
230. Shark Attack and Caught

Sharpedo is famously known as one of the Bullies of the Sea in the Hoenn Region along with the popular Gyarados and the annoying Protect using stupid bird, Pelliper.

(This bird has ruined my fun of playing Pokémon Emerald.)

They are very feared because of their extremely sharp teeth that can even bite through iron. Not only that, they also have the Dark-type; which makes them very hostile at most times.

That's why they are known as the Bullies of the Sea.

Encountering Sharpedo in the sea is one of the most frightening thing a regular person or even most Trainers can experience.

Unfortunately for Ash and his party, they would encounter a large group of them at once.

But it's not that bad considering Ash can deal with them himself, no others needed.

Fortunately, Mr. Briney made a prompt decision and drove his S.S. Peeko to the beach shore. Otherwise, just after one single night, there is a huge chance that the S.S. Peeko would be bitten into scrap metal by them.

Now they are trapped on the island. Even if Ash is strong, he cannot keep them all safe and sound under the attack of so many Sharpedo.

If it was only Ash and maybe Brock, there would be no need for all the worry; however, since May, Max, and Mr. Briney were also with him, it would be hard to protect them all from sudden attacks.

And in such a area, Pekko is their only support. Once something happens to it, they will really be stranded on the sea. There is no sign on this nameless island on any of their maps. There was also no network from any satellites because Rayquazza keeps destroying them for fun. Thats why they can only get internet near towns and cities.

As night fell, Brock prepared dinner with their limited rations, and Mr. Briney was full of praise for it.

"It feels really good to camp on such an island without anything to worry about." Ash really likes this feeling of bonding people and nature. When his past self was traveling along the Orange Islands and other such places, he has been to many different uninhabited islands where there was different Pokémon's and plants living.

Memories of camping was very nostalgic to him.

Mr. Briney also agreed with Ash's thought process, "That's right, if it weren't for that…"

In the inner bay of this crescent-shaped island, several menacing looking shark fins were wandering on the water.

They were all monitoring their every move.

The Sharpedos here take turns to rest and watch over.

If Ash and his group do anything to leave, the group of Sharpedo will Sharpedo will definitely attack in groups, even if it means their life.

"I see, so those Sharpedo's do have brains to come up with thsi ideas." Max couldn't help but admired after hearing Ash's analysis.

"That's true, but I think that this group of Sharpedos are special. Most such Pokémon's almost mostly run on their instincts." That is to say, ordinary Sharpedos should not be so smart, Brock thinks so too, "Most Sharpedo's all act alone, and logically speaking, they should not form groups, not to mention such a large group like this. I already counted that there were around 200 of them here. Their leader definitely has some power to make such a group."

"I'm surprised by that too!" As a man on the sea for a long time, Mr. Briney knew how Sharpedo's work very well, well more than the others.

However, Ash smiled and said, "I will show you how easy it can be!"

Brock nodded, he already understood Ash's thoughts after all of their traveling, "Ash, are you really going to do it?"

"Of course, a catching battle! I want their leader!"

As the sun rose, Ash's Pokémon finished recharging their energy. Under the gazes of Brock and the other three, Ash walked toward the sea with his Ralts on his head and a Poké Ball in his hand!

Not long after, the Sharpedos who noticed the slow movements of Ash and his group swarmed in within seconds and surrounded him. The leader of the Sharpedos who used its Crunch attack to break the ice yesterday was like their general, standing proudly at the back, gazing closely at him.

However Ags was smiling in front of him.

Its size is much larger than the ordinary recorded Sharpedo. Although it is impossible to obtain specific data in the sea, the dark shark fin of its serrated blade has grown to a staggering 1 meter higher than the ones shown in his Pokédex; additionally, its whole aura was completely different from the others of his species.

There were scars from the battle on the fins, which reminded Ash of his first Dark-type Pokémon, his adorable little Houndoom!

At that time, his body was covered with battle scars, a show of his power and honor. The scene now is very similar to that time.

The so called Bullies of the Sea who were supposed to work all alone are actually united now under it, and they are also very organized and disciplined. It is obviously the credit goes to that Boss Sharpedo. It has a much higher mind than ordinary Sharpedo, which is why Ash was so interested it.

He wanted to see if it had somehow awakened his Alpha Gene just like how his Rhyperior and Pidgeot had.

(I added this because I thought it might be a little interesting to see what might happened to it.)

Ash raised his Poké Ball high towards the Boss Sharpedo, "Sharpedo, I challenge you to a battle!"

Ash's courage was naturally admirable and justified.

If the Boss Sharpedo really refuses to fight him alone, he can instead chose to let all the other Sharpedos launch an attack at him.

At the water depth where Ash was now standing on, unless Ash himself and his Pikachu fight back forcefully, it will be a little difficult to return unscathed back to his group.

However, Boss Sharpedo rose to the challenge!

