
Pokemon: Darren's Path

The story centers around Darren Park, who finds himself reborn in a world of Pokemon, where Pokemon are portrayed in a more realistic way. Beginning in the Hoenn Region, Darren sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him to Sinnoh and beyond. Along the way, he gains strength and experiences the world of Pokemon in a whole new light. Breeder / Coordinator / Trainer Disclaimer: I'm not the Author of this Fan Fiction, I'm merely the translator. Translated from a Chinese fan fiction. Alternative Titles: The Garden Tree, Pokemon Garden, Pokemon Court Author - A gentle stream flows with resonant sound Link of the original - https://book.qidian.com/info/1009720842/

Rookni · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 10


From the literal meaning, Darren thought of the biology he learned in his previous life, but he didn't know what the two had to do with each other.

When he tried to explain things in this world with what he knew, Darren couldn't help but feel strange. The animals and plants of his previous life could be explained using DNA, but some of the creatures in this fantasy world were difficult to explain scientifically.

Could creatures like the Onix, made entirely of rock, the Magnemite, made entirely of magnets, or the Gastly, surrounded by a cloud of smoke, be explained?

Darren asked his question, and even Willow felt puzzled.

"So that's why we need to study it," Shozo gave a vague answer with a smile.

"What's your greatest achievement, teacher?" Willow asked.

Every master breeder had impressive achievements, but when it came to her teacher's "secret technique," Willow was completely unaware.

"Well, let me think... If I could teach a little creature three or four moves, would that count?" Master said.

Three or four ultimate moves?

Not only Willow, but even Darren felt doubtful.

Just now, he mentioned the example of Master Ayaro, also a top breeder, who taught a less-talented Munchlax nearly forty moves. And now, Master is also a Master breeder. How could his greatest achievement be teaching a little creature three or four ultimate moves?

"Are you uncertain?" Master asked.

Both nodded.

"Then let me ask you, taking the commonly found Taillow in the Hoenn region as an example, can it learn Quick Attack?"

"Of course it can."

Not only that, but it can also learn Steel Wing.

Without hesitation, Willow and Darren gave this answer. Although it was not easy for Taillow to learn Quick Attack, it was not difficult.

"What about Rain Dance?"

As soon as the words were spoken, both Willow and Darren were stunned.

Rain Dance, this ultimate move and Taillow's type, seemed impossible.

"Although it's very difficult, Taillow still has a chance to learn Rain Dance," Master said with a smile.

"Then let me ask again, can Taillow learn Mirror Move, Refresh, or even Thunderbolt?"

Master asked again, giving examples that neither of them had heard of before.

"To be precise, if Taillow were to learn Mirror Move or Refresh through normal means, it would be impossible in its lifetime. But with genetics and the guidance of a breeder, nothing is impossible. This is my greatest achievement, teaching little creatures moves that they would never be able to learn in their lifetime through breeding," Master laughed heartily, and seemed very excited when he talked about it.

"For these magical creatures like little Pokemon, even interbreeding between different species can result in some unimaginable wonders," he continued.

"The genetics that I study are based on the premise of interbreeding between different species of Pokemon."

"Don't underestimate these one or two moves. A different starting point can often drive a Pokemon to deeper talents, uncover greater potential, and even break through the limitations of their species."

"What about Thunderbolt?" Willow asked in surprise. Breaking through the limitations of their species? Does that mean even Te can learn Thunderbolt?

If even Taillow could learn Thunderbolt, it would be a complete revolution in her worldview.

Can genetics really achieve this?

"Unfortunately, so far there have been no precedents for this. But it is precisely because of this that it is worth me studying and exploring," the old man shook his head, but immediately showed a smile.

His attitude directly changed Darren's understanding of breeders and made him re-evaluate this profession.

"Is there a possibility that my Beautifly can inherit moves through geneteics?" Darren asked.

"Beautifly, so far, no inherited moves have been discovered. Maybe my practice is not enough," Master expressed regret. So far, no inherited ultimate moves have been discovered for Beautifly.

"I see," said Darren, nodding his head, but he still had some expectations. Not finding something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The unknown is the fundamental reason that drives people crazy.

"So what kind of moves can my Chansey learn?" Willow asked eagerly.

"Let me think. There's Aromatherapy, Gravity, Heal Bell, Mud Bomb, and many others. However, your Chansey was specifically prepared for newcomers within your family, so it's impossible for it to have any inherited moves," said Master.

Willow acknowledged this without much regret.

"Perhaps one day, undiscovered inherited moves will be found," the old man said with a smile, obviously expecting a lot from the two of them.

Master 's words also stirred up different emotions in the hearts of the two.

In which field would they develop?

Would Willow follow the path of her family and eventually become a resident of the Pokemon Center, helping trainers heal their injured Pokemon, and make it her lifelong career?

As for Darren, he had more thoughts.

He chose to become a breeder at first simply because he was attracted by the benefits it would bring. But after hearing the exposition of a top breeder, it seemed that breeders were versatile and wouldn't lose out in any field.

Breeders could help Pokemon grow healthier and more perfectly, improve the proficiency of their moves, and even make them more beautiful. What's the difference between that and being a breeder?

Moreover, even if a Pokemon learned dozens of moves, it would be difficult for even the best trainers to have such strength. With so many moves, wouldn't the selection of tactics be more perfect in battles?

Furthermore, breeding a special Pokemon with an impossible-to-learn inherited move seemed to be a very challenging task.

With all this in mind, Darren realized that being a breeder was not just a profession that made nutrients and took care of Pokemon.

At first, Darren's goal was just to have a steady income as a breeder. But now it seemed that being a breeder was not simple. Even professions such as coordinators, trainers, and researchers could not do without the foundation of breeders.

Becoming an excellent breeder would make it easier to reach the pinnacle of being a top coordinator, elite, or even the Pokemon League Champion.

"Thank you, Master." Darren's eyes gradually brightened, and his understanding and curiosity about breeders deepened.