
Big changes

It has been two weeks since pokemon have brought a great change to the world.

December 31,2020

Numerous creatures began to appear around the world.

January 1,2021

The first creature attack happened at 11am. A wild rat like creature began to go on a killing frenzy.

January 3,2021

More than 1,000,000 deaths have been recorded up to date.

January 4,2021

The government has finally begun to act. The states have begun to be placed on mandatory lockdown.

January 6,2021

The government has discovered that cold and hot weapons do little to no harm on these creatures.

January 8,2021

A video was posted on line by a local store in Miami . Which showed the creatures being able to be caught in spherical like devices.

January 9,2021

The government began to work out a deal with this company which was known as the reid family. Allowing them to work with the government as pokeball distributors.

January 10,2021

With the arrival of the device called pokeballs the u.s government finally had the power to fight back. With that the U.S.A pokemon association was created.

January 11,2021

The U.S.A began to reclaim many states as the future was looking brighter.

January 12,2021

The reid family has begun to distribute pokeballs to the public. Becoming the first official pokemon business.

January 14,2021

Humans began to reluctantly accept the creatures known as pokemon. With hopes of gaining back the power they once had

Now back to the current day at hand.

Kj is currently checking over the profit that the Reid business has made in the past few days. With the arrival of pokeballs it has become a huge attraction to many ordinary people.

Buying the pokeballs for two hundred dollars each. I sold them on the market for 1000.

This being in a 800 dollar profit to our business. I'm the past two days the reid family has sold over 50,000 pokeballs to the public.

This resulted in the reid family earning 30,000,000 if they subtracted the cost 10,000,000 from the price of creating the pokeballs.

Thinking to himself kj thought that reid family has really became overnight multi-millionaires. Also with future inventions and with the sale of pokeballs they will become a indispensable giant corporation in the future.

Just a few days ago on January the 8th we were able to workout a deal with the u.s.a pokemon association allowing us to be the only producers of the pokeball.

With the rising popularity of the pokeballs we also received a contract from other countries to do deals with us on supplying pokeballs.

But the u.s put a stop to that as they wanted us have a head start in the pokemon field. We agreed with the u.s on supplying to the other countries after a month of helping the u.s.a pokemon association first.

With those plans set aside i decided to open a blog online under a private username to search for rare pokemon before anyone else could find out their value.

Going on Instagram I put up a post stating.

Pokemon description:

a robotic Pokémon that has a long body with a set of claws sticking out of its rear end. It has one large, red eye in the center of its nearly spherical head, which is set into a ball-and-socket joint at its front end. A short crest projects from its body and extends over its head.


Pokemon description:

a serpentine Pokémon with a blue body and a white underside. It has white, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a white bump on its forehead, which is its horn growing. Above its round, white snout are oval, purple eyes.


Clearly only I knew the value of these two pokemon. Once found out of their value it would skyrocket to the price of the millions.

For a good quality one it would even be in the hundred millions. This is the advantage I have over others with my knowledge from the past world I know things many others don't.

With that I logged off of Instagram and went to examine the stats of Riolu. I have been putting Riolu through training for the past two weeks.


Riolu, Fighting type, height:0.74, Weight: 44.5 lbs

Aptitude: 6-star

Status:Lvl 9

Ability:aura sphere, force palm, blaze kick, ice punch, quick attack

Comprehensive battle strength:novice

Feeling that Riolu was close to braking through in strength I went out into the forest to find a pokemon to battle.

Seeing a beedrill in the distance I felt Riolu willingness to battle it.

The beedrill was lvl 12. A whole three lvls higher then Riolu but I was confident that we could win.

Battle start:

Rush forward and use blaze kick Riolu.

A flame began to encase Riolu feet as it leapt towards beedrill striking it head on.

Beedrill was left with a little burn make but other than that is was okay.

Seeing the beedrill become angry I smirked. This is just the battle Riolu needs.

Beedrill began to fire multiple needles at Riolu which was a move known as pin-missle.

Thinking quick I called out to Riolu.

Use quick attack to dodge the incoming attack.

A white light encased Riolu as he weaved through the various attacks coming foward.

Riolu was able to dodge most of the damage but was still pricked by one or two needles.

Riolu took a step as it winced in pain.

Seeing Riolu in pain. I understood the difference between a novice and rookie lvl pokemon.

Determined to not lose I called out the next attack.

Riolu use aura sphere. A sphere of energy began to gather in Riolu palm as it flew towards beedrill hitting it head on.

Beedrill braced itself for the attack as it was struck. Sending beedrill flying back.

Beedrill struggles to fly as it stared on in anger. Beedrill let out a white beam out it's mouth.

Suprised that the beedrill could use hyper beam. I was unprepared as the attack flew towards Riolu.

Without needing a command Riolu dodged the attack using quick attack and finished beedrill off with an ice punch.

Battle end

After the battle i caught the beedrill planning on giving it to a member of the u.s.a government later on to express goodwill.

After that I watched as Riolu had a breakthrough in strength rising to lvl 11 and finally becoming rookie lvl.

I was proud of Riolu he has impressed me time and time again with his strength.