
Pokemon Earth's Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

A young man suddenly found himself in a parallel world to Earth, and the most surprising aspect of it was the presence of Pokémon in this world. However, a significant issue existed: most people harbored strong hatred towards these creatures. Five years ago, when Pokémon first appeared in this world, it caused alarm and panic across the globe. Countless instances of destruction, loss of life, and chaos unfolded. The protagonist was bestowed with a system that transformed him into the World's Strongest Dragon Trainer. Author's Note: The world itself remained unchanged; I merely altered the names of countries. For instance, Japan became Nihon, China became Longdong, the Philippines became Maharlika, and so on. This change was necessary as I am not familiar with these places. Even the city names were modified, but I needed them to feature in my story. Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a non-commercial, unofficial work created solely for entertainment purposes. All characters, settings, and elements related to the Pokémon franchise are the intellectual property of Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. I do not claim any ownership over Pokémon or any associated trademarks. Except for the Pokémon related to my story, I only own a few original characters and some ideas. That's it. This work is not intended to infringe upon the rights of the original copyright holders. On Patreon, I've released advanced18 chapters ahead of the webnovel: https://www.patreon.com/iceclaw9113

iceclaw9113 · Anime & Comics
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231 Chs

Clash in the Wild

"It's here," announced Kanraku as the group arrived at Floyd's previous location, only to be greeted by a chaotic scene of many Pokémon engaged in combat; the ground was strewn with a multitude of corpses, some with missing parts likely devoured by other Pokémon.

The area was littered with the remains of various Pokémon, including Ekans, Spearow, Beedrill, Rattata, and others. However, the majority of the lifeless bodies were Primeape and Mankey. In the midst of this grisly scene, groups of Beedrill, Fearow, Spearow, Honchkrow, Murkrow, Arbok, and Ekans were locked in fierce battle.

The most formidable contingent was the alliance of Honchkrow and Murkrow, with Fearow, Spearow, Arbok, and Ekans following in terms of strength. Despite being the weakest, the group of Beedrill should not be underestimated due to their significant numbers.

This deadly confrontation was a struggle for survival, a brutal competition for scarce food resources.

In addition to the main combatants, there were Rattata led by a Raticate, Weepinbell accompanied by Bellsprout, and other Pokémon cunningly concealed in the grass, waiting for an opportunity to seize food amidst the turmoil.

"What the hell is this? It's so bloody, blurgh~" Kang Jihoon, completely shocked by the scene, felt nauseous, barely managing to suppress the urge to vomit. The rest of the group shared his horror and disbelief at the gruesome spectacle.

"What are we going to do now?" Ivan, his face marked by concern, asked as he surveyed the chaotic battlefield.

"I can't find any sign of Floyd and his beasts," Linh admitted, his expression troubled as he scanned the area, but Floyd and his Pokémon were nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe… could it be, they were… eaten?" Hu Tianyi speculated, his voice laced with horror at the grim possibility.

"Shut up! Do you actually hope that's what happened?" Kang Jihoon, still harboring distrust towards Hu Tianyi despite his earlier explanations, couldn't hide his suspicion and disdain.

"I don't! Stop accusing me, I'm just speculating," Hu Tianyi protested, denying the accusation, even though internally he harbored such thoughts.

"Hmph," Kang Jihoon snorted dismissively, choosing to ignore Hu Tianyi.

"There's no time for arguing. Our immediate concern is to find Floyd, dead or alive," Kanraku asserted, then turned to address Blastoise, "Partner, we wo-"

However, before Kanraku could finish his statement, Gyarados, driven by a fierce urgency, had already charged into the fray.

"ROAR!" With a ferocious roar, Gyarados launched its Crunch move, swiftly dispatching several Beedrill.

"ROAR!" (Where's my daughter!)

The sudden and violent intervention of Gyarados disrupted the delicate balance of the ongoing battle. The group of Beedrill, initially terrified by the appearance of the massive Gyarados, quickly turned to anger upon witnessing the swift demise of their comrades.

Meanwhile, some Pokémon concealed in the grass, startled by the sudden escalation, panicked and hastily fled the scene, creating a cacophony of noises in their frantic escape.

Witnessing the arrival of the new formidable opponent, the Honchkrow and Murkrow immediately targeted Gyarados, joined by Fearow and Spearow, while Arbok observed cautiously, biding its time for a stealthy assault.

"ROAR!" (Back off!)

