
Chapter 99 Return, Fighting’S Fiery Monkey!

"So? Why are you running?" The group of people followed Machoke to a big house, and Misty finally couldn't help but complain about this uncle.

"That's the reason!" The uncle was really exhausted and couldn't speak clearly. He could only point in the direction of the room, and he should understand it soon.

Sure enough, several Trainers came out of the house, bringing Fighting Pokémon with them, calling this uncle "Teacher"!

This uncle is indeed a martial artist.

In front of the disciples, the uncle stood up forcefully and put on a very dignified look, "Have you practiced well?"

That must be the answer "yes"!

"Xiao Zhi, welcome to my Cianwood Gym! I am the King of Fighting Pokémon and the Trainer of Cianwood Gym, Chuck!" This self-introduction is quite impressive, if only I could stop being out of breath after saying it.

After hard training, it's time to eat!

"Let's go, let's eat! Eat as much as you can! Eat as much as you can! Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight!" Chuck was very sincere and filled Xiao Zhi's bowl with a large portion of fried rice.

"Haha, it's delicious!" Mitsumi was already the first to start. She was very happy to eat the food, it must taste good.

"What a cute little girl, please eat more if it's delicious!" Chuck's wife was very happy that her cooking was praised, and she was also very happy to see them eating happily.

"You should be the challenger this time, right?" She looked at Xiao Zhi, "You must work hard and knock down my husband as soon as possible!"

Where have you heard this before?


Uncle Anthony's daughter seemed to have come to Xiao Zhi back then, asking him to knock down Anthony.

But judging from the loving couple they have, it doesn't seem like Chuck doesn't care enough for his wife.

After having enough wine and food, Xiao Zhi was not in a hurry to compete in the gym, and planned to go to the Pokémon Center first to digest it.

"It tastes really good!" Misty also approved of today's meal and planned to go for a walk with Xiao Zhi, otherwise she would gain weight.

"No, it's not just about the taste! It's low in fat, high in protein, and easy to digest and absorb! This kind of food is perfect for replenishing the physical strength of Trainers and Pokémon!

Xiaogang looked at a table of clean meals and said seriously, "This gym is very efficient and pays attention to scientific training!"

"I'm going to ask Madam for advice. Xiao Zhi, your Pokémon training is very intense now. I think this recipe will be very helpful to you!"

With the breeder Xiaogang here, Xiao Zhi really saves a lot of worries.

"After eating, it's time to exercise after dinner! Xiao Zhi, let's fight!" After eating, Chuck's physical strength seemed to have been restored.

But Xiao Zhi apologized and said, "Mr. Chuck, I want to go to the Pokémon Center first and exchange injured Pokémon. Is that okay?"

Hearing this, Chuck nodded of course.

"Xiao Zhi, I was just looking for you. Mr. Anthony, whom you asked me to help contact, has news!" As soon as the call was answered, Professor Oak told Xiao Zhi good news.

"Really? What does my Primeape say?" Xiao Zhi said in surprise.

"No problem, Mr. Anthony has retired as a coach now, so Primeape will no longer have the chance to compete in the ring, so it's just time to give it back to you. I've already got its Poké Ball!" Professor Oak said with a smile.

He has already checked this Primeape. It is very strong. Xiao Zhi has gained another good partner!

"How about it? Do you want to teleport it?"


"Yes, I also want to thank you for Heracross!" Xiao Zhi planned to exchange Heracross and use Fighting to fight against Fighting.

Let's have a head-to-head confrontation.

Moreover, Xiao Zhi's hero Heracross has a very high degree of compatibility from the moment it is conquered.

However, it was later exchanged to Professor Oak for research, and the three royal families scrambled to evolve, so Heracross's bond evolution was delayed.

Although Xiao Zhi understands in his heart that not every Pokémon can complete the bond evolution, there is no reason why Heracross cannot be completed with such a high degree of compatibility!

"But Xiao Zhi, you already have 6 Pokémon with you [Which song should I exchange for? Or Raikou?" Professor Hemu really misses Raikou!

Xiao Zhi didn't refuse, "Then send Raikou and Bangila there!"

"As expected, you kid was hiding from me. I didn't expect you to subdue Bangila!" Professor Oak's eyes lit up. Now Xiao Zhi is really awesome.

Now he doesn't even dare to walk around in the backyard because the people there are all big guys!

Blastoise, Venusaur, Typhlosion, Rhydon, Slowking, Snorlax. . . Now another Banjira is sent back. I hope this big guy has a better temper!

"Don't worry, this guy is very obedient and plays well with Mitsumi!" Xiao Zhi discovered that Mitsumi has a special talent and can play well with all his Pokémon.

Since it was going to be sent back, Xiao Zhi exchanged it for a forced exchanger and gave it to Bangila. For it, a strong body is the strongest weapon!

"The decision is yours, Primeape!" Arriving at the backyard of the Pokémon Center, Xiao Zhi released Primeape.

This Primeape is the eighth Pokémon that Xiao Zhi captured while traveling in Kanto. At that time, the predecessor Xiao Zhi heard that Gary had sent back dozens of Pokémon. When he met it, which was still Mankey at the time, it even snatched his hat, so he became obsessed with it. Conquer it.

Later, it went on a rampage and transformed into Primeape, but was still subdued by its predecessor.

The pure Fighting type Primeape is very strong and wears Black rings on his limbs.


After being trained by Uncle Anthony and fighting in the ring for a long time, it has reached a height of 1.3 meters. It is also wearing the championship belt after winning the P1 competition. This is its glory!

"Primape, long time no see!"

Unexpectedly, Primeape suddenly launched an attack, hitting Xiao Zhi with a left uppercut.

The punch was fast, fierce and menacing, but Xiao Zhi's whole body flashed with blue light and he bowed to avoid the punch!

However, Primeape, who had been active in the ring, attacked like an overwhelming force. Seeing that Xiao Zhi successfully avoided it, Primeape grinned and said, "It's like ten belly strikes hitting Xiao Zhi's chest from top to bottom!"

"Well done!"

Xiao Zhi seemed to be armed and domineering to protect himself. He raised his hand to block the blow, then took the initiative and punched Primeape in the face.

Unexpectedly, Primeape's feet were very fast. It seemed that with just a slight tap, he took a small step back and just avoided the punch. Then he squatted down and punched Xiao Zhi in the stomach!

Whether it's reactions, skills, or strength, Primeape has been trained extremely well!

"Xiao Zhi!"

This series of battles happened in an instant. Only then did Xiaogang react and exclaimed.

However, Primeape stopped in time, put down his posture, and actually pulled off his belt and handed it to Xiao Zhi.

Looking at its narrow pupils, Xiao Zhi seemed to understand its meaning!

The previous glory and achievements are in the past, now it has returned, and its glory will be created with Xiao Zhi!

Xiao Zhi took off the belt and put his hat on its head, "Welcome back, riot monkey!"
