enthused by their father's answer the twins looked into each of the boxes to see a small computer, one red and one white, each engraved with their name on it. One for Jake and Alex respectively.

"What's this? A Pokédex?" Jake asked, taking it out of the case.

"Yes, but at the same time no," Ash couldn't help but build up the anticipation that he was creating. "Those are the newest handheld data units from Silph Corporation. Depending on what you put onto them they can be virtually anything you need them to be. Open them up and turn them on, I'll explain a little more while you are doing that."

Shrugging at each other they both opened the devices to find two screens side-by-side and a few small buttons. Pushing the power button it only took a few short seconds for them to power-up. While on the right hand screen a menu came up, the left hand side actually produced a small holographic depiction of where they were on a map. Along the map there were two points that were clearly visible, both right next to each other. The sibling's eyes lit up almost as much as the screens did.

"Thanks to your godfather I was able to make sure that those were uploaded with the most current data on every discovered species of Pokémon, along with many things that aren't included in most Pokédexes. They are also equipped with the 3D map function of all the nearby regions, of which you have probably already noticed. There are several other functions but I'll allow you to find those out on your own, I just want to point out two of them beforehand. The first thing is those dots on the map; while you should be able to set it to guide you to any place you input those two should always be visible. Each represents your unit as well as the other one that your brother/sister is holding. That way if you ever get separated from each other you will always be able to find your way back. The other thing is there is a built in phonebook which I have already added a few numbers into. Besides our numbers and emergency numbers, there are several that belong to various friends that I know throughout Kanto. If you ever need advice or help don't hesitate to call or visit them, I'm sure that they would be happy to help with anything that you would ask for. And can I ask for you to not put too many games on them? Your mother and I bought those to help you train and for emergencies, not entertainment."

"Oh wow it really does have all of the Kanto Pokémon on here!" Jake cried out while searching through its database. "And Hoenn, and Johto, and even Sinnoh!"

"It even has information on all the different places to shop in each city!" His sister said not too long after.

"Well at least one of them is already using it for what we meant for," Ash muttered as he watched the two.

"Thanks Dad!"

"Don't just thank me, your mother helped out quite a bit as well."

"Thanks Mom!"

"You're welcome you two," May said. "Now go and wash up, we'll be eating soon and we have all been outside the whole day. You'll find one of the bathrooms upstairs and to your right."

"You too Sarah," Ash told her as her two older siblings went to wash up while she didn't even move.

"Aww, do I hafta?" The young girl complained, looking up from her egg.

"Yes you do. Because of that battle you probably need to most of all. And you're taking a bath tonight too."

Huffing a bit Sarah got up and followed her brother and sister.

Shaking his head, Ash made his way into the kitchen. In the room he could see a spread of food that would have been worthy of a Thanksgiving Dinner. Walking feverishly around trying to finish the last of the preparations was a brunette lady who was just starting to show signs of her hair turning grey. But even so, she didn't see any good reason to change her lifestyle as of yet, and the whole town knew how well she took care of not only her yard and home but the others of the community as well.

"You've outdone yourself yet again Mom," Ash spoke up as she put the last plate on the table.

"Oh Ash you surprised me," Delia said as she jumped slightly. "Well it's not every day that you and May come to visit so I have to make sure that the times that you do come it's special."

"Yeah sorry about that but you know that my schedule is kinda erratic."

"Don't worry I know, but before I forget. Welcome home son."

"Good to be home Mom," Ash responded while giving her a big hug.


Looking up just as three more figures ran into the room, Ash was quickly replaced by his kids as they nearly knocked Delia over in the process.

"And how are my favorite grandchildren?" Delia asked them while giving them all a hug. "Are you making sure to take care of yourselves while you're away from home?"

"Yep!" The two twins responded, not releasing their grip from their grandmother.

"And how about you Sarah? I've heard that you are taking care of your very own egg, have you been taking good care of it?"

"Of course!"

Seeing May walk into the room Delia finally let go of the children.

"Okay everyone take your seats, it's time to eat."

After everyone finally grabbed their spots and they all said grace, Ash grabbed his wine glass and stood up.

"Now before everyone starts to eat, I think that we make a toast."

"Dad what is it with you and toasting nearly every time we come home?" Alex asked, not quite understanding his reasons.

