
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

Del123 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

First Capture!

After choosing the amount which was 500₱, I looked up ahead to initiate the battle.

'Lairon has battled heaps of Butterfree before, this will be the test if it still has its coordination and aim.' I think to myself. Deciding to make the first move as I don't like being swept away by my opponents momentum, I start.

"Lairon, use {Rock Tomb} and hold it." I command. Soon after this Lairon lifted boulders from the ground, seemingly looking like it was psychic powers. My opponent seeing this makes his move.

"{Gust} Butterfree, send it flying!"

Butterfree flapping its wings, made a mini hurricane which soon after headed towards Lairon. Lairon not needing my commands after experiencing hundreds of battles, uses a move.

"LAIRON!" Lairon shouts using {Metal Sound}. Both moves impacting each other mid air, cancel each other out making the air go back to normal. Lairon seeing this puffs its chin up in pride.

"Lairon {Metal Sound} one more time." I command. My opponent who heard this got an annoyed look as it realised gust wouldn't work too well on Lairon.

"Butterfree, shrug off the noise and use {Confusion}!" The bug catches says as Butterfree got hit by {Metal Sound}. Unfortunately for the bug catcher, the {Metal Sound} made Butterfree flinch and give Lairon some time to recover from using a move.

Butterfree regaining itself, uses {Confusion} which created a few pink circles which headed towards Lairon's direction. Lairon seeing this moves a rock in front of itself.

"What?!" Edison blurted out not expecting this outcome. Butterfree ended up controlling the boulder and crashed it into the ground a bit away from Lairon which ended up in our favour.

Even then psychic type attacks were resisted by Lairon anyways.


"Now attack it."

With these words over nine boulders came seperately crashing down towards Butterfree. Not wanting to kill the bug Pokemon, Lairon only used one at a time and it took three to win the battle.


'Luckily we fought in the forest in a close proximity to the walking path.' I thought to myself seeing the damage Lairon caused. It seems like Lairon still has it but I'll make him do his daily training to truly see if he has adpated to his new form.

*Beep* *Beep*

Looking down at my Pokedex, I could see that 500₱ was added to my account.

"That was a good battle. It was like you knew my every move out there" Edison said embarassed.

"I've battled a lot of Butterfree's before so I'd say thats why." I comment making the guy visibly glow up. After a little chat between trainers I told the little bug catcher to switch up his move pool that he trains.

It was quite a fun stop, I want to see if I can be "self sufficient" with just Pokemon battles and in future rookie tournaments.

Speaking of tournaments there is one every month in each major city. The closest one that will be starting in the coming few weeks is in Saffron City. I found this out after a little bit of research on the internet.

The requirements are to own three Pokemon so I'll need to at least catch 1-2 more Pokemon as I still have Geodude at home. He never actually stopped his training but is being used as a main member of Dads third gym badge team.

"Hopefully he does well." I murmur knowing that Geodude was rising in the ranks. I've gotten attached to the little guy but Dad keeps restricting my team saying it will spoil my chances of building a team myself.

Getting on my bike I keep on going ahead as there wasn't much to do. The final trip to my destination is around 2 hours on bike. This would take much longer if I was on foot.

With this I felt the wind graze my face once again as this time, I didnt stop for any battles.

There wasn't much to do as I wasn't interest in Rattatas, Caterpies and Metapods. I rode on my bike for atleast an hour before I spotted something interesting.


Behind a bush was somekind of scythe which was poking out of it.

"Please be a Scyther." I quietly say as I got off my bike. Taking out Lairon's Pokeball I send him out which I quickly put a hand over his head to keep him quiet. After putting my bike into its spatial storage, I started to sneak up to the bush with Lairon in front of me to obvious reasons.

As we both sneaked up on the bush, the scythe suddenly ran off as I could hear multiple metals clanging together.

*Clang* *Clang*


"Scyther sai!"

Looking over the bush Lairon and I hid behind, there were a group of Scythers bunched up in a circle. It seemed like there was a battle happening in the battle to which was deciding something.

Scythers were quite an uncommon Pokemon. Not by any means are they rare as Arons are probably harder to find, but Scythers are notoriously difficult to catch and train due to their strong bodies and speed.

This fvcked up a lot of new trainers and got them sent to the hospital.

"Lairon how many boulders are you able to keep up with {Rock Tomb}?"

I knew that as an Aron, he could hold over 20 but it would take a bit of time, but to get my strategie off, I'd need him to do the same. We proceeded to do a little guessing game.

Lairon would shake its head if it was a no and nod at me if it was a yes.

"15?" Lairon shaked his head.

"20?" He shaked his head again.

"25?" For the third time he shaked his head which made my eyebrws raise. Did he really improve without needing any training with just evolution? I mean it makes sense but this is a bit ridiculous.

I proceeded to tell him a few more numbers untill he nodded at 55. Luckily as this was happening, more fights were occuring in the Scyther circle so it was all fine and dandy.

"Alright set up 45 boulders on stand by just in case."

It took Lairon about 5 minutes to set all this up as I thought of a plan. Scythers were prideful battlers and obey the strong. So I though battling their strongest fighter and then recruiting the five strongest Scythers afterwards would be a dub.

And if they don't listen to my words...

Well I guess they would all be green paste by the end of the encounter.

With all the preperations finished I calmly walked towards the Scyther circle, there were about 22 there after a thorough count but there could be more. But me using my bike to escape could easily out speed these guys.

"Hey!" I shout getting the attention of at least half of the Scyther group. This made them instantly turn around and get a vigilant look. Seeing this I smirk seeing that they weren't immediately attacking me.

