
Pokemon Breeding System

This is my new Pokemon Novel. I hope you enjoy. I can't be bothered writing a synopsis. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/pC3QMtpx

One_Singularity · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Reincarnation {1}

I Died…

My soul, which had accompanied me throughout my 25 years of life, was traveling through the cosmos.

There was silence, and I could only perceive and think through my consciousness. I didn't die at the hands of others, nor did I perish in an accident.

If I recalled correctly, I had taken my own life...

At that moment, I was simply recollecting my memories—who I was and what I had done during my time on Earth.

Ah yes, my name is August Vermillion, born in the year 2010 and deceased in the year 2035.

I grew up without a father; he had perished in a war. My mother was a single parent and a scientist or researcher, dedicated to finding solutions to global issues.

Her sudden passing when I was 15 years old came as a shock, and I was ill-prepared to deal with the situation. She succumbed to organ failure, her body worn down in ways she never revealed.

I was aware of her illness but had no idea of the severity. She always greeted me with a smile, never showing a hint of pain.

I vividly remember the tears I shed at her funeral and graveside; she was the person I loved the most, and no one could ever replace her.

Grief consumed me for a long time after her death, and I struggled to come to terms with my loss. They say time heals all wounds, but that isn't always the case.

When you truly love someone, you carry them with you forever, regardless of your age or circumstances.

My Aunt Mira Hardy, my father's sister, took me in after my mother's death. She encouraged me to continue my mother's work and dedicate myself to helping others, just as my mother had done.

And so I did. I worked tirelessly.

My mother's research encompassed significant global challenges, including diseases, food shortages, war, environmental pollution, and the limitations of human lifespan. She was a problem solver at heart, driven by a desire to make the world a better place.

I inherited her knowledge and built upon it. By the time I turned 17, I had devised numerous solutions with the potential to positively impact the world.

I developed artificial crops that grew faster, exhibited greater sustainability, and could thrive in diverse climates. These crops were resistant to pests and immune to diseases that could affect humans.

Absorbing and applying new information came easily to me, and I knew I was different from others in a way I never shared. I wouldn't call myself special, but I was unique. I possessed extraordinary innate abilities.

I had a super photographic memory, allowing me to recall everything I had learned and understood since my time in my mother's womb. Additionally, I could communicate with my soul, a capability that may sound far-fetched but is undeniably true.

My soul could send feedback to my body, and vice versa. All my genes, knowledge, and innate abilities were stored within my soul.

Over the years, I had collected genetic data from various species, including humans. My body grew stronger every day, and its regenerative capabilities were remarkable. My injuries healed faster than they were inflicted, and my longevity biomass increased exponentially.

Immortal was not an exaggeration to describe my state of being.

However, something was missing. My mother was no longer by my side, and my aunt, as wonderful as she was, could not fill the void.

Aunt Mira was a stoic woman, but her care and affection for me were evident. She ensured I never felt alone and always brought a smile to my face.

She had a peculiar habit of caressing my skin, kissing my neck, and sneaking into my bed during the night. I thought this was her way of coping with the loss of her family members.

After all, I was her only remaining family, and she was mine. It wasn't until my 18th birthday that she confessed her feelings for me.

Incest was not prohibited in this world, though it was socially disapproved. I had no personal objections to it, believing that societal boundaries need not dictate personal choices.

That night was one of the most memorable of my life, and the sex was incredible. I couldn't believe I had deprived myself of such pleasure for so long.

Aside from my newfound sexual awakening, my hobbies included playing video games, especially the Pokemon series. I often fantasized about living in a world like that, free from many constraints, embarking on journeys through different regions, and forging new partnerships.

I yearned for a life of happiness with my mother and family, untouched by problems. But reality had a way of shattering dreams and forcing us to confront the truth.

Driven by my circumstances and the knowledge that others were enduring far worse, I resolved to make a difference.

Seven years passed in a blur. Aunt Mira and I married, and I became the greatest scientific researcher in human history. She did take after my Surname and become Mira Vermillion. 

Diseases were eradicated, famine was a thing of the past, and human lifespan increased dramatically, ranging from 1000 to 5000 years with potential for further extension. War became obsolete as countries across continents united to form a single global nation.

Scarcity of resources was no longer an issue, and no one went hungry or starved. Inequality between the rich and the poor persisted, an inherent aspect of human nature and the desire for more.

Women embraced modesty, and prostitution became unnecessary. Men were permitted to marry up to four wives, provided they treated them equally in terms of wealth and emotional support.

Mira and I chose not to have children, as our dedication to our work took precedence. However, our love for each other remained unwavering.

My idle state did not last long, as I continued to unlock more of my abilities. My soul had taken on the traits of my physical body, granting it immortality. Additionally, my soul could devour my physical form to further its evolution.

A few days later, I did precisely that, with Mira by my side. I had shared the details of my abilities with her, and she agreed to join me on this journey.

I used her physical body to strengthen her soul and merged it with mine as we traveled through the cosmos. In a sense, we were physically dead, but our souls lived on.

And now, as I followed the guiding white light, I wondered if it was leading me to judgment...

Hey guys, I haven't written for while and wanted to practice with a fanfic. So I chose pokemon as it gives me a lot of options to choose from.

If you think there's I can Improve please tell me and I'll try me best to change it.

Finally, Don't forget to give me a review to what you think about the novel.


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