"What can I say, I like being the center of attention." Getting a small laugh from May but only sighs from everyone else, he quickly cleared his throat before continuing. "It may have been a while but Alex and Jake will be nearly following my footsteps I trekked all those years ago while first starting out with Pikachu. So let's toast not only to them having a safe trip but for visiting Grandma's house for the time in a long time."

With only a slight hesitation the rest of the family raised their glasses to complete the toast.

"I know you're probably tired of me talking so how about we enjoy this wonderful dinner that your grandma has prepared for us."

"Now that's something I can agree to," Jake said as he started to nearly shovel the food into his mouth.

"But I have a little surprise for you beforehand," Delia chimed in while stepping out of the kitchen.

"Oh come on Grandma, I'm starving," he moaned, barely resisting the rest of the food on his plate.

"Oh I'm sure that you'll like this."

As she said that the lights in the kitchen turned off and Delia entered carrying one last piece of food. Lit only by a total of eleven candles the brunette carried in a sizable cake and set it down in the middle of the table.

"Huh? I'm glad that you made us cake Grandma but I think that we have enough food as it is. Of course then again there is always room for cake," Jake swallowed, nearly drooling onto the table.

"Jake did you really forget it again?" Alex her brother, shaking her head in embarrassment.

"Forget what now?"

"Yours and Alex's birthday is only a couple weeks away," May told him with a large smile.

"Oh yeah that," he shrugged. "Guess it kinda slipped my mind. Can we eat now?"

"How can you forget our birthday?"

"Gimme a break," Jake snapped slightly at his sister. "Unlike you I never made that big a deal about our birthday. Besides with us traveling it's not like it'll be any different from any other day. Once again it'll just be us two saying it a couple times and possibly going to some restaurant to splurge slightly."

"Oh don't be that way Jake," his mother consoled him. "You should enjoy your birthdays while you can. While we can't be there to celebrate it with you, your father and I tried last year to make it special for you two and we will try again this year. Just because you are away from home doesn't mean that we don't think about you."

"So blow out your candles and make a wish, both of you," Ash said with a smile. "Let's at least have an early celebration together."

With his mood lightening a little, Jake finally gave in and with a nod to his sister blew out the candles, instantly darkening the room. A few moments later the lights came back on as Delia walked back to the table.

"Now that that's over, I think we should get this little celebration underway. Happy Birthday Alex, Happy Birthday Jake," May congratulated her two kids.

"Happy Birthday you two," her husband added.

"Alright enough of that, I'm starving. Best not to let all this good food go to waste," Jake said with a big grin. Grabbing a hold of his fork again he grabbed a few more pieces of food from the table as the first bit started to disappear from his plate.

"Yay! Let's eat!" Sarah called out before digging in as well.

"This may be for your birthday Jacob, but what have I told you about eating that fast!"

After dinner, the family cleaned up and while May was helping Sarah with her bath the rest of the family was laying in the living room. Ash was talking with his mom about what has changed since the last time he was home while his kids watched TV with their Pokémon.

"So Dad," Alex said after some time. "Um, where should we be headed first tomorrow? I think I remember you saying that Viridian City was the first place that you went to and I was wondering if there was anywhere else to start from. I mean we're here for the Kanto Grand Festival more than the Indigo League so I was just kinda wondering."

"Speak for yourself," Jake shot back. "We're here for the league not some stupid Grand Festival."

"What do you mean by…"

Without any reason whatsoever Alex quickly stopped before looking back at her father, who by this time was actually smiling at the fact that, if at least while they were here, one of them is making an effort to keep from fighting.

"I mean, well Dad?" She finished off with a nervous laugh.

"First of all thank you Alex. But as for which way you should start off, Viridian is still the best way to go. While there is a gym there you guys may want to start at the Pewter Gym first. Viridian is quite famous as the strongest gym in Kanto so Jake you will probably want to save it for last until you know more about Kanto's Pokémon. Not to mention it's also close to both here and the main road to the Indigo Plateau. As for the contests, it is still the best place to start. Nurse Joy will be able to tell you the schedule for most of the contests, or I wouldn't doubt that you could find the schedule on your new handhelds. Either way, there are really no roads leading east and with Tohjo Falls to the west you can really only take the road north or across the water south to Cinnabar."

