
Pokemon: Eternal Rider

For every review I will release one extra chapter Alex is transported to an alternate Pokemon Universe where there are only females with the ability of pokemon. What will Alex do as the only male in this alternate dimension.

maxphantom · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


"You girls run on ahead. I'm going to go put my feet up for a bit." Tracy explains to the others, giving a soft yawn. "It's been a long day."

"Alright. We'll meet back at the room for dinner, okay?" Prue suggests.

"Yeah! See you then!" Mindy agrees. As you watch them leave, you glance over at Tracy, who's lingering a moment.

"Want me to come with you?" You offer, watching the way her cheeks color softly.

"Ah... If you'd like, you can join me. I was just thinking of laying in bed for a bit." She admits sheepishly. "I've done a lot more walking in the last few days than I'm used to."

"Me too... I could go for getting off my feet." You admit, motioning for her to follow. "Do they do room service?"

"I don't think so, but there should be complimentary food and drink in the room." Tracy explains, stepping in close and grasping your hand. "I've never been here before, but I've heard just about everything from travelers that pass through here. This inn has a good reputation, not just for the hot springs, but the beds and-"

She goes silent as you turn your head and capture her lips with yours. Within seconds she's returning your kiss passionately, hands grasping your waist and pulling you in close. "I've missed you..."

"I've been here the whole time." You laugh softly, reaching down to squeeze her rear. "If you wanted to kiss me-"

"I did. A lot." She admits sheepishly. "I just... I don't know, you're really cute, and the other girls-"

"Do they intimidate you?" You tease, leading the rest of the way to your room. "Or maybe... Do you think they're cute too?"

"No... I mean... Yes, they're cute, and... And I wouldn't mind-" She trails off as you open the door to your room, leading her inside and sneaking a feel at her groin.

"Wouldn't mind introducing them to this?" You tease again, feeling her twitch against you. Ah, if you told yourself a few days ago that you'd be this comfortable grabbing cock... It's all to please a cute girl though, so it's okay right? "Are you worried I'll run off with someone else?"

"You won't, right?" Tracy asks quickly, eyes moving to meet yours. "I mean, I have the house, and-"

"I don't care about the house." You shake your head quickly. "I'd live in a tent if it meant staying with you. Honest."

"R-right..." Tracy mumbles, blushing as you kiss her once more, letting her tongue wrestle with yours for a moment. "Right."

"It's true. I feel a connection with you, so I want to stay by your side." You explain. "And with Mindy and Prue... I didn't really feel it until they were together, but now... Now I think they'll honestly stick by our side as well. Like family."

"You think so?" Tracy sighs, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I know they like you-"

"They like you too." You insist. "Or... They will, once they really get to know you. I promise."

"You sound so certain... What about Eris? You're trusting her an awful lot." Tracy points out. "Is she one of those situations?"

"I'm not sure yet. But I know she's been through a lot, so I feel like I owe her a bit of leniency, you know? I think she wants to be a part of the group, but doesn't know how yet." You explain. "Whether she wants to stick around long term is up to all of us, her included."

"You really do want a big family huh?" Tracy laughs. "Greedy girl, looking for that much loving... Maybe we should get the others in here too, and all have our fun with you?"

"I... I wouldn't mind seeing you get it on with Mindy and Prue." You tease back, watching her cheeks flush. "They aren't shy about teaming up on another girl, you know. And seeing one of the other girls take this big thing..."

"Like Eris, as punishment?" Tracy raises an eyebrow, twitching at the thought. "Better not, if we want her getting comfortable."

"Mhmm, I wasn't too 'comfortable' after the first time, but it was worth it." You laugh, giving her another kiss. "Come on, let's get out of these clothes and relax a bit. I want to cuddle."

It doesn't take you much to make the decision. You step back and tug at your shirt, rapidly undoing buttons and throwing it off to the side when you're done. Your shorts and panties come next, pooling around your ankles as you step out of them and climb naked onto the bed.

"H-hey!" Tracy gives a yelp of surprise, making a half-hearted attempt to cover her eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Testing the bed." You reply, flopping down on it. "Wow... That's cozy..." How long has it been since you slept on a bed? "Seriously, you've got to try this."

"A-alright..." Tracy nods.

"Come on, you can't really enjoy a bed with clothes on." You laugh, stretching out shamelessly. "Strip down and come here, I want to cuddle." You pat the covers near your side, watching intently as she removes her shirt. She really does have a nice pair of breasts, not too large, but soft and perky.

"Alright..." She sighs, shimmying out of her overalls and climbing onto the bed. "It's still weird."

"What is?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You're this... Super cute, super-outgoing girl, and you just..." She sighs.

"Bend over for you?" You tease.

"Kind of? Like, I don't know what you see in me? I'm not fit and athletic, I'm not super gorgeous, I'm just-"

"Just Tracy." You assure her, laying her down beside you and giving her a kiss. "And it's because you're Tracy that I'm happy to do this kind of thing. Honestly... A week ago I couldn't imagine doing something like this, but now? With you?"

"I guess I'm just lucky?" Tracy shrugs, offering you a shy smile. "Do you want to-"

"Hmm... I wonder." You tease, kissing her again before reaching up to fondle her chest. They're so soft and squeezable, and her soft gasps as you toy with them are delightful.

"H-hey! Alex-" She whines cutely, cock hardening as you continue to get her worked up. "That's not fair-"

"Oh? Did you want something from me?" You tease, reaching down to ghost a finger across her length. "Something specific?"

"T-touch me?" She asks softly, earning her a sharp pinch to a nipple. "Hey!"

"I am touching you silly." You mutter against her lips, reaching down to give her ass some attention.

"You know what I mean." She pouts cutely.
