
Chapter 940 The Tree World Is Coming! Dawn Became A Princess!

After evolving, Torterra entered the Energy Ball's overloaded Contest Condition. The big tree on its back overflowed with greenery, and it turned out to be like a giant snake coiled on the big tree. The pair of lantern-like red eyes were eye-catching. surprise!

"As expected of you Xiao Zhi, you probably don't know how many trump cards you have, right? Cynthia once said that even in a full-on battle with her to a tie, you couldn't use your full strength!"

Ms. Bertha indeed detected Xiao Zhi, but Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "It is impossible for my full attack to be directed at Cynthia!"

Of course he was talking about the Z-move, a Mega killer move that he would not use in Pokémon battles for the time being.

When he was in the Alola Region, he heard from Lusamine that the Z-moves released by the Lucas power in his body at full bond value were much stronger than those circulated in Alola!

"Be careful!" Xiao Zhi waved his hand suddenly and used the overload Contest Condition to use the "923" grass-type Yusanjia's ultimate move, Plant Frenzy!"

After this period of training, Torterra has completed the Plant Frenzy exercise. When its front feet suddenly hit the ground, the green snake on its back also suddenly burrowed into the ground!

However, a large number of thick vines were seen rising from the ground, which were also covered with lush greenery, further enhancing the sense of contest and power. The power of this move was very terrifying, and Torterra's control over these vines was even more terrifying. !

"The tree world is coming!" Xiao Zhi murmured softly, and a large number of vines suddenly rose from the feet of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, immediately binding this giant beast firmly!

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, Rock Wrecker!" Ms. Bertha never panicked and was calm and collected!

But the super iron tyrannosaurus exploded with momentum crazily at this moment, roared and closed its arms desperately, condensing into hard stone in the blink of an eye!

However, Xiao Zhi did not give any order, he just raised his hands and suddenly made a fist!

The terrifying vines suddenly erupted, and the power entangled with the Iron Tyrannosaurus became even more terrifying. There was also a Vine Whip that penetrated the Rock Wrecker like a normal spear and stabbed the Iron Tyrannosaurus hard. This was an outstanding effect on it. Grass type ultimate move!

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus has lost its fighting ability, so the winner is Xiao Zhi!" Xiaogang announced Xiao Zhi's victory, so this battle is over!

Xiao Zhi defeated the last Elite Four of Sinnoh, Ms. Bertha, with a 3-0 record!

"It's true that the waves behind push the waves ahead!" Bertha seemed to have known this result early on. The young man in front of her had great control over the battle situation, mastery of details, and every subtle change in Pokémon. His strength had already been achieved. Far beyond her!

"Thank you for your advice, Ms. Bertha!" Xiao Zhi took a good look at Torterra's Contest Condition, nodded with satisfaction, and took it back!

Saying goodbye to Ms. Bertha and Yusic, Xiao Zhi has finally completed the Sinnoh Elite Four challenge, so it's time to kidnap their champion!

Continuing on the road, the next focus is the final Alliance Conference. The long journey in Sinnoh is finally coming to an end!

Soon, Xiao Zhi and his party came to Katakuri Town, where the Pokémon Contest was being held, but Dawn would not participate. She had already received five ribbon medals.

But unexpectedly, an intellectual young lady came to the group of people, bowed gently and said, "Excuse me, are your stations Mr. Xiao Huo and Ms. Dawn? I'm already waiting for you!"

Before Dawn Xiao Zhi could answer, Xiaogang rushed over first, grabbed the young lady's hand and said, "Hello, this is the first time we meet! My name is Xiaogang, and it is the young man who can meet such a beautiful woman like you one day. Yes, and I'm sincerely waiting!"

Croagunk and Heartbreak Spinda took him away, Xiao Zhi brought Dawn forward and smiled, "I am Xiao Zhi from Pallet Town! These are my partners Pikachu and Eevee!"

The young lady bowed again and introduced herself, "My name is Erika! I came here to greet you in order to ask Miss Dawn to become your royal highness!"

your Highness?

Xiao Zhi has seen various small countries along the way, and also met many princesses, such as the Mew Kingdom in Togepi, and Princess Sara of Mirage Kingdom [she should have become a real queen now!

The elegance and perseverance of Princess Sara gave Xiao Zhi a good impression of Princess Sara, so she was very interested in following Miss Erika there!

You didn't know this, but you were shocked when you saw it. Inside the magnificent palace, Xiao Zhi saw a princess who looked almost exactly like Dawn!

But the temperament is indeed completely different. Dawn is straightforward and open-minded, and has also developed an optimistic, positive and unfettered character during her travels. The princess in front of her was elegant and quiet, which fit all of Xiao Zhi's impressions of princesses, and he was very fond of her!

Listen to what she said, "This is like a dream! I can actually see Master Xiao Zhi and Miss Dawn like this, and I can also see the Piplup that showed off its skills in the Wallace Cup!"

Piplup was stunned, his eyes widened, God, they are exactly the same!

"Allow me to introduce you all again!" Miss Erika came forward and introduced Xiao Zhi and his party, "The person in front of me is Her Royal Highness Princess Salubia!"

Princess Sharubia gently lifted up her long skirt and performed court etiquette, "Hello, Mr. Xiao Zhi, Miss Dawn, Mr. Xiaogang!"

Xiao Zhi held the brave staff and gently landed on the ground. He placed his right hand in front of Yue Xiong and responded with the knight's salute. His movements were elegant and calm, neither humble nor overbearing. This is the legendary brave man!

"Sir Xiao Zhi, it's an honor to meet you. I'm a big fan of yours! Of course, I also like Miss Dawn's performance very much!" Princess Salubia explained her identity. In fact, she invited the idol from the perspective of a fan. Come and meet us!

Miss Erika continued, "Princess Salubi is visiting this town today as a goodwill ambassador...but the princess said she wants to participate in the Pokémon Contest no matter what!"

"Participate in the Contest?" Dawn was stunned for a moment. If you want to participate, just sign up!

"But, Her Royal Highness the Princess is very busy with official duties, and she really doesn't have that kind of time!" After Miss Erika finished speaking, Xiao Zhi understood that it was another situation that required a shadow clone!

Looking at the identical faces of Princess Salubia and Dawn, Xiao Zhi had roughly guessed their request!

"So I want to ask Miss Dawn to disguise herself as the princess's Substitute!" Sure enough, what Erika said was exactly what Xiao Zhi had guessed!

He patted Dawn's shoulder lightly, "Dawn, just experience the 3.4 feeling of being a princess! Leave me your experience of writing ten thousand words at night!"


Although it was difficult to agree now, after putting on the princess dress, Dawn suddenly felt really good, "It's great, a real princess dress, I've wanted to wear it for a long time!"

Now, Dawn and Sharubia, who were also wearing princess dresses, stood together, almost like twins!

"Then, Your Highness, please change your clothes!" Erika helped Sharubia put on Dawn's travel clothes, and put Dawn's bracelet and Pokémon watch on her wrist, now she completely transformed into Dawn.

Dawn herself was stunned, "It's so amazing, it's like looking in a mirror!"

In this way, Princess Salubia can borrow Dawn's identity to participate in the Contest!