"So we will just be following you then," Jake pondered slightly.

"Is it that much of a problem?"

"Of course not!" He beamed. "I only wish that I could have done it this way first. I want to become better than you Dad, and to do that I want to see what you saw and experience what you experienced. You went from being a nobody to one of the most decorated trainers in Hoenn. If I can just follow you part way it would be enough for me. You and Mom made our family's name famous and I don't want to let you down!"

"So you can say something smart every once and a while," Alex grinned slightly.

Jake scowled at his sister but made no verbal rebuttal.

"I'm glad that you see it that way son, your mom and I have many expectations for you but all we want is for you to enjoy yourselves, nothing more, nothing less."

Before Jake could respond a thumping sound was heard coming down the stairs as his little sister, currently dressed in one of her oversized shirts that she used for sleeping, ran down the stairs and quickly jumped into her dad's lap. Sarah's hair was still slightly wet from her bath as it stuck to various portions of her face but it didn't seem that Ash minded all that much. Her precious egg had never left her sight since she left the dinner table and was of course still with her now as she snuggled into her dad.

"So are you complaining about that bath now?" Ash asked her as she lay in his arms.

"Nope, I even got to play with Mommy!"

"Play with Mommy?"

Almost as if to answer his question the footsteps came once again from the stairs, though this time much quieter than the last ones.

Sure enough, turning around it was exactly who Ash thought it was. But he couldn't help but crack a smile when he noticed the still damp spots she had all over her clothes.

"Oh so that's what you meant," he said while turning away to hide the smirk. "Did Mommy need a bath as well?"


The rest of the room couldn't hold it anymore as they all burst out laughing. And from the looks of it Sarah had done a rather good job at giving May a "bath".

"Oh come on, I didn't need a bath that badly," the coordinator joked as she sat down next to her husband.

"Sometimes Daddy says you do."

"Oh really now…"

"Hehe, only in jest dear. Only in jest," Ash nervously laughed. "Now how about we change the subject? Like how you kids will be going to sleep soon?"

A collective "aww" was quick to follow as he said those words.

"But I want to stay up a little longer," Sarah pouted.

"Yeah, me too," Jake added in.

"We're going to be leaving again tomorrow; can't we stay up just a little longer?"

"In that case I have an idea," Delia said as she got up out of the chair.

"Oh come on Mom, they don't need any excuses," Ash grumbled as she walked towards one of the closets.

Opening it she grabbed two decently sized wrapped boxes before returning and placing one in front of each of the twins.

"You can open these first," she stated simply. "Your parents may have gotten you a gift but they won't be the only ones. Happy Birthday you two."

"Mom, you really didn't need to do this," Ash tried to say as his kids quickly tore into the presets. "No, you really didn't need to do this," he repeated again after seeing the boxes' contents.

"Oh come on Son, where's the excitement in starting something new if you can't have a bit of fun? Besides, I think they like them."

Sure enough both of the kids were wide eyed at the gifts that their grandmother gave them. Inside each was a whole new set of clothes, made personally by their grandmother's skilled hands. But what was the most interesting thing about them was that the styles were very familiar to Ash and May. Apparently Delia had gotten out some old pictures, because each of the twins' clothes were virtually replicas of what their parents wore during their early travels.

"Now those bring back memories," May couldn't help but laugh as Alex held up one of the red blouses.

"Maybe but they imitate us already, we don't need them looking like young versions of ourselves."

Jake's contained clothes very similar to the ones that Ash had worn throughout his early trips trough Kanto and Johto. For Alex it looked nearly exactly like the ones the May first set out in when she joined Ash and his traveling group. Each complete with a hat and bandanna respectively. But instead of the Indigo League symbol that Ash's originally had it was emblazoned with the symbol for the Hoenn Battle Frontier, and Alex's bandanna featured the same symbol as well, just less prominently.

"Oh man I remember seeing these!" Jake cried out as he held up the blue jacket. "These are just like the ones that you used Dad!"

"Well I remember you saying that you wanted to follow in your dad's footsteps when I visited last," Delia explained. "So I thought that you might like this for when you first started to travel here in Kanto. If you don't like them I can make others for you though."

