

All I wanted is to have a typical life, a life with no burden nor struggle. A life where someone appreciates my existence. Why did my desire for a blissful life bring me down this path? My body is filled with thorns as I walk to a path which I could not stray from. What have I done to deserve this? Why did they abandon me? Why am I shrouded with the hands of lie and fear? All I wanted is to live a life where no one mocks the burdens I bear. Is that too much to ask for? I am Luna Evergreen, a name feared by many, a name mocked by everyone. Let them shroud their eyes with the terror I hold upon, let the trumpets roar my name. Let those who oppose me live to regret their decision! To infect the world with devastation, that is the purpose set upon me. Blast off to the speed of light, surrender now or you'll surely lose the fight. I am Luna Evergreen, and this is how I became the villain of my story.... BLAST OFF!

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EPISODE 9: Solution*

Fast heartbeat, worried tears, grinding teeth, and an anxious soul. My Lily is slowly fading away. My tears for her drool down her green body, as I commit a grave mistake. Little do I know, I am heading to trouble, or... make that double.

Through the gates of the orphanage, I gush out. Lucky me, the guards are playing with their cards. I know this will be my first time to disobey my mother, at least my intention is reasonable.

Aside from my sadness for my dearest Lily, Chloe's insults pierced through my heart deeply. I tried to forget what she said yet it echoed on my broken and feeble mind, I couldn't do anything, because my fate has been given from the day I was born.

What price do I have to pay, just to receive the desire I yearn for? Even my soul pleads for justice over those who've wronged me. I don't know what to do next, mourn? Mercy them? Or take vengeance?

No... I can't choose vengeance, I'm not a brat like Chloe. Mother always thought me to forgive those who've wronged us, it will avoid further conflict. Should I keep quiet and mourn because of my melancholy personality? Or should I just forget everything and forgive Chloe?

<Tun tun tun nun nun! Welcome to the Pokemon Center of Saffron City!>The two sliding doors automatically opens as an automated voice welcomes me with warmth.

"Hi there! Welcome to the Pokemon Center. I am Nurse Joy, may I be of assistance?" Nurse Joy greets with a smile. Her chubby little Pokemon gives me and Lily a warm hug, If I'm not mistaken, its name is Chansey.

"...." I look at the nurse with an expressionless face, showing Petilil's body.

"Oh my? Your Petilil looks badly injured. Leave the rest to me, for now, please wait by the benches beside the counter." Nurse Joy acts right away and grabs Petilil from my grasp. She and her Chansey rush to the Pokemon Emergency Room to treat Petilil's burned status condition.

There's nothing I could do but to follow Nurse Joy's instruction. I sit down on the wooden bench beside ten-year-old trainers and their Pokemons. I then eavesdrop some of their conversations. Some of them are boasting their Pokemons to their friends, while some are talking and bonding with their Pokemons. Remarkable, their bond with their Pokemon is heart-warming.

While glancing around the Pokemon Center's enormous space, something catches my attention. On the other side of where I am sitting down, I see a black poster with an R logo in the center.

[Announcement: We are now hiring new grunts. Join the Team Rocket Organization and you'll surely win every fight!] These are the notes written on the tempting poster.

<Tun tun tun nun nun!>The bell rings and Nurse Joy with her Chansey finally comes out of the Pokemon Emergency Room. My attention towards the poster suddenly shifts to Petilil's elegant face. By the looks of her elongated brown eyes, Nurse Joy's treatment made her feel better than before.

I forgot my melancholy characteristic and gush to my dearest Lily with a smile on my face. Our bodies meet and hug each other, generating warmth between the two of us.

"You really love Petilil don't you? Such a beautiful thing to see a Pokemon and trainer bonding together." Nurse Joy compliments.

"What do you mean she's gone?!" Back in the orphanage, Jenny and her Pikachu told my mother about what I did. She immediately panicked.

"She said she was going to the Pokemon Center to heal her Petilil. I tried to stop her but, she didn't respond back." Jenny explains with a soft tone, pushing her two fingers unto each other.

"Pokemon Center?! Jenny, stay here and don't leave the orphanage. I'm going to look for her!" Athena instructs. She puts on her blue jacket then dashes out of the orphanage.