All the Sharpedos slowly began to back away, and Boss Sharpedo came to Ash, staring at him with his scarlet eyes, he was waiting for Ash to send out his Pokémon.

"Lets show them what you got, Dratini!"

There is no doubt that Ash sent out his reliable Dratini for this battle, only he can fight freely with Sharpedo in the water.

Pikachu could also battle but he will probably shock everyone in the sea area along with his target.

The moment Dratini appeared, the battle really began. Boss Sharpedo launched a quick attack, the ferocious fangs were about to hit Dratini.

It was that Crunch attack of his.

Although Sharpedo is a dual Water and Dark-type, there are not many Water-type attacks that he can master on his own, the only two are Aqua Jet and Hydro Pump, but that's extremely rare from what he got from his System.

Sharpedo do not even have a tail. It spits up the sea water from the star shaped hole behind it and can swims at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. Its maneuverability is much higher than that of a Pokémon with a tail. In the remote Alola Region, they are even used as something akin to a sea motorcycle.

Ash has the many different powerful Water-type Pokémon's, he can already form a full team of them.

However, he normally doesn't catch Water-type Pokémon's that are resembles fishes because there are too many restrictions in a battle, especially when most battles are on land.

It's not hair that tho, the compatibility with them and him are usually low.

But this Sharpedo in front of his is a special case, he can feel it on his heart.

As a Dark-type shark, it's pretty much signature attack is naturally Crunch, his bloody mouth is simply a nightmare to children, but Ash and Dratini are not panics at all by this attack.

When Sharpedo was close enough to Dratini, he had simply disappeared before its very sharp eyes.

"Dragon Tail!"

Ash gave his first order in the battle, then his Dratini suddenly appeared behind Sharpedo, swinging his long shining cyan tail towards Sharpedo.

But at that moment, Sharpedo's scarlet eyes flickered for a split second, and a stream of water suddenly spit up behind him. Not only did he push himself to dodge the attack, but he also knocked Dratini backwards.

"That Sharpedo definitely is smart!" Max was shocked to see this. He had never seen such a quick but effective action before as Ash never had his Pokémon's of such a thing in front of him.

Brock also nodded and said, "That Sharpedo has a strong will to fight and has rich combat experience. I mean just look at that insanely fast instinct!"

But Ash's combat experience was much richer than Sharpedo's, "Dratini, Thunder Wave!"

Elemental skills such as Water, Fire, Grass, and Electric have very poor effects on Dratini because of its type.

He splashed out of the water again, and electricity burst out from his white horn, he got close to Sharpedo and hit him with a Extreme Speed boosted shock.

Sharpedo felt numb all over its body, but a breath of ice appeared on his fangs.

The Ice-type attack, Ice Fang!

This attack can do wonders on his Dratini.

Not only does he have Crunch and Ice Fang, this Sharpedo also had that Poison-type attack called Poison Fang. This is a Sharpedo that had practiced hard to increase his teeth power to the extreme.

"Avoid it!"

If this Ice Fang really hits him, his Dratini will probably be out of battle soon after that, but it was still easy to avoid the attack with Dratini's speed.

The time to attack is perfect for him, Ash clenched his fist tightly, "Thunderbolt!"

Dratini has basically learned the basics of Thunderbolt from Pikachu and his own Thunder Wave. After all, he is a Dragon-type, and he also had good talents in various elemental skills. Blizzard, Thunderbolt, and the future planned Flamethrower, Ash had decided to make his future Dragonite a real Elemental Dragon.

Yellow electric current rushed down, and Sharpedo was immediately swallowed up by sparks, and he fell down with black smoke all over his body!

Not only was he injured, but also most of the other Sharpedo's got hit because of their closeness to the battle.

Ash was able to protect himself by first using a layer of his Psychic around him to stay afloat.

He then also used a second layer of Aura just in case something happens.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

Ash threw the Poké Ball and caught the Boss Sharpedo with no shakes needed.

This is also the fourth Pokémon that Ash had captured in Hoenn Region, bringing the total number of Pokémon on hand to six, if he counts his unhatched Pokémon Egg.

The other Sharpedos decided to continue to live close to this unknown island after saying goodbye to their current bodies. According to their previous action pattern, they will definitely be able to live well here, and their next leader should also be selected soon after they leave.

Leaving this unknown island, Ash and his party finally arrived at Dewford Town on Dewford Island in the evening, led by Mr. Briney.

Ash planed to teleport Sharpedo back to the Professors Laboratory after landing on the island. He believe that Feraligatr, who is also a demon in the water, will be willing to discuss their bite attack with his new friend.

He didn't plan to have it with him because he can't let him battle on land, it was simply not possible, for now taht is.

"Now I plan to go to Slateport City and prepare to set sail again. I hope I have the opportunity to meet you again in the future!" After meeting Ash and his group, Mr. Briney finally made up his mind.

He and his beloved Pekko will embark on a journey to the sea again.

Sharpedo: 180/210