"No, we love them!" The two nearly yelled.

"I'm almost afraid to ask if you made those for them as well," Ash sighed, looking over the gifts one last time.

"Okay now that you have your presents, put them back in the boxes and get ready for bed," May stepped in for her husband. "You can try them on and everything tomorrow before you leave. As for sleeping arrangements, we think that it would be best for you two to sleep in your dad's old bedroom while Sarah will sleep in our room tonight."

Another "aww" came from the twins but Sarah was strangely silent.

"Sarah did you hear what your mom said?" Ash asked his daughter, who was still sitting in his lap.

"Daddy, I think my egg is broken."


Looking down at the egg, Ash could clearly see a sizable crack running along the side of the shell.

"Don't worry honey, that's not a bad crack," he told her with a big smile. "Guess you didn't need to wait too long for it to hatch."

His daughter looked back at him, almost as if not believing his words. But after seeing his smile along with his hands on her shoulders made her finally understand that this was really happening.

"What it's actually hatching?" Jake asked as he jumped over to get a closer look.

"Hey, don't shove!" Alex yelled at him as she also tried to get closer.

"Both of you quiet down," May quickly hushed them.

The two just stared at each other until their grandmother kneeled down behind them placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

Even all of the Pokémon there were interested in the situation, with the two proud parents right up on the couch on either side of the young Ketchum.

Sarah couldn't even care less about what was going around her. She had her eyes glued to her egg as the sounds of the shell continuing to break open began to get louder. With one last large crack the egg began to glow slightly as the last part of the young Pokémon's hatching came to a close. When the light disappeared a small figure unrolled from where the oval container once was and wound up on her back in Sarah's lap, paws straight up in the air. Looking directly at the young girl, a light "Vee" escaped her lips.

The young Pokémon slowly opened her eyes as they adjusted to the light of the outside world. At first it was all too blurry to make anything out but as things started to clear up she saw a creature looking down at her. She cocked her head slightly just staring right back at the odd creature, but it wasn't long before her ears caught other sounds coming from behind her. Trying to twist her head to see what those new sounds were, she let out a soft "vee" in surprise as her entire body unexpectedly followed. Shaking her head after the odd experience, the young Pokémon could feel her feet touch down on something soft. Wobbling slightly, she got to her feet after a few tries and looked out across the room.

But to her complete surprise she only saw four more creatures staring at her, even several others of what she assumed to be her own kind, all of which were looking down onto her. Instinctively she dropped down to her stomach, wondering what all these creatures wanted. As they all started to make noise it only scared her even further as they inched forward. But it all seemed to pause slightly as some of that noise began to sound familiar. Without even thinking she quickly turned around and shot up towards the sound, only calming down when she found a dark spot around the creature that was making it. Satisfied that she was now safe from all of those other creatures the young Pokémon cuddled into her new spot, enjoying the warmth that the creature was giving off and at the same time taking in the unique scent that filled her nostrils. There was already something comforting about this spot, as if she knew that this was hers.

"Hey!" Sarah giggled. "Eevee stop that! It tickles!"

Sarah couldn't help but squirm a bit as the newborn's soft fur was tickling her stomach while the young Pokémon tried to make herself comfortable. After rushing to find cover, the Evolution Pokémon had found her way into the brunette's shirt, and the only thing the other family members could see was a lump moving around under the fabric.

"Come on Sarah pull it out so we can see it," Alex pleaded with her younger sister.

"Yeah, I barely even remember when Umbreon was that small," Jake added in. "I wanna see it too."

"No I think that it's best to leave Eevee be for now," Ash told his kids. "She was just born and she'll probably want to be close to Sarah for a little while longer. Seeing so many new things more than likely scared her and that's why she hid under Sarah's shirt."

"How do you know she's a girl Daddy?" Sarah asked, looking up from her new partner.

"Umm," the trainer couldn't help but stutter a bit. "I'll tell you that some other time. Now time for bed everyone. If Eevee is ready to meet everyone tomorrow we can do that then, but we will be doing it at her pace."

After pouting for only a few moments the two twins got up and gave their grandma a big hug before they and their Pokémon headed upstairs.

"And you are both sleeping on the floor!" He yelled up after them. "Neither will get the bed! Understand?"

