
Pokemon Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Pokémon Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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600 Chs

Chapter 229

Chapter 229 Celadon/Rainbow City, Gym Challenge (3)

A few days later, Aoki came to Celadon/Rainbow City, one of the large towns in the Kanto Region.

"Misty, you and Sabrina go to the Pokémon Center first, and I'll challenge Gym. 11

Aoki explained, and couldn't wait to challenge Gym.

Try to get the fifth badge as soon as possible.

The Gym in Celadon/Rainbow City is Kusashige Gym, Aoki thought for a while, and finally decided to use the three statues.

Just three Pokémon, the strength is strong enough.

Coming to Gym, Aoki soon found Gym Leader Ai Erika.

"It turns out that you want to challenge me. As a gym training, you can't refuse the challenge, so I accept your challenge."

Ai Erika accepts Aoki's challenge.

After coming to Gym, Aoki took out a Luxury Ball.

"My first Pokémon was Tangela. 9

Ai Erika goes to "Six Two Three" to hook a Pokémon wrapped in Manten.

Tangela, can evolve into a giant creeper.

It is a grass-fed Pokémon that is no worse than Miaowahua.

Just not the final Evolution yet.

Name: Tangela

Strength: Superior

This Tangela has good strength and is well trained. It is indeed the training of Kusanagi Gym.

"Then my Pokémon is decided to be you, Fire Dinosaur."

The Aoki police station is naturally a fire dinosaur, and the fire element just restrains the grass element.

Not to mention Aoki's fire dinosaur, which is very powerful in itself.

"Is it a Huo Fan Fire Dinosaur? But even if it's a Fire Element, I won't admit defeat.

Ai Erika is full of confidence.

"Fire dinosaurs, using smoke, all over the place. 99

The fire dinosaur immediately spit out a large amount of black smoke, covering the entire field and obscuring the sight.

"No, it's smoke, Tangela, be careful. 22

Ai Erika looked around cautiously, but it was a pity that the smoke was swirling around, so she couldn't see clearly at all.

Not even Tangela can see.

"Very well, Fire Dinosaur, just rush forward and use the flame vortex.

In the smoke, the fire dinosaur ran fast according to Aoki's instructions.

Running very fast.

"Tangela, use the most powerful flying blade knife in front of you.

Ai Erika can't see the fire dinosaur.

But since Aoki made the Fire Dinosaur attack frontally, then attack the front.

If you are lucky, you can hit the fire dinosaur.

Tangela threw out a lot of flying blades and rushed into the smoke.

But at this moment, the fire dinosaur rushed from the opposite side and spit out a vortex of flames.

The flame vortex engulfed Tangela easily.

"not good."

Ai Erika just wanted to shout that this teenager doesn't speak Koichi.

It is clearly stated that the frontal attack, but the result is actually from the opposite side, which is clearly bullying.

How did she know that Aoki deliberately deceived Ai Erika, and then used telepathy to re-order the fire dinosaurs.

After the flames dissipated, Tangela lay on the ground, incapacitated.

After all, the strength is still very poor, and the physical strength is not very strong. If he is hit by the flame vortex, he loses the ability to fight.

"Now that Tangela has been defeated, it's up to you, Weepinbell.

Ai Erika's second Pokémon, also grass-type.

Name: pocket flower

Strength: Superior

This strength is still very strong, but I don't know how Ash defeated Ai Erika.

It's been so long that Aoki doesn't remember very well.

"Weepinbell, use the vine whip."

Weepinbell had hooked vine whips on both sides, and drew a gap at the burning dinosaur.

"Get away from me.

Aoki notified it with telepathy, and the dinosaur immediately avoided it.

"Then grab its vine whip.

Fire Dinosaur immediately grabbed Weepinbell's vine whip and grabbed it hard in the palm of his hand, with a cool smile on his face.

"No, Weepinbell, use the Flying Blade."

Weepinbell immediately used a lot of flying blades and quickly flew towards the fire dinosaur.

"Fire Dinosaur, no need to dodge, hit me down and use Flamethrower.

Fire Dinosaurs didn't mean to avoid at all, opening their mouths was a Flamethrower.

The hot Flamethrower burned the flying blade knife to the ground, and then continued to smash Weepinbell.

"Not good, hurry up and run away.

Ai Erika saw this flame, and immediately became anxious.

Although Weepinbell wanted to dodge, he was caught by the fire dinosaur and couldn't dodge at all.

He could only watch the flames approach, and then be swallowed by the flames.

The hot flames were burning.

After the flames were extinguished, Weepinbell lay on the ground, incapacitated.

"What a mighty fire dinosaur. 99

Ai Erika took a breath, shocked by the fire dinosaur's strength.

Actually solved her two Pokémon in one go.

"Although you are very strong, I will never lose. Next is my ace, Gloom."

Aoki looked a little ugly when Gloom suddenly appeared on the field.

He knew Gloom's stench well, and most people really couldn't handle it, and he might not be able to handle it either.

I just don't know if fire dinosaurs can handle it.

If this can't be beaten, it's dangerous.

"Gloom, release the stink."

Gloom's body suddenly rhymes with a lot of stench.

"No, fire dinosaur, the most powerful Flamethrower.

The Fire Dinosaur quickly spit out a hot Flamethrower and rang Gloom in the distance.

"Gloom, get out of the way.

Gloom jumped to the side immediately, and the flames passed by, flying in the distance.

The Fire Dinosaur was about to continue breathing flames, when suddenly it smelled a stench and couldn't help covering its nose.

At this time, it is said that the Flamethrower is released, and this smell, I don't know if I can hold on to it.

Needless to say, Aoki had already blocked his nose.

"Come on! Fire dinosaurs."

Seeing that the fire dinosaur can't continue to fight, Aoki can only let it come back, anyway, he still has two Pokémon 5.1.

"Ivysaur, plug your nose with a cane whip, and then a sunburst.»

After Ivysaur came out, he also smelled the stench in the air.

Immediately blocked his nose with a cane whip, although it still smelled like a special police officer.

As a last resort, Ivysaur can only gather sunlight and flames to try to solve Gloom as soon as possible.

"Gloom, don't give it a chance, use the shock of maximum power.

Gloom immediately rushed Ivysaur.

It's a pity that I still underestimate the speed with which Ivysaur gathers the flames of the sun.

Before getting close to Ivysaur, he was directly hit by Ivysaur's sunshine flames.

After the light dissipated, Gloom had lost his ability to fight.

"Gloom is incapacitated, Ivysaur wins, so the winner is the challenger.

Aoki breathed a sigh of relief, finally winning,