
10: Life Dew

Why did he need a Shellder? Well, if he's lucky, a Shellder has a very useful Egg Move that he wants, or rather, needs to use here to make a Pokeblock-Medicine thing that might just help heal the Sewaddles and evolutions. Besides, he always liked Cloyster! "Do you know if there are any Shellders around here? You know, these little Pokemons that look like a clamp?" Darius looked at the Leavanny that has been helping him, but the Pokemon just tilted its head in confusion, so he asked his backup question: "Do you know if there are any big lakes around here? Or just a big body of water where Water Pokemon goes to?" Because if he can't find a Cloyster, he might as well try to find either a Psyduck or a Poliwag! Maybe they know the move Life Dew?

This time, the big bug Pokemon nodded readily, moving fast towards the direction it knew where to find a big body of water. Darius followed in a hurry, accompanied by a single Caterpie and Cerberus, while the little Phantum and the other Caterpies were left behind alongside the Sableye. It took them a good 15 minutes to reach the lake moving at a fast pace. The moment they broke through the canopy, Darius saw a large, large lake - like, it looked almost like an ocean if not the fact that he could barely see the other end of the lake. The water was beautifully crystalline, meaning he could see the bottom and the Pokemon swimming inside it. He could see Magikarps, Gyarados, Goldeens, Seakings, Horseas, Barboachs, and even a few Buizel and Marils. On the shore, he could see a few other Pokemon, which he approached cautiously.

"Hello." He greeted them - They were a family of two Marils with a little Azuril: "Have you seen a Shellder or Cloyster around here?" The Pokemon, who were smaller than him, tilted their heads (which was weird because their whole body was their head) and looked at each other for a moment before saying at the same time: "Maril!" and pointing to the bottom of the lake. There, he could faintly see a bunch of clamps. "So... there's Shellders down there?" They Marils simply jumped in confirmation, making Darius sigh softly to himself. What he needed is the move [Life Dew].

And unless he finds a Blissey, a Gardevoir, or a Lucario around here, he doubts he can get it. The mysterious water that the move produces has a pure cleansing property, and if he uses that water to make his Pokeblock-Medicine, he can possibly cure the Leavannys. "Well, guess there's no other way." Taking his clothes off, Darius stood completely naked from head to toe - Darius is a big guy, standing at 6'6 feet tall, with his rather impressive muscular body. From his arm, he has a bunch of tattoos that go up his shoulder and stop at his neck. On the other arm, he also has tattoos, but only this ring around his bicep. He also is a little hairy, with hair on his chest, a little on both his forearms, and a nice trail going down his body. 'Ah, this will surely slow me down a bunch.'

Because guess what? Hair makes you slower underwater.

As Darius jumped on the crystalline water, he swears he felt a sudden dizziness before a sensation of cold spread out around his body, and as he looked down, he saw a giant open maw of a Gyarados. He thought to himself - 'Huh, this is how I die?' But to his utter surprise, no! An even larger Gyarados! It was a very large Gyarados, and apparently also Mega Evolved because Darius could feel the Dark Energy within it moving as the Mega Pokemon pushed the smaller member of its species down. Then, it turned to look at him, and Darius felt this emotion that his mind translated into a single word: 'Curiosity.' So it wants to know why he's here? Darius pointed down at the Shellders and Cloysters, making the giant Mega Gyarados look down as well. Darius focused on his own energy, sending out a ripple through the water of emotions that he focused on: 'Need. Help.'

The Mega Gyarados started to swim towards the Shellders and Cloysters, and to Darius' utter surprise, they looked up at him. Then they started to swim towards him, which took them about 2 minutes. As they broke through the water surface, Darius felt the enormous presence of the Mega Gyarados as it looked at him with the same look a parent would have when entertaining their child: "Thank you." Darius smiled: "I am here because I need help. I know it might sound ridiculous, but does any of you know the move [Life Dew]? It is extremely important. It can save so many Pokemon." Then he felt the Mega Gyarados, a simple emotion that translated into Darius' mind: 'Question?'

"Why...?" Darius sighed softly: "It is my heavenly duty, given by Arceus himself, to help the Pokemon. Suicine has granted me the authority to seek help from the mighty and powerful Gyarados of this lake." These were all lies, not that they needed to know this, of course! "So I beseech you, Mega Gyarados, please allow me to receive water from the Pokemon who know the move [Life Dew]." The towering monstrosity of a Pokemon looked down at him, his fragile human body could easily destroyed, but the Pokemon just stared...

Then it just nodded as a pulse of energy went into Darius' mind, a rush of emotion that translated as simply: 'Acceptance'. Darius lowered his head and thanked the Gyarados by immitating it and sending a ripple of energy with the 'Appreciation' intent. Right after doing so, he turned to the Shellders and Cloysters who were looking at him... He smiled at them and began checking them out with his system, searching for one who had [Life Dew] - He found a small, really small Shellder. "Hi, little guy..." The Pokemon looked surprised that he was even talking to him, which confused Darius a little: "Shell- Shellder!"


| Name:

| Species: Shellder

| Type: Water

| Held Item:

| Gender: Female

| Level: 08

| Rank: Novice (1)

| Potential: ★☆☆☆☆

| Nature: Impish (+Endurance/-Energy Potency)

| Abilities -

Trained Abilities:

| Attributes -

0-10: F

11-20: E

21-30: D

31-40: C

41-50: B

51-100: A

101-200: S

201-500: SS

501-1000: SSS


Strength: 12 [E]

Speed: 15 [E]

Endurance: 50 [B]

Attack Potency: 13 [E]

Vitality: 50 [B]

Energy Control: 15 [E]

Energy Resistance: 25 [D]

Energy Capacity: 15 [E]

Energy Potency: 10 [F]

| Moves - Learned, Trained, Expert, Mastered, Complete Control.

Egg Moves: Life Dew [T], Aqua Ring [T], Rock Blast [T]

Moves: Tackle [T], Water Gun [T], Withdraw [E]



'Oh...' Looking over at the stats it had and the proficiency with its moves, Darius' mind could make up a few scenarios of how she got to have a strong defense at such a young age. Because of course she looked young, she was so small! "Wanna come with me?" Darius offered her his hand. They were still on the lake, and as the Shellder looked at his hand, he felt the bombastic side eye from the big Cloyster. Sure, her potential was only a single star, but he's not going to just judge her because of it. She can become strong! Sure, she'll get stronger at a slower pace than other Pokemon due to her low potential, but she'll get there eventually.

The Pokemon hesitated for a moment only, but then it accepted.

[Shellder wishes to join your team]

'Accept.' He said mentally while the Shellder got on his hand. He swam back to the shore where his clothes were and sighed - He was really wet now, and the maximum he could do was wait. His shoes were still there, but they weren't the best ones before. Imagine now that he has used them to run away from so much danger? Yeah, they were fucked. 'Well, walking barefoot it is.'

[Due to your actions, you've unlocked the Water Affinity]

'Oh?' Darius suddenly could truly and really feel the water. Shellder, who sat on his hand, was full of it! He smiled softly as he closed his eyes and focused. He had never tried it before, but his [Energy] had risen to 250 points with his new bond to Shellder, now all he needs is a core that has energy attuned to one of his affinities. 'Huh, this was easy.' He just waved his hand, and all the water gathered on his body was thrown out, leaving him dry. "Now... time to make medicine." He lifted his clothes or tried to, seeing as Leavanny actually gave him clothes made out of leaves.

They were pretty comfy.