

For around half of the year with his second set of Pokemon, Lance continued his training with nothing stopping him or his Pokemon. The originals continued growing stronger steadily and the new set reached their level in no time with their training being assisted by the originals.

In this time, Mecha the Tinkatink had evolved into a Tinkatuff at level 24 which caused its bronze coloured hammer to become larger as well as its body. Its hair grew more as well and it was now in a pony-tail. Mecha had also grown to four feet tall which was double what it should have been due to its Alpha status.

Lance's Salandit Salamander also evolved into a Salazzle at level 33, it was now six feet tall with pure white scales and eyes with a purple and pink underside. Although it should have been three feet tall, it was more intimidating and much larger at six feet.

King the Honedge had also evolved into a Doublade at level 35 which meant Lance was able to learn how to dual wield swords. It was made up of two blood red swords with yellow eyes with golden hilts. It also had a purple and yellow silk-like substance which was connected to both of them. Each sword was three feet long but relatively lightweight.

Kong the Thwackey had evolved into Rillaboom at level 35 and was now eight feet tall with lime green hair around his hands, his his head and the back of his neck. The rest of his body had much shorter hair and was dark maroon coloured with grey hands and feet with a grey pattern on his chest. Alongside this, he had a wooden drum that he carried around with him.

Illusionist the Zorua had also evolved into a Zoroark at level 30 and was now ten feet tall with a dark grey body which had large maroon coloured shoulder pads as well as purple claws on his hands and feet. He also had a massive amount of purple hair which had areas which were maroon.

Baki the Clobbopus had also evolved at level 35 in this time and became a Grapploct which was six and a half feet tall with a white and red body which had yellow suction cups and a red and yellow head. It had blue eyes which were surrounded by the yellow pattern on its face.

Buddy the Spheal had evolved at level 32 into Sealeo and was now five feet tall with short purple hair covering its body, except from its pale yellow underbelly and large white whiskers.

This was a large amount of evolutions which happened within a relatively short period of time, and at the end of the year, Lance's entire team had reached level 35. It could have been even higher than this, but a positive encounter interrupted him quite a bit.

Around halfway through the year, a seemingly regular occurrence happened in the orphanage, as a man came in looking to adopt a child. This was not an uncommon occurrence, as people came and adopted children or at least looked around quite often.

However, this man was different. Rather than looking for a child to adopt based on good looks or a good personality, he was instead looking for one with potential. As usual, all of the children were told to line up so that the man could look for his potential choice, but as always Lance refused to do this as he saw no need of being adopted by some regular family that would limit his training.

The man requested the children who had lined up to demonstrate their quirks, which was not unusual as most people did not want to adopt a child with one that would be too dangerous, or sometimes they did not want a child with a weak quirk.

The children demonstrated their quirks, and out of the bunch only two seemed useful for combat as one of the children was able to slightly elongate his body parts, and the other was able to liquify herself at will and then restructure her body. Some of the more useless ones had quirks such as the ability to go invisible when they closed their eyes, and the ability to hear animal's thoughts but not communicate with them.

The children with the decent abilities slightly interested the man, but he asked the orphanage director if there were any other children at the orphanage. Although reluctant, the director told the man that there was one more child called Lance, but it was unlikely that he would want to be adopted.

Despite this, he asked to see Lance who was continuing his training at the time. Immediately after seeing Lance surrounded by all twelve of his Pokemon who were training against one another while he trained his swordsmanship, the man knew that this was the child that he wanted to adopt.

He approached Lance without hesitation and introduced himself, "I'm Harry Saxe, I used to be the top ranked Hero and Soldier called Blaze and I'm looking for someone with potential to train. I won't force you into any way of life, I just want to raise someone stronger than myself and see the potential inside of humanity. With my status I can promise you the best training equipment and anything else you need, as well as access to any school you want's entrance exam. I can not guarantee entrance if you fail, but with my assistance there is no way this would be the case. If you want I can also make sure you don't have to waste time in education and can spend every day training yourself to your full capacity. What do you say, want to come with me?"

Lance listened to the man's offer and didn't bother contemplating for very long, "Sure thing."

This answer surprised Harry, as he was told that Lance did not want to be adopted. However, this was only true for the average families which would not provide him with any benefits. On the other hand, a previous top Hero who could give him a good life, uninterrupted training and a guaranteed chance at the entrance exam for Blackwater Academy was definitely the sort of person that he wanted to be adopted by.

As the world he was in was many years further in the future than his original Earth, the adoption process was much smoother and quicker, especially for a well-renowned previous Hero, and within two weeks Lance was living at a huge home filled with training rooms, as well as outdoor areas for training. This was not the main house building though, as it was built especially for his training purposes and it had a huge amount of environments for each of his Pokemon to make them feel comfortable and able to thrive.

This was how Lance ended his year, and how he went forward into the next with the ability to choose six more Pokemon.

He once again chose his third set of Pokemon quickly and without difficulty:

1: Sandile (Ground and Dark)

2: Slowpoke (Water and Psychic)

3: Rookidee (Flying)

4: Munchlax (Normal)

5: Shieldon (Rock and Steel)

6: Snom (Ice and Bug)