Despite Gyarados' formidable strength, the sheer number of adversaries proved to be a nuisance. In response, Gyarados executed a Waterfall attack, gliding upwards and impacting many Pokémon. However, this wasn't sufficient to deter them, as several Ace level Pokémon continued their relentless attacks.


The younger Gyarados, witnessing his father in trouble, quickly joined the fray, using his Bite attack against the aggressors.

The appearance of the second Gyarados momentarily startled the group, causing them to hesitate. However, Fearow, undeterred by the younger Gyarados' less imposing presence, engaged in combat with him.


"ROAR!" The younger Gyarados writhed in pain after being struck.

"ROAR!" (Stay away from my son!)

The elder Gyarados, protective and enraged, rushed to his son's aid, unleashing a powerful Hydro Pump.

Wheeeesh Boom!

Honchkrow retaliated with Foul Play, targeting Gyarados' head, while Fearow executed a Drill Peck. The group of Murkrow, Spearow, and Beedrill, undaunted, converged on Gyarados, employing their Pin Missile and Poison Sting attacks.


Feeling the onslaught of attacks, Gyarados countered with a spinning Aqua Tail, striking his assailants.


Honchkrow, Fearow, Beedrill, and their cohorts recoiled in pain, their eyes ablaze with fury, preparing for another assault on Gyarados.

The young Gyarados, determined to support his father, employed Aqua Tail, Bite, and Waterfall in their defense.

The battle, intense and unyielding, had reached a deadlock. It was evident that if the conflict dragged on, the Gyarados duo would be at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, Arbok, seizing the opportunity, directed a few Ekans to gather the fallen Pokémon and retreat from the chaotic scene.

Other Pokémon followed suit, cautiously retrieving some of the fallen while keeping a wary eye on Arbok.

"We're going to the rescue, partner!" Kanraku, turning to Blastoise, commanded, "Use Rapid Spin!"

"Blastoise!" Acknowledging the command, Blastoise charged into the fray with Rapid Spin.


The sudden entrance of Blastoise sent shockwaves through the groups!

"Hydro Pump, spin it!" ordered Kanraku.

"Blastoise!" Blastoise bellowed, executing a spinning Hydro Pump.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Many Pokémon were struck, wailing in pain, some succumbing to their injuries.

"BLASTOISE!" Blastoise roared, issuing a warning.

The collective forces, now witnessing the overwhelming strength emanating from Blastoise, which rivaled and even surpassed that of the previous Gyarados, were visibly intimidated.

"Ta!" Honchkrow swiftly signaled his subordinates to retreat, skillfully grabbing some of the fallen prey as they took to the skies.

"Ehhh!" Fearow, appearing somewhat bewildered, summoned his group, and they, too, flew away, albeit forgetting to take their prey in the haste.

"Bzzzzzz," echoed the sound as the Beedrill swarm also decided to pull back from the fray.

In a different part of the forest, a group of small quadruped Pokémon with blue-green skin and red eyes was hastening towards their base. Each had a distinctive large green bulb on its back, a broad, short face, and sturdy legs equipped with three claws each. Their appearance was an intriguing amalgamation of plant-like and animal-like characteristics.

They congregated around another Pokémon, an evolved form with a budding flower on its back, the bulb opening to reveal a pink bud inside. This Pokémon, larger and more robust with a bluish-green hue, had sharper, pointed ears.

"Bulba- Bulbasaur!" they called out in unison.



"Ivysaur?" The evolved Pokémon, upon receiving the report from the Bulbasaur, initially showed confusion but then nodded, signaling them to follow.

A few minutes later, they approached their leader, Venusaur, the final evolution of Bulbasaur. Venusaur, a large quadruped Pokémon, boasted thick, warty skin predominantly bluish-green. It had a massive flower blooming on its back, with large petals encircling a central, multi-layered stamen.

Venusaur's eyes, small with white pupils, peered out from a wide, frog-like mouth. Its legs were sturdy and thick, designed to support the significant weight of its floral appendage.

"SAUR?" Venusaur, upon hearing the report from his subordinates, gazed towards the location they mentioned. He couldn't help but think that they were being foolish. Venusaur was aware of a hidden, terrifying creature lurking in that area.

"SAUR!" The leader advised caution, instructing them to stay vigilant and continue monitoring the situation. Their proximity to the lurking danger meant they, too, could quickly find themselves in peril.

Venusaur shook his head, contemplating that it would be wiser for him to take action should any incident occur.

"SAUR!" He issued a command for heightened alertness and to steer clear of the Secret Power that he had conjured, mindful of the lurking risks and the need for preparedness.