
Pokemon: Conqueror (Hiatus)

Hello, this is Buggy_D._Clown with another trash fanfic that suddenly popup into my mind. Things to know before reading this fanfic. 1. Tobi would be extremely op as this is a wish fulfilment story so no hate (peace) 2. I still can't decide about whether I should add a romance as I still haven't experienced one. 3. About Tobi's Pokemons, I did have a thought about it but I don't want you guys to compare mc to Giovanni so I'm thinking of changing it (if you guys have any suggestions please feel free to share) 4. This story would be heavily influenced by "The Rise of Dark Pokemons" even though I still haven't finished it yet. still on chapter 711. (If you are looking for good Pokemon fanfic, I recommend you guys to read it.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sypnosis: Shinichi Kintoki or much known as Tobi was a ruler of the strongest and deadliest criminal syndicate on Earth, was killed by his adopted father then got reincarnated by a higher being with a single mission, to conquer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A/N: If you guys have any suggestions and ideas to further improve the story and plot, please feel free to share. If you liked the fanfic please drop some power stones and reviews. Just for motivations.

Buggy_The_Clown · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Chapter 29

[1048 Words]


"EEEEHHHHH!!!" Daisy's friends exclaimed simultaneously.

Daisy on the other hand said nothing in embarrassment as her face turned red and smoke came out of her ears.

"Are you ok miss? did you get hurt?" Tobi repeated his question while supporting Daisy with his hands.

"U-uh! y-yea!" Daisy stutter and was having a hard time getting her tongue right.

She was panicking and didn't know what to do but fortunately, Tobi releases his hands giving Daisy a chance to back away.

"Do you need help miss?" Tobi once again asks.

"Yea No! I mean no, im not saying yes!" Daisy said in a panic as her mind blank out.

"ok...." Tobi awkwardly stared at Daisy, not knowing what to say.

"Oh! look at that, it's already late, we need to go, nice meeting you!" Daisy swiftly makes an excuse then runs away soon after leaving her friends.

"Hey! wait for us!" Her friends said while also making their exit at the scene.

'What a weirdo.' Tobi shook his head and was about to walk away when he noticed something on the floor.

'An I.D?' Tobi thought while picking the I.D from the ground.

The I.D has the same format as the Trainer's I.D but was slightly different.

'Coordinator's I.D'

Tobi read the words in the I.D and flip it to see the other side.

The other side was the I.D owner's personal information from Name, Age, Birthday, address, etc.

Tobi recognizes the owner of the I.D as the girl who bump into him just a while ago through the picture which was attached to the I.D.

But that wasn't the thing that caught Tobi's attention the most, his eyes widen gazing at the name written in the I.D

'Daisy Oak'

Due to Tobi's lack of knowledge about Pokemon, he didn't recognize Daisy but her nickname was too famous to miss out.

Tobi didn't know Daisy was Professor Oak's granddaughter but he already has some guess her being his relative.

A sinister smile emerged on Tobi's face as a sinister ploy was developing in his mind.

'I could use her!' Tobi thought staring in the direction where Daisy run away.

He walks in that direction hoping to catch up to his entry pass to Pallet Town and Professor's Oak side.

The sinister smile on Tobi's face gets wider and wider visualizing having the best Professor in the world as his subordinate.

Tobi tighten his fist but soon return to normal as he notice the I.D was about to be bent due to his fist strength.

Tobi soon compose himself as the sinister smile was replaced by a kind and calm one.

Tobi looked then started looking around for Daisy and manage to trace her with the help of some stranger passing by.

'There you are!' Tobi thought glancing at the heavily breathing woman with four other girls by her side who also look tired.

The five were standing right in front of a coffee shop as Daisy was holding her knees and gasping for breath.

Tobi jogged to their location while making it look like he was trying to find them for a while.

"There you are lady" Tobi shouted at the girls while waving his right hand and jogging closer to them.

Daisy panicked as her eyes widened but fortunately, her friends decided to help her this time.

"He followed us!" Her friend exclaimed in shock seeing Tobi waving to them.

"Lady!" Tobi soon got near them and was about to talk to Daisy but was stopped by one of her friends.

"What do you want?" Her friend who was also the first person to tease her stand between her and Tobi.

"Your friend dropped this." Tobi showed Daisy's Coordinator I.D.

"That's my I.D!" Daisy exclaimed recognizing her I.D.

"Here miss." Tobi handed over Daisy's I.D to her which she shyly took with a blush on her face.

Daisy held her I.D up in her heart with two hands as her eyes lowered and noticed the Pokeball in Tobi's waist.

"...you're a trainer?" Daisy asks after a second or so of hesitation.

"Yes" Tobi look down and saw what Daisy was staring which is Pokeball and answer with a carefree expression while scratching his head.

Daisy's eyes twinkle as a topic to talk longer to Tobi formed in her head.

"My father and Grandfather were once a trainer!" Daisy said hoping to lengthen the conversation.

"Really?!" Tobi asks with a curious and excited expression.

"Yea!" Daisy said happily seeing Tobi getting interested.

"Ehem!" The two were interrupted as they turn their head and saw Daisy's friend looking at them.

"How about we sit first before talking about those things?" One of her friends suggested pointing at a bench not far away from their spot.

"Yea let's do that" Tobi stated while scratching his head and releasing an embarrassed smile.

The six then went on their way to the bench where they sit comfortably.

"By the way, we haven't asked your name yet." One of Daisy's friends with yellow hair said.

"Oh really? how rude of me, my name is Tobi." Tobi knew that hiding his identity would only make it suspicious if he was caught especially since he was looking for long-term communication.

"My name is Sweet!" The yellow-haired girl also stated her name.

"The name is Madelyn." A black-haired girl with a tan-skinned simply said.

"I am Margaret nice to meet you!" A curly red-haired girl stated as she raises her hand for a handshake which Tobi gladly shake.

"I am Sarah" A girl blue-haired gave the shortest reply.

All of Daisy's friends were finished introducing which only leave Daisy Oak's turn.

They all turned their head in Daisy's direction waiting for her to say something.

"You probably know my name through my I.D but ill formally introduce myself, I am Daisy Oak, nice to meet you." Daisy said without a break while giving Tobi a polite and shy bow.

"Nice to meet you too!" Tobi replied while also bowing to Daisy.


A/N: If you liked the story please drop some power stones and reviews for motivation.

Our monthly goal for this January was to reach 10 reviews!