"I want to battle your leader and have him join my party." I said shortly after making the group start to growl back ready to attack me.

"Scyther scyther!"

"Scyth sai scyther!

Multiple Scythers seemed like there were in turmoil as they started to close in on us. With the circle now disbanding, 11 Scyther starting to slowly creep up on me. Not feeling too scared knowing that Lairon was next to me, I just stared at them with a dissapointed look.

This didn't last for too long though as a Scyther taller than the rest, moves some out of the way as he got in front of the group.

He had a diagonal scar going down his chest and Alfie's with his size which I'll find out later, it makes for an intimidating view.

"Scythe!" It said which I interpreted as a challenge.

"If I win I become your master." I say with a smirk. The Scyther though seemingly understanding my words, gets an annoyed look but calmed itself down.

'This one can hold itself back.' I interestingly thought to myself. The Scyther proceeded to tell his comrades to stay a distance away. With this we had a fair one-on-one which will decide its fate.

"{Metal Sound}." I say starting the battle off with my new favourite move. {Metal Sound} decreased the special defence of a Pokemon. But how it really works is that it dulls the opponents ears/senses depending on how effective it is.

So this move works well with {Rock Tomb} and {Rock Slide} like in the video games which is really cool. And because of Lairon being able to control boulders to the level of a psychic, I can create a lot of interesting defences.

The wild Scyther deciding to not dodge, charges at Lairon with its scythe's getting a dark purple hue. Seeing this I recognise the move as {Night Slash}.

"Tank the hit and return the favour with {Head Smash}"

Scyther quickly closing in on Lairon, lands a solid hit on the side of Lairon's body making him wince. Soon after this multiple boulders landed in a cirle formation trapping the Scyther.

Scyther who had his senses dulled couldn't feel the boulders and just got stuck. But with Lairon in front of it, it didn't have time to check what was blocking his way.

With no way to escape Scyther sees that Lairon was charging at him and prepared itself. A light blue glint encased Scyther'a blades as it rushed forward.




A relatively big explosion occurred with the shock wave creating a breeze that glided past my face.

"Lairon are you good!" I shout. After a little bit of no response I get a little nervous till the dust settled. There they were, Lairon and Scyther still standing there. While Lairon was relatively breathing rough, Scyther was full on panting due to exhaustion.


With Scyther's blades turning greenish-yellow, it charges at Lairon with the last of its energy.

"Trap it with {Rock Tomb}." I command seeing the state Scyther was in. Lairon willing four huge boulders, entraps Scyther to which it couldn't escape due to exhaustion.

Taking a Pokeball from my bag, I walk up to the trapped Scyther and tap the side of its body which was sticking out.


The Pokeball instantly caught the wild Scyther which made me glad.

"It truly was tired." I murmur remembering its determination. It's in a way similar to Lairon with its own pride, but it got its pride through hard fought battles in the wild.

After this capture I battled and caught three more Scythers to be able to train with my main Scyther. But I first sent the extra three back to the gym so I can sort them out later. This is so my team doesn't feel cluttered.


[Dad (Flint Harrison]

You: I sent three Scyther back to the storage, can you separate them and give me my own space?

Dad: You already got your own space.

Dad: The space can hold up to 50 Pokemon. You can switch between your Pokemon using the Pokedex instantly.

You: Alright ty dad

Dad: Great first capture Forrest! Keep on doing your best out there.


Turning my Pokedex off, I take a look around a realise it started to get dark outside. The was starting to set and I still haven't set up camp.

"Well this will be a chore." I groan out realising I'll need to camp. I planned on visiting mostly Pokemon centres and sleeping then, but this was also accounted for.

Taking a few potions out of my bags I release Scyther from his Pokeball.


Carefully walking up to my new Scyther, I hold up the potion.

"This will hurt a bit." I comment spraying the potion on Scyther. Scyther proceeded to wince at the pain but soon after shrugged it off.

The same went for Lairon but he was already used to the pain of potions.

"Sai sai!"

Turning around I see Scyther kneeling down on the floor medieval knight style. Getting a little confused, I realise that it was expressing its loyalty to me.

"I'm looking forward to having you on the team, this is Lairon. I'll feed you food, give you training and resources but I expect you to work hard to get stronger."

Scyther hearing this gets a glint in its eyes and nods frantically.

'It's much easier to subdue a Pokemon and befriend it when beating it in a fair battle.'

This is probably because it has its own pride, but other Pokemon would probably stay vigilant which is annoying to deal with.

After setting up camp, I prepared my sleeping bag and started to cook some food for myself. It will be a huge serving because I'd be able to eat this later on due to my storage.


Setting the sticks on fire, I get the pot ready with h the ingredients right after.

"Lairon can you set up some rocks to hold up the out?" I asked while cutting up some potatoes on the table I brought along.

Scyther mostly spent his time keeping a lookout as I prepared food. The smell of cooking did attract wild Pokemon, but Scyther mostly beat them up to not let them get any ideas.

I ended up giving Scyther some Pokemon food as well as Lairon to which they both immediately become addicted.

It looks like I have two Pokemon food addicts on my team. Well it's not too bad, it makes my carrot-and-stick method easier to use.

"Today was pretty great." I say looking up at the sky. After packing all my cooking equipment and eating my fill, I slowly went to sleep with a giddy smile on my face.

(A/N: If you guys know about rare Pokemon locations in the anime please tell me. Like for example Squirtle Island, Dragonite Island, Shiny Metagross and more.

Also there's an Auxilary chapter showing MC's Pokemon and family Pokemon. So I'd suggest seeing it.)