
Chapter 801 Celestic Ghost Lily! Poseidon Suit!

Celestic Town, a town that inherits the past!

The history and ancient way of life of the Sinnoh Region are completely preserved here. It is the smallest and oldest town in the Sinnoh Region. It is said that Celestic Town has existed since the discovery of the Sinnoh Region.

And this is the hometown of Sinnoh Region Guardian Champion Cynthia!

Dawn was going to participate in the upcoming Contest here, so the group rushed there as soon as possible, leaving some time for Xiao Zhi to clean up and coordinate the Trainers!

In the process, he learned a very interesting piece of information, so Dawn quickly contacted Ms. Johanna!

"Mom, have you had a Contest with that Miss Lily?" When Dawn heard the information about that Miss Lily, she was so excited!

"Yes, the person who suffered the first setback for me, who has been victorious since my debut, is Lily!" Ms. Johanna's words also made Xiao Zhi's interest rise!

This Miss Lily is a top Pokémon stylist who styles both Trainers and Pokémon. In other words, she is the predecessor of Miss Paris and a real trend-setter!

In every issue of Dawn's must-read magazine, Xiao Zhi also saw a lot of articles about this Miss Lily. Of course she is also a person that Dawn admires and admires.

Unexpectedly, Ms. Johanna and this Miss Lily are close rivals!

"Then, what happened to you and Miss Lily?" Dawn wanted to know what happened next for them!

"Before I found Lily to avenge my shame, she retired from the world of coordinating trainers! Those have become beautiful memories now, and Lily is now very active as a top Pokémon stylist!" Ms. Johanna is now very good. She is less active, but she is still the senior Top Coordinator!

But according to the information Xiao Zhi obtained, that regrettable battle between powerful enemies may be made up for at this Celestic Conference!

The group took time to go to Miss Lily's shop in Celestic Town, but they were not able to see it as they expected, but they found that even Mr. Wallace's stage costumes were designed and made by Miss Lily!

"Inadvertently looking back at the road along the way, I found that this is really a historical road with such a traditional Celestic Town. I, Marian, am here now!"

The Pokémon Contest Cerestic Conference officially started at this moment, but Dawn was struggling with her hair in the waiting area. This time she didn't have any companions around her, even Xiao Zhi was in the audience and couldn't be by her side, "There's something wrong with God...

At this time, a beautiful young lady rushed in and fixed her hair in a few strokes, "The flowers are in full bloom!"

"Thank you very much!" Looking at the perfect hairstyle in the mirror, Dawn suddenly noticed who the person behind her was, and immediately turned around and exclaimed, "Miss Lily?"

"You are sister Dawn!" Lily also recognized Dawn, but she had no time to chat. As a celebrity, her schedule was full, and she was pulled away by her secretary before she could speak!

"Then let's start right away. The first review is the Contest stage where the trick performance will be held. Contestant No. 1!" The curtain opened and Contestant No. 1 appeared on the stage. Even Marian had to exclaim, "Oh my God, it's a legend." Trainer, the coordinator in , is back again after 20 years! The Ghost Lily known as Celestic, Miss Lily!"

Just a few minutes after being taken away, Miss Lily had already put on a gorgeous dress and stepped onto the stage neatly. She was heroic, with sharp eyes, and carried the strong Hideki stage of a strong woman.

Just one look can make the whole audience excited!

"It's true, it's really interesting now!" Ms. Johanna's regretful battle of revenge will now be completed by Dawn. This is fate!

"Going to fuck, Cherrim!"

The Pokémon Miss Lily sent out turned out to be Cherrim. It was the evolved form of the Cherubi that Dawn had conquered. It was the absolute darling on the Contest stage. It was a cute little creature, but the charm and Contest it displayed were amazing!

Especially the moment when the eggplant-shaped cloudy Contest Condition transforms into a sunny form through the Flower Gift Ability, and blooms with brilliant flowers, it is amazing!

Dawn quickly put away her surprise at Lily's appearance and threw Cherubi's Poké Ball, "Cherubi, look!"

Lily's Cherrim jumped up with brilliant flowers, using Magical Leaf to sweep up to Soaring in the sky, and then used Sunny Day to completely illuminate the dark part above the stage, where Magical Leaf formed Brilliant flowers, and Cherrim itself is even more dazzling under the clear sky!

In this way, the flowers of Contest seem to bloom into people's hearts. It is truly a veteran Top Coordinator!

The coordinators and trainers of the competition appeared in sequence. Dawn hugged the excited Cherubi and finally realized that today she would become a fierce rival with Rival, who defeated her mother!


"Okay, next is Dawn!" Finally it was Dawn's turn. "But she is no longer confused at all!"

"Buneary, the charming appearance!" Dawn's Buneary has become her Trump Card, and the cooperation is close!

Among the special effects of love, the little rabbit stepped onto the stage, jumped up from the ground, showed off its excellent jumping ability, and also did crazy turning movements in the air, which was beautiful and moving!

"Freezing Ray!"

Soaring to the highest point, Buneary suddenly controlled his body shape, opened his mouth and faced a freezing light, freezing the stage and then performed a skating performance. This was a perfect performance of gymnastics and skating, and it was a feast for the eyes!

After coming off the stage, Dawn and Xiao Zhi met Xiaogang, but they noticed that Lily was actually communicating with Johanna!

"Johanna, long time no see! Have you seen it?" Lily and Johanna have a close relationship, which reminds Xiao Zhi of that guy Gary!

When an old friend called to contact her, Johanna was also all smiles, "Of course, but I was really shocked!"

"Miss Lily, mom!" Dawn couldn't hold back and stepped forward to greet the two seniors.

"Sister Dawn, your performance just now was great!" Miss Lily turned around. She had known Dawn from the beginning and had been paying attention to her.

But before they started to exchange pleasantries, Lily first looked at Xiao Zhi, "It's an honor to meet you, Xiao Zhi! I hope you can allow me to design a new suit for you!"

Xiao Zhi's brave suit has long become a legend, and has also become Xiao Zhi's inherent image as a Contest master, but wearing one all the time is too monotonous, isn't it?

As a top Pokémon stylist, Lily has long been unable to stand it anymore!

Xiao Zhi really had an idea about this. Since Lily mentioned it, he would not be polite, and he would not care about the cost. He has a lot of money now, and he never cares.

"I have seen Ms. Lily's craftsmanship. I wonder if you can prepare a Poseidon suit for me? Use Lugia as a prototype and finalize the design first. I will provide the materials!"