
chapter 30

Today was the Alolan Open House at the Pokemon School. After the whole shrinking fiasco and adventure for Sarah, Nikki, James and Nebby, the four of them were more than ready for a nice, relaxing day.

After agreeing to meet her and her friends at the Pokemon School later for a quick day at work with help from their Pokemon Partners and the Lycanroc Couple, Sarah and her Pokemon were on their way to Professor Kukui's house to see how Ash was getting on with his report on the differences between Kanto Pokemon and Alola Pokemon.


She was quite curious as to how her Kanto friend was getting on after receiving the difficult task from their teacher after he showed great worry during class when they were assigned their report topics.

"You think Ash finished his report by now?" Sarah asked Silvally as he and Sylveon were walking with her while the rest of her Pokemon followed behind. Nebby was still in her hands, babbling away happily and cooing.

"Since he was freaking out over the whole thing and the banter between him and Rotom-Dex with how he's supposed to go about it, he's had better luck at other things," quipped Silvally. "Heh, I can only imagine the look on his face when he's about to rage-quit the first time he started on the paper and on the news that the Professor invited our families to come and attend the Open House.


"You think Ash really sucks at essays given that he never often has to do any paperwork while he was at school before?" Sarah quizzed.

"Wouldn't surprise me since he's never be a fan of heavy reading and researching basic information," answered the Synthetic Pokemon. "It's like they all say, 'All play and no work can make a person an absolute jerk'."

"You've heard that quote before or did you just make it up?"

"It's true when you consider it's complete opposite, 'All work and no play makes jack a dull boy'. You gonna judge me on that?" Sarah deadpanned as she knew her partner was right on what he said, "No, not even gonna try." Silvally chuckled triumphantly as they finally reached Professor Kukui's house.


"Are you ready for your presentation for the Open House?" Kukui asked happily. To which Sarah responded, "All set, made the final edits and revisions with it and it's ready to go."

"Good, maybe you can give Ash a hand since he'll be having the toughest task of all," he chuckled as he went back to his research on his computer.

"So, Ash, how's your report coming?" Sarah asked as she and her Pokemon went to see his progress. The notes he got with Rotom-Dex's help to draw inspiration for his report were sprawled out all over the table but Sarah was more baffled when she looked at his report and went through a few pages. "Oh, come on, Ash, even I can write better essays that this! Can't you do more research like the rest of us and not draw too much from your own experiences? Professor Kukui's hard to please when he comes to our assignments."

"She's right, you know," agreed Kukui, continuing his Pokemon research. "I'm a hard taskmaster when it comes to grades so accept as much help as you can, Ash."

"I know that," Ash replied as he continued his report. "Hmm, let's see, Alolan Pokemon and Kanto Pokemon are different because... I got it, the environment around them changes their appearances over time-!"

"ASH!" Rotom-Dex snapped angrily as he came close and went into Lecture Mode. "You need to be more precise! The data on the differences between a Kanto Pokemon and an Alolan Pokemon is more varied and complicated than just that simplistic detail!"


"Look at the data I'm putting out here and tell me what you think before you put it into the report, there's a lot of things about Kanto Pokemon and Alolan Pokemon here that you have to take into account!" he continued as he showed the required data from his data banks.

"I feel like an old man from reading all that," moaned Ash.

"READ IT!" Rotom-Dex shouted to him.

Sarah and her pokemon sweat dropped at how Rotom Dex was acting, "Wow... so the little pokdex has a backbone, huh?" Silvally stated. Sarah and her pokemon nodded.

Professor Kukui chuckled as he turned to watch the scene, "Well, that's Rotom-Dex for ya. When it comes to writing a report like this, there's no better encyclopedia or dictionary than him."

"Now, you see where I'm going with those quotes?" Silvally smirked towards Sarah, who sweatdropped again from realizing the truth behind the quotes he recited to her earlier.

"I'll never deny either of them," she said finally as everyone watched Ash and Rotom-Dex banter again before the Kanto trainer groans and gives up.

"Professor, I can't do all this," Ash moaned again. "This report is so hard, I'll never get it done! Lillie and Sophocles are a million times better at this than I'll ever be."

Professor Kukui smiled, understanding Ash's problems but not without a word of warning regarding the Alolan Open House as he brought hot cocoa and cookies. "I'm sure you'll be fine, Ash. You know that everybody's families will be coming to the Pokemon School's Open House today and you have to show us how much you've learned from your studies," he told the groaning Kanto trainer. "As a student alongside your friends, you all have the critically important task to show how hard you've all been studying. Just turn up your superpower!"


"All I know is that I'll need more than superpowers to deal with this," moped Ash as he took a bite out of a cookie. Rowlet smelled the cookies and tried to take a bite out of one but Litten took a cookie from the plate first, much to the Grass Type's shock while Silvally and some of Sarah's Pokemon sniggered at Ash's Grass Quill Pokemon's misfortune.

"Examining the differences between Pokemon of the Kanto region and Alola. And, examining how Pokemon can be seen as a family and more than just friends," Professor Kukui continue to encourage, this time bringing Sarah into the matter. "You and Sarah are the only ones who can address these topics which is why Principal Oak specifically gave those tasks to you, especially Sarah with what she had to go through."

Sarah chuckled nervously with a small sweat drop. "Yeah..."

Nebby babbled in her arms, happily.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Ash agreed after he was comforted by Pikachu. "Who's come to the Open House, anyway?"

"Students' parents, townspeople, Hala or any of his fellow Kahunas, anybody can attend!" chuckled Kukui as Ash's Pokemon were now begging for some more cookies. "He-he, okay, okay! I'll get some for you, too."

"I'll get the cookies, Professor," Sarah offered as she went to get them. "I hope you have more than enough for all of us!"

"Ha-ha-ha, sure do, Sarah! Just look for them in kitchen downstairs, I've all ready for you and your Pokemon!" Kukui laughed.

"The Pokemon School is closed for the day after Sarah and her family's shrunken misadventure. I wonder what they're up to now..."

But then, the doorbell rang after Sarah left to get the cookies. "Let me get that for you guys," Ash offered as he and Pikachu went to the front door and opened it to reveal who's visiting. "Who is it?"

