
Pokemon Evolution

Dave finally sets out on his journey to become a trainer, but his newest friend, Eevee hides amazing secrets that promise to make this adventure even more exciting than he could have imagined. Disclaimer: Pokemon is owned by Nintendo. I do not own anything.

Fini98 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Leaving

That night, Dave got to bed much later than normal because he was up late packing everything he'd need for his trip. He still couldn't believe his parents had been so accepting of the idea of ​​him leaving on a journey.

He stuffed his blue backpack with a few changes of clothes, a sleeping bag, an old Pokemon encyclopedia that he used to study from and as well as some food.

Then, along with his parents, he sat at the dining table with a map of the region open. The map didn't cover much ground, but it was still good enough for them to figure out which would be the best route to take.

Everyone agreed that it wouldn't be a good idea to go through the city, since it would most likely be the place most watched by Team Rocket. But the next city was at least three days walk away and that meant at least two nights sleeping in the open, which could also be dangerous.

"I can't be afraid of sleeping in the open anymore Mom," said Dave. "I won't be able to avoid it, so I better get used to it now."

"Oh Dave..." sighed his mother. She had reservations about him spending the night outside, but eventually gave in.

"So it's settled then," Dad announced. "Tomorrow morning you will leave and try to walk as fast as possible. I think you will be much safer after you are out of Grene. It will be much harder for Team Rocket to recognise your Eevee."

"Very well!" Dave said excitedly. "It will be a long day tomorrow, so I should probably get some sleep."

But before he could even leave, his mother grabbed his hand and forced him to sit back down.

"Darling," she said, visibly upset. "Do you not realise that it's already past midnight? It's your birthday! Your Dad and I have a present for you."

Dave had completely forgotten about his birthday. He was already excited about the idea of embarking on a trip, but now he was even more so because of his birthday gift.

His father handed him a nicely wrapped box and said, "I got these today in town, but I never thought you would use them so soon. I think you'll like them."

When Dave picked up the box and gave it a shake, there was a sound of some objects hitting each other while rolling around. Eagerly, he tore the wrapping so fast it ripped the side of the box.

A couple of spheres rolled out and fell to the floor. They were half white and half red with a button in the middle.

His mother shook her head and stooped down to pick them up. "Be more careful, Dave."

Pokeball! They were actually pokeballs! He couldn't believe it. Never before had he been so happy in his life.

Wait, if Dad bought this before he found out about Eevee, that means they already gave their consent for him to leave on a trip. That explains why they didn't say anything when he mentioned about leaving with Eevee, Dave realised in surprise.

As if he could read his mind, his father spoke up.

"Yes, Dave. We know we've held you here long enough and it wouldn't be fair to keep you from your dreams. Your mother and I will be able to take care of the farm. Don't worry about us here, we'll be just fine."

"Now go to bed. You'll have to leave early in the morning," Mom said, wiping a few tears off her face.

Dave had a hard time falling asleep that night.

His mother woke him up the next morning. After taking a shower, he changed into a pair of jeans that were a bit less worn than the ones he wore every day, put on his simple white shirt, and snatched up the green jacket he liked the most.

After having his last breakfast together with his family in what would be a long time, he mustered all his courage and headed for the small makeshift bed where Eevee was still sleeping. It was time to wake it up.

"Good morning Eevee, time to wake up," Dave said while patting its head.

The Pokemon slowly opened its eyes and took in its surroundings. It then remembered all the care these people had given it the night before.

"Ee—vee!" it exclaimed, jumping out of bed and into Dave's lap.

"Looks like he's recovered. Thank you Mom!" he said, happily hugging his newest friend.

Eevee, still very excited, jumped off Dave's lap and went to caress his mother's legs, as if thanking her for everything she had done.

"Looks like it's saying thank you, Mom," Dave laughed.

"Oh, you're welcome little Eevee. We have to thank you for saving our son."

"Ee—vee!" Eevee cried back in reply, looking very happy. It then returned to Dave's side, who knelt down to speak to it.

"Look Eevee, we can't stay here. Team Rocket is looking for you everywhere."

"Ee—vee!" replied Eevee, taking a few steps back and lowering its ears as if it was scared.

"Don't worry Eevee, I'll help you hide. But we can't stay here anymore." Dave stroked its head, calming it down.

"Ee—vee!" Surprised, Eevee raised his head to Dave. That the boy was willing to help, moved it.

"I've been thinking, Eevee; I've always wanted to be a Pokemon trainer, and since we're buddies now, I... I was wondering if you could help me fulfil my goal?" Dave said nervously.

"Ee—vee!" Eevee jumped on Dave's lap and started licking his face.

"I'll take that as a yes!" Dave said, laughing as he hugged Eevee back.

"So we're all set! Me and you Eevee! Come on! The world awaits us!"

With that, Dave said goodbye to his parents, and left on his long-awaited Pokemon adventure.

Neither he nor his parents had considered why Team Rocket would be interested in this particular Eevee. Despite its rarity, an Eevee should not be that difficult to find for a large organisation like Team Rocket.

What the boy didn't realise was that the Eevee that had saved him was not a normal Eevee. It was a very special Eevee, one whose disappearance turned a dangerous criminal organisation upside down. Each and every member of Team Rocket in Kanto was now on high alert and actively searching for it.

Dave had no idea just how exciting and dangerous his journey would be.