
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

Del123 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Rock-Type Gym Leader?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" I end up saying waking up with a cold sweat. Taking a look around I realised that I was in the hotel Davis booked for me last night.

A nightmare has been happening consistently since I've come to this world.

'Fuck man.' I thought to myself rubbing my tear ridden eyes. Feeling the sweat all around my body I opted out to lying in bed without any cover.

"Damn…" I say trailing off.

I didn't think some random thoughts on my mother who passed already would haunt me in my new life.

Lifeless looking into the ceiling just procrastinating, I thought back to my past life.

"She wished for me to be a lawyer." I say with a bitter tone. Some words my mother told me stuck till my older ages but it never ended up happening.

I felt like such a disappointment and over complicating everything.

I wish I could of said I loved her before she died.

Mom, I miss you…

'But now I've got a new opportunity, to do things my way in this new world.' I though raising my hand up grabbing nothing but air.

"That was all in the past… I need to get over this eventually." I murmur with a smile.


A sudden noise with an item falling from the desk near me hit my ears.

Well that was weird…

I knew my mother was proud of me, but due to my edgy self and wanting to be independent I couldn't confront her.

With this last though the tears I was holding back starting flowing out as I just lied in bed not moving.

'I feels good to finally let go some old demons.' I thought to myself looking at Aron's Pokeball. To which something shiny blinded my sight.

Rubbing my eyes I realise it was still the early morning and I had a lot of time to do my own things.

I wasn't gonna be an idiot and just do Pokemon battles till I age. I'm gonna make a business and live a life of luxury. But this can wait as a Pokemon journey is a customary thing for everyone from the ages 10-15 do.

Preparing myself like a shower and taking a shit so I don't have to later, I take all my belongings and head towards the public training field at Rustboro.

"Push…" I exhale out as I jogging around the training grounds with Aron. Aron already gave up a while ago which ended up being around 18 minutes, while I'm pushing for 45 minutes.

Superhuman strength did seem to exist as with no prior training from what I knew, I could jog for 45 minutes with still a lot of energy to use.

'Aron will need to improve his stamina though.'

A Pokemon's stamina is extremely important as it decides how many times it can use its moves. If a Pokemon had low stamina it couldn't use a move like {Head Smash} more than a few times before exhausting itself.

Because of Aron's prior training custom made for it made by experts at Devon Corp. 18 minutes of jogging is already a good amount of stamina for a slow tanky Pokemon like Aron.

After a few more minutes, I finished up my jog and walked back to my rested up Aron.

"Use {Rock tomb} to make five small rocks form the ground." I order Aron. Aron looking back at me, has some teary eyes and bumps me in the leg making me realise what it wants.

"I'll give you some food if you do well on the next workout."

Aron hearing this nods frantically and uses {Rock Tomb}.


"Aron ron!" Aron shouts practically telling me to hurry and make the course.

Looking around I take the rocks and make them into a zig zag pattern with the end rock being a little bit away for a short sprint.

This was an agility drill which isn't too complicated that I used in my past life. The workout is perfect for Pokemon who aren't as mentally advanced than others.

"Okay so just watch what I do and copy it okay?" I say right before doing the drill.

The drill was really simple to which I just made swift turns and at the ending rock I sprinted with my full power.

"Ronn!" Aron watching this roars in anticipation.

Agility is another important component as dodging an attack isn't so much about speed but agility reaction time.

Just because Aron will be a tank and slow High damage dealer, doesn't mean he can't be dodging moves. Plus I need to build up his foundation before working on his moveset.

Aron cannot have a weak body and will need to constantly do physical work to keep himself at his peak.

"Alright it's your turn." I comment seeing Aron take position.

"Ready, set… Go!"

With those words said, Aron was off. His start was pretty good but when he tried to turn the first corner, he went a bit over which became a common trend for the later rocks.

"Keep on going!" I encourage seeing that Aron was up to the last bit. Aron pushing, eventually got the the end while huffing and puffing.

"Ron… ron…" Aron exhaled out seeing that it beat the course. Walking up to the big guy, I grab some mroe Pokemon food that wasn't too much in quantity and fed it to him.

"Good job buddy, just keep it up and you'll get more." I encourage. Aron hearing this gets instantly energised and nods.

Chuckling at his antics I suddenly hear a voice behind me.

"Is this you're Aron by chance?" A voice I recognise as a woman's squeals out. Turning around I see a girl in her late teens.

She looked to have red eyes and brown hair, which was tied up into two pigtails with a big red bow. Looking at her for a bit too long I realised I was staring.

"I'm sorry for staring, I thought you were a bit familiar and yeah this Aron is mine." I say scratching the back of my head in embarrassment. The girl looking back at me just giggles and responds.

"Well that's alright, I'm Roxanne maybe that's why. What's your name? " She says as I make a face which told her that I recognised her.

She was Roxanne the rock type gym leader of Rustboro City. I guess the training ground were quite close to her school so it wouldn't be too out of place for her to be roaming.

"My names Forrest Harrison, I'm from Kanto and just received Aron over here." I reply seeing stars in her eyes.

"That's so cool where did you get your Aron? It's the biggest I've ever seen and it's not a normal colour. My Aggron was never that big when she was an Aron"

The woman started to bombard me with questions which threw me off a little. She went into my little private space which made me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Umm, I got Aron over here from the Aron Cave owned by the Stone family. You see my dad is Flint a gym leader like yourself." I explain not answering her other question.