"Mr. Mime!" "Hello, Ash, how nice to see you!" replied a Mr. Mime and a burnet-haired and kind-hearted woman decked out in summer clothing with a suitcase. Ash was greatly surprised by the visitors coming to see him, Sarah, and Professor Kukui.

"Whoa! Mom and Mr. Mime!" Ash gasped.

"Wait, isn't that...?"

Sarah returned with the cookies, only to stop and see who Ash was surprised to see. "Professor, is that...?"

Kukui chuckled, "Yep, that's Ash's mother and her pokemon Mr. Mime or as she calls him, Mimey."

"Huh?!" Sarah exclaimed, surprised.

Ash's mother, Delia Ketchum and her Pokemon Partner/Son, Mr. Mime A.K.A. Mimey, have come to Alola for the Open House and see how her son has been handling himself with his new friends at the school. Most of all, she's come to see how he's been keeping with his studies and not getting into any trouble, much to his embarrassment when he's around others.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person, Professor," Delia introduced herself kindly. "I'm Delia, Ash's mom. And, this Mr. Mime with me is my partner, Mimey. Thank you for having my son in your school."

"No problem, I'm happy to have Ash here," Kukui chuckled. "He's a great student and one of the brightest I've ever had."

Delia then turned to Sarah and her Pokemon, "And, you must be Sarah. Ash told me about you in his letters and video calls back home, it's nice to finally meet you. And, your Pokemon are so adorable and an eclectic menagerie, they're all so wonderful!"

"Thank you, Ms, Ketchum," Sarah bowed politely as her Pokemon did the same. Nebby just babbled happily from seeing new friends to play with.

"How nice, thank you very much," Delia replied happily. Ash was curious as to how his mother and Mimey were back in Alola after their vacation following Mimey's sweepstakes win. "So how did you get here, anyway? Did Mr. Mime win tickets for a sweepstakes vacation again?"

"Not this time, I've heard all about your Pokemon presentation for the Open House and I just couldn't wait to come and see what you've learned," she replied, shocking Ash again.

"What?! How'd you know about that?" he asked, baffled.

"Oh, Principal Oak has told me all about it. I can't wait to hear what you say!"

"She's a proud mother, getting to see her son in the spotlight," Professor Kukui added with a smile. But, Ash cringed from the thought of it having not finished his report compared to Sarah and the others.

"Plus, I wanted to see everybody! Nice to see you, Pikachu," she added, getting a happy chirp from Pikachu.

The women chuckled, "Hi Ash."

"Hi Mom." Ash greeted with a smile.

Nebby babbled in Sarah's arms, drawing Deila's attention. "And whose this?" she asked.

"This is Nebby. He's one of my pokemon. " Sarah smiled.

Nebby babbled again as he waved hello with one of his wisps, causing Delia to coo at him gleefully.

"Oh, you look adorable, cutie! You're so lucky to have a cute Pokemon, Sarah," she gushed as she tickled him, causing him to laugh before she looked at Ash again. "You know, Ash, in all of your letters and phone calls, I've been hearing nothing but good things about everyone you've met. I couldn't wait to see all the friends you've made."

"Oh yeah, I sure have!" Ash replied happily as he introduced his Pokemon. "Mom, these are my new Alola Pokemon. Meet Lycanroc, he was a Rockruff before he evolved, Rowlet, and Litten!"

"It's so nice to meet you, Rocky, Rowley, and Littie!" cooed Delia to Ash's Pokemon. Lycanroc barked happily back but Rowlet and Litten were snoozing even if she wasn't deterred. Ash, Sarah, Silvally, and Professor Kukui sweatdropped from the nicknames she gave to Ash's Alola Pokemon, the situation becoming very awkward.

"Mom, did you have to call them by those nicknames?" cringed Ash towards his mother, who just smiled sweetly. "I think little nicknames are cute!"

Ash groaned before she turned to Sarah's Pokemon.

"Wow Sarah, you have lots of pokemon with you." Deila smiled.

Wooloo and Ponyta came up to her and gave a happy 'baa' and neigh. "Aww.. you two are adorable..." Deila cooed, rubbing them.

"That's Wooloo and Galar Ponyta." Sarah said.

"They're so soft and fluffy." Deila stated.

"And, who are your other Pokemon, Sarah?" she asked the girl.

"Oh, I'm glad you asked," Sarah obliged before she directed Ash's mother to her growing family of Pokemon. "This is Mudsdale, Sylveon, Noctowl, Lolita, Candy, Goomy, Blitz, Aqua, Milotic, Luna, Dusk, and the Espurr Pair."

She then turned to Silvally with a smile as she wrapped her left arm around his neck for a side hug, "And, this Mr. Grumpy over here is my loyal partner, Silvally. He's a knucklehead but he's a softie and MY knucklehead, and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world."

"Well, I'm very glad to meet you all," Delia smiled as she bowed. She walked up to Silvally and started stroking him, much to his surprise as she blushed. "You're so handsome and so strong..."

"And, over there is Rotom-Dex," Sarah added, pointed towards Rotom-Dex. "He's our living signature Alolan Pokedex."

"What an honor, Mrs. Ketchum!" he buzzed happily as he floated to her.

Rotom chuckled, "It's so nice to meet Ash's mother."

"Oh wow! You can talk, I'm impressed" Delia admired before she cooed again. "Hello, little Dexy-Wexy!"

"Mr. Mime!" Mimey greeted to Lycanroc, the Wolf Pokemon giving a bark back in gladness. Then, he introduced himself to Rowlet, who was still snoozing. "Mr. Mime, Mime!"

"Rowlet really likes to sleep a lot," Ash noted. Sarah smirked as she raised an eyebrow at her Kanto friend, "Oh yeah, like the time when he fell asleep on you during our first Trial Battle with Totom Gumshoos and his Trial Team and you had to scream at him to get him to wake up?"

"Uh... He-he-he..." Ash sheepishly giggled until Rowlet let out a loud 'Row-w-w-w-w-w-w!' in his sleep before he snoozed again, making the trio laugh.

"I'm glad to see you're having so much fun," Delia told Ash.

"Yeah, it's been a blast since you left me here to attend the school," Ash agreed before he turned to Rowlet to wake him up. "Hey, Rowlet, wake up!"

