
Chapter 28

Hu Wangqiu doesn't have a wind speed dog now, everything has to be walked over by himself, the dragon valley is very big, and it can't be grasped with a pair of legs.

From the villa to the lake, it is at least 8 kilometers away, Hu Wangqiu walked while looking for some tree fruits according to the system prompts in his mind.

With the system, Hu Wangqiu can determine the location and find a lot of tree fruits, although they are not like rare tree fruits such as sand scale fruits, they are all ordinary tree fruits, but at least they can quench their thirst.

It's moisturizing along the way, and if you're thirsty and hungry, you can at least have a tree fruit to eat.

After walking for almost four hours, Hu Wangqiu finally walked to the lake, the location of the blastoise group.

There are a lot of Jenny turtles, Ka Turtles, Blastoise turtles playing, and there is a huge reef in the middle of the lake, on which there is a huge Blastoise, basking in the sunset, not moving.

A perfect interpretation of a sentence, motionless is the eighth king.

Hu Wangqiu walked into the lake area, still a little apprehensive in his heart, he didn't know if these Pokémon would attack him.

After taking a few steps, Hu Wangqiu was relieved, these Pokémon just looked at him with scrutiny, and there were no superfluous movements.

Hu Wangqiu came to the lake, looked at the crystal clear lake, took out his own kettle, took a full pot of water, and then took a deep breath, and directly buried his handsome face comparable to Yanzu into the water.

I washed my face comfortably.

"Knock, knock!"

Hu Wangqiu, who was in the water with his eyes closed, heard something gently knocking on his head, and couldn't help but open his eyes and look over.

He has large purple-red eyes, three toes on all limbs, and a small wavy tail. Jenny Turtle's body is light blue, wrapped in a hard shell, the back of the shell is green, the belly is light yellow, and the white wavy edge between the two is looking at him with a smile.

The sinful little hand was still on Hu Wangqiu's head.

Hu Wangqiu hurriedly got up, obviously frightened.

"I'll go, Jenny Turtle! Green Shell!" "

Generally, Jenny's shell is brown, only the heterochromatic Jenny Turtle shell is green.

This one is obviously what the system calls the heterochromatic Jenny turtle.

Jenny Turtle also slowly surfaced, looking at Hu Wangqiu's surprised appearance, covering his mouth and smiling.

Then he hid in the water again.

"Heterochromatic Jenny turtle, it looks a little interesting, so it's up to you.

Hu Wangqiu sat directly on the edge of the water, staring at the water surface, the water surface was very clear, Hu Wangqiu could see the Jenny turtle, and now he was waiting for the Jenny turtle to come out.

The lord Blastoise on the reef in the distance smiled when he saw this scene, and continued to bask in the last rays of the sunset.

After staring at it for a while, Jenny Turtle in the water jumped up violently and splashed Hu Wangqiu's body in the water.

landed smoothly, looked at Hu Wangqiu, who was dropping the soup chicken, couldn't help but cover his mouth and smile, made a grimace, and ran away.

"Hey, you Jenny turtle, get me covered in water, see how I teach you.

Hu Wangqiu also carried the bag on his back and chased after Jenny Turtle.

The speed of this Jenny turtle was quite fast, so that Hu Wangqiu couldn't catch up no matter how he ran.

From time to time, he turned around and laughed at Hu Wangqiu.

"Jenny, Jenny!" You can't do it, little brother! Hu Wangqiu's

little temper can bear it, and he chases Jenny and runs away.

After running for a long time, Jenny Turtle was tired, Hu Wangqiu was tired, and Jenny Turtle waved his hand at Hu Wangqiu.

"Jenny, Jenny!" Rest, continue later!

Hu Wangqiu understood the meaning, and sat down on the ground.

"Rest, I'll go on later, I'll catch up with you. "

Hu Wangqiu is tired and doesn't move now, he just wants to rest, anyway, Jenny Turtle also has this meaning, so it is better to rest more.

Hu Wangqiu took out two tree fruits from his bag and threw one to Jenny Turtle.

"Eat, eat, let's continue, I'm going to catch you.

Jenny took the fruit, looked at the man and smiled, and began to eat it.

It's great to finally have someone to play with me.

Back at the villa, Qian Yajun couldn't help but smile when she saw Jenny Turtle and Hu Wangqiu eating tree fruits in the video.

"This Hu Wangqiu is quite good at picking, and he actually picked the apprentice of this leader, the heterochromatic Jenny turtle that is unique in ten thousand. The

housekeeper on the side said happily: "That's good, this Jenny turtle is very pitiful, because his color is different from other Jenny turtles, and there is no Jenny turtle to play with him, except that the leader will teach it, and Hu Wangqiu plays with him, it must be very happy."

"yes, maybe that's a good thing. "

Jingle bell, jingle bell!" Qian

Yajun's phone rang, looked at the name displayed, and laughed: "I won't answer, I'm going to kill you." It

was Dewey who called, and after nightfall, Dewey finally came to the Dragon Valley range.

But if you want to get in, without Qian Yajun's consent, even if he is a famous research doctor in Huaguo, he can't do it.

"This Yajun, I'm in a hurry, and he won't let me in, he used to be at home, he didn't call me in every day, but now he won't let me in, woman, you have changed too much. At

this time, the dragon valley was already dark, but there were still two figures still running.

Jenny Turtle ran in front, and Hu Wangqiu chased behind.

"Jenny Turtle, don't run!" "

Jenny!" Hearing Hu Wangqiu say this

, Jenny Turtle ran even more vigorously.

In this way, one night, Jenny Turtle and Hu Wangqiu were tired of running, so they rested and ate some fruit by the way.

Jenny Turtle always eats Hu Wangqiu's fruit, and he is not too embarrassed, and from time to time he encounters fruit trees, and a water gun gets a lot of it, so that Hu Wangqiu pretends to be it.

Hu Wangqiu is also happy to cooperate with the Jenny turtle, Hu Wangqiu can see that although this Jenny turtle is naughty, he always feels that it is very lonely, and if someone plays with it, he will be very happy.

Hu Wangqiu looked at Jenny Turtle, who was only 3 meters away from him, happily eating tree fruits, and couldn't help laughing: "Fortunately, I've seen Naruto, otherwise I really don't know what you think." "

Jenny Turtle, like Naruto Uzumaki, is lonely, wants to be recognized, loves to play pranks, and gets attention from others.

It's still a bit pitiful to think about.

"Hey, Jenny Turtle, this green shell of yours is pretty good.

Jenny Turtle, who was eating tree fruits, was very happy when he heard Hu Wangqiu's words, but as if he remembered something, the whole Pokémon was depressed.

It's just that the little hand touched his turtle shell.

Hu Wangqiu thought secretly: "I guessed right, but I was excluded because of the different colors from similar Pokémon."

Hu Wangqiu looked at the Jenny turtle seriously and said: "Jenny turtle, what I said is true, the color of your turtle shell is really good-looking, among many Jenny turtles, you are the unique one, I think you are very special." "