<p>chapter 1- new Pokemons<br/>a new day a new adventure core said happily, today is finally the day he will get his first ever Pokemon i wonder what it could be?<br/><br/>at prof's lab<br/>professer: "hello core, oh, this is my grandson Jack,"<br/>core and Jack: "are we getting our pokemon now?"<br/>Professer: "yes, you go first ash,"<br/>Jack: "why him I'll go first!"<br/>Professer: "now, now Jack wait your turn"<br/>which one will core choose<br/>-pidgey<br/>-pikachu<br/>-charmander<br/>-bulbasaur<br/>-squirtle <br/>-comment for starter-<br/><br/>hello this is the creator can you plss choose or comment a pokemon for core to use it will be a great help remember the one you choose will be a different story each Pokemon has a different path choose wisely thankyou</p>