Even without any answer he knew that they had heard. Although they may not like the idea of it, it was simply to keep them from fighting over the single bed.

"Alright honey, time for you to go to bed as well," Ash said as he turned back to his other daughter.

"Kay! But what about Eevee?"

"I think I have an idea."

The young girl let out a quick squeal as Ash picked her up bridal style. Sarah giggled slightly as she grabbed on to her father, but was quick to realize why he chose this way; even after picking her up, Eevee was still laying comfortably on her stomach.

"Now say goodnight to Grandma."

Waving from her new position, Sarah quickly grabbed back onto her father as her body started to wobble slightly.

"Goodnight Grandma!"

Smiling back at her granddaughter, Delia walked up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight dear, sleep tight. And make sure you're careful of Eevee tonight as well. She'll be relying on you a lot in the coming days, so you need to take very good care of her."


"Alright my little princess, let's go."

Carrying her up the stairs, Ash put her softly down on the queen sized bed in the house's guest room and went off to prepare for the night as well.

After coming back, the trainer couldn't help but laugh a little as he caught the sight of the little lump in Sarah's shirt make its way up her body until the Pokémon's head poked its way up out of the collar.

"Hello again," Sarah giggled as she began to scratch her new Pokémon between the ears. "My name is Sarah; I hope that we can become the best of friends."

Just stopping at the door, Ash waited and watched as Sarah started to talk to her new Pokémon.

"What are you doing out here?"

Turning around Ash saw his wife coming up the stairs, followed closely by Raichu, Espeon, and Ninetales. He quickly held a finger to his lips before motioning her to come closer.

May couldn't help but smile as well as she saw the interaction between the two. Eevee even finally got out of her Sarah's shirt to curl up on her lap, giving a large yawn in the process.

"She's taking to it like a fish to water," May whispered. "I don't think that we'll have to worry about how she raises her Pokémon."

"Just like her mother."

"You mean just like her father," the brunette couldn't help but correct. "Remember you were always the one who had a special bond with your Pokémon. It's because of you that I'm not only confident around my Pokémon but also that we can talk to Raichu."

"I don't think that I deserve that much credit," he replied sheepishly.

"Oh don't be modest," she told him with a kiss on the cheek. "You know it's true. Now I'll be joining you in just a bit."

Nodding, Ash finally walked back into the room. Sarah was still calmly petting her baby Pokémon, nearly not noticing her father entering.

"You aren't disappointed in your new friend are you?" Ash couldn't help but joke as he sat down on the bed. As per their usual Raichu and Espeon jumped up onto the bed themselves while the Fire-Type made herself comfortable on the floor.

"Of course not!" The brunette quickly covered her mouth as she said it a bit too enthusiastically. "I just hope that we can become friends, just like you have always told me."

"That's my girl." Turning toward the other two Pokémon on the bed Ash motioned for them to move closer as well. "You two have done us another great favor by allowing Sarah to care for one of your kids. I think that now is as good as any time to finally see her close up. She is yours after all."

Without much hesitation, Espeon was the first one to get up closer. It may have been her child but for at least a little while it would see Sarah as its mother more than her. Of course that didn't mean that she wouldn't keep an eye on her as well, but she trusted both her trainer and her trainer's mate knowing that they wouldn't put her new baby at any risk. Rubbing her cheek against the sleeping Eevee, she couldn't have been more proud. Just to see Sarah that happy was enough for her, and she knew that the pain and discomfort was well worth it.

Raichu on the other hand just watched over the two of them. For one, there wasn't enough room for him to get in there as well, but he was also worried that his electricity could harm the young one. Even if he was quite competent in his control over it and was still rather low from the battle earlier, he didn't want to take any chances with its tiny body.

Just as May walked into the room the two Pokémon walked off of the bed and curled up on the floor. Between Sarah and Eevee being in the bed along with it only being a queen instead of the king that Ash and May had back in Hoenn, it would have been a little cramped for space if they stayed up there.

"Alright everyone, time to go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow and everyone needs their rest," May announced as she turned off the lights.

Pulling back the covers, Sarah slipped in between her two parents while putting Eevee on her pillow for safety.

"Thanks Mommy, thanks Daddy," she said to them both, along with a big hug, seemingly out of the blue.

