

All I wanted is to have a typical life, a life with no burden nor struggle. A life where someone appreciates my existence. Why did my desire for a blissful life bring me down this path? My body is filled with thorns as I walk to a path which I could not stray from. What have I done to deserve this? Why did they abandon me? Why am I shrouded with the hands of lie and fear? All I wanted is to live a life where no one mocks the burdens I bear. Is that too much to ask for? I am Luna Evergreen, a name feared by many, a name mocked by everyone. Let them shroud their eyes with the terror I hold upon, let the trumpets roar my name. Let those who oppose me live to regret their decision! To infect the world with devastation, that is the purpose set upon me. Blast off to the speed of light, surrender now or you'll surely lose the fight. I am Luna Evergreen, and this is how I became the villain of my story.... BLAST OFF!

NotUse · Anime & Comics
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608 Chs

EPISODE 14: Encouragement*

Back at headquarters, I proceed directly to Room-HQ in order to suggest my proposal to the executives and to deliver the page to Professor Olive whom I assume is inside the room as well. Meanwhile, Virgo has made the decision to go to the cafeteria in order to eat and bond with her Pokemons, especially her starter, Chikorita.

Upon arrival, as expected, I see Professor Olive, but somehow arguing with the silhouettes of the executives on the tall glass mirror. I am a mere interruption to their conversation.

"Professor, me and Virgo were able to obtain the page. Obtaining the whole book is unnecessary for it remains blank except for the middle page which is this one. However, before leaving, we were interrupted by an organization whom they call themselves the Rebirth Society.

Although I was able to obtain the page, the enemy was able to obtain the other half, leaving me and Virgo with the page pertaining to the Rainbow Wing." With a heavy breath, I reported the truth.

"Rebirth Society? That is a new one on me. If what you say is true, then that means you purposely gave the page pertaining to the Silver Wing to them didn't you?" Professor Olive queries.

"Yes. I believe we could outsmart their vast organization through harnessing Ho-Oh. With it, we will be able to claim Lugia who appears to be on their grasps once they summon it through the Silver Wing." I suggest, telling them my proposal.

"You have a point, however, to summon Ho-Oh we would need to find the Rainbow Wing first, right professor?" Ariana double-checks.

"Indeed executive, however finding the Rainbow Wing will be hard. The book or in this case, the page I asked Luna to obtain is only a part of the puzzle. Since we've shifted to focusing on the Rainbow Wing rather than the Silver Wing, we would need to find eight more pieces in order to complete the puzzle.

I believe the puzzle will reassemble a map that leads to the wing. Finding it, however, won't be that easy." Professor Olive concurs and explains furthermore.

"Not only that, but in order for Ho-Oh to fall under our command, we would need the power of at least one of the mirages. Without it, obtaining Ho-Oh is a mere figment of our imagination." Executive Archer sighs.

"I'll be willing to find it, just tell me the location of the pieces and the mirages and I'll obtain them." With determination I beam, volunteering to participate in missions pertaining to the goal of Team Rocket in the Johto Branch.

"Sorry, but I still lack the locations of the pieces and the three mirages but I can assure you I'm working with all my best to figure them out." Professor Olive utters, apologizing sincerely.

"I knew we should've disbanded." Proton murmurs, sending off a soft sigh. I was able to hear his words, making me furious for having a lousy faith.

"Would Giovanni want this?! For Team Rocket to disband?!" I argue.

"Giovanni is a coward, he left the four of us in charge of a vast organization scattered around the globe." Proton counters back.

"His words are loud and clear to me, he told me he'll return, and all we have to do is to wait. I believe him, and so should you, especially if all of Team Rocket looks unto you due to the fact you're an executive of Team Rocket."

"Agent, do you really think he will return? Look at us, our organization is left with merely 10,000 members left after his fall in the Kanto Region. Giovanni told you those words in order for you not to think he's a coward." Proton argues, inclining his voice by a pinch.

"Giovanni is not a coward. If he was, then Team Rocket would've disbanded very early. If Giovanni is a coward, then I should be resigning since before but that is not what I saw in him. His words are sincere, he will return." I argue back, encouraging Proton but it seems like I only forced the executive to let off a soft sigh.

"The agent has a point. If we were to give up, all of Giovanni's creations would be a waste. Although there are organizations that are countering us, and there will absolutely be more in the future, that shouldn't be a hurdle to our organization.

If you were to disband the organization, think of it? All of our hard work and effort would be a waste. This is not what Giovanni wants." Professor Olive sides with me.

"Just make sure the two of you are correct. Professor Olive, make sure to gather the locations of the mirages and the eight pieces of the so-called puzzle. As for agent Luna, we have high hopes that you will cling to your words.

Once the professor identifies the locations, it is your job to claim them. This is Team Rocket's last stand, therefore if this operation fails, I, Archer, the head of the executives is given no choice but to disband the organization due to the scarcity of members and profit."

"Elite Operative Luna Evergreen, we are still uncertain about this so-called Rebirth Society so please, take things with caution. We are uncertain about their technology and leadership." Petrel adds.

"Don't worry executives, Team Rocket will rise on the palm of our hands. This is only the beginning of it." I beam with determination.

"As a professor of Team Rocket, I will stay devoted to my research in order to claim the locations of the said requirements. I am also looking forward to discovering who or what is this so-called Rebirth Society." Meanwhile, Professor Olive does the same, beaming with enthusiasm and eagerness.

After hearing our words and promises, the executives disconnected their communication system with us in order to return to their other agendas. Luckily, my words are able to encourage the executives, especially proton who appears to be letting go of Giovanni's words. Let the gamble between the mirages begin!

Lugia, Ho-Oh, and the weather mirages aren't the only legendaries who are about to debut. Primarily it will focus on eight legendary Pokemons.









Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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