
Chapter 100

When Ji Feng saw the name Lu Guang, his pupils shrank, and his heart settled down a lot.

The word Lu Guang is more important than the Four Heavenly Kings, he is one of the founders of the alliance, the old boss in the rivers and lakes.

He's coming, and there's nothing else that can't be solved.

Ji Feng glanced at Hu Wangqiu deeply: "You are really not simple, you have something to do with this kind of character."

Hu Wangqiu waved his hand: "Don't talk about this yet, let's go over, hold on for 20 minutes, and the crisis will be resolved."

Monsoon nodded: "Okay, then I'll go first!" With

that, he rode the fast dragon and flew to the sky.

Hu Wangqiu took a deep breath and looked at the dark Lokia in the distance, who was wantonly using water cannons to wreak havoc, his brows furrowed.

"I didn't expect it, I actually met the mythical beast Lokia here, let's go, Wind Speed Dog!"

Wind Dog was also extremely serious, not as lively as before, and it knew how strong their opponent was this time.

But he still didn't hesitate to launch the speed skill and rushed over quickly.

At this time, Dark Lodge had landed on the territory of North Bay City and launched a water cannon bombardment.

But there are also many enthusiastic trainers who use their own Pokémon to fight!

But in front of Dark Lodgea, just the mantis arm was used as a car, and the wings swept by, causing countless Pokémon to be seriously injured.


"Swift Dragon, Dragon Wave!"

Monsoon looked at the crazy Dark Lokia, whose eyes were red, his face was ugly, and he did not hesitate to let the fast dragon put himself on the ground, and then attacked the Dark Lokia.

Monsoon's fast dragon strength was not weak, faintly exuding a king's breath, and a purple pillar of light rushed towards Lokia like a tower piercing the sky.

Immediately after, Monsoon unleashed the rest of his Pokémon.

"Come on, Shanado, MAGA evolves, magic shines!"

Flame Chicken, Bangiras, Bosco

Dora, Geng Ghost, Kuailong, "Flame Chicken, Big Word Burst Flame, Bangiras, Bosco Dora, Destruction Deathlight, Geng Ghost, Shadow Ball!"

The move skills attacked Lokia in a colorful way.

Monsoon strength is very strong, but except for Shanado MAGA evolution that can reach the king level strength, the rest of the Pokémon are all master level.

In front of many trainers, he can already be said to be an ace trainer, but in front of the divine beasts, it is obviously still a little insufficient.

A few attacks hit Dark Lokia's body, and the damage was not great, and it was not painful for Lokia.

Instead, it made Lokia even more angry, looking at Monsoon with murderous intent in his eyes.

A destructive death light vented out.

All the members of the Monsoon Pokémon used moves to help resist, and at this time, Hu Wangqiu also arrived.

Throw all of your Poké Balls out.

"Raichu, thunder!"

"Kami turtle, water cannon!"

"Laplace, freezing light!"

"Round land shark, dragon's breath!"

"Metal monsters, cannon cannons!"

"Wind Speed Dog, Fire Z Move, Super Extreme Flame Bomb!"

Hu Wangqiu's overall strength is still very big compared with Monsoon, but the six Pokémon also have good combat effectiveness.

The full output of the entire twelve Pokémon resisted this devastating death of Lokia.

Lokia's destructive death light was unimaginably powerful, and its shining light enveloped the entire land.

The attacks unleashed by the twelve moves were extremely small in the face of the destruction of the death light.

At this moment, Hu Wangqiu sensed Lokia's fluctuations, and flashed a trace of regret and sadness, but was soon enveloped by anger.

Hu Wangqiu was shocked, Lokia has not completely blackened, and there is still a trace of sanity?

But it wasn't Hu Wangqiu's turn to think about it, the destruction of the death light had already destroyed all the attacks, and it was rushing towards Hu Wangqiu's position with a devastating momentum.

"Ding, danger, danger, destruction of the death light can't be stopped, and if I am hit head-on, then I will have a feast!"

The system sounded in Hu Wangqiu's mind, very anxious.

Hu Wangqiu heard this, and shouted speechlessly: "Can't your system prompt earlier?" It's too late now! I

saw that the light of destruction and death had gradually approached them, and the white light shining on his face was getting brighter and brighter!

"Hudi, Sun Eevee, Bronze Bell, Wisdom Swinging Star, Demon Fire Red Fox, Cresalia, Wall of Light!"

Soon a huge wall of light appeared in front of the Destruction Deathlight, blocking all damage!

The destruction of the dead light hit the wall of light, and there were some cracks, but fortunately they were all resisted.

Dark Lokia's eyes were a little surprised, and her eyes gradually became serious as she looked at the six Pokémon that suddenly appeared.

These are not a little bit stronger than the ones just now.

"It's good to catch up, otherwise I'll be sure of your table this time!"

A man in a yuppie suit looked at Ji Feng and Hu Wangqiu with a smile on his face.

Ji Feng looked at this man and exclaimed, "You are Lin Yaqi, the Four Heavenly Kings of Huaguo!"

Hu Wangqiu was also surprised: "Old man Lu Guang said, didn't it take you 30 minutes to come over?"

Lin Yaqi smiled gently: "Yes, it does take 30 minutes for the other three Heavenly Kings to get here from the capital, but for my Super Heavenly King, teleportation, non-stop movement, in less than ten minutes, I can get here."

"It's just a bit of a CD!"

After speaking, Lin Yaqi clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, this battlefield will be handed over to me first, I will deal with Lokia, what about the two of you, just find a place to hide first, in the face of such a battle situation, you two are still too reluctant."

Lin Yaqi spoke very gently, but there was an undeniable tone in his words.

Monsoon nodded, pulling Hu Wangqiu and about to leave, but Hu Wangqiu kept looking at Lokia and feeling the constant changes of Lokia waveguides.

At this moment, Lokia suddenly rioted, waving her wings and rushing towards Hu Wangqiu and them.

Lin Yaqi still maintained his smile and looked light.

"Fellows, Spiritual Blade!"

Hu Di and they stood in a row in a tacit understanding, and the eyes of the six super Pokémon released a strong blue light, and the invisible telekinesis converged into a sharp blade and flew towards Lokia.

Lokia's charge was hampered, countless blades cutting wound after wound on it.

The shock in Hu Wangqiu's eyes was even worse, this was the power of the top Heavenly King, he saw Monsoon's attack on Lokia just now, and it was completely to tickle Lokia, but Hu Di and their Heavenly King-level Pokémon could really complete the damage to Lokia.

The gap is just too big.

After Dark Lokia was injured, her eyes became even more blood-red, and she looked extremely penetrating, and her momentum began to climb up steadily, raising her head to the sky and roaring, producing a loud sound wave, and countless monstrous splashes were blown up on the entire sea surface!