
Pokemon: Eternal Rider

For every review I will release one extra chapter Alex is transported to an alternate Pokemon Universe where there are only females with the ability of pokemon. What will Alex do as the only male in this alternate dimension.

maxphantom · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


You're drained.

Not, like, magically or anything. You don't think you lost any power, but you're certainly tired. And satisfied. Rolling to the side, you pull Mindy's body flush with yours, ignoring the slight stickiness of the lingering healing cream as you bury your nose in her hair and breathe. It feels comforting.

"Mhmm..." Mindy groans softly, snuggling back against you and wrapping herself in your arms. "That was fun."

"I agree completely." You laugh, glancing towards Tracy and Camellia, both of whom are looking on with big smiles. Ah, knowing they watched... You kind of want to hide your face for a moment. "So, tell me more about yourself."

"Like what?" Mindy whispers softly.

"Just... Things. I want to know more about you." You shrug, not really caring to ask specifics.

"I'm... I'm a Minun, an electric type. Prue is a Plusle. We've been together all our lives." She explains, going still. "Everyone says we're sisters. We do stuff like this, so... I guess it's comforting, because you have the same energy about you? You're like a big sis type, like her."

"Oh, so you're a little sister? To be spoiled and pampered?" You tease, causing her to giggle. "Well, we'll go find her soon. Don't you worry."

"I'm not... I believe you. She'll be okay, and when we get back, she'll probably say thank you for looking after me. I'm... I'm kind of a coward. All I do is cheer Prue on." Mindy admits.

"That's an important job." You reply honestly. "I'll bet she does way better when she knows you're cheering for her."

"Mhmm!" Mindy nods. "She cheers for me too, and I feel a lot better."

"I'm excited to meet her then." You tease, tickling her ribs. "Do you live in Croceo Town? What's it like there?"

"It's really nice there. We live high up in the cliffs, and it's always windy. Prue and I find thunder stones and charge them up for a living." Mindy rambles a bit from there, describing the town and the people in it, what day to day life is like. It's easy to sort of drift off to the sound of her voice, and lose track of time.

"Go! Go!" Mindy cheers, hands crackling with electricity. Amusingly enough, they look like pom-poms when she does that. Still, her cheers actually do help, bolstering your strength as you hit a Sandile with Absorb to recover your strength.

Tracy barrels through a Clay doll shortly after, knocking it away and following it up with several jabs that send leaf-shaped projectiles into her. Camellia takes up the rear, shadows twisting and coiling around her, warding off those that try to circle around and flank.

All in all, three hours in, you're not having too much trouble. If fighting made you stronger, this would be a decent place to train. Alas... You're kind of in a hurry anyway. So you press on at a grueling pace, blasting your way through the ones in front and not bothering to go looking for trouble.


"Hah... I'm tired..." Mindy whines, slumping to her knees on the sandy floor. The canyon turns up ahead, blocking your line of sight like a hedge maze.

"You haven't even been attacking." Tracy huffs, shooting the girl a subdued glare.

"Her cheering helps, though. That's enough, right?" You shrug. Honestly, the boost to your Absorb is a potent combo. That, and she's been key in keeping fliers off of Tracy. Though... Usually it's just warning shots to ward them away, while you do the actual blasting.

"It shouldn't be far now." Camellia warns, stepping forward and taking the lead. Even in the heat and dry air, she doesn't seem to have suffered at all from the trip. Still the calm, collected noble-lady. "Come along, before it grows dark."

"Right..." Being caught in a maze like this would be awful in the dark.


"Home!" Mindy cheers, suddenly finding the energy to rush ahead. Her head is on a swivel, and for a moment your gut clenches. What if Prue isn't here? What if you got her hopes up for nothing, and-

"Mindy!" There's actually a popping noise, not unlike static being discharged, as someone flashes through the air from above, striking the dusty ground like a lightning bolt, before dashing right into your companion.

"Prue! You're okay!" Mindy squeals in excitement, leaping into her sister's arms and peppering her face with kisses. "They said you'd be okay, but I was so worried! You're okay, aren't you?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Prue laughs, squeezing her sister tightly. "Honestly, I was more worried about you, running off alone like that. I kept expecting you to wind up lost and dumped here like me..."

"Nope! I made it to the border, and then they found me and told me you'd be okay! Alex even kept me calm!" Mindy explains, pointing towards you. "She's kind of like you, the cool big sis type."

"Oho? Should I be jealous?" Prue laughs, raising an eyebrow at you. "I guess I should thank you, for looking out for her."

"We're just glad you're okay. Mindy was really worried." You admit.

"Ah... Well, it's not the first time this has happened to me." She admits sheepishly. "It's a risk of going into the mist. I'd just rather it never happen to Mindy."

"Ah... Y-yeah..." Oh man, if she's overprotective about her sister's sex life-

"I guess I owe you then... Are you sticking around here for a while?" Prue asks.

"Please do!" Mindy pleads. "We did that thing, you know? It was a lot of fun."

"You don't say." Prue smiles wickedly at you. "Well, I definitely owe you then. What say I show you around town? Return the favor a little?"

"Yeah, Alex, you should go get the grand tour." Tracy agrees, giving you a knowing look. "I'll go with Camellia and sell the loot."

"C'mon. It'll be fun." Prue's smile somehow grows wider, though Mindy's remains pure and excited.

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