

All I wanted is to have a typical life, a life with no burden nor struggle. A life where someone appreciates my existence. Why did my desire for a blissful life bring me down this path? My body is filled with thorns as I walk to a path which I could not stray from. What have I done to deserve this? Why did they abandon me? Why am I shrouded with the hands of lie and fear? All I wanted is to live a life where no one mocks the burdens I bear. Is that too much to ask for? I am Luna Evergreen, a name feared by many, a name mocked by everyone. Let them shroud their eyes with the terror I hold upon, let the trumpets roar my name. Let those who oppose me live to regret their decision! To infect the world with devastation, that is the purpose set upon me. Blast off to the speed of light, surrender now or you'll surely lose the fight. I am Luna Evergreen, and this is how I became the villain of my story.... BLAST OFF!

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608 Chs

EPISODE 74: Moonlight!***

The rain pours, running all over my skin. It blends with my tears, falling off my eyes. Dusk has arrived, and it is uncertain where the moon nor the sun can be found for the clouds of gloom has cloaked them completely. Somewhere above those clouds are the orange hues of the setting sun. I wonder when it will shine to me once more.

I rest by a tree, leaning my body over the bark as I keep my eyes to the pure water surrounding the island. The leaves shelter me from the rain as my mind wonders deeply. Athena, Xavier, Charlotte, all are nothing but mere memories. The only ones I have are no other than Virgo and Team Rocket alongside with my friend from the other side.

A part of me was regretting to kill my mother, and a part was just trying to forget everything that ever happened. As time goes by, the downpour stops and the clouds disperse, revealing the beauty of the moonlight that shines above. The stars, her children, shroud her, extending their lustrous glimmer.

The moonlight is a defuse ocean above me, lessening the inky blackness of the night, but not so bright as to dull the stars that speckled and glittered in the heavens above. It brings serenity to the scenery I gaze on. I've never felt this calm for a long time.

"Huh?" I wonder, seeing the water is covered by a white mist. It appears from plain sight, and I think of it as a gobbledygook phenomenon. The mist spreads throughout, raising both my awareness and interest.

I hear some sort of cry over the lake, however, I couldn't quite detect its location because of the mist keeping my eyes at a zero-visibility state. I stand from the ground, observing the mist which seems to be coming closer to me as the clock ticks onward.

I've never experienced such scenario in my life. I tilt my head to the water, there I saw ripples. This piques my awareness, giving me a hint that someone is walking in water since water ripples don't form out of nowhere.

From the mist, I see a silhouette of a Pokemon walking closer to me. I flinch, in both shock and fear, wondering who it may be. In a subtle pace, walking on water, it moves closer. As its feet touch the water, it forms oscillation. The image of the Pokemon becomes clear and I was marveled by its beauty.

It is slim, quadruped, blue, mammalian Pokémon with white, diamond-shaped markings. Its face and underside are white as well. It has a thick, purple mane that resembles the aurora borealis and two white, streamer-like tails that wave forward. It has a long, white snout. It has a large, hexagonal, cerulean blue crest on its forehead that resembles the antlers of a Qilin with two prongs on either side of the base. It has red eyes, a small tuft of fur under its chin, and small paws with white paw pads.

I've seen this Pokemon in books before. I've also seen it in my Pokedex and my Rotom-Phone while I was scrolling through the internet. It is as glorious as Raikou, the beast of thunder except that it has the pigment of blue instead of yellow. Attention-grabbing, the only word that could describe the Pokemon. It pulls me, attracting me to walk on the water.

"Sui... Suicune?" I stutter after the dispersing of the mist, revealing the true colors of the Pokemon. Suicune, one of the beast which was brought back to life by the legendary Ho-Oh. How astounding for it to be in front of my eyes. The Pokemon moves closer to me to the point there is only one inch of space separating both of us.

I couldn't move. I don't know what to do. A droplet then falls off its mane but this was different from water. It's pure, purer than anything I've seen before. I've heard that Suicune has the power to turn filth into purity as long as it is a liquid. I extend my hand, massaging the Pokemon's forehead.

Just like Raikou, it allows itself to be pet by me. I was pleased to touch its slimy yet smooth skin. I tickle its neck gently afterward. Seeing me pet it, Suicune emits cooing noises. These noises are very soothing. It is as if my worry and fear has disappeared, my troubled mind, calmed.

It then pushes me, causing me to fall over. It moves to the land, and by its looks, I'd say its convincing me to ride on its back. I stand up, not minding its actions. Slowly and gently, I saddle on its back. I- I am speechless. The moment I rode on Suicune, I feel a peace of mind. I feel serene, relaxed, unclouded. Even Charlotte's image disappeared out of my brain for a moment.

The Pokemon shrieks loudly, and without another second to waste it walks on the still water. Amazed, I am as the Pokemon moves slowly. I extend my hand to the water, playing around with it for a little while. Suicune shocks me immediately when it jumps onward nearly causing me to fall.

It hops to Johto Mainland, over the roofs and ceilings of houses it goes. My mind is perplexed, wondering where it is trying to bring me. I calmly cling tightly unto its violet fur in order to avoid myself from falling. To be honest, I was enjoying this ride offered to me by Suicune. Merriment and gaiety flows through my vessels.

It then halts on a cliff, staring into the full paschal move. I open my mouth in awe, staring with the Pokemon. By far, this is the best place I've been to. A cliff, wherein I can see the moon clearly in front of me. Large, gargantuan, the moon is, bringing warmth and affection.

I tilt my head down and I see a city below this cliff. The city lights add a marvelous touch to the night. On the west, I see Goldenrod, and on the East, I see the small town of New Bark. I've never knew that a place like this existed. A place wherein you can see half of this region. It is a site where one can feel peace for a moment.

After minutes of staring, admiring such beauty, Suicune takes another leap. It returns me to the same tree I was leaning on. How I wish I could spend more time with such a majestic Pokemon. This is one experience that will truly become a cherished memory. The two of us part-ways, and my mourning soul has become benevolent.

I smile, taking deep breaths, wanting to tell Virgo about everything I've seen...