
Chapter 981 Arrogant Rookie! Trip Is Here!

Professor Aurea Juniper drove and took everyone to her Laboratory. Sure enough, everything she saw on the road were brand-new Pokémon that had not been seen in Kanto Johto Region or Hoenn Sinnoh!

"Deerling, Pidove, Patrat, Swanna..." Xiao Zhi introduced the Pokémon in front of Misty, "Swanna is a water-type and flying-type Pokémon. Are you interested?"

Misty has long been fascinated by the elegant swan, "It's a water type... I must also tame a Swanna before I go back!"

"Xiao Zhi, you really know the Pokémon here in Unova, that's amazing!" Professor Aurea Juniper was paying attention to Xiao Zhi, but he didn't expect that he knew the Pokémon here so well when he first came to Unova!

Saying that, Yew looked at Pikachu and Eevee in Xiao Zhi's arms, "Kanto's Pokémon are very rare here. You should teach me more, Professor Oak! Xiao Zhi, we can also communicate more!"

"Okay!" Xiao Zhi nodded in agreement, "There should be no wild Pikachu and Eevee found in the Unova Region, right?"

"Yes, you really understand!" Professor Aurea Juniper smiled, "This is Nuvema Town, and the Laboratory is right in front!"

Arriving at Professor Aurea Juniper Laboratory, her assistant immediately came to greet her, "Professor Aurea Juniper, the 14 Rookie training families starting today have arrived, and Miss Mei has been waiting for a long time!"

It turns out that Professor Aurea Juniper was also responsible for giving Rookie Yusanjia to Rookie Yusanjia in Unova!

How could Xiao Zhi miss such a good opportunity? He quickly took Misty to see it!

Following Professor Aurea Juniper to the Laboratory lobby, I saw a young man holding a camera and taking pictures everywhere.

"Hi, Trip!" Professor Aurea Juniper is very familiar with this boy, he is a child of Nuvema Town!

Trip came to Professor Aurea Juniper without looking at Xiao Zhi and Misty. There was a kind of arrogance in his expression, "Hello, Professor Aurea Juniper! The day has finally come for me to embark on my journey as a Pokémon Trainer!" "

"I know, you have been waiting for this day!" Professor Aurea Juniper smiled, "Welcome to the world of Pokémon!"

"By the way, first let me introduce you to your senior!" Professor Aurea Juniper pushed Xiao Zhi out, "This is Xiao Zhi from Pallet Town, Kanto, and is your senior!"

Xiao Zhi understands Professor Aurea Juniper's thoughts very well, and he is very happy to take care of Rookie. But the Contest Condition revealed by Trip immediately made Xiao Zhi frown!

"Kanto place... Pallet Town..." Trip actually chuckled a few times, "So you came here from such a rural place...

A rural place?

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment and whispered to Misty beside him, "I'm afraid he hasn't heard of Kanto, let alone Pallet Town. He might think it's some remote place in Unova!"

"That's it, haha!" Misty also figured it out, obviously Kanto is far away from the sea. How come the location of the Pokémon Alliance headquarters turned into a countryside in the words of this young man in front of me.

This young man probably thinks that this world is a place as big as the Unova Region!

Or does he think that far away places are the countryside?

Seeing Xiao Zhi and Misty whispering and laughing secretly, Trip felt slighted, but suddenly saw Pikachu and Eevee on Xiao Zhi's shoulders, and quickly raised the camera to take a photo of them!

"Pikachu and Eevee, Professor Aurea Juniper actually appeared in Unova. This is an incident!" After Trip finished speaking, Professor Aurea Juniper was really full of black marks!

Xiao Zhi's mouth twitched, but Misty couldn't help it anymore, she hugged her belly and laughed so hard that she couldn't stand up straight!

Misty is laughing. This trip is even dumber than the newbie Xiao Zhi. Isn't it hard for her to turn around?

"Well, Trip, Pikachu and Eevee are Xiao Zhi's Pokémon!" Professor Aurea Juniper had no choice but to explain, and quickly changed the subject, "Today is your Trainer debut day, come on, choose your first Trainer from here. A partner!"

The three most popular Pokémon in Unova Region are Tepig, Snivy, and Oshawott!

It is indeed a Pokémon that would be given to a novice Trainer, and every expression on it is very good.

Xiao Zhi is more concerned about Oshawott and Snivy!

Snivy is a smart, calm Pokémon that is able to remain calm even against the more powerful Rival. As for the Snivy in front of you, you can see that it has a good fighting spirit and is definitely a Pokémon that can become a Trump Card!

Judging from Xiao Zhi's current perspective, I am afraid that the one with the highest potential among the three in front of him is the water-type Oshawott. Its performance is very active, and it will act cute after it comes out. The shell in front of the moon is reflecting the bright Lucas. It is extremely hard at first glance, and it is often used!

The last Tepig is not as enthusiastic as the fire type. He is a very well-behaved child, but Xiao Zhi still likes Pokémon like Tepig very much!

At Xiao Zhi's current height, his requirements for Pokémon will definitely become higher and higher, but his obsession with the Yusanjia and Quasi-Gods has not changed!

In the Unova Region, he still has to conquer the Yusanjia and the quasi-god Hydreigon!

Without much hesitation, Trip took photos of the three Pokémon and made his choice, "I've decided, I'm going to choose the Great Snake!"

After making the choice, Xiao Zhi noticed that Oshawott was petrified, as if he couldn't accept the fact that he was not selected, so he couldn't help but laughed, stretched out his hand and poked it, and it fell to the ground, and the shell in front of the moon fell down. !

Xiao Zhi picked it up and squeezed it. It was indeed very hard. It was Oshawott's strongest weapon!

After receiving the Pokémon Pokédex and Poké Ball, Trip looked at Xiao Zhi and asked, "Is your Pikachu strong?"

"Yes! Do you want to ask me for your first battle as a Trainer?" Of course Xiao Zhi knows Trip's thoughts very well. It's easy to understand. This is the realization of a Trainer!

Misty laughed and said, "Haha, Xiao Zhi, Pikachu [come on!"

Arriving at the battlefield in the backyard of 363 Laboratory, Trip held up the camera and took another photo. Xiao Zhi ignored him and looked behind the tree aside. The Oshawott actually followed him out and peeked at the side.

"Just attack first and try! I promise not to kill you instantly!" Xiao Zhi said with a smile. He really didn't want to bully Rookie, but for this trip, he thought he could bully her!

Xiao Zhi's attitude made Trip grit his teeth, "Snivy, use impact!"

The novice Yu Sanjia has several skills. No matter how strong his combat awareness is, Snivy can only rush over with all his strength, but is easily avoided by Pikachu.

Snivy collided twice, but couldn't keep up!

Trip suddenly felt the pressure, "Snivy, use Leaf Tornado!"

This skill is incredible. Being able to use this skill shows that Snivy does have great potential. However, a large number of sharp blades swept in, and Pikachu's figure disappeared again.

"The fighting will is not bad, but there are too many distracting thoughts when commanding!" Xiao Zhi commented casually and issued the first order, "Electro Ball!"

The violent electricity was condensed into a ball in an instant. Pikachu flicked his long tail and hit Snivy hard, knocking him out of the fight!

Just this trick, Oshawott behind the tree, eyes full of stars!