"What was that for?"

"For giving me Eevee's egg. I know that I shouldn't have one but I already know that she'll be a great partner and I can't wait til' we can start battling together."

"You're welcome sweetie, now get some sleep," Ash told her as she curled up into him.

"But I'm not all that tired," she nearly sighed as her breathing slowed. It wasn't long before she was out just like her new Pokémon.

"You too May," Ash insisted. "You never did like seeing them leave like that so you need your sleep as well."

"And you're one to talk," she grinned. "You hate seeing it as much as I do, you just don't show it."

"Guilty as charged," he said with a big yawn. "Goodnight May."

"Goodnight Ash."

"Jake don't steal the last piece of bacon!"

"What, I'm still hungry and you still have some on your plate anyways!"

"But you've eaten most of it already! You don't need anymore!"

"What have we told you about arguing at the table?"

Looking up from their meal, the twins saw their mother walk into the kitchen, showered and ready for the day.

"Not to mention I'm surprised that you two are up this early," shaking her head May just put it aside. "Never mind, just finish eating. Did you need any help Delia?"

"No I'm fine May, you just sit down and eat as well," the lady insisted. "I was up even before those two and knew that everyone would be hungry when they got up."

"You spoil us just like you spoiled Ash," the brunette joked as she grabbed some pancakes from the center of the table.

"So where are Sarah and Dad?" Alex asked as she grabbed for some more waffles, just barely before her brother. "I want to see Eevee once more before I leave."

"Last I saw your sister was still sleeping and your father should just have gotten out of the shower. Don't worry, you'll see Eevee soon enough."

After a few minutes the creaking of steps gave way to two more coming into the kitchen. Ash was dressed and ready for the day but Sarah was still rubbing her eyes and yawning. Yet even still she carefully carried a fully awake Eevee in her arms.

"Aww come on Jake, you woke me up from a good dream," the brunette complained as she sat down at the table, putting Eevee on her lap. "Couldn't you fight with Alex a little quieter?"

"Me? But Alex was just as loud!"

"Oh that's enough," Ash scolded as he sat down as well. "Just eat your breakfast. You'll be leaving in only a couple hours and you don't want to leave on an empty stomach do you?"

Grumbling something about always being the one who was blamed he returned to his plate.

"Hey someone took my eggs!"

"You were having such a wonderful conversation I thought that you were done eating," Alex sarcastically stated as she took one last fork-full of the food into her mouth. "Besides that was for my bacon that you ate."

"What do you mean your…"

Both quieted both real fast after a sharp word from their father, but even still they continued to glare at each other for the rest of the meal.

After breakfast the two twins washed up as well and spent the remaining time trying to play with Eevee. But much to their dismay the little Pokémon never was willing to go too far from Sarah.

As the hour for them to leave approached, Alex and Jake changed one last time into their new traveling clothes and met the rest of their family and Pokémon outside.

"You look exactly like your mother when I first met her back in Littleroot all those years ago," Ash told his daughter as she walked out of the house. "But then again she did have a different hair style; and now that I think about it, I probably could have fallen for her even faster if she had that look on."

Letting out a small whimper as May elbowed him in the gut, he still couldn't help but laugh.

"What about me Mom?" Jake asked as he opened the jacket some. "Do I look like Dad did when you met him?"

"Not quite dear, when I met your father your grandmother had already made him a different outfit, so I never really saw those except in pictures. But even still I'd have to say that it was pretty close to what I've seen."

Both children beamed at the compliments before running up and hugging their parents.

"Now, that aside I think that you guys know the drill," Ash said firmly. "Call us when you get to Viridian and at least once a week after that. Watch out for each other and…"

"Yeah, yeah; we know Dad," Alex interrupted him. "You told us this the last time we left."

"And by the time that you come back to prepare for the tournaments you'll probably get to meet your new baby brother or sister," May added while rubbing her stomach a bit.

"I really do hope that it's a boy," Jake muttered. "I don't need a third sister teaming up on me."

"Okay then, did you remember everything?" Their father asked after Jake stopped. "Pokémon, spare Pokéballs, your new data units, clothes…"

"Yep, yep, yep, and yep."

