
35: Fight [Part 1]


After the whole sex thing, Darius was pretty confident that Wally would stay with him. Which was why he was surprised when after Wally woke up from their night of extended fun, Wally was... somehow, more determined to leave? Let's go back a few moments - 

-Scene Cut- 

Darius: You can't from me, gamer boy, my IQ is too high!

-Scene Cut-

Wally just woke up besides a still naked Darius, his legs unable to move and his whole body feeling a little sore but also a form of good exhaustion. Darius made sure to apply the same oily substance he used to heal muscles to soothe Wally's sore hole, legs, waist, and belly. 

After a few moments, moment which the oil did its magic, Wally suddenly had an idea - he challenged Darius for a Pokemon battle. Now that he thinks about it, Cerberus doesn't have much experience in fighting, besides the few Pokemon Darius lets him fight to the death - particularly Spearows, Pidgeys, and a few weak Bug types. There wasn't much of a challenge except the other fellow Pokemon Darius also trained, but they were either ranks above Cerberus' rank or they weren't as strong as Cerberus was. Darius also didn't have much experience in Pokemon battles of the "fight until you faint" kind, he was more used to the "battle to the death" kind. 

Which was why he also accepted Wally's challenged - he wanted experience with fighting until either Pokemon fainted. 

"So, what prompted you to challenge me, cutie?" Darius chuckled as he looked at Wally from the other side of their "battlefield" - which was Big Boy's back... and they weren't that far from each other - who had to sit down because he couldn't stay up for too long, his face red. "W-well... You're the strongest trainer I personally know." Which, seeing as Wally knew about various champions of their respective regions but didn't know them personally, this statement is technically true. "And... I want to try to fight you..."

Wrapping his arms around the boy, Darius lowered his head and whispered softly on his ear: "You sure it isn't because of what I did to your little pussy yesterday?" Teasingly, Darius purred- Wait, since when can he do that? Wait... wasn't there a system notification?

[Congratulations, you've unlocked a new Avatar Skill]

[Embodiment: You can now embody the aspects and powers of a Pokemon type. Choose between your Affinities, you will embody that type for a while.]

'...huh.' Was this why he was... "cruel" with Wally in bed last night? I mean, it was enjoyable, seeing as Wally was really a cute little slut most of the time when he was breaking him apart, but he did unconsciously unlocked this skill when dark thoughts plagued his mind. 'Well, I can try to use this later...' He focused now on the matter at hand - Wally.

'Maybe...' He would feel bad, but for a moment he wanted to crush Wally's dream of being a Pokemon Trainer by utterly winning this battle, but such thought was washed away when he remembered the faces of many children at the orphanage when they heard they weren't being adopted... It was soul crushing to do that, and he's not that evil yet. "Sure, let's fight then baby." Letting go of Wally's shoulder, Darius walked over to the other side of their "battlefield", Cerberus going alongside him.

Let's take a look at Cerberus' status?


| Name: Cerberus

| Species: Houndour/Growlithe

| Type: Dark/Fire

| Held Item:

| Gender: Male

| Level: 20

| Rank: Novice (1)

| Potential: ★★★☆☆

| Nature: Adamant (+Attack Potency/-Energy Potency)

| Abilities -

Trained Abilities:

Flash Fire (Increases fire damage when hit by fire moves)

Early Bird (wakes up faster)

Obtained Abilities:

Intimidate (Decreases the opponents attack stat)

| Attributes -

0-10: F

11-20: E

21-30: D

31-40: C

41-50: B

51-100: A

101-200: S

201-500: SS

501-1000: SSS


Strength: 580 [SSS]

Speed: 550 [SSS]

Endurance: 590 [SSS]

Attack Potency: 690 [SSS]

Vitality: 408 [SS]

Energy Control: 678 [SSS]

Energy Resistance: 688 [SSS]

Energy Capacity: 700 [SSS]

Energy Potency: 450 [SS]

| Moves - Learned, Trained, Expert, Mastered, Complete Control.

