
Chapter 40

Hu Wangqiu originally felt that he was still a little hungry if he didn't eat lunch, but after listening to the cold Chen Mo's call, he inexplicably felt that he had eaten too much dog food.

Du walked over, looked at Chen Mo and said with hatred: "Look at it, Chen Mo has what a trainer should look like now, he should let him and his girlfriend meet less, so that Chen Mo will throw the ball faster."

"You see, it's going to call every day. The cold image is no longer maintained.

Hu Wangqiu looked at Du helplessly, and said faintly: "Are you jealous?"

Du Yi heard it as if he was fried: "No, impossible, never, don't talk nonsense, I am the king of heaven, a trainer, and a man who is in charge of the training room, and women will only affect the speed at which I throw the ball."

"Yes, yes, you're right!" Hu

Wangqiu was already accustomed to hearing these words of Du, and he was completely immune to these words of Du.

At this time, Qin Tingcheng also came over and said, "Chen Mo's girlfriend is not an ordinary person, she is a very powerful trainer, Jiang Jiu, the owner of the Huaguo Super Energy Gym!"

Hu Wangqiu's face became very strange after hearing what Qin Tingcheng said.

"Chen Mo, Jiang Jiu, will be silent, I'll go, it's a match made in heaven!" Qin

Tingcheng nodded, still with a cold face: "It seems that you still have a bit of intelligence, just a little bit of it, unlike the predecessors of Du, I haven't thought of this yet."

Du's face was full of confusion: "Chen Mo, Jiang Jiu, why can you know by the name that it is a match made in heaven

?" Hu Wangqiu and Qin Qingcheng said in unison: "Think about it yourself?"

After speaking, the two left, leaving Du still entangled there.

Hu Wangqiu originally wanted to go back to the room, but was stopped by Qin Tingcheng, who said with a dark face: "Get those three little Pokémon of yours back to your room for me, and don't let them harass my flame horse." "


Hu Wangqiu followed Qin Chengcheng to the living room, and saw the wind speed dog, the round land shark, and the Jenny turtle surrounding the flaming horse.

It's like a little hooligan is molesting a little girl.

Hu Wangqiu saw a very strange picture.

Wind Speed Dog looked at the Flame Horse with an affectionate expression.

"Woo, woo!" "Sister Pony, do you want to go with me for a cup of coffee, talk about right and wrong, go out and fly together, sky!

Then the big face of the land shark was shown in the eyes of the flaming horse, still very affectionate.

No, it's precocious!

" Kuka, Kuka!" "Miss Flame Horse, do you want to see a meteor, the kind of meteor in "Your Name" is very romantic, I'll use the Dragon Constellation to get you one.

The Flame Horse closed his eyes directly, not wanting to pay attention to a little kid like the round land shark.

Then he impatiently wanted to look for Qin Chengcheng, and then he saw Jenny Turtle leaning against the wall, pointing at the Flame Horse with one hand.

"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny!" "Miss Flame Horse, tell you a joke, do you know why I have nothing, because everyone is asking me to borrow something, after all, I will only say

"Jenny, Jenny!" "You see, you have to take care of your Pokémon, but well, there are some kind of Pokémon with any kind of owner." After

saying that, Qin Qingcheng used the Poké Ball to collect the Flame Horse, turned around and went to his room.

Hu Wangqiu looked at his three Pokémon and sighed: "You guys are really long-lasting, aren't you too idle, guys, let's go, let's go, I'll take you to challenge the gym."

"Challenging the Gym is better than saying earthy love things to the Flame Horse here. Wind

Speed Dog, Land Shark and Jenny Turtle all scratched their heads embarrassedly, a little embarrassed.

In their hearts, Hu Wangqiu is their master and their parents, and they are a little embarrassed when they encounter this kind of thing.

Hu Wangqiu took them back into the Poké Ball, discussed it with Du, and still made an appointment for this afternoon's gym challenge, but only if Qin Qing Chengcheng also followed.

"Why should I follow!" Qin

Qingcheng said as he looked at Du with a cold face.

Du shrugged: "There's no way, there's just such a safe house, Hu Wangqiu is not a search officer, where to go is his freedom, but because he is not a search officer, he is followed, Wangqiu will not be aware of it, and it will be over if those organizations know about this safe house."

Qin Tingcheng bit his lip tightly, nodded anyway, turned to Hu Wangqiu and said, "Let's go, let's go

!" Hu Wangqiu smiled: "Sister Chengcheng, I'm sorry for you!"

Qin Tingcheng snorted coldly, and left without looking back, and Hu Wangqiu hurriedly followed.

After Chen Mo finished the call, he watched Hu Wangqiu and the two leave, frowned and said, "This won't be a problem, right?"

Du smiled: " What can be the problem, the target of that organization is the Pokémon of those excellent trainers in the auction, they must have been hiding there well in the recent period, on the contrary, Hu Wangqiu went to challenge the gym, which is also a good thing, even if it is seen by that organization, it will only think that Wangqiu is just a trainer, killing me can't think of people from our side, confusing their sight.

Chen Mo shrugged: "Then let's do it, it's good." There

was nothing to say all the way, but Qin Chengcheng slowed down, allowing the Flame Horse and the Wind Speed Dog to go hand in hand.

This can make the wind speed dog happy, and the back is straight, showing his domineering.

"That, Sister Allure, do you know what attributes the Taiyuan City Daoist Pavilion is good at?"

Qin Tingcheng stared at Hu Wangqiu, and said word by word: "As a trainer, you might as well understand the gym you are going to challenge, this is a big taboo!"

Hu Wangqiu scratched his head and said: "I don't want to either, I was originally going to Guangcheng to challenge the grass system gym there, and then the plan couldn't catch up with the changes, so Du brought me here." "

I don't even have time to learn about the Taoist halls in Taiyuan City.

Qin Tingcheng glanced at Hu Wangqiu: "So that's the case, okay, then I'll tell you about the Taiyuan Gym, the owner of the Taiyuan Gym is called Li Bao, and he is good at using fighting Pokémon, although his name sounds a bit girly, but once it is a fighting or Pokémon fight, it is very terrifying."

"If it's against a trainer like you, Li Bao's second-echelon Pokémon should be able to use the three of Flying Leg Lang, Fast Fist Lang, and War Dance Lang, but your wind speed dog is not bad, and the probability of winning is quite high.

Hu Wangqiu looked at Qin Tingcheng and said suspiciously: "How do I feel that you are also familiar with the Pokémon of the first echelon of Li Bao?"

Qin Tingcheng directly took out a small box from his bag, which was full of badges.

"I participated in the Huaguo Alliance Conference 3 years ago, and then last year I started to challenge the first echelon of the Gym Owner's Pokémon Gym Battle, and I happened to fight against Li Bao, and his Lucario, Strange Power, and Fast Swimming Frog are all ridiculously strong. "