Roxanne hearing this, gets a shocked look before regaining herself.

"I'm sorry for the unpleasant behaviour. I welcome you to Rustboro! Would you like to have a battle with me?" She asked which I raised my eyebrow to.

'A battle? How did asking about my name go straight to battling?' I thought as I quickly found myself nodding at her words.

"That's great! I'll choose one of my badge one Pokemon for this battle." She said energetically. Not wanting to interrupt her little speech I just play along.

"I know you're still a bit tired Aron, but she's sending out easy prey aight? If you win extra food" I tell the little guy to which he suddenly got a burst of energy.

"RONN!" Aron shouts using {Roar} as it gets onto the Pokemon battlefield. Roxanne seemingly impressed by its display, sends out her own Pokemon.

"Roggen!" The small mantle Pokemon shouts. Looking it's hexagonal patterns on its body, I whistle.

"Unova is the farthest region from Kanto, just where did she find one." I murmur with a jealous look. But I knew I could probably find one due to my canon knowledge with a huge cave of em.

"Let's start this off Roggenrola! Use {Sand Attack}." Roggenrola hearing its trainer slowly makes it way forward and kicks the ground, sending some sand towards Aron's eyes.

"Use {Roar} and then go for {Rock Tomb}." I command. Reacting in time, Aron makes some sound waves from his {Roar} and sends the sand away.

Soon after this Aron stomped the floor and send three boulders at Roggenrola.

"Match it with your own {Rock Tomb} Roggenrola." Roxanne calmly states.


"Rola!" The mantle Pokemon shouts as it sends a equalising amount of boulders and perfectly countering Aron's attack.


Huge pieces of the boulder separated and randomly landed of the battlefield.

"Aron get in close and use {Dragon Rush} and if you miss use {Protect}." I command while softly saying the last part.

"Roggenrola, dodge the attack using the boulder and use {Magnitude}."

Aron speeding toward the Roggenrola with a purple hue, sees it hide behind a boulder and ends up going for the boulder instead*


The boulder ended up being split in two but Roggenrola was no where to be seen.

"Behind you!" I shout realising that Roggenrola jumped on the boulder and dodged when Aron was tunnel visioned with his attack.

Roggenrola stomping on the ground, dents its feet down there and causing a mini "earthquake".

Unfortunately for it though, Aron had already set up its defence and used {Protect}

"{Head Smash} Aron!"

With Roggenrola and Roxanne caught of off guard. Aron was able to charge up his attack and successfully hit Roggenrola.


A smoke cloud appeared where the impact was and soon after this Roggenrola could be seen sent back to its side of the field.

"That's fine, Aron should be damaged now." Roxanne comments not knowing that my Aron was immune to recoil damage due to {Rock Head}

"{Mud-Slap} now Roggenrola!"

Hearing Roxanne I quickly tell Aaron to dodge the attack. Aron who heard me dodged the first two attacks but got hit by the third.

"Finish this off with {Headbutt}." I hear Roxanne say.

'This is my win condition.' I thought to myself with a huge smirk. Roxanne seeing my huge smirk got a confused look.

"Don't back down Aaron, meet it with a {Head Smash}!"

Aron looking at the Roggenrola who has a white hue on its head, got a determined look and engulfed its own head with a light brown hue.



Both Pokemon shout right before they impact each other in the middle.


A huge dust cloud was formed in the middle not showing who the winner was, but this didn't last for long as it started to go away.

Sucking in my breath, I could feel the tension in the air as the dust settled.

Looking over at the middle, both Pokemon were fainted with them knocked out on the floor.

Sighing at the sight, I return Aron to his Pokeball. I know Aron just worked out but I didn't expect a draw to happen like this.

'Aron should of won that, but it's aight. It will encourage him to get stronger.' I grin to myself thinking of how good of an opportunity this was.

The battle didn't destroy Aaron's pride but instead fuelled it to get stronger with no ego boost.

"That was a great battle miss." I say walking up to her while extending my hand out. Roxanne seeing this lightly smiles and shakes my hand.

"It was! Hopefully we could do this sometime else." She responded with a giggle. Hearing this I realise how easy it was to misunderstand her words without context.

"What's your Pokebook Forrest?" She asks pulling out a phone. Taking out my Pokedex I show her my account to which we proceeded to follow each other. "You want a tour of my school?"

Hearing this I just shake my head at the idea.

"I'm sorry I've gotta go back to Kanto, I won't have time." I say with a burden being taken off my chest. There's no way I'm taking the time out of my day to tour a school. That's just too much of my attention span I need to give up

"Hopefully I could meet you sometime in the future. Keep in contact with me as Ill be the future Gym leader of Pewter, just you wait!" I say walking away. Roxanne hearing this just waves back.

"I'll hold you to your word!" She shouts back after a little bit. Smirking at her words I weirdly thought to myself.

'She's just like any other teenage girl, why do I think that's weird?' I thought to myself. Considering the eccentric personalities my parents have I though people would be a bit more expressive in the Pokemon world.

"I can't believe a person being normal feels weird to me." I murmur chuckling to myself.

Well I guess it's time to head back home anyways. I wonder when I can finally start my journey.

'At least I can exchange or ask some tips about rock types from a gym leader now.'

Making connections with her was actually quite beneficial and could help me in the long run. Getting a second opinion from another Rock-type trainer is never bad.