Egg Moves:

Thunder Fang [E], Fire Spin [E], Counter [E]

Morning Sun [E], Double Kick [E], Raging Fury [E]


Ember [E], Smog [E], Leer [T], Roar [T] Fire Fang [T], Bite [L], Odor Sleuth [T], Incinerate [T], Howl [T], Flame Wheel [L], Helping Hand [L], Agility [T], Poison Gas [T], Smokescreen [T], Sunny Day [T], Nuzzle [L]

Created Moves:

Fire Jump [T], Fire Control [L]



Cerberus was growing stronger with each day with his training and diet. Darius had to increase the amount of nutrients Cerberus was consuming, having to now feed the good boy double the amount of meat... Amount which will most likely double or even triple in the future. "Let's see... How about we make this a four versus four? No switching. I will use Cerberus, Jasper, Shelly, and Swu. What about you, baby?" Wally, still looking as red as ever, nodded for a moment before looking at his team, saying: "I'll use Gottan, Gotty, Cotton, as well as Buddy." So he'll use the twin Ralts, his Swablu, and his Budew, huh? Darius knew what he could do about this, he decided to just try his hardest to win. "Sure then dear, I'll use Swu first." Cerberus looked up at his Alpha for a moment before feeling his Alpha's reassurance - Swu was part of their pack, and he needed to grow strong too.

"Then I'll use Gottan!" The small Male Ralts stepped forward, a fierce look on his... face? Not really his face, it was more like his whole body looked a little bit fiercer than it normally was. Darius thought about it for a moment before grinning - he decided, in the future, to give Wally a Dawn Stone to use on his future Male Kirlia to evolve him into a Galade. "Let's go, Swu." Knowing the small Swablu, Darius pointed his finger forward - only for an awkward pause. "Swu?" He looked up, only to notice the bird was not on top of his head.

He had grown so used to it, that he thought the small cloud bird was on top of his head this entire time... "...fuck." Darius face palmed for a moment, feeling silly. A few seconds went by, just as he was thinking of using Shelly, the small cloud bird landed before him, tilting his whole body to the side as the emotion of 'Confusion' emanated from him: "You're here to fight, you silly big bird." The Pokemon's eyes widened as he let out these squawks of "Swa!? Blu! Sawblu!" As Cerberus visibly and audibly sighed heavily, soon immitating Darius and lifting his paw to touch the top of his puppy nose. "Yes yes... Now, focus." Swu flapped his wings once, turning around and landing.

"Count us down, will you, Gardevoir?" The amused Gardevoir, who was watching from the sideline, softly chuckled as her voice echoed on both the trainers minds as she also counted down in Pokespeech: "[Three, Two, One- Start!]"

Immediately, Darius called out: "Swu, use [Tailwind]." The small cloud bird jumped and flapped his wings, immediately the winds around his body seemed to spin around him, helping him stay aloft. To Darius' knowledge of the move, it also relied on the Pokemon's ability to manipulate Flying type energy. He did not hear Wally saying anything, but he saw Ralts suddenly split in two - Ralts had just used Double Team, creating the Illusion of copies of himself. "So you're using Telepathy, huh?" Darius grinned ferociously: "Well, don't blame you... Swablu, use [Round]." Immediately, the small bird let out this shrill sound, sending out a circular wave of visible energy that vibrated in the air. The projectile wasn't fast, but it also wasn't so slow that Ralts could dodge without effort, because he did try to dodge - by Teleporting.

The problem with [Teleport] is that, at low ranks, it uses too much energy to move a small distance, which was why not mamy weak Psychic type - besides the Abra line - used Teleport a lot out of dangerous situations, like escaping a predator. Sadly for Wally, he just revealed who was the real Ralts, since the fake one was dissipated by the attack Swu used. "[Peck]." Calling out the move and emanating the emotion of 'Fear' strongly - he saw how the Ralts froze, feeling his body tense up as he picked up the emotion - as Swu dove down, his beak glowing a soft silver grey coloration as Flying energy gathered around it.

