

All I wanted is to have a typical life, a life with no burden nor struggle. A life where someone appreciates my existence. Why did my desire for a blissful life bring me down this path? My body is filled with thorns as I walk to a path which I could not stray from. What have I done to deserve this? Why did they abandon me? Why am I shrouded with the hands of lie and fear? All I wanted is to live a life where no one mocks the burdens I bear. Is that too much to ask for? I am Luna Evergreen, a name feared by many, a name mocked by everyone. Let them shroud their eyes with the terror I hold upon, let the trumpets roar my name. Let those who oppose me live to regret their decision! To infect the world with devastation, that is the purpose set upon me. Blast off to the speed of light, surrender now or you'll surely lose the fight. I am Luna Evergreen, and this is how I became the villain of my story.... BLAST OFF!

NotUse · Anime & Comics
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EPISODE 52: Beacon*

The sun is a bright beacon of warmth and hope. It thawed the frozen wind, turning it into passionate air. However, the horizon remained pure white surrounded by the bitter coldness of the sea.

The three of us are able to reunite and the sensation of relief succumbed to our minds.

Xavier turns on the obvious red button located on the side of the gradient steel radio. The Rocket logo then appears on the screen, scanning for essential network connection.

As we expected, we've succeeded in connecting to a fervent network. With a push of a button, the radio was able to emit radio frequencies to the closest Rocket Radio Station.

From the station, rocket members can identify the source and the problem occurring there. Frequencies which are thin symbolizes an ongoing problem, while frequencies which are a bit thicker symbolizes a problem which needs urgent response.

In our case, we are in need of an urgent response for once the sapphire night comes, the snow and blizzard strikes again.

All we can do for now is to wait for a response team to arrive and send us back to headquarters. The question is, what time will they arrive? My body could no longer stand another night in this winter nightmare.

Hope slowly fades away with the sun's light. I started to wonder if a radio station was able to pick up our SOS message.

When the night seems to be colder, my mind seemed to be growing bitter. As we wait patiently over the land of ice, my mother's picture suddenly appears on my mind.

As much as possible, I try to forget her yet every now and then I start to remember her. I am not going back, but why does my mind persist to show me her image?

From my mother's image, comes Jenny. I start to wonder how she's doing. Its been almost five months since the last time we've seen each other. I want to see her, but I'm afraid of her emotions once she knows that I'm an agent of the organization who she blames for killing her family. If only she understands the true purpose of Team Rocket.

As minutes turned into hours, our hope continues to fade. The ruby sky is now succumbed by the sapphire sky. As expected, the blizzard arrives with Chaos, slowly killing our bodies.

We persist to stand firm in the midst of the blizzard's eye. Our sight slowly withers and our breath turns into snow. We start to stutter with our teeth grating each other. Our bodies join in and begin to tremble as well.

Our fingers start to feel numb and apathetic. I already have a pale face, yet it became paler. The color of my lips corrodes into a much more violet hue. My body is tired, and all I can think of is my warm bed.

I wasn't expecting this, our Pokemons came out of their Pokeballs despite the harsh weather. They cuddled us tightly in hopes to keep us warm but I fear for their safety.

No matter how many times we've sent them back to their Pokeballs, they persisted to escape and cuddle us. I pitied the Pokemons, especially Lily, Mawile, and Kirlia for their fur isn't as thick as Absol's fur.

From the absence of heat, a blinding light strikes our face. The sounds of propellers and engines spark hope for our bodies.

"Agent Luna, Agent Charlotte, and Agent Xavier, please stay firm our men will assist you." The pilot utters.

I couldn't keep up, however, for I was already experiencing a somewhat nauseous feeling. I only woke up to see me and Charlotte on our beds.

I found my self resting with my Pokemons by my side. They looked tired and worn-out from the incident. Matori enters our room afterward looking at me and Charlotte's faces with a blissful and relieved smile.

"Good work to the both of you, especially to Luna for picturing the portrait. Now, have a long nap. You deserve it." Matori compliments and places down my rotom-phone on the wooden desk. She then leaves the room with a subtle pace.

I gave a loud yawn and fell back to sleep. How I miss my sweet fantasies playing in my mind.

Watch out for the upcoming two chapters! Truths and secrets are about to be revealed.


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