Litten woke up seeing that he and the others had visitors in the form of Sarah and her Pokemon and Ash's mother and Mimey, who was now making funny faces to a laughing Rowlet and Sarah's younger Pokemon, even Sylveon. The Fire Cat Pokemon tried to sneak away but he was picked up by Delia as she noticed him leaving, "Ra-?!"

"RAWR!" he panicked as Delia began to stroke him gently by his neck as she gushed at and held him. "Oh, Little, your fur is so nice and fluffy!"

Poor Litten panicked yet again until he was stroked gently under his chin where a supposed itchy spot was before he gave an awkward but happy sigh and relaxed under her touch. Sarah, Ash, and Kukui stared with awkward smiles at the scene while Rotom-Dex was amazed by how she was able to get Litten to relax and trust her just by carefully stroking him with love and affection.

"Amazing!" he observed as he floated around her and Litten. "I've never seen Litten so calm!"

"Wow, your mom really knows how to handle cute Pokemon, Ash," gawked Sarah as she looked on in surprise.

"Yeah, that's my mom, alright. She really gets carried away around those kinds of Pokemon," he sighed.

"Hey, we're just about to have some tea and hot cocoa," Kukui offered to Delia. "Would you like to join us?"

"Oh, I'd love to!" "I can take care of it," Ash offered again.

"I'll prepare the extra cookie plates," Sarah joined in. Professor Kukui smiled as he nodded while they prepared their goods, "Thank you very much, Ash, Sarah."

While Sarah went to get the cookies from the lab kitchen with Silvally, Sylveon, Wooloo, and Ponyta joining her to help, Ash decided to get his mother some tea as he started to prepare a cup for her. While they were preparing, Delia saw Ash's notes and the report he was working on with Rotom-Dex.

"What are those things?" she asked.

"Oh, this? It's Ash's report along with the notes he's been taking with Rotom-Dex, it'll be what he's presenting to the Open House later today at the school," answered Kukui, much to Ash's panic as he ducked underneath the main kitchen bar and fretted over his report.

"Oh, I'd love to hear all about it when I get there," smiled Delia again.

While Ash continued to fret over failing his report, Sarah couldn't help but wonder how his mother would feel over how he'll fare at the Open House. "You think he'll do fine on that report he's working on with his mom coming for today?" Sarah asked Silvally as she got the cookie bag.

"At the rate he's going, if I know that flying electric runt's standards, Ash would have a 20% of completing it and a greater 80% chance of flopping the whole thing."

"You don't think he's going to cheat on his report for today, do ya?" she asked again, now worried as Ponyta and Wooloo got her the plates for the cookies.

"If it does come to that, at least you'll be here to reign him in on that," replied her Synthetic Pokemon.

"I'm more worried about what Professor Kukui would say if he does do that."

Silvally could only agree as she finished preparing the plates and headed back.

Candy looked at the bag of cookies and tried to sneak one but Lolita stopped her, "Meowth Mewoth." she said, shaking her head, earning a sad, "Reep." from the little Shiny pokemon.

"Aww.. Candy, don't worry, I'm sure they'll be more cookies for you at the Open House." Sarah reassured. Candy smiled. "Mareep!"

"Little is just the cutest little thing!" Delia cooed as she kept stroking Litten as he gave a comfortable 'meow'.

Lycanroc and Silvally looked at his kitten companion with a smirk while some of Sarah's younger Pokemon and Rowlet looked on with envy including Wooloo and Ponyta as they came back early, the latter turning his head like Noctowl. The rest of Sarah's Pokemon family, however, let out a few giggles from the scene. The Fire Cat Pokemon realized that everyone was watching him and he panicked yet again as he tried to squirm out of Delia's grasp.

"There, there," she soothed as she rubbed his chin again, making him slump and relax happily once more.

Professor Kukui couldn't help but laugh at him, "Looks like she's got you under her finger, right, Litten?"

"Okay, you cuties, your turn! Come here!" she coaxed to Rowlet, Candy, Wooloo, Ponyta, Aqua, and the Espurr Pair as they all dogpiled around her and on Litten, crushing him as he meowed with displeasure from the nearly the whole lot of cute, younger Pokemon crushing him.

"We're back!" Sarah called as she and Silvally brought the cookie plates while Ash brought Delia a cup of tea.

"Oh, thank you, kids!" "Thank you, dear," Professor Kukui and Delia thanked.

Soon, it was time for everyone to head for the Alolan Open House at the Pokemon School. Professor Kukui promised to meet up with them later when they arrived so the kids and their Pokemon went on ahead to show Delia and Mimey around the event. While they were on their way to the Open House, Sarah took Ash back and started to inquire him about his report.

"Have you even finished your report for everybody, Ash?" she whispered incredulously.

"I don't know what I'm going to do," he admitted. "There's a high chance I'll fail this whole thing and I don't have a good chance at completing it. But, Rotom-Dex did tell me there's a way to fix it."

"Please tell me you're not considering cheating on your report," Sarah demanded firmly with her hands on her hips.

"Who me? Pfft. I would never cheat." Ash states with pride but that only earned him deadpanned looks from Sarah and Silvally.

"Ash, we all know how you would blow off your lessons for anything big in your mind. Remember when you nearly blew off your studies for our Akala field trip by wanting to just do the Grand Trial?"

"Hey, I learned my lessons when I did them and I was only getting stoked for actually battling! Besides, Rotom-Dex did help me figure out a way to do my report and it's genius so I'll be ready for my presentation!"

"Are you seriously considering listening to Rotom-Dex and his 'advice' to help you with your report when you could've asked me or the others for help?" deadpanned Sarah again.

"Forget it, Sarah. Once he starts to act before thinking, he'll won't realize he's in trouble off the bat until he crashes and burns," grumbled Silvally.

"Yeah, I know," Sarah sighed at last before deciding to give up. She can only hope that Ash would see sense and not sink to any lows that would get him into trouble with his mother and Professor Kukui.

Soon, they arrived at the Alolan Open House festival. Everything was brightly decorated and almost everyone in all of Melemele had all turned up to enjoy the buzz and excitement as well as hear what their children attending the school have to say in their Pokemon presentations. Sarah's Pokemon were surprised by the amount of people and Pokemon they have attending the event and even Delia was delighted.

"Wow, looks pretty lively around here," she noted happily while she held Litten.

"It's open to everybody in town," Ash said. Sarah nodded in agreement, "And, some of the students have families here but in different classes who will also be coming for their own presentations."

