
Pokemon: Dark Times

Darius was just a young adult who suddenly found himself in a whole different world. He soon learned it was the Pokemon world. With the help of a floating screen, he's going to survive and thrive. Now, if only he could stop being the wandering version of a Pokecenter... --- Read my name - read it. Got it? Then go on, if you want, if you feel uncomfortable about men kissing, then turn around and go away. Also, another thing, there will be Fusion Pokemom (from the Pokemon Fusion game, because Yes) and Fakemon. It's because I want to.

DaoOfGay · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

43: [Filler] Outside Perspective

[First Pack Gathering Discussion]

"We are all gathered here for a very important discussion." Sitting seriously, Cerberus looked at his fellow Pokemon with sharp eyes and an intense gaze: "Alpha has found a Mate and his Mate also has a pack of his own now, the majority of them being from our own pack-" Looking at the other Pokemon beside him, Cerberus nodded to them. The two Ralts - now named Gottan and Gotty by Alpha's Mate - the small bud-like Pokemon - named Buddy by his Alpha - the blue cloud bird - named Swy by Alpha - the floating cotton Pokemon - ironically named Cotton by Alpha's Mate - and one of the small turtles with a twig on their head - named Twiggy by Alpha's Mate. "-and also loyal to this herd."

Before him stood Jasper, Arachne, Shelly, Swu, Zon, and the little Zunk, the weakest and youngest of them all. Zunk considered and called Alpha his father, considering members of the pack as his older siblings and knowing that made Cerberus puff his chest a little more whenever Alpha was near - almost as if to say: See? The pack is good and strong and united like a family!

"Brother Cerberus, why are we here, what must we discuss right now?" Looking at him with a curious and excited gaze, the Kirlia smiled. She was a roudy one, seeing as she worked excitedly to always impress his Alpha, specially picking the Piss Stone (TM) just to play with it, much to his Alpha's exasperated sigh each time she did that. "We are here to discuss some things, Kirlia, we are here to discuss first about Alpha and his Mate... I am sad to say that, although they seem to be always trying for pups, the Alpha's Mate doesn't seem to get pregnant." There was a momentary silence amongst the group of various different Pokemon before Jasper, the sneaky ghost crystal goblin, said: "...maybe Alpha's Mate cannot get pregnant easily...?"

"That might be the case." Gardevoir said. She was there alongside her sisters and brother, she came here to witness the first "Pack Gathering" as Cerberus was willing tk call them: "If I'm not wrong, humans have a harder time getting pregnant... Maybe Wally has a harder time getting pregnant because Darius' seed is not potent enough?" Pokemon see pregnancy as something very simple, since the majority of them are born from eggs and not from live births like Humans! "My mother and father had to try for years to finally have my siblings after trying for even longer to have me... When the twins were born, it was like a miracle that happened." She shed a small tear in memory to her parents.

"Well, I think the Grand Master Weaver's seed might be too strong." Arachne nodded sagely as her blade like arms spun these long threads of silk: "He has been working extra hard all the time to make more and more clothes for his Mate... That is a sign of strength for my species." She pulled tight the newly made silk before her blade moved smoothly through it, cutting parts of it that she then weaved more threads of [Sticky Web] to sew and make a big shirt. "All the clothes the Mate wears are always torn in the end, so Grand Master Weaver makes more and more... If they are trying for an egg and have failed many times, it means the Mate is as at fault here, for he is not strong enough to handle the Grand Master Weaver's seed, which is expelled from his body, I've seen many shreds of his torn clothes, and it's clear."

"Well, I think Big Bro is just trying hard enough!" Shelly jumped in on the conversation, her shell opening to reveal a small smile as her tongue jumped out: "See? It's kinda hard for Gyarados to produce strong children, so they have various weak ones in hope one of them grows to be strong... Maybe that's kinda what is happening?"

This time, the Zoroark - who was also there and had been silent this entire time - said: "Oh, I see what you mean... Gyarados spread their children far and wide, reproducing almost as fast as Bug types-" Arachne nodded, agreeing with the Dark type Illusionist. "-in hopes that one of their children grow to be like them... Maybe Wally is similar but different? What if they can't have weak children? What if they try so much because each time that Alpha's seed was rejected meant that the children that would've been born from that section would've been born weak?" That got a few "huh" and a few more "oh" from his fellow Pokemon as his little Zoruas were playing amongst themselves and with the little new arrivals as well as a few older members of the Herd.

"Maybe..." Whispering in thought, Cerberus nodded softly: "Maybe-"

"Maybe Wally can't get pregnant?" The one who said it - the small and shy floating Cottonee Pokemon named Cotton - turned to look at his fellow Pokemon: "Maybe two Male humans can't have eggs? Or maybe Wally himself can't? That would be kinda sad..."

That was also an alternative... Maybe?

-Scene Cut-

Wally: *sneezes*

Darius, hugging his naked boy from behind: Huh? Is it too cold, baby?

Wally: *blushes* no...

Darius, rolling his eyes: *hugs tighter* Liar... *sly smile* Let me warm you up a little bit.

Wally: Wait- *moans*

-Scene Cut-

It was a pleasant surprise.

