
Chapter 10

Although his own system will only give choices at critical times, and there is nothing substantially stronger, the reason why Hu Wangqiu's wind speed dog is so strong is that the wind speed dog eats in the backyard and plays well with many big guys.

Under their teaching, slowly become stronger.

This is also Hu Wangqiu's best resource, who has the conditions to let these bigwigs teach.

Looking at the appearance of the fast dragon now, it seems that I really want to teach the round land shark.

This fast dragon is amazing, the initial Pokémon of the Huaguo Dragon Heavenly King, you can imagine how powerful it is.

It is definitely the batch of the Chinese Pokémon Pyramid, and it is also the first powerhouse in this backyard.

The fast dragon and the round land shark played well, which also means that the round land shark was born with a huge thick thigh.

The plan can't catch up with the changes, and it was supposed to let the round land shark train slowly, but the fast dragon boss personally taught, and the round land shark also loves to train, and after eating at noon, they put into training with the wind speed dog.

It's just that the strength of the round land shark is not as strong as that of the wind speed dog, but obediently trains with the fast dragon and its dragon brothers.

Wind Speed Dog continues to be ravaged by a group of bigwig Pokémon in turn, painful and happy.

The training was in full swing in the backyard, and Dewey was also working hard in the research room to study and sort out the feedback given to him by Dr. Ohki.

"Ancient Sinnoh, swiftness, fierce ability, overlord Pokémon, sure enough, as I expected, it is established, just like Huaguo!" The

training continued day by day, lasting until Thursday night, every day Hu Wangqiu would take the trained round land shark for inspection, in addition to the rapid growth of the body, there was no abnormality, three days of training, the round land shark mastered the dragon claw skill.

Kuailong also began to work out the next step in the training skills of the collapse.

Inspirational wants to train the land shark to be as good as him Pokémon.

After taking a shower at night, the tired wind speed dog and the round land shark have fallen asleep, and they are guaranteed to have enough rest for tomorrow's race.

Hu Wangqiu is thinking about the rookie competition, the rookie competition is a rookie trainer, and there are only one or two Pokémon in his hand, most of them are one to fight the world, there are very few of both, and the rules of the game are also 1V1.

Hu Wangqiu still decided to let the round land shark try his skills at the beginning of the game and experience the experience of playing against other trainers.

And his trump card Wind Speed Dog is already a newcomer eraser, after all, the strength is here, far beyond the newcomer.

Just stay behind and bully those slightly stronger Pokémon.

After making his thoughts, Hu Wangqiu also fell asleep with the round land shark in his arms, waiting for the rookie competition to start tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Dr. Dewey got up uncharacteristically early, came to Hu Wangqiu's room and began knocking on the door.

"Get up, get up, it's time to play today.

Hu Wangqiu suddenly woke up, and then the wind speed dog and the round land shark also woke up, and the two Pokémon glanced at each other, and couldn't wait to pull Hu Wangqiu to get up.

The game, today's game, is the time for us to show our might.

Hu Wangqiu rubbed his eyes, changed his clothes, and opened the door.

Dewey rushed in, wearing an apron and holding a rice shovel: "Slippery, hurry up and give me breakfast and go to the competition after eating."

Hu Wangqiu reluctantly walked out and glanced at Dewey: "What, you want to watch my game?"

"Don't go, it's a preliminary round, what's there to see, when you have the ability to enter the finals, I'll take a look."

Hu Wangqiu waved his hand: "Okay, you can please okay and see how I can complete the gorgeous reversal."

After Hu Wangqiu brushed his teeth, he came to the dining table with the round land shark and the wind speed dog to eat.

The table is quite rich in soy milk fritters, wontons, sauced beef, roast chicken, etc., and the wind speed dog and the round land shark are also full, there are energy cubes, Pokémon special food, dragon and fire, and two two Bao Fen, one purple and one red.

Apparently from Dewey's handwriting.

Hu Wangqiu looked at this sumptuous meal, swallowed his saliva, and was very moved.

"Thank you, Uncle Du.

Dewey blushed, coughed and said, "Little thing, anyway, I was doing research late last night and couldn't sleep, so I just made a casual breakfast, and I went to sleep first, I didn't sleep all night, and I was very sleepy." With that

, he yawned, waved his hand, and left the restaurant.

Hu Wangqiu ate in a big gulp, feeling full of happiness, Uncle Du is a tsundere.

And the moment Dewey entered the room, a sentence floated over lightly: "Stinky boy, if you want to win, if you lose the qualifiers, don't say that you are from my institute, come back and see me clean you up."

Hu Wangqiu smiled when he heard this, but there was a fire of war in his eyes, a rookie race is just a competition, see how I kill it.

Although this is the first time Hu Jiaer has participated in this kind of official competition, the rookie competition is only the difficulty of fighting the boss of the novice village.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

After eating and drinking, Hu Wangqiu had a fierce round land shark hanging on his shoulder, sitting on a wind speed dog with majesty and seriousness written on his face.

"Guys, let's go. "



The Rookie Tournament is also a tournament with no threshold, as long as you have a Pokémon, you can participate, including those with a beginner trainer certificate.

The Kuncheng Rookie Competition has been held for a total of 25 years, and the number of participants is more than one year a year.

From the first edition of 80 participants, then 160, then 400, 800 people, until this session the number of participants is as high as 4000.

A race of 4,000 people, this kind of competition takes how many days to choose the champion.

Last year's rookie competition attracted more than 3,000 participants, and it took half a month to compete.

The Queenstown Pokémon Association held six small meetings this year, and eight of them were all thinking about how to get the rules of this year's competition, and strictly ending the competition within a week.

For this reason, the venue of this event was not held in the Kuncheng Arena, which has been held in the past years, but in the Kuncheng Central Plaza.

Holding a competition in a CBD location like the Central Square is simply unheard of.

The competition started on time at nine o'clock, and many rookie contestants had already arrived here at eight o'clock, and there were not a few who came early, and they all came to Miss Joy's side to register their identities, and then received two crystal cards.

On the other hand, Miss Junsha maintained order on the side, leaving a way from the crowd to facilitate the contestants to register.