"Well, well, how nice to see you here too, Litten!" replied a kind elderly woman's voice. Everyone looked to the owner of the voice and saw an elderly plump woman walking over to them with a smile, particularly excited to see Litten. Sarah smiled as she saw who it was; it was Melemele Island's Berry Woman and Litten's old human friend, Ms. Anela.

"Hi Ms Anela.." Sarah greeted.

"Hello Sarah, nice to see you again." Ms. Anela greeted happily. Litten gave her a small 'mwar' in greeting.

"I see, so Littie must be your Pokemon friend, too," Delia smiled with Litten giving a 'mwar' of agreement.

"She's always looking out for us whenever we pass by her shop," Ash added.

"Delia, this is Ms. Anela, the Berry Woman. She's also Litten's only human friend before he joined up with Ash," Sarah introduced. "So, you found out that Litten decided to stay with Ash, too?"

"I sure did, Sarah, dear. In fact, I wouldn't miss the Open House for the world. I'm so glad to see my little Litten getting along with his new friends and family so well."

"How sweet, Little is such a doll," agreed Delia. Ms. Anela had to smile as she petted Litten, who happily accepted her care again. "Oh yes, I completely agree. Isn't that right, Litten, dear?

"Mwar..." Litten replied cutely as he purred in delight from his old friend's touch. But, it couldn't last long as it was time for them to part until the presentations. The group continued to look around at the rest of the Open House as Melemele's townsfolk mingled happily and chatted away about anything and nothing in particular about Pokemon.

"Oh, wow! It's so big!" Delia awed, admiring a finely detailed Alolan Exeggutor party decoration.

"Alola, Ash! Hi, Sarah!" replied a familiar girl's voice. They all turned to see a happy Lillie approaching them and Snowy happily riding in her arms. Along with her was her butler, Hobbs, as Lusamine was busy with her research on the Ultra Beasts with Wicke and Professor Burnet and was unable to leave the Aether Foundation to attend the Open House. Despite this, Lillie was fine with it as she happily came to her friends with Hobbs following not too far behind.

"Well, Alola! Isn't this a wonderful sight? So nice to see you again, Master Ash, Miss Sarah," Hobbs greeted with a bow and a smile.

"Alola, Lillie!" Ash greeted. "Hi, Hobbs," Sarah replied.

Delia was surprised from the title for Ash and Sarah as she looked to Lillie and Hobbs, "Master Ash and Miss Sarah, really?"

Ash sighed while Sarah playfully rolled her eyes, "Hobbs always calls someone 'Master' or 'Miss'." Lillie explained.

"Sarah, honey!" "Ponchita." Sarah turned and she saw her parents with their pokemon and the Lycanroc Couple, "Mom, Dad." she laughed and the family of three hugged each other. Luna and Midnight nuzzled their parents in greeting.

"Oh, who's this?" Delia asked, smiling from the other two visitors along with Dragonite, Lucario, and the Lycanroc Couple happily nuzzling Dusk and Luna.

"These are my parents, Nikki and James. These two are their Pokemon Partners, Lucario and Dragonite, and this is the Lycanroc Couple, Dusk and Luna's parents," Sarah introduced.

"Hi there!" "Hello!" Nikki and James greeted happily. Dragonite and Lucario greeted Delia and Mimey happily as well with the Lycanroc Couple bowing to them with smiles on their faces as their sons continued to nuzzle them.

"Hello there," Delia giggled. "I'm Lillie and I like you to meet my partner, Snowy. It's nice to meet you," Lillie introduced. Snowy let out a happy bark in agreement, "Vul!"

"I'm very grateful to Master Ash and Miss Sarah that she's been taken care of so wonderfully," replied Hobbs.

"How sweet! Although, I'm sure Ash is the one being looked after by Lillie and Sarah," giggled Delia again as she spotted Snowy. "Wow, a white Vulpix!"

"Snowy's an Alolan Vuplix so that means she's an Ice Type Pokemon," Ash told her as the Kanto Vulpix that Principal Oak and Professor Kukui and greeted everyone happily. Sarah smiled as she saw Blitz and Sylveon and her younger Pokemon playing with the Kanto Vulpix, "And, that's the Kanto Vulpix out of the egg from Professor Oak that Ash told us about."

"And, how! It's so cute, I remember it well! Nice to meet you, Vulpix," Delia greeted as she petted the Fox Pokemon, getting a happy "Vulpix!" from the Fire Type.

Then, Principal Oak came to see them, "Well, well, Alola! So nice to see everyone!"

"Alola, Principal Oak, glad we could come," greeted Sarah happily. Delia smiled as she saw Principal Oak, "Alola, Principal Oak! Thanks very much for letting me know about this."

"No problem at all. I'm sure you're going to enjoy watching us on dutiful Rhyhorn!" he said gayly. When the three kids found their other friends, they were all waiting in the classroom with their Pokemon Partners.

"Hi Ash, Hey Sarah." Mallow greeted.

"Hi guys." Sarah greeted back, "Are your parents here too?"

"My parents couldn't come cause they have to look over the restaurant." Mallow replied.

"My parents are busy working on the farm." Kiawe added.

"My parents came too." Sophocles said happily while Lana sighed, "My mom brought my younger sisters."

"What's wrong with that?" Sarah asked but she got her answer when the energetic pair appeared.

Lana's sisters were in complete awe of all the people and Pokemon at the school coming to attend the open house including Ms. Anela, Sophocles' parents, Lana's mother, Hobbs, Delia, and even Nikki and James and everyone's Pokemon Partners and the Lycanroc Couple. They, however, were in awe of Sarah's Pokemon as they looked all over and felt them over despite varying reactions from them with Silvally being annoyed from being fussed over in such an energetic manner to Sylveon awkwardly smiling from their playing with her.

"WE WANNA GO TO THE POKEMON SCHOOL, TOO!" they cheered until Lana's mother picked them up with a knowing smile.

"Okay, but only when you two are older," she told them as she took them back. The others didn't know what to say as they knew what Lana was talking about until they decided to talk about Sarah and Ash's presentations as well as their own.

"So, you're going to be performing in front of all these people, right?" Sophocles asked, worriedly.

"Aren't you guys nervous about it?" Mallow agreed.

