
24: Meeting

Raikou had left as soon as he got good enough to fly away.

Darius and all the other Pokemon said goodbye to the legendary Pokemon before he left, and as he did, he left behind a parting gift. He solidified his own lightning and gave it to Darius, and that was the first elemental stone Darius had ever gotten:

<~°•°~°•°~°•°~°•°~ >

Item Name: Thunder Stone (Pure)

Description: A stone made of solidified lightning from a legendary Pokemon, incredibly rare and unique. There have only been a few in this world!

Uses: Pokemon Evolution (Upon use, if the target isn't strong enough, they will die) Pokemon Power Enchanter, Battery, Energy Core, and more.

<~°•°~°•°~°•°~°•°~ >

See this shit? This shit is fucking dope!

Darius basically kissed it, which hurt a little bit. Contrary to the normally light green stone with a lightning bolt inside it, this one was completely yellow with a blue lightning bolt inside, signifying its power.

But, as always, they kept moving on! Now, being three and a half months, ever since he left the lake with the Leavanny swarm, Darius started to work on the little gift he got from the system that enchanted Cerberus. First things first, he all his available abilities to find how exactly the transformation occurred, but he was no doctor or biologist to know how the fuck this his good boy changed and got a fire mohawk out of it! But he had theories, theories he was thinking were... spot on.

You see, Cerberus' lineage, the Egg Moves he had, were only compatible if his parents were a Houndoom and an Arcanine. So, to know that Cerberus' body easily accepted the Growlithe DNA Darius received from the system certainly had something to do with this. 'So, maybe I can make Shelly awake her Corsola DNA? Or maybe there is something else to it... If he could only be smarter or possibly have the necessary education and training, he'd be able to understand what happened fully.

But sadly, he's stupid.

'But you're adorable, so I don't care.' I mean, he's a dog with a Mohawk. How can he not be adorable!?

He'll just think about this DNA Fusion thing later, when he has one in hand. But until then, he has so many fucking ideas - Do they have to have the same primal typing? Because Arcanine and Houndoom share the Fire typing. Maybe he could do something even better if he could get himself an Eevee... Their DNA can change easily depending on their environment or influences. Seeing as there was Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon.

He wants an Eevee...

Ah, he was thinking about it again, wasn't he?

-Scene Cut-

Darius: *thinking*

*head pops*

*explosion noises*

-Scene Cut-

Wally panted, breathing was never so fucking hard before! He was completely lost, but thankfully, he had his Cottonee that he named Cotton. I know, not very creative, but that's the name the little Cottonee liked! "Oh geez." Wally looked behind himself, thanks to Cottonee's ability to remove his cotton and throw at enemies to distract them, they were able to escape the large Arbok that tried to eat them. Wally was so fucking tired, he had never ran so badly before!

"Is it still after us...?" He couldn't see any other Pokemon behind him, so he thought he was safe - but the sharp pain on his heel made him aware that they were not alone. "ARGH!" He screamed, pain flashing through his whole body. He looked down just to see this small and purple serpentine Pokemon that had a yellow eyes that were glaring at him, making his whole body freeze. Seeing his trainer in danger, Cottonee used his most powerful [Fairy Wind] before using [Nature Power] to try and get the snake to leave his trainer alone! Various small seeds started to shoot from his small body as the move turned naturally into [Bullet Seed] under the influence of the little floating piece of cotton's surroundings. The seeds did barely any damage, but they were all hitting the same place - The snout!

"Ekans!" Crying out in pain, the Pokemon let go, and Wally started to run - or tried to, seeing as his leg was fucked up. It was starting to get purple and bleed, and Wally had no time to fucking stop and rest because he was still being followed. He looked behind. The small Cottonee stayed behind to stall the Pokemon. It was thanks to that that Wally was able to run and escape. After dragging himself across the forest floor for half a mile, tired and poisoned, Wally collapsed on the floor.

Cotton, who soon found his trainer, didn't know what to do! He cried out in panic, sending all his energy like a tidal wave and activating the move [Memento]. Now, in the games, the move made the user faint but also lowered the target's special attack's status by two stages. In this world, the move was kinda like that as well. The only difference is that the user could put every single ounce of their energy into a single thing that they have in mind.

Basically, this move was a red button that made the pokemon use all their energy at once.

And that was good for them at that moment because the signal for 'Help' spread out widely, and the intensity of the message was so large that it was felt by every Pokemon around - that was bad, but also good. Bad because opportunistic hunters could come and eat their bodies, but good because helpers could get there and help them.

So... which one would get there first? Well, we're in a fanfic, so of course, the fucking protagonist!

-Scene Cut-

Darius: I'm not a hoarder!

Also Darius: Look! A lost child. *activates surprise adoption skill*

Darius: You know... I'm kind of an orphanage myself.

