
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

Del123 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

First Official Gym Battle

"Begin!" The referee shouts seeing that both Pokemon were out.

Graveler who was looking at the determined Pikachu, instantly raised its hands starting up a {Sandstorm}.

Lt. Surge who recognised the move immediately got a frown realising what was happening. There wasn't much he could do to counter as it was too late.

"Pikachu use {Swift}!" Surge commands as a large sand storm started to form in the middle of the battlefield.

'This should be alright. I'll take my time and advantage of Surge not being able to switch out.'

"Graveler don't worry and use {Defence Curl}, then follow it up with a {Bulldoze} on the floor."


The multitude of stars on a wide curve were currently headed towards Graveler. But before they could land, the rock Pokemon surrounded itself with a blue sphere for a second.

As this sphere disappeared the stars in the 20+ count all started to land on the poor Graveler.

Watching this my thoughts wandered off for a bit.

'The way moves like {Harden} and {Defence Curl} work are interesting.'

In the games of course these moves increase defence by +1. But here some Pokemon only need to use it once to fully bring out its effectiveness.

This also doesn't include the different effects each one brings.

The defence each move gives is more common sense than just special defence. {Harden} gives the Pokemon more solid skin for a set amount of time while {Defence Curl} acts like a weak {Reflect} in a sphere around the user.

So these can be useful against "special moves" but it would depend.

A move like {Swift} would have its damage reduced. But a different type of move like {Flamethrower} would not be blocked much or at all.


A huge dust cloud built up and with the combination of the {Sandstorm}. It was impossible for anyone to see the battlefield clearly as visible vibrations of the floor was occurring.

"Keep on using {Bulldoze}." I command with a huge smirk.

*Crack* *Crash!*

These mini earthquakes kept occurring for a few minutes as the {Sandstorm} started to subside. Looking over at Surge who had a stiff face I started off my little attack. His Pikachu didn't go unscathed as the {Sandstorm} did some chip damage.

With my side of the battlefield fully destroyed looking like a battlefield full of cracked surfaces and rubble I had the advantage.

"Graveler take as many of the boulders you need and spam {Rock Throw}!"

The rock Pokemon with a happy look took a boulder with each of its arms and started to hurl them at breakneck speeds.

"Pikachu use {Agility} and then {Double Team} right after," Surge says with a calculated look.

"Pi!" The Pikachu responds as a pink hue covers its skin. It proceeded to practically blink almost too fast for the naked eye as it was a blur, constantly dodging fast {Rock Throws}.

The rocks missing start to pile up near the back of Surge's side of the field.

*Crash* *Crash* *Crack*

After this, the hue disappeared as the Pikachu after dodging his 20th rock tried to use {Double Team}.

Unfortunately for the yellow mouse a rock lands right behind it's body making the poor mouse cry in pain.


Surge watching this kept a straight face.

"{Tail Whip} to free yourself and use {Swift} while closing the distance."

With a rock finally landing on the Pokemon my heart started to beat a little slower.

Pikachu using its tail to throw the boulder off its body, gets up and uses {Swift} once again. But this time it started to run forward with its attack.

Seeing this I get a little confused but don't let my guard down knowing anything could happen.

'If a different Pikachu could beat a Rhydon with an electric move, what's to say this one can't beat Graveler.'

"Graveler use a 100% {Bulldoze} to raise the ground up and defend yourself." I shout knowing this will act as a defence and even greater offence.

"VERRR!" The Pokemon shouts in agreement as it sticks two hands into the grounds.


The ground started to get even bigger fissures as multiple slates of earth were launched up and blocked the Pikachu's vision of Graveler.

This in turn also tanked the hits from its {Swift}.


Soon after this Surge's Pikachu on the other side just got sight in sight of the rock Pokemon as it jumped on a sideways surface.

This gave it a clear path towards Gravler which was bad.

"{Grass Knot}." A voice simply states to which I realise what was happening.

As Graveler finished using his buff my mind raced trying to find a solution.

'Graveler isn't needed to win right here as the field is already set up. Let's do a trade…'

"{Rock Throw} now! Just tank the hit Graveler!"

A long vine started to sprout from the crack on the floor next to to Graveler. But before it could attack, the Pokemon grabbed a boulder and hurled it to the vulnerable Pikachu who attacked



Both Pokemon got hit by each others moves. While Graveler was sent flying to the ground in front of me. Surge's Pikachu was covered in a dust cloud.

"Fairy?" Clefairy worriedly says gripping my pants as it looked at her older brother being thrown back.

"It will be alright." I assure her keeping my eyes on the battlefield.

With the tension at a all time high it didn't take long before we got the results.

"Pikachu has fainted!" The referee announces as the rock Pokemon started to stand up haggardly. "Please send out your next Pokemon!"