"Gottan!" For the first time since the beginning of this battle, Wally spoke- He couldn't do much since Gottan didn't have much to use in this situation. He was small, slower, and with less experience in fighting than Swu had, so when he moved to try and dodge, Swu moved with him to hit. And he was hit. The attack sent the poor Ralts flying away for a moment, before he shaked his head, ready to continue- Only for Swu to simply be covered in Dark type energy as he used one of his Egg Moves: "[Pursuit]" The way this move worked was that it would deal more damage to Pokemon who were trying to run away by giving the Dark type energy to pursue the enermy. Ralts didn't try to run, but it didn't mean Swu couldn't chase him!

"Gottan, use [Shadow Sneak] to dodge!" The thing about this move is that it uses Ghost energy to dive into the shadows, to appear in another shadow a few feet or so away. The stronger the Pokemon, fhe further they can go, and Ghost types naturally can stay in shadows for a really long time.

He knows that.

Because there is one in his shadow at all tim- Wait... was Jasper inside his shadow while he was fucking Wally? 'I'll have to ask him later...' Darius was not ready for this awkward conversation. "Counter it, dive down to your shadow." Just as Ralts dove into the shadows, moving towards the shadow Swu cast, the cotton bird Pokemon simply heard his trainer's words and dove towards his shadow, where the small head of a Ralts was appearing.

It was too late to dodge.

The bird had already hit the small humanoid Pokemon. This time, like Darius thought, the Pokemon fainted and was out of combat. Wally looked at Darius surprised, only to see the taller man with a giant smirk looking down at him- Just because they fucked doesn't mean he's going to go easy on him! "...Gotty, you're next!" Wally pointed his fingee forward, the small female Ralts walked forward with a determined pose as Swu also landed.

"Come back Swu." The cotton bird looked back at Darius, confused, but agreed. He flew and landed on Darius' head, snuggling into his hat form. "It's time to shine, Jasper." From his shadow, a hand shot out, pulling the small dark gem gremlin that was Jasper.

Let's see his progress?


| Name: Jasper

| Species: Sableye

| Type: Dark/Ghost

| Held Item: Rock (...it's just a rock)

| Gender: Male

| Level: 20

| Rank: Novice (1)

| Potential: ★★★☆☆

| Nature: Timid (+Speed/-Attack)

| Abilities -

Trained Abilities:

Keen Eye (Impossible to decrease accuracy)

Prankster (Non-damaging moves go first, Increases speed)

| Attributes -

0-10: F

11-20: E

21-30: D

31-40: C

41-50: B

51-100: A

101-200: S

201-500: SS

501-1000: SSS

Strength: 200 [S]

Speed: 200 [S]

Endurance: 155 [S]

Attack Potency: 178 [S]

Vitality: 109 [S]

Energy Control: 200 [S]

Energy Resistance: 106 [S]

Energy Capacity: 200 [S]

Energy Potency: 180 [S]

| Moves - Learned, Trained, Expert, Mastered, Complete Control.

Egg Moves: Recover [E], Imprison [E], Trick [E]

Moves: Leer [T], Astonish [T], Confuse Ray [T], Shadow Sneak [E], Fake Out [T], Disable [E], Taunt [T], Thunder Punch [L], Fire Punch [L], Night Shade [L]

TMs: Fling [E]


Jasper has worked a lot to improve his status, but comparing him to the workaholic and training addict that was Cerberus is not fair, so Darius was happy with his progress.

"Jasper, [Shadow Sneak], stay down there." The gremlin simply cackled "Sable~eye" as he slowly sank into the shadow casted by his own body. Weirdly, after his body was gone, his shadow stayed there, not moving. This was one of the things Jasper wanted to try: "Use [Imprison]." In case the Ralts had the same moves as he had, he wouldn't be able to use them now! This soft glow emanated from the shadows as the image of a padlock floated out of the shadow, shining and flying towards the Ralts extremely fast. Neither she nor Wally had time to react before the lock simply touched the Ralts, a soft clicking sound echoing.

'Now... what will you do, Wally~?'

-Scene End-

Darius: Fuck, marry, kill? How about suck my balls?

-Scene End-

Author Note: I'm thinking of making a patreon... 5$ with you being able to read 3 or 4 chapters in advance, have your name in the credits of every chapter, vote on polls, and shit like that.