-Scene Cut-

Darius didn't know that the skill [Charismatic] would activate suddenly, but surely he was proven wrong when a fucking text box appeared before his very eyes, a day after Raikou left:

[Your charisma affects your fate! Your life cannot be boring.]

And that made him so fucking anxious - what the fuck does this even mean!?

So, after having a minor mental breakdown in the bed for three minutes, Darius had to do his anxiety exercises, stimming a little by clicking his tongue and tapping his fingers on the table as he worked to distract his anxious mind. He was drawing, which was something he was relatively good at, all things considered. He also, simultaneously, kept channeling his energy through his whole body! It didn't hurt like in the beginning, it kinda felt good because it made his body feel warm and comfortable now. A whole day passes by, and he fucking feels his bones go cold as he felt the most powerful amount of despair possible. It was also a Dark type energy, which was amplified by negative emotions for some reason... It felt very much like a 'Help' to him, and that was the intent behind the energy as well.

Darius resigned to his fate - he literally had a skill that didn't allow his life to be boring. Why fight fate when he knows he can't win as he is now? Also, he's a sucker for Pokemon. So if a Pokemon was in such great despair to be helped, he'll help, obviously.

"Everybody!" Darius poked his head out of the tree house, his eyes looking down as his head was through the window: "Time for Mobile Hospital!" Ah, due to Darius' fondness of helping and healing Pokemon, the herd kinda got a little better at it. All the Grass Pokemon learned the move [Aromatherapy] from the small Turtwig that knew it, somehow... Was it an egg move? Maybe it learned from somewhere? He didn't ask where the little guy learned it from, but he did ask him to teach the others. And like that, the Torterras, the Grotles, the Turtwigs, the Budew, the Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir learned this new move. It wasn't surprising to him that the Grass types and the Fairy types learned this move. After all, they all had the connection to nature in their own ways.

Back to the subject at hand.

Mobile Hospital is a code word for 'We will help, heal, and handle sick, tired, or endangered Pokemon, be prepared.' Which was also something the Torterras found tolerable as long as the little ones were not in harm's way.

Easily and with practiced manner, the Torrterass changed their direction and went straight towards the source of the despairing feeling. Their steps shaked the earth, and their movements changed the trees. This was actually the Torterras doing, since they had control over Ground and Grass type energies. They could simply move the trees in their way and make a straight path through thick foliage.

The leader Torterra made the way, the whole herd followed, and the last Torterra in the back closed the path behind them, making as if there was nothing wrong with it and flawless. It was like a herd of giants never passed by! This was a tactic used to make sure they weren't being followed or hunted down by possible predators.

They learned their lesson.

It took them a while to get to their destination, mostly because of the little ones, but easily they found the source of the despairing message of intent and energy - a passed out Cottonee and a... kid? "What the fuck?" Darius jumped off of Big Boy's back, using his energy to strengthen his legs and back as he hit the ground. He couldn't resist doing a superhero landing. "Why is a child here!?" He looked down at the boy - huh, now that he was closer, he looked older. Maybe a teen? "Gardevoir, Shelly, help me here with the emergency first aid, it seem he was poisoned. Use Aromatherapy while Shelly uses tiny droplets of Life Dew. Make sure you drop it on the wound, Shelly!" Shelly was really a life saver - literally!

Whenever Darius was having a serious emergency, Shelly's Life Dew move helped a lot. Gardevoir and Budew also knew the move, but because it was a Water type move, their moves didn't have as much potency as Shelly's did. They helped, like, a lot! But Shelly's Life Dew was more powerful than theirs, so she was tasked with the emergency healing.

"Big Boy!" Darius looked up at the big Torterra: "Some Aromatherapy, please? Oh, and Grassy Terrain!" Because the one hurt was a human, they needed to be careful here. Humans were way weaker than Pokemon, only Energy Users could even compete with Pokemon, but Darius thinks that only a few of them could ever reach that peak.

Big Boy let out this soft groaning sound as he released the two moves at the same time! The grass began to glow green around them as these soft particles of green floated, and then Big Boy's body began releasing this soft green mist that smelled like mint, lavander, and other herbs... It smelled really nice! Immediately, Darius saw the results of the moves, mostly because the small Cottonee woke up.

He must've used all his energy because he began to float like he was going to fall, really shaky. Darius picked him up easily, softly smiling at the little one as he said: "You can rest now... Your trainer is going to be okay." As he sent two intentions through good old [Energy Technique - Emotion/Intent Communication]. They were 'Rest' and 'Peace', to signify that everything was going to be okay.

Immediately, the little puff of cotton fell unconscious, showing Darius how strong his willpower was, to be able to move even when he was about to pass out.

"Okay, let's take the kid up." Huh, he has green hair? It's not the weirdest thing Darius has ever seen before and probably won't be the last. "He'll need the sleep... And maybe I can actually get information I need beyond general fucking shit."

And like that, they met.

Next chapter