
Chapter 799 Battle Of Wind! Gligar Vs Drifloon!

This Miss Melissa is the Gym Trainer of the Hearthome Gym! Zoey had already said her name just now, and Xiao Zhi naturally recognized her.

Xiao Zhi has gone to Hearthome City twice, but was rejected both times. He did not expect to meet her here. As he learned, after Miss Melissa became the Top Coordinator, she turned to become the Gym Trainer of the Hearthome Gym. , has excellent fighting strength!

As for Xiao Zhi, who won the title of Contest Master in the Wallace Cup, Melissa will naturally recognize her!

"I'm really sorry. Like everyone else, I'm a traveling Pokémon Trainer, so I won't stay in the Hearthome gym. It's considered a closed Contest Condition!" Melissa felt sorry and made Xiao Zhibai run several times. !

Although it was their first meeting, everyone quickly became familiar with each other.

Everyone came to Pokémon to rest for a while, and Dawn asked curiously, "Miss Melissa, why don't you go back to the gym?"

Melissa gently put down the tea cup, looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "One day I suddenly thought of something, that is, I want to become stronger! This is also for all the challengers who come to the Hearthome gym. I want to Become stronger!"

"That's what I think. As a Pokémon Trainer, I have learned a lot. I have also worked hard to become a Top Coordinator, and my skills in the Contest battle have been recognized! So I can do it and serve as a Hearthome Gym's Gym Trainer!"

"Hearthome Gym is a gym that specializes in using Ghost-type Pokémon. I faced many Rivals who came to challenge me one after another. Even if the challenger was defeated by me, he would become stronger through training. Come and challenge me again in the future!"

"Seeing this, I also feel that I can't lose to them!" Melissa's words made both Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang feel the same way.

Whether you are a gym trainer or a challenger, everyone should compete with the goal of becoming stronger!! This is the meaning of Pokémon battle!

"A Gym Trainer has been practicing all his life and wants to become stronger!" Melissa said the words that are most worthy of recognition as a Gym Trainer.

With this sentence alone, no one can say that she temporarily closed the gym and was passive in her work. On the contrary, she was actively taking on and traveling around the gym as a trainer!

Compared with those gym trainers who stay in the gym and wait for challengers to come, they are much more competent!

"I have been thinking about what is the best part of my own battles and the battles at the Hearthome gym! So, as a Trainer, I conquered, battled, and accumulated experience. What I came up with through thinking about the journey, That's the beauty of Contest battles and the excitement of Gym competitions. I want to combine the two into one and create a battle style that only I can achieve!" Melissa's words simply made Xiao Zhi's blood boil!

Xiao Zhi suddenly stood up, "Then Miss Melissa, why don't you wait and have a battle!"

Since you are traveling as a Trainer, the moment our eyes meet, it is time for the battle to begin. Why are you talking so much?


Arriving at the battle arena in the backyard of the Pokémon Center, Xiao Zhi and Melissa stood opposite each other, each holding a Poké Ball!

"It's up to you, Gligar!"

"Just the battle position, Drifloon!"

As a practice match, one-on-one is enough, and the Pokémon sent by two people at the same time is also very interesting!

On Xiao Zhi's side is Gligar, a Ground and Flying type, while on Melissa's side is Drifloon, a Ghost and Flying type, which means a special aerial battle!

To be precise, it should be a battle between the winds!

"This child is the Pokémon I have carefully Breeder from Pokémon eggs!" Melissa proudly introduced, which means that the bond between them is very high, and their cooperation must be very tacit!

"Drifloon, Ominous Wind!" Melissa took the lead in launching the attack. The Drifloon Rapid Spin started, and the ribbon under her body was like a fan turned to maximum, blowing up a weird purple whirlwind!


Xiao Zhi smiled softly, and Gligar stuck out his tongue and jumped into the sky with his tail. With his wings flapping, a strong wind suddenly blew in the open-air venue!

Not only did it resist the Ominous Wind, it also increased Gligar's speed! The Drifloon was originally an Air Baloon swaying in the wind, and was suddenly blown around by the strong wind!

"It's amazing. He was able to stop Miss Melissa's attack so easily. You are truly worthy of Xiao Zhi!" Zoey admired her greatly. She had experienced Miss Melissa's strength firsthand!

"Steel Wing!" Of course Xiao Zhi would not miss this opportunity to attack!

Melissa couldn't help but grit her teeth, "Drifloon, use Hypnosis!"

A yellow cross mark floated out of Drifloon's body, blowing in the wind towards Gligar. I didn't expect that Hypnosis could express itself in such a way, and it was difficult to avoid!

If Gligar fell into sleep Contest Condition, Melissa would almost be the winner in this battle!

"Sand Attack!"

Xiao Zhi changed the order, but Gligar's performance was even more eye-catching. It actually took advantage of the wind and started to spin, blowing up sand and dust to protect itself [it even avoided the Hypnosis!

Then, its speed increased further, and a Steel Wing hit Drifloon hard!

Gligar doesn't have many skills that he can use right now. The Bug Type skill X-Scissor has a very poor effect on Drifloon, while the Steel skill has a Normal effect. The Steel Wing skill is naturally the one to rely on in this battle!

Many skills are ineffective against the Ghost system, which is why it is so difficult to fight against the Ghost system!


Melissa did not give up and immediately gave the order. Drifloon stabilized his figure in the wind, his small eyes shone with blue light, and he caught the conch in ten clicks!

"Drifloon, throw Gligar to the Ground!"

Melissa is very clear about her strengths and weaknesses. Once Gligar returns to the Ground, it will not be easy for him to fly again. There must be big flaws!

Gligar was controlled by Drifloon using Psychic 163 and was smashed to the ground. Now is a good time for Melissa to attack!

"Use Hypnosis!"

It's Hypnosis again, but this time it's an attack at the closest distance. Seeing that Gligar is about to fall into a hypnotic Contest Condition, Xiao Zhi's order is issued at this moment!

"Sand Attack!"

Still Sand Attack, Gligar flicked his tail and hit the sand towards Drifloon!

Drifloon's hit rate is reduced, Hypnosis floats and disappears, and now is the time to attack!

"Steel Wing!"

Gligar's wings once again lit up with metallic light, and at the same closest distance, he knocked Drifloon away, finally knocking him out of combat capability!

"Xiao Zhi, you are really powerful!" Melissa put away Drifloon, thinking that every command given by Xiao Zhi was at the perfect time. It looked dangerous, but it reflected the absolute trust between her and Pokémon. It also ensures that every attack has an exact effect!

"I can only deal with the Ghost system in this way now!" Xiao Zhi shook hands with Melissa. He knew that he was still very lacking in the Ghost system!

"I will wait for you to challenge at the Hearthome gym!" Melissa decided to have a good gym challenge with Xiao Zhi. "I will train Drifloon and return to Hearthome City at the same time. Let's work hard together!"