
Chapter 942 Togekiss! Dawn’S Trump Card!

"Contest has a great performance! Togekiss, use Air Slash!"

Princess Salubia understands Xiao Zhi's advice very well, that is, Contest battle is also a performance. This is the last advice Johanna gave Dawn when she embarked on the Trainer journey!

The battle with Togekiss is very Contest. This girl is very much like Rebecca. Influenced by Salubia's training, she is very good at performing elegant and Contest movements, but this also leads to some delays in the use of skills!

During this gap, Jessie gave the order, "Seviper, use Haze!"

Haze arrived first and enveloped Togekiss, blocking its sight. The weaknesses of Sharubia and Togekiss were immediately exposed!

Their training was indeed very attentive, Shalubia also had a thorough understanding of the Contest competition, and her talent was very high, but their fighting experience was too little. At the moment when their vision was blocked, they all showed their lies!

Naturally, Jessie will seize this opportunity and order Seviper to use Poison Tail to whip Togekiss away!

After being hit one after another, Sharubia's score was greatly reduced, but Togekiss was stunned and at a loss what to do!

"Seviper, use binding attack!"

Jessie's attacks continued one after another, which also showed the terrifying charm of Seviper snakes. The huge Viper tightly entangled Togekiss, but then whipped it like a top on the stage!

Salubiya's score was reduced to half, but Jessie still got full marks!

More than half of the time has passed, but Salubia has not been able to deal any effective blow to Jessie and Seviper, and cannot even use a complete skill!

"Get up! Togekiss, get up!" Shalubia kept calling. Seeing Togekiss' painful appearance, she began to waver, "Am I too rash? A person like me actually came to participate in the Contest. Contest.

Her self-blame was quickly interrupted, and Dawn shouted from the VVVIP stands, "Never give up!"

Sharubia looked at Dawn and heard her say, "You have been training, right? You are usually so busy, so you should work hard together with Togekiss"!

"In that case, work hard until the last moment, and never give up until the end!" Dawn experienced the daily life of a princess today, which made her almost like Flail, but it was just the tip of the iceberg of Salubia's situation!

Dawn now understands Shalubia very well, and she has put in many times more consciousness and dedication for the Contest than she did!

She understood even more that Sharubia finding her to take her place for a day to participate in this Contest might be her only chance in this life, so she must not give up until the end!

"It's really surprising. This is Princess Salubia's support!" Miss Marian was so excited that she never expected that "Princess Salubia" would shout these words here!

Jessie was even more jealous. She pointed at Dawn and asked, "Wait a minute, why do you only support that side? You are partial!"

Xiao Zhi in the stands stood up and said with a smile, "Jessie Lina, come on!"

With Dawn's encouragement, Sharubia dispelled her confusion and regained her strength, "Let's work hard together, Togekiss, we haven't lost yet!"

Jessie didn't believe that Shalubia still had the possibility of winning, and the attack was even more merciless, "Use Contest's bite attack!"

This time, Sharubia's response was very effective, "Use the mysterious bodyguard!"

The brilliant green Barrier in this real world not only protects against Status Condition, it can also resist attacks!

Seviper bumped into the guardian barrier, and Jessie's score was immediately greatly reduced. This was Salubia's chance!

"Use Air Slash!"

Togekiss's movements were still Contest. It turned gracefully three and a half times in the air, condensed air blades from its wings, and hit Seviper who knocked it unconscious!

The attack worked and the movements were graceful. Jessie's score was deducted until both sides were even. Now, there is only one minute left!

"The direction of victory and defeat is completely unpredictable now!" Ms. Marian explained the current situation concisely!

"Now we are about to show off our skills," but Jessie took the lead in attacking again, "Seviper, use the poison room!"

"I will never admit defeat, Togekiss, use Aura Sphere!" Facing the snake tail swung by Seviper, Togekiss's movements were still unhurried, but he threw the Aura Sphere before being attacked!

Seviper controlled his body to avoid the Aura Sphere, but the Poison Tail was elegantly avoided by Togekiss!

Jessie and Seviper don't know much about the skill Aura Sphere. This is a skill that is sure to hit. There is no way it can be avoided!

Avoiding the Poison Tail, Togekiss threw another Aura Sphere, and then two Aura Sphere exploded on Seviper one after the other, immediately knocking it out of combat!

"Seviper was completely defeated, Togekiss won, and the one who received the Katakuri Ribbon Medal was Miss Dawn!" Miss Marian announced Salubia's victory. "The last ten seconds really paid off!

The cheers from the audience are the greatest affirmation for her!

After receiving the Katakuri Medal, Sharubia came to the waiting area and found a depressed Jessie. There were not many Contests left, and the chance for Jessie to get the last Ribbon Medal became increasingly slim!

".~What's the matter?"

Sharubia smiled and opened her palm, which contained the chestnut medal, "I thank you for playing against me on the final stage. This is a token of my gratitude. Please accept it!"

She has no intention of keeping this ribbon medal. Everything that happened today will become a dream for her after today!

Jessie was so surprised that she held the Katakuri medal in her hands, "What do you mean please accept it?"

There are bound to be doubts, but Sharubia said, "I will never forget what happened today in my life. I am very happy to be able to meet Miss Jessie Lina. Thank you very much!"

After saying that, she bowed lightly, turned and left gracefully. With Jessie's character, of course she accepted the ribbon medal directly!

Ribbon medals are anonymous. Jessie once snatched someone else's ribbon medal (Zhao's good one) in the past, planning to use it to participate in the Grand Festival, so this ribbon medal can definitely be used!

In this way, Jessie has completed the collection of five ribbon medals and will participate in more Grand Festivals this time!

Dawn and Sharubia exchanged their identities and finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's better for me to return to my original appearance!"

"Thank you very much, Miss Dawn! Thanks to you, I can have such wonderful memories!" Shalubia sincerely thanked Dawn, "In addition, I have one more thing to ask you!"

"Can you please take this child away? My Togekiss!"

Like Xiao Zhi, she has no stage to continue, so she must entrust Pokémon to her. "It would be better for Togekiss if she is with Miss Dawn who can participate in the Contest!"