

All I wanted is to have a typical life, a life with no burden nor struggle. A life where someone appreciates my existence. Why did my desire for a blissful life bring me down this path? My body is filled with thorns as I walk to a path which I could not stray from. What have I done to deserve this? Why did they abandon me? Why am I shrouded with the hands of lie and fear? All I wanted is to live a life where no one mocks the burdens I bear. Is that too much to ask for? I am Luna Evergreen, a name feared by many, a name mocked by everyone. Let them shroud their eyes with the terror I hold upon, let the trumpets roar my name. Let those who oppose me live to regret their decision! To infect the world with devastation, that is the purpose set upon me. Blast off to the speed of light, surrender now or you'll surely lose the fight. I am Luna Evergreen, and this is how I became the villain of my story.... BLAST OFF!

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608 Chs

EPISODE 34: Ideas*

Viridian Forest, an assault on all senses. The virescent hues were the foreground while the lush green trees were the background, reaching as high up to the sky. The heat and humidity pressed in on the skin making sweat pointless. The sounds of insect-looking Pokemons, the bird-looking Pokemons, and the larger ones created a symphony of nature calling us deeper. The leaves brushed up against our feet, springing up with each step. The air tasted both sweet and fresh, like flowers blooming on your tongue.

The aura of the forest, of a million wild souls, is as tangible as water when one bathes. It is another sense, one that comes to the heart rather than the eyes, as soaked in richness as they are.

May the forest's beauty serve as a distraction the three of us would never fall into. Giovanni's commandment is loud and clear, Absol will be ours, guaranteed!

My mind doubted my heart, for why would a government capture a Pokemon? Isn't the purpose of the government to uphold the unity between people and Pokemon? Or is there something fishy going on?

Giovanni seems eager about this pure white maiden, a maiden bearing beauty, yet upholds a bad omen. Such a strange council, the PCG is. A council which researches about Pokemon Evolution and Genetics believes in superstitious occurrences and folklores? Who amongst these fertile land is the liar, Team Rocket, or the Government itself?

"You know, if you want this mission to succeed, you and Xavier should get along," With Xavier cutting through all the tall tiger grass, Charlotte whispers upon my ears, with a very exuberant tone.

"Hmph! He called me a softy."

"You called him a snob! Come on, set aside your differences, at least just this once. Please, I don't want to get fired, I still have high hopes that one day, I'll be able to be a pilot!

When I become an elite operative, I will have my own salary, and maybe one day I could enroll and be trained in a pilot school when the time comes. So please, don't ruin this for me." Charlotte begs with such cute baby doll eyes. It a blessing for her, while a curse to others. Anyone could simply fall due to her cute eyes, even a girl like me couldn't resist.

Still, it shocks me to know the reason why Charlotte wants to become an Elite Operative. I guess her true dream is to become a pilot one day, I wish I have dreams like her. For now, I am the simple Luna, who knows nothing about other uncommon careers. It's still a mystery on what I want to become in the future.

PGC340, or lab 340. This is where Absol's body lies. Shaped as a pentagon, this lab has white lustrous titanium floors, patrollers scouring the area for intruders, and multiple rooms, wherein one of them contains the target.

I've watched a lot of movies about sneaking inside labs, and the best time to strike is always during the night. Sleepy guards, unactive personnel, nighttime always has its own advantages.

"Alright listen up, Luna, once Charlotte hacks the CCTVs you'll be entering from the eastern gates of the lab, according to my observations, there are no patrollers within the area.

Once you enter, I will be telling you which way to go, for I am the only one who can see where the patrollers are within the lab. Follow my instructions carefully, and do not object to them, this will only lead us to failure.

Once the CCTV has been hacked, I will have access to all events happening inside, which means I will become the eye of the lab, from there... I can detect the room wherein Absol has been captured, all you have to do is to either catch it or find its Pokeball.

Let nothing distract you. As for Charlotte, follow the handbook's instructions carefully, you are the spine of this operation. If the CCTV isn't hacked properly, then this will lead us to further conflict.

Once Absol has been captured, return back to this spot immediately. Oh, and I almost forgot, fight the patrollers off once you intercept with each other." Xavier commands, or should I say, demand? The way he talks is extremely frustrating, as if he is the leader of Team Rocket.

"Why don't I just enter from the vents instead? Wouldn't that be much simpler, because I can see whatever is happening beneath? It is also easier for me to detect Absol if we use to vents instead." I suggest.

"No. The whole mission will fail if you continue to persist in your plan."

"Well, it was just a suggestion, you don't have to be mad about it."

"Your suggestion is the worse suggestion I've ever heard."

"That's a rude thing to say to a girl like me." We heated up, and the night's cold temperature drastically changes. With our eyes, we glare at each other, hoping to prove which one is better. Charlotte, on the other hand, didn't mind our argument, she lays solemnly at the grass while reading the instructions.

"Well, well what do you know? Opposites do attract." Charlotte giggles while taking a glimpse of me and Xavier's heated argument. She tilts her head back and continues to read the instructions thoroughly.

"I only respect those who deserve respect. Why am I wasting my time on this? If you don't want, then leave."

"Hmph, I guess that's why you don't have any friends."

"..." Xavier suddenly got speechless, as if I was going too far with the argument. He clenched his fists and continues to scowl at me. Little do I know, that I triggered him beyond his limits.

"Look! You don't know anything about my past, so stop assuming that I don't have any friends at all. I expect you have many friends too? Or maybe just one?

If you persist in your plan, then this whole mission is a total flaw. Where will you put the vent door? On the floor? Do you see any ropes which could drag you down from the ceiling? Are you certain that those walls are soundproof?

Next time, analyze and plan ahead for all possible situations. I have been an agent for almost six months, I have seen things you haven't seen, I have felt things, you haven't felt before." Xavier viciously exclaims.

Without arguing even further, I nod my head and agreed with the mission. Even if my heart wants to sob, I must know that there are a lot of people in this world, people with different personalities and attitudes. There are exuberant ones like Jenny and Charlotte, there are timid ones like me, and of course, there will always be serious and low-tempered people like Xavier. Now, my mind grows curious about his past, for I am certain that he wasn't always like this. Deep inside, something miserable has forged his life into something he is today.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but there will be no update tomorrow to give way for urgent matters. Still, the day after tomorrow, I am very certain that I will be posting new chapters again.


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