
Pokemon Chaos-Phillip Reborn

Pokemon Chaos adventures. this is inspired by 2 novels and one of which is written by harem4life. please check those ones too. instead of Austin or Jacob now phillis takes over stage to be the MC. * i don not own the pokemon choas world settings or any pokemons. *no fakemons or yaoi. no offence is meant writting this. Enjoy for now 1 chaptee per week

Hail_D_Hydra · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Getting the Attention

Phillip: yo old man! When we are talking, we talk! Only talk! Next time when I take some fighting lessons we may fight but now, how dare you bring your old ass to hit a kid! What you want a piece of me now! huh! What are you starrin..

Yolo im standing at the spectator's bay and im yelling at him. I keep cursing cuz if I don't I might have a mental breakdown. Muliere's machoke is standing next to him in a boxing pose. And Muliere himself is just starring at me. This old man has real facial muscle control. I cant even guess what Is he thinking.

Muliere: Enough! Come down here now! We will talk in my office.

As he took his machoke back into the pokeball. I asked Aurora to teleport me near him. And next instance I am standing a few meters away from him. Muliere looked at me for a while but he led me into his office.

Muliere: Do you even know what you did kid?

Phillip: I think I failed the promotion exam. Anyway, its not a big deal. Promotion exams can be taken again right?

Muliere just stared at me for few seconds. I think I have to tell him soon that I don't swing that way.

Muliere: Take of your shirt.

Phillip: Listen old man! I don't have any interest in men. I know your old and unmarried, but you will soon find a good woman or a man

First time after meeting him I saw a tick mark made with his nerves on his face. But I am straight. I will break before I bend. I gave him equal annoyed look.

Muliere: *Sigh*…. There are very few pokemon that can use teleport. After the destruction of old world, people forming deep bond towards pokemon became scarce. In the history books we can see that if you have a pokemon with teleport, you can teleport with that pokemon.

Muliere went into a deep thought after he spoke this. I know what he was getting at. I choose to remain silent and gather more information on my situation. Seeing me not talking he started speaking again.

Muliere: Before trainers used to treat pokemon as friends or at least consider them as a team. For the best of the trainer the pokemon allows the trainer to travel with them and not kill or injure them in process. What you did just now, not many people in this current world can do. And you're the only person in this city who can do this.

Never considered this scenario at all. Life is truly full of surprises.

Muliere: Do you know what can you do this?

Phillip: Yes, I can go on a hunting or infact any mission outside the city, if I am in danger during the mission I can teleport to a safe location or maybe back to city. I did not test the distance, but I know I can keep my life.

Muliere: Correct, you pass this test kid. I came to nearly punch not because you pissed me off. I wanted to test what your pokemon will do in a stress situation. If you ask me before I would say you have the potential to be an A-rank, now I believe you will 100% be an A-ranker. Try to aim to build bond between your pokemon. If you have any future requests, let me know. You can leave now.

I just simply walk out the room. This is too much to process for me. I now have to rethink and replan. Muliere and his team only used to monitor Austin cuz he had the potential to be a S-rank. Now he thinks I can too.

I thought I can directly take a mission, now, I must go to my room and cool myself.

I enter my room and sit in a meditative position and concentrate on my mind. I turn towards Aurora who now is happily sitting next to me. During the confrontation against Muliere I saw myself in 3D. that means I shared the eyesight of Aurora. I pick up Aurora and look into his eyes. I try to be in sync with him.

I slowly saw the journey of a small inkay. This inkay lived with a few more inkays, their leader was a malamar. Inkays don't have a big appetite. One hunt is enough to fill the stomach of the whole group while malamar used to hunt on its own. They lived in peace, intruders in their territory were rare. Suddenly one day they started hear a low melody which made them happy, sad and enraged.

Soon they were hearing howls. That's when malamar took the decision to move to a different place and where this inkay met a human. That's me. I quickly break out from this sync state. As soon as I do I feel a great energy drain and fall asleep.

I thank you for your patience. Creation is hard, and even harder if you forget to save the file and you start again and always feel something is missing. Now i am saving it after every chapter i write. please leave comments and reviews.

Thank you

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