"VERRR!" Graveler shouts realising it won the battle. Seeing this with a warm smile on my face I take a Pokeball out.


"Great job buddy, have a good sleep." I whisper to the Pokeball.

Retrieving Graveler, I send out my last Pokemon at the back. While this happened Surge also did the same.



Looking at the growling Electabuzz my gaze changes to the countless boulders surrounding the back and side of it.

"Lairon let's not drag this out. Use {Rock Tomb} to command every boulder on the field and bombard Electabuzz."


Lairon hearing my command roars out its name as all the boulders on the field start to float. Over a few hundred boulders which looked extremely exaggerated were circling Electabuzz's location.

Surge who had sweat going down his face just looked at the sight with widened eyes.

Completely stumped...

"Fairy fairy (Hahaha)!" The little fluff started to laugh out loud seeing the ridiculous sight.

"What the fvck is this," Surge mumbled which I took advantage of.

"Now!" I shout.

A couple of tens of boulders started to fall down all at different times on top of Electabuzz. The Pokemon with a nervous look started to run trying to dodge the builders.

This wasn't too effective though as it's exits were gone. There were rocks behind, to the sides and boulders coming from the front.


A little after the barrage of just above 100+ boulders crashed down. The battle soon ended with the overbearing victory by Lairon.

They had no chance…

"Electabuzz has fainted making Lairon the winner. The victory goes to Forrest Harrison from Pewter City!" The referee announces creating a huge smirk on my face.

Right after Electabuzz was returned to its Pokebal. The battlefield started to repair itself with all the boulders now on the floor.

Walking on the now smooth surface to Lairon, I congratulated the guy with Clefiary.

"You did just as we planned." I say feeling very giggly.

Surge who saw this just sighed to himself because of the battle. Soon after this though he got a small smile right before a gym trainer walked next to him.

"That was a pretty good battle kid I have to admit." Surge says towering over me with his sheer height. His smug attitude was completely wiped and was replaced with awe.

Looking upwards confidently with Clefiary in my embrace. I hold her out to grab the badge to which she soon does.


With Lairon now returned to his Pokeball I proceed to spin Clefairy around in joy at my first ever official badge.

"FAIRYY!" The Pokemon screamed holding onto the gym badge with its life. Realising that she wasn't having too much fun I stopped with a wide grin.

"Haha!" I soon laugh though looking at the slumped down and soulless expression of Clefairy.

As I was in my own little world, it quickly crumbled as my eyes widen to the fact a super soldier was in front of me.

"I'll look forward to having you among the gym leaders ranks in the future kid. Not just anyone can become a gym leader. Just enjoy your adventure now as this life is very hectic." Lt. Surge chuckles out making me tilt my head in confusion.

A question that I never asked because of me forgetting mostly was how did a person own a gym? While I understand making an unofficial one with your own resources and getting it recognised works.

The process to an official one doesn't make sense.

"How does a gym become an official one?" I blurt out not realising how awkward it would be.

But to my surprise this made the big guy laugh out loud not expecting the question.

"We should go take a seat before diving into this conversation." Surge casually says as we walked over to a table.

"Well you should know that you first need to make your own gym with your own money first right? After that you need to request to the league and then battle another gym for its rights.

While this may seem vague and it is for a reason. There is no "specific" gym leader they can challenge. It's who ever accepts the challenge or has the lowest income in a forced set time frame. Thankfully these challenges are limited and after grants an immunity to all requests for a while."

He then went on to explain the different requirements to sending a request. This is to prevent random strong trainers without any qualifications to being a gym leader as it could be the downfall of a city with a irresponsible guy.

Realising what he was saying my mind started to connect a few pieces.

"So the reason weak gyms like in the past like my brother or the three sisters from cerulean were safe is because someone else did the battles?" I question.

With anticipation in my words. It was dumb of me to realise but even in this world the rich and wealthy with power still reigned.

"Bingo! It may not seem fair to others but we don't care too much. All of the gym leaders in Kanto have shouted or helped each other in one way or another, we monopolise these positions.

Not sure what other regions do though.

Recently Sabrina from saffron and the newest one, Erika from Celadon, have been building up their power while Koga, Giovanni and I battled these unofficial gyms." He says with a smirk making me widen my mouth in understanding.

It was simple really.

Why let the eight gyms constantly rotate in power when you can manipulate it and make everyone allies. This not only help them but keeps their positions secured but gets them help from other leaders.

'The three sisters had made good money from their shows. While Brock also had dad's old Pokemon to use.' I thought realising how lucky Brock truly was to keeping his position.

After saying my goodbyes with Clefairy to Surge we made our way to the Pokemon centre.

"Tyrogue needs some professional help. Don't think he'd want to be met with multiple {Heal Pulses} to prolong his pain." I chuckle out as Clefairy puffed its cheeks in anger.

"Fairy Clefairy (I great healer)!"