"Then it sounds as if you two are ready then." Walking up and hugging them both, Ash and May stepped back a bit to look upon their not-so-young children again.

"Mommy, Daddy, I want to go with them."

Looking back down at their youngest, Sarah's comment surprised both of them.

"You want to go with them Sarah?" Ash asked. "What made you think of this?"

"Well they get to go on all these great adventures and I wanna too."

Ash and May couldn't help but hold back some of their surprise as to how Sarah was characterizing their travels.

"Besides, Uncle Max went with you so why can't I?"

"Well for one Uncle Max was still a year older than you," May stated. "Not to mention I couldn't take all my children leaving at this point," she added quietly.

Smiling a bit after hearing what May said, Ash finished it off for her. "And Uncle Max also didn't have a baby Pokémon to take care of. That is the biggest reason as to why we have to say no. It wouldn't be fair to Eevee to all of a sudden bring her along like that when you don't even know what to expect."

"I guess…" She replied while looking at the happy bundle of fur in her arms.

"We'll see about next year though."



Catching his wife's death glare, Ash quickly added at least another condition.

"But I can't promise that you will be able to, it all depends on a lot of other things."

"Thanks Daddy!"

"As for you two, I think you should start heading out. If you're lucky you can reach Viridian by nightfall."

"Thanks again for everything Mom and Dad," Jake said as he gave one last hug to his parents. "I promise to do better this time around."

"Yeah, thanks again," Alex said as she repeated her brother's actions.

"You two just make sure to stay safe," May told them.

"And make sure to win all those badges and ribbons. Your mother and I have already opened up a space in the study for them next to your first ones. I always did want to see two sets of Kanto badges in there."

"Bye Sarah," Alex said as she gave her sister a hug, remembering to be careful of Eevee. "You make sure to take real good care of her, okay?"


"See ya in a few months little monster," Jake added to his little sister as he started to walk off, with Umbreon right behind. "Just remember that I'll beat you next time we battle."

"I'm not a monster!" The brunette yelled back at him while stamping her foot on the ground.

"Okay then, how about demon?"


Laughing, Jake quickly began to sprint away as Alex said goodbye to her grandmother before jogged after her brother to catch up to him, her own Espeon following as always.

"Bye grandma! Thanks for the food!" Jake called back as he picked up the pace. "See ya in a few months!"

"Bye everyone!" Alex yelled one last time before turning north again. "Jake wait up! You don't need to run right after we leave!"

"And there they go again," May sighed as they got further and further away. "Once again on their own and slowly moving even further away from us."

"Now you know that this would happen," her husband comforted her after putting an arm on her shoulder. "They'll be back, it's only a matter of time."

"I know."

Hearing a large yawn everyone looked down at the young Eevee, already starting to curl back up into Sarah's arms to fall asleep.

"Come with me Sarah," Delia told her. "We can find a place for her to sleep and then I can show you how to make a blanket to keep her warm."

Nodding the young girl followed her back into the house, leaving just Ash, May, and their three Pokémon.

"Now Ash what was that about letting Sarah leave with those two next year?"

Ash couldn't help but gulp a little and start to pull away from his wife. He knew that tone all too well by this point. The very thought of it brought back rather vivid memories that sent shivers down his spine. At least this time she didn't have any knives on hand.

"It was just a thought," he tried to defend himself as he backed away slowly. As any smart husband knows, there is always something to fear above all else at times, your wife. Ash just had a few more reasons than most men did. Even the great Arena Master knew when he was facing a battle he could never win.

"I had a hard enough time seeing two of my children leave! I don't want my only other one to leave as…where do you think you're going?!"

"Um, I'm going to see if Mom or Sarah need any help," he quickly lied, bolting for the house.

"Ash Ketchum you get back here when I'm talking to you!"

"Is it too much to wish for the next six months to go by a little faster?" He asked himself before closing the door behind him. "But either way I'm still going to get it tonight, there's no denying that. I hate it when she puts me into these no-win situations."

But seeing Sarah happily lying on her stomach on the couch while watching Eevee sleep brought a smile back to his face.

"Then again it is worth it in the end. I have three wonderful kids, and a currently furious wife, but at least for the moment I can't complain. That particular moment will come a little later, when May finally catches me. Let's just hope that I can survive long enough to see the reason for this all."