"I'll be fine, I practiced several times over and made some tweaks to my report that I felt were needed and helped to improve on how I felt about Pokemon," Sarah reassured. "My parents and you all even took time off to help me on that whenever you're available, remember? That's what we've been all doing whenever we got stuck on our own reports."

"Oh, yeah!" "Right!" "We did help you!" "That's true!" "Definitely!" "Yeah..." the others smiled, realizing where she's getting at. But, they soon returned to the subject of Ash's report, which caused Ash to get cold feet.

"Oh... Uh, yeah... Well, I'll be fine! Rotom-Dex and I practiced a lot and... The thing is-!"

"It'll be great, guys! 'Cause I'll be there, too, to help-GYAH!" Rotom-Dex replied as Ash panicked and pulled him back.

"You look a little nervous, Ash," Lillie said, surprised.

Sarah widened her eyes and glared at Ash, thinking that he really was going to cheat on his presentation.

"Oh I'll be fine.." Ash said with a big smile, but Sarah saw right through that and sighed in dismay. Then Professor Kukui came in, "Alright class, I know all of your parents are here but I want you to treat today as any normal day, okay?"

"Right." the friends replied.

"Alright then, Sarah, are you ready?" Kukui asked. Sarah nodded and she gently placed Nebby near Wooloo, "Look after Nebby, will you Wooloo?" she asked, earning a nod and a 'baaa' from the sheep pokemon.

Taking her place in front of her friends, all their parents, their Pokemon, and unknowingly to them, everyone in attendance who wants to hear her presentation, Sarah stared everyone down and took a deep breath before beginning.

"Well, as you all know or if you haven't heard, I usually treat my Pokemon as family and not just my friends since I've captured or accepted them with my parents and Blitz," she began. "You also noticed that I have a tendency to sometimes name my Pokemon to make them feel like part of my family. It's often been said that once a person catches a Pokemon after anything like a battle or asking if it wants to join you on your journey, a bond is formed between them. But, I feel that bond goes deeper than just a trainer and his or her partner and pet. Once you catch a Pokemon, it becomes more than just your pet or a tool for battling. It becomes a part of you, a part of your life, an extension of your own self as a being, something that goes beyond or can't be explained through words alone..."

As Sarah continued her presentation, she started to think back on all the times she met her Pokemon from Blitz when she was only five to the Espurr Pair who helped to heal Silvally when he was near death in the middle of her battle with Kaito after he crossed over from his own world through the Multiverse.

Every last one of her Pokemon came to her as if by mere accident or chance or as if somehow, fate, a destiny of some sort had brought them all together for a reason.

Everyone gathered at the school to hear her were enchanted by what she had to say with what she read about and discovered from her own observations of everyone else and their Pokemon and her own personal experiences. Her own Pokemon smiled as their own memories of their joining her and her parents and Blitz came flooding back in, even Silvally had to admit that his life had turned out for the better, after all, after Tapu Koko entrusted him to his mother.

James and Nikki watched on as their daughter explained from her heart and her report why she feels Pokemon can be seen as a family as well as friends. The Lycanroc Couple even recalled the time when they were still in Team Skull's grasp and Sarah, Mudsdale, Blitz, and Silvally went through so much trouble, trial, and tribulation against the bullies' ruthlessness just to get them back, smiling from how much their own lives have changed for the better when they were reunited with their sons.

While she was speaking, Ash, Kiawe, Mallow, Lillie, Sophocles, and Lana each recalled their own times when their own Pokemon Partners and teams came into their lives and families. Each memory Sarah's presentation brought back in their minds has allowed them to recall the fond memories they had when they first bonded with their partners and start seeing them more as just their partners and best friends. Even Professor Kukui fondly remembered when Ash's Lycanroc, as a wild Rockruff, first followed him when he offered him food and they became a family soon after despite having not captured him.

"...But, the reason why I see Pokemon as a family and not friends and battling tools as that to me, they're our own personal caricatures of ourselves if we see ourselves as a Pokemon. They made me feel safe whenever I'm in danger, they made me feel special and one of a kind when I feel like I'm just like everyone else until Blitz first came into my life. They helped to change and grow me just as I've been helping them with their troubles and to help find peace with the ghosts of their past and look to a brighter future that I've promised them since taking them in. They mean so much more to me because they've shown me that there's always more to them and how we should better treat them than meets the eye and that's why, no matter what happens, whenever something happens to me, every last one of my Pokemon will surely be at my side," Sarah finally finished to the applause of everyone.

Even some of the attendees joining in the Open House who've been hearing Sarah's presentation applauded for the girl for her honesty and truth on what Pokemon as a family meant to her.

"That was great, Sarah!" Sophocles cried happily. "Thanks to your presentation, I'm starting to think that any and all Pokemon that we meet could be part of our families with all the love and care we can give in the world to them."

"I feel like there's so much for me to learn about what Pokemon would really mean to us now!" Mallow agreed.

"We can all take so much from your presentation and apply to what we know about them already," Lana put in, ecstatically.

"Feel free to tell us what we should do in future about this, Sarah," agreed a happily contempt Kiawe. "I'll be happy to throw any questions your way."

"I'm proud that you explained from not just your report but also from your heart about your Pokemon topic," Kiawe replied proudly.

"I have you all and my Pokemon to thank for that," Sarah replied bashfully as she scratched her cheek as everyone continued to applaud her. Her Pokemon came and nuzzled her happily, feeling more closer to her than ever thanks to her presentation as well as how truthful and honest she was while Nikki, James, the Lycanroc Couple, Dragonite, and Lucario applauded, cheered, and howled the loudest of all as they cried.

The rest of the Open House passed by in a flash of excitement; Ash was up next to give his own presentation and despite Rotom-Dex trying to "help" Ash by letting him use the Living Pokedex to cheat through his report, Ash decided to speak from his heart and explain the differences between Alolan Pokemon and Pokemon from other regions, specifically Kanto. When he was finished, everyone started singing their praises to him and even Sarah gave him a happy nod that he decided to give his presentation with honor.

When the bell rang, the others' parents separated to look around the Pokemon School again and take in everything they've learned.

Ash, the others, and their Pokemon were speaking with Sarah and her Pokemon about her presentation and were having the most fun of all, having learned so much from what she told them in front of them and her own parents.