With Petilil on my hands looking pleasant and joyful, we exit the Pokemon Center. My heart feels better, although it still needs time to heal after such occurrences. My wounds are too deep for anybody to cure. I may look jolly in the outside, but in the inside, lies my depressed and blackened soul.

Everything is going fine, my eyes are set on the road, and Petilil is looking safe and secure. Suddenly, a white small Pokemon with blue hair catches my attention. She is walking steadily and cautiously down a small and hollow alley. Her cute little looks tempts me and Lily to follow her. Still, if she looks cute, my Lily looks even cuter.

"Nurse Joy! Have you seen a girl with blue hair, crimson eyes, and pale skin?" Athena disturbs the Pokemon Center's quietude and gasps for oxygen.

"Oh, Headmaster Athena, I think I've seen one. Does she have a Petilil and rarely speaks?" Nurse Joy interviews.

"Yes! Her name is Luna Evergreen, she's my daughter. Did you see her go someplace else?!" Athena rushes her words, leaning forwards to the counter.

"Um, sorry but the last time I saw her was when she left. Maybe she went back to the orphanage." Nurse Joy guesses. Mother no longer responds and decides to head back to the orphanage.

<R... Ralts? Ralts>The Pokemon murmured as she walks down the dark and hollow alley. This alley is what separates the Pokemon Gym from the Pokemon Dojo. It's filled with oozing mud, smelly trash bins, and fine artistry that I would like to call vandalism. She seems lost and worried. Her body is shivering with fear on her way through the alley.

"H... Hi!" I greet her without the intention of disturbing her peace. We are on the corner of a brick wall, so she doesn't have the chance to escape. Her body continues to shiver but I comfort her with a pat on the head.

[Ralts! The Feeling Pokemon, a fairy and Psychic-type. RALTS senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This POKéMON rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition.] Leaning my Kanto Dex forwards, it was able to give me decent information about this so-called Ralts.

[This Ralts is a shiny Pokemon. Regular Ralts have a green pigment in their hair, while Shiny ones like this one over here has a blue pigment.] The Kanto Dex added, trying to compare the two differences. However, Shiny or not, it doesn't matter to me.

Of course, I won't catch it since I hate to force Pokemons to join me. I pity them with loving arms.

"Hey, kid! Give me that Ralts right now!" Giving a pat on Ralts's hair, a tall man with a black uniform interrupts.

"Hehe! This Shiny Pokemon will bring pleasure to the boss for sure!" Another man with the same uniform utters maliciously as he walks closer to me and Petilil.

My body freezes in fear, keeping my eyes locked on Ralts. I nor my Lily don't have the courage to look back at those creepy men.

"Did you hear us?! I said give me that Ralts! You don't know who you're messing with, kid!"

"Please... Le, Leave me." I beg with a trembling voice. I perspire heavily and choking my own saliva. I try to remain calm, massaging Ralt's hair. Me and Petilil do not have the bravery to fight back, mess with one and they'll follow you forever.

"Pfft! Such a brat, come out Zubat!"

"You too, Growlithe!"

Trouble worsens after these two men sent out their Pokemons. One of them is a fire-type in the shape of a rogue canine. The other is a bat, with a large gap between its jaws. My heart silently begs for help.

"Hey! Leave her alone, right now." An unfamiliar voice seeps through with anger from behind the two frightening grunts. Her eyes are coated with the ocean's color, her hair is colored with a dark green pigment, similar to those in pine trees.

"It's the gym leader?!" One of the grunts looks back. His eyes came in contact with the so-called gym leader of this city. I don't remember her name, since I rarely go out.

"You bet! Leave the girl alone Team Rocket! She's just a teenager." The gym leader enrages. Her hand grips a Pokeball tightly, and her eyes glare at the grunts. I feel safer and comfortable as I watch them fight.

"Growlithe, use Ember right now!"

"Zubat, use Astonish!"

"Come out Kadabra! Use Psychic and end this match quickly." The gym leader tosses the Pokeball to the sky, then a yellow Pokemon holding two spoons descends gracefully.