"Dad! Dad!" Running up to him and laughing like a little fool, the small little black and red fox jumped up, making Zoroark immediately reach out to catch the small reckless fox. Behind said little fox came running a black and white little raccoon Pokemon - Zunk, the Alpha's son. He was a Zigzagoon, Zoroark of that was sure, he had just never met a Zigzagoon that looked like this little reckless ball of blaxk and white joy: "Hehehhe-" Chuckling, his little girl turned around on his arms and looked down at the little guy with an evil smirk: "Bow down, peasant!"

"No fair!" The little Zunk jumped, trying to reach the little lady in Zoroark's arms, much to her amusement: "Come back here!" She snickered from her high ground.

"It's over, Zunk, I have the high ground!"

"Not for long!"

In a surprising display of strength, the little guy jumped up and- "Denied." Zoroark easily dodged to the side, and although his limp made it look really awkward, he was confident that he could dodge the attacks from the little black-whitr raccoon boy who semed to get very frustated he could catch the little black fox girl in his arms.

"No fair!" Zunk chubbled - he made this soft little crying sound that was literally a *chubble* sound - and cried out: "Dad~! Uncle Zoroark is cheating!"

Sadly for him, his father and mother were... busy, so they couldn't exactly come to his "rescue" then and there. However, one such brave Pokemon came to his rescue- Zunk's knight in shining armor: "...what is happening?" Standing there in his glorious shining form, the small Aron looked at the trio of Dark Type Pokemon that seemed to just be goofing around. "Aron!" Crying and running towards the small but heavy metal buddy, Zunk hit him head first as a greeting, something the little guy just seemed to endure as his sturdy body simply stopped the charging little beast on its track.

"...I still don't know how you're able to just hit me... Your head must be really thick." This Aron here, in particular, was a really strong boy! Holding his ground was rather easy for him, seeing as he was literally a Pokemon born for that. "You're really sturdy too!" The grinning raccoon chuckled as he rubbed his fluffy cheek against Aron's own body to scent mark his friend. "Let's play! Let's play!" He jumped up and down, excited, already forgetting the whole thing that had just happened with the Zorua and Zoroark.

Well, he's a kid after all.

-Scene Cut-



Zunk: ...ow.

-Scene Cut-

Big Boy... that was a curious name.

It meant two different things. The way Big Boy could tell, Big meant a large size but Boy is the human word for a small male child, which makes this name very contradictory.

"Oh, hello there." The only female Torterra - the one who now had various flowers growing on her back... What was her name again? He doesn't seem to remember... In fact, he's starting to forget things way easier than before. Looking down at what her and the other two Torterras beside him - they were both males, he can't remember if they had names, but they used to be part of the males of the herd that took care of the young, which has been greatly reduced in number since... that happened.

"Hi!" Before them stood this enormous, large Pokémon with a black body wrapped in a large mass of blue vines. A pair of saucer-like eyes peek out from beneath the tangled mess of vines. Its stubby black feet are tipped with red. "It's been a while since I last saw you, Torterra..." The Pokemon had a deep but clearly feminine voice, which made sense since this Tangrowth was an enormous beast and behind her stood various small bundles of blue vines that had cute eyes. "Welcome back to the Overgrowth."

As far as the eye could see, lush green grass and large trees stood before them. Big Boy couldn't see very far - and couldn't see at all from one eye - but he could sense the energy and vibrations from the ground. That was one of the best things Darius taught him... Darius was really a gift from Arceus, seeing as he helped his herd so much, even though it had been reduced by 90% of what it used to be.

Just by thinking about it- There were at least four hundred Turtwigs on the herd. He never truly counted how many children there were, even more so the ones that lived on the back of the many Torterras that were part of the herd... It was such a sad thing what happened, but life keeps going and they need to return to their mating site.

The reason the herd was going through the bridge between continents was that Hoenn had a warmer climate, which was good for the growth of the children of the herd. Turtwigs, and many other Grass types, grow faster in warmer climates! Big Boy and his herd have been doing this same journey for decades... And now the Herd had been reduced to such a small size.

"Your herd..." She sighed heavily as she saw the size of his herd. Last time they passed by here, there were hundreds of Pokemon walking in unison, but now, the amount of Pokemon could be counted easily: "...has gained some interesting additions." Looking back at the large iron beast that stood beside him, Big Boy couldn't help but agree somewhat.

"I have a debt to pay." The Aggron spoke: "My home has been destroyed, my colony has been decimated, and all I have are the surviving children." The Tangrowth simply nodded, clearly understanding what had happened.

"You are welcome to the Overgrowth as long as you follow the rules... This is a plafe for healing and resting, should you choose to stay, you must protect this sacred place, protect the sacred tree planted by our Guardian." The Guardian... It's been a while since they met.

Shaking his body for a moment and making the house on his back shake as well, Big Boy let out this 'awake' intent with his energy towards the sleeping Darius, who was hugging his Mate- Immediately, Big Boy felt him wake.

It was only a good courtesy for Darius to meet the Green Guardian.

There, sleeping against the largest tree, stood a small green hedghog- like petite quadruped with grass growing on the back of it, a small pink flower resting on its small head.

This Pokemon was known as Shaymin.