"You were amazing out there when you gave your presentation, Sarah!" "Vul, Vul, Vulpix!" Lillie and Snowy cheered happily.

"That presentation was the best I've ever heard from a student in a Pokemon Open House!" "Pop, Popplio!" Lana and Popplio agreed.

"Now, I will have a better understanding about Marowak, Turtonator, and Pyroar being part of my family," smiled Kiawe. Turtonator and Pyroar nodded in agreement.

"It makes me happier to know that Charjabug and Togedemaru will always be a part of my family and I for many years," said Sophocles. Togedemaru and Charjabug cheered as well.

"Hopefully, my family will learn this and we'll be even closer with our Pokemon as well," Mallow put in eagerly with Steenee giving a happy "Steenee!".

"I'll never learn to take any of my Pokemon for granted again," agreed Ash as Pikachu nuzzled him happily. Then, he remembered what he did with Rotom-Dex and what he decided to do for his presentation in front of everyone and his mother. He turned to Sarah with a sad frown, knowing she was right about cheating, "Hey, Sarah, I'm sorry I tired to cheat on my presentation. You were right, I should've asked you and the others for help when I needed it."

"But, now that I realize that what I need to do is be true to myself and to my own Pokemon and everyone else around me about what makes Pokemon from Kanto and Alola so unique among other things, I've learned a lot more by doing that rather than cheating my way to perfection. So, are we cool now?"

Sarah looked at him firmly for a moment but then smiled happily, "Frosty." That made the others smile as they all shared a group hug.

But, before they could congratulate Ash on his presentation, they all heard a huge racket happening in the school grounds and went to look.

They quickly went to the open balcony with everyone else inside the school and they all saw three familiar and unsavory faces causing trouble for everybody as they rode on three Tauros Ride Pokemon as they were attacking everyone in attendance for the Open House with them.

"It's Team Skull!" Mallow cried in anger.

"What are those three doing here?" Kiawe snarled.

"Do they want to start causing trouble again?" Ash grumbled.

"They're gonna be really sorry if they keep this up! Mark my words," Lana angrily threatened.

"They're going to tear down and destroy the Open House!" Sophocles noticed in shock.

"What are we going to do?" Lillie pondered in fear as she held Snowy.

Sarah immediately made up her mind and her Pokemon shared her mindset. "I'm going out there! Let's go," she called to her Pokemon as she got on Silvally's back and the Synthetic Pokemon jumped out the school as her other Pokemon ran out another way to meet up with them. The others tried to stop them but they were all long gone by the time they did protest.

"Should we try and stop them?" Lana's mother asked worriedly while the Water Type trainer's sisters whimpered as they held their mother.

"It's alright, she knows what she's doing. She's faced them before," Nikki told her and everyone else as they watched Sarah and Silvally reach the familiar Team Skull grunts as her other Pokemon caught up with them.

"She's right. Our daughter is a very resourceful girl and her Pokemon will protect her, there's no trainer in this world we know that would come close to their stronger bond and combined strength of Heart, Technique, and Body," James added in agreement. "They'll save everyone, count on it!"

"Let's go after her, just in case she needs help!" Ash told the others as they left with their Pokemon. "Right!"

The three Team Skull Stooges, Rapp, Tupp, and Zip were still causing trouble for everyone until Sarah and her Pokemon came in and confronted them.

"STOP!" Sarah called as they prepared to fight.

"Ugh, you again!" Tupp groaned.

"What do you want?" Zipp asked.

"I had a feeling you would show up after I crushed your leaders back at Po Town," Sarah snarled as she and her Pokemon glared at them. "Why have you come here, anyway? You obviously have no business being back here after my tussle with you."

"We've gotten stronger since you rescued those Lycanroc and we're going to show you why Team Skull will never bow down to anyone who kicks our butts on anything!" Tupp screeched angrily.

"You may have beaten us, Master Guzma, and our Big Sis Plumeria last time but this time, things will be different! Much, much, much different than before!" Rapp growled.

"Why don't you just step aside and let us do the rockin' and rollin', kid?" Zipp sneered. "We're ready for ya and we're gonna make you pay for making fools out of Team Skull! By first trashing your Open House and then destroy you after!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Sarah spat back as she and her Pokemon got into a battle stance. She held Nebby as close as she could as he whimpered at the sight of a possible new enemy that could want him.

"Or me!" replied a familiar woman's voice as she stood next to Sarah. The young girl and her Pokemon looked to see that it was Delia along with Litten and Mimey that found out about Team Skull and joined to help them when they saw her confront the grunt leaders.

"Say what, lady?!" Tupp growled, not expecting Ash's mother to appear.

"How dare you do such a thing to everyone today and after my son told me that his friend here put you all in your place! Everyone was having such a good time until you showed up, leave now and take your bullying elsewhere!"

"You talkin' to us?!" "You're asking for a fight!" "Stop it, if ya don't wanna get hurt!" the Team Skull grunt leaders scowled.

"You won't listen to reason? Well then," Delia scowled back as she put Litten down and prepared to fight. "Alright, Littie, shut them down!"

Litten was surprised when he noticed the change in Delia, not knowing about Team Skull returning.

"Mwar?" Litten meowed as he wanted to be held a bit more by Deila. "Mwar."

"Pulease, I've seen other trainers beat a bush better than you," mocked Zipp as she sent out her Zubat. "Zubat, destroy them!"

"Now, Littie, dodge it!" Delia ordered as Litten, finally noticing Team Skull and Zipp's Zubat coming towards him, did so. He was worried as he wanted to be held more until Delia gave him an encouraging smile. "You can do it, Littie!"

Litten wasn't so sure but when he noticed Zubat making another round for him, he quickly retaliated with a Scratch attack which shocked Zipp as her Bat Pokemon flailed. "Zubat!" she cried in shock.

"Wow, amazing, Littie!" Delia awed, despite the Fire Cat Pokemon's embarrassment of his nickname. Even Sarah and her Pokemon were amazed by how much of an 180 turn Delia did when everyone was being threatened. They now knew that when push comes to shove, she won't hesitate to fight back and kick anybody's butt to protect all who she cares for and loves.

"I'll probably think about backing up 100 ft from her if we end up making her mad," Silvally quivered.

"I think the rest of us will be coming with you if we or any of the others do," Sarah agreed with a shiver. Nebby, on the other hand, cheered and laughed happily for Delia and Litten as he clapped his wisps again.