Kadabra is a primarily yellow, humanoid Pokémon. It has two long, pointed ears on top of its head, a red star on its forehead, narrow, deep-set eyes, and wide cheeks leading down to a thin snout. Extending from its each side of its snout are two mustache-like tufts of fur; a male will have a longer mustache than a female. Kadabra's torso is segmented with bulky shoulders, a thick, brown chest, and a small abdomen marked by three red, wavy lines. Attached to the Pokémon's abdomen is a large, thick tail encircled with a brown band near its base. Its arms are thin with brown elbows and end in three-fingered hands with white claws. Its legs have prominent knees and large, three-toed feet, also ending in white claws. Two of its toes face forward and one backward.

Zubat and Growlithe flops to the sky! The violet veil shrouding them, suddenly disappears, causing both of them to fall back to the ground.

"Pfft! We'll return soon."

"He's right! Mark our words!"

The two grunts infuriate with trembling and promising voices as they rush out of the hollow alley. They push the gym leader's shoulder. Luckily, she is a person with a long patience.

"Excuse me, did those grunts hurt you?" The gym leader questions and walks towards me with a rather casual and comfortable smile. My fear hasn't settled yet since I am not familiar with the young woman. My eyes continue to trickle tears out and I respond with a nod.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. My name is Sabrina, and this Pokemon over here is my partner, Kadabra. May I please know your name?" Sabrina kneels down and rubs my shoulders. She soothes my body from all the fear inside of me.

"Lu... Luna, Ever... Evergreen." My voice stutters and trembles, clinging to my Petilil tightly.

"You have Dysphemia, don't you? That's ok, it's fine if you respond with the use of your body. When I was young, I couldn't speak as well.

I used to have this doll, I communicate with people through it. Is this shiny Ralts yours?" Sabrina questions then rubs my shoulders gently. I respond by swiftly turning my head sideways.

"Ah, I see. So it's a wild Pokemon then. That Petilil is obviously yours, I could tell by the way you hug her. Anyways, don't mind those grunts. They're thieves who love to steal people's Pokemons.

I know it's hard to cope up with life due to your burden, if only I could teach you to speak telepathically, but I can't since you're not used to Psychic Pokemons and powers. Anyways, it's obvious to me you've been bullied by a lot of people. Don't worry, I was bullied too.

Do me a favor, and don't ever take revenge on those who've wronged you. It will only make things worse. It's better if you ignore them rather than boiling up your blood with vengeance.

Anyways, I have to return to my gym, there are loads of trainers nowadays. It's my duty as a gym leader to hand out a badge called the Marsh badge. Oh! I know, this will definitely make you feel better, here... have this badge, it's a prototype." Sabrina comforts. She scrambles her pocket for a badge she calls, the "Marsh badge"

The Marsh Badge is plain and simple, it looks like one big golden plate. Aside from it's golden galore, this badge also reflects my pale skin. Its vibrant and lustrous coating has put an end to all my turmoils.

"See I knew it! You feel better, don't you? Keep that badge, and don't, lose it. I have to go now." Sabrina gives me one last hug before entering a portal her Kadabra created. Although, she could've just walked since her gym is just on our left.

"Ma... Marsh Badge." My voice stutters as I look at my reflection. After that traumatizing event, I and Petilil bid our greetings to the shiny Ralts. She actually felt lonely after both of us left her with isolation.

"Oh Luna! Where have you been?!" I open the doors to see my mother walking in circles with concern. After sensing my presence, she felt relieved to see my face again.

"Ss, sorry, please d... don't get mad. Pet, Petilil needed, help." I apologize with a heavy heart as I hug my mommy tightly.

"Don't worry dear, I'm not mad. I'm happy to see you again. You shouldn't panic like that when your Pokemon faints, status conditions are no exceptions. You could've given your Petilil to Natasha so she could be the one to deliver her to the Pokemon Center. Are you hurt? Did anyone hurt you?"

"I... I'm fine, mother. Sabrina sa...saved me." My voice stutter. The sensation of my mother's love then flowed through my body with warmth surrounding every single organ inside of me. Afterward, I show the Marsh badge to my mother.

"Luna Evergreen! I'm glad your safe." Jenny enters the heart-warming scene with her Pikachu. I am surprised when she abruptly hugs my body tightly. It's my first time to feel affection from somebody else aside from my mother. The only thing I could do is to hug my friend back.


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