While this was happening, Ash and the others, joined by their Pokemon Partners, finally reached Sarah and Delia as they began to fight Team Skull.

"Whoa, Mom!" Ash gasped quietly in amazement as he quickly went over to them.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Ash asked his mother.

"Oh Ash, those guys were doing bad things so Littty and I are teaching them a lesson along with your friend." Deila replied.

She then pointed at Rapp, Tupp, and Zipp, the other two having brought out Garbodor and Salandit.

Ash and the others were shocked when they saw their and Sarah's old enemies, "You guys?!" "Not them again!" "They never learn..."

"WHA-?!" Zipp spluttered as she, Rapp, and Tupp saw Ash, Mallow, Kiawe, Lana, Lillie, and Sophocles join Delia, Litten, Mimey, and Sarah's parents and their Pokemon.

"Those annoyingly bratty friends of that blasted girl are here!" Tupp scowled furiously as he eyed them.

"Wh-w-w-What'll we do now?" Rapp asked, stammering in worry.

"Grrr, whatever! We can't back down now," Tupp growled as he turned back to Sarah. "You might've gotten the better of us all last time but we've made sure to be ready to get even with you!"

He snapped his fingers, signaling a group of 22 lower Team Skull grunts showing up to back the trio up, much to everyone's shock, barring Sarah and Delia as they continued to glare at them.

"Alright, guys, this is it! Today's the day we finally beat those kids and put down that meddling little brat that defeated Big Sis Plumeria and Guzma, for sure!" Tupp announced as the lower grunts cheered.

"Um, excuse me, M'am, come with us!" Lillie begged Delia.

"Not a chance, I'm staying put!" Delia replied, not wanting to back down and leave everyone unprotected.

"Wow, Ash, I never thought your mother could be so vicious towards our enemies from Team Skull or anybody who tries to harm Pokemon, let alone battle," Rotom-Dex said, feeling surprised by Delia's change in demeanor. Ash groaned, realizing he never did tell them that Delia could battle as well.

"Well, you're going to have to deal with us-AH!" Ash said before he was cut off by Sarah pushing him back. "Hey, Sarah?!"

"Hold it, Ash, your mother's right," Sarah replied, still glaring at Tupp, Rapp, and Zipp. "This is our fight, not yours nor the others'."

"But, Sarah-!" Ash tried to say before he was met with another glare from Sarah. "That's an order! They'll soon be after me!"

"Sarah..." Ash muttered worried but Pikachu said to him, "Pikapi. Pikachu Pika Pika..."

Ash had a feeling about what Pikachu was saying; if Sarah beat then before she can do it again.

"She's right, Ash," Mallow agreed when she came up to him with a snoozing Rowlet. "Even if you can help, you'll just be in the way like the rest of us. Besides, Team Skull now has a personal vendetta against her. Keep it between them unless she needs our help, right?"

Ash didn't want himself and the others to let Sarah fight Team Skull alone again but he knew that Mallow and Pikachu were right. "Well, alright then. Just be careful, okay, Sarah?"

Sarah nodded and gave a reassuring smile to her friends as she and her Pokemon joined Delia, who nodded from her and her Pokemon joining her and Litten and accepted their help while the other Team Skull grunts let out their Pokemon to fight their sworn enemy again.

As the two women and their Pokemon prepare to fight, the Absol that was watching her before appeared again on the roof of the Pokemon School, unseen by anyone. It was once again staring at the girl and Nebby with its same mellow authoritative stare, interested to see how she would fare against a renewed Team Skull.

"I need you and the others, Silvally," Sarah told her Synthetic Pokemon. "Let's get Team Skull out of here, now."

"Never fear, Sarah, I'm here for you always and so is your family," he reassured as he nuzzled her.

"Thank you," replied Sarah quietly before he allowed her to join Litten before she took out her Memory Drive container and took out the Psychic Memory Drive. "Okay, Rapp, Tupp, Zipp, let's see how you and your goonies like this! Silvally, unleash your Psychic Type beast from within, Psychic Memory Boost! HA!"

She threw the Psychic Type Memory Drive to Silvally and he inserted it into his head memory slots, his eyes, head scales, and back fin turning a cool magenta color. The Team Skull grunts were shocked from seeing Sarah's loyal partner change Pokemon types by just a CD.

"What the hell-?!"

"How did she do that?"

"That's impossible, no Pokemon can possibly change into another type!" Rapp, Tupp, and Zipp gasped in shock at the sight.

"Silvally is no ordinary pokemon just like my other friends." Sarah retorted proudly.

"Rapp, Zipp, you and our buddies surround that walking Frankenstein! I'll take care of the lady who's all talk and no action!" Tupp ordered his partners.

"Got it!" answered Zipp and Rapp as they signaled for their lower grunt friends to have their Pokemon surround Silvally as he ran to them and stood in the middle of their group circle.

"You sure you got this, Ms. Ketchum?" Sarah asked Delia.

"Don't worry about me, Sarah," smirked Delia to Sarah as she and Litten faced Tupp and his Salandit. "Little and I wil be just fine."

Absol blinked in surprise as it watched Silvally change Pokemon Types just from using a Memory Drive CD but if it really was surprised, it didn't show it.

"Silvally, Tri Attack plus Multi Attack!" Sarah called. Silvally roared as he covered himself in an aura of powerful energy and ran towards his first enemies, being Rapp and Zipp's Zubat and Garbodor and bashed them while using three element beams of fire, ice, and lightning on them. The other grunts' Pokemon tried to land a hit but they were still so stunned by the Synthetic Pokemon changing Pokemon Types, they couldn't land a fast enough hit as he dodged them.

"Now, Littie! Use Scratch Attack on that guy's Salandit!" Delia ordered to Litten and the Fire Cat Pokemon obeyed as he landed a powerful Scratch on Tupp's Salandit, drawing a pained screech out of it.

"Tag out, Silvally! Switch with Blitz and Candy!" called Sarah as her Mouse and Shiny Wool Pokemon double-teamed and charged into battle. Silvally took out four of the lower grunts' Pokemon before he heard Blitz and Candy call him and he immediately understood.

He stood in place as he made himself into a springboard and Candy and Blitz jumped off his back one by one before Sarah made another attack call, "Candy, Blitz, Electro Web plus Signal Beam!"

Dodging six more of the lower grunts' Pokemon, Blitz charged an Electro Ball before releasing it as a net that ensnared the Pokemon before Candy shot Signal Beam at them.

The grunts pokemon cried in pain from the signal beam, "Now Thunderbolt and Thundershock together, Blitz and Candy!" Sarah called and the two electric type pokemon unleashed their attack on the pokemon, creating a large explosion. "Gooommy..!" Goomy cheered for them.

"Ms. Ketchum!" Sarah called as seven more of the lower grunts' Pokemon charged at Blitz, Candy, and Litten.

"Right!" Delia called as Blitz and Candy tagged out for Sylveon, Noctowl, and Milotic to join Litten.

"Hoo-Hoo, Hoo, Hoo!" Noctowl hooted for Litten to jump on before the Fire Cat Pokemon nodded and got on his back before he flew first with Milotic and Sylveon charging after them.

Three of the lower grunts' Pokemon decided take them down from the air but Noctowl and Litten glared at them as Sylveon and Milotic continued to charge towards the other four coming at them from below.

"Littie, jump and use Ember and Scratch!" Delia commanded, seeing the three Pokemon coming at him and the Owl Pokemon. Litten meowed determinedly and decided to take out two of them while Noctowl took out the third one with a Confusion attack when it tried to surprise his little friend.

Sarah saw the other four Pokemon shoot several Venoshock attacks and reacted accordingly, "Sylveon, Light Screen! Milotic, Mirror Coat!"

Sylveon acted like a shield using her Light Screen as she charged at the Poison Pokemon and shielded Milotic as she took the Venoshock attacks with her Mirror Coat attack and redirected them back at the Team Skull Pokemon at twice the power.

"One last time, guys!" Sarah called to her Pokemon and Dusk and Luna took the stage as the final five Pokemon from the lower grunts confronted them and Litten met them in the middle.

Delia and Sarah smirked to one another and nodded to do a group attack for the last of Team Skull's current Pokemon. "Luna, Dusk!" "Go, Littie!"

"Ember plus Twin Rock Slide, now!" they finished as Luna and Dusk jumped up and Litten shot Ember to act as a feint for the surprised Poison Type Pokemon while the Puppy Pair unleashed their second signature Twin Attack.

In no time at all, all of Team Skull's Pokemon were down and out and they were all beginning to quiver. Even Tupp, Rapp, and Zipp shivered in fear from Sarah and Delia's teamwork.

"Lycanroc... grr..." Dusk and Luna growled together. Goomy watched with sparkling eyes. "Goommy.." he wanted to be strong like that someday just like Noctowl and Sylveon.

"Well, we've been practicing this for a while but I think we got it," Sarah quipped as she switched her Dragonium Z-Crystal for her Electrium Z from Tapu Koko on her Z-Ring before she turned to Candy. "Candy, let's wrap this up!"

"Reep!" the Wool Pokemon smirked as she joined her mother figure and they performed their Electric Type Z-Move while the others looked on.

She then took Nebby to Delia as she carefully held him, "Please look after Nebby for me." Delia nodded as Sarah returned to her Shiny Mareep. As they were ready, Sarah performed the correct steps to the Z-Move, Gigavolt Havoc, as Candy jumped into the air and accepted Sarah's Z-Power. "Roar of Thunder, hear my cry! Free the storm brewing from within my Shiny Mareep, Candy!" she recited and Candy let out a proud "REEP!" as she became covered in Z-Powered electricity. "Now, Candy, shift into turbo! GIGAVOLT HAVOC!" Sarah roared as she and Candy punched their right fist and front right hoof together and sent out a large electric projectile at all 25 of Team Skull's Pokemon and shocked them, making them pass out in a huge explosion.

Everyone nearby shielded themselves from the blast as it shook the area before the smoke cleared to find Team Skull's Pokemon army battered, bruised, and beaten, much to Team Skull's horror.

Quickly, they all returned their Pokemon before the lower grunts ran away in fear, screaming for their lives. "This is why I can't stand those Z-Moves or that girl and her Pokemon!" Tupp whimpered.

"We'll remember this, Sarah! You better fight fair and square without your damn Z-Moves!" Rapp agreed, crying.

"Next time you see us coming and getting stronger than ever, you better run the other way!" Zipp ended as she whined before they took out three smoke bombs and threw them, vanishing as they exploded. Everyone looked to where the Team Skull grunt leaders once were and they were relieved to see that they're gone once again and cheered for Delia, Sarah, and their Pokemon.

Candy leaped into Sarah's arms happily, "Mareep, Reep!" Sarah chuckled, "You were wonderful Candy. "I'm so proud of you and the others."

The others noticed that after Zipp, Tupp, and Rapp left, they didn't have their bikes with them and were surprised.

"I guess those three forgot their bikes today," Mallow put in.

"Yeah," Ash agreed.

Even Kiawe couldn't believe their lack of common sense, "Not the best choice."


Everyone was continuing to have fun at the Open House while some of the volunteers helped to clear up the mess Team Skull made. Sarah and her Pokemon gathered alongside their friends and Delia following the two women's victory.

"That was amazing, Candy!" Delia congratulated Candy as she baaed back happily. Sarah nodded as she took back Nebby and petted her Mareep. "That was none other than a Z-Move," she explained with a smile.

Litten tried to get away again but Delia picked him up once more and thanked him, "Littie, you're the coolest!" Litten gave a soft 'Mwar' in return. "Z-Moves are the coolest, I sure wish I could do that," Delia awed as she then made exaggerated movements while still holding the poor Fire Cat Pokemon, much to Ash's embarrassment but the others smiled.

Then, Nikki and Sarah came in with the Lycaroc Couple, Lucario, and Dragonite to congratulate their human friends' daughter and her Pokemon for helping Delia. This made their friends smile brighter.

"Wow, it's just like father/mother, like daughter!" Mallow replied.

"Sometimes, they can fly off the same handle as Ash and his mother have," Sophocles replied.

"And, from the way they helped each other, they all have kind hearts," cried Lillie gleefully.

"Now, kids, how would you like to help us clean up this mess?" Delia asked kindly about the carnage Team Skull let.

Everyone cheered and helped the volunteers clear everything up.