
Chapter 714 One Vs Four! Chimchar's Golden Hoop!

Xiao Zhi didn't intend to care about the bridge, but Xiao Gang couldn't walk on the bridge after seeing the pretty girl. Since he offered to help, Xiao Zhi and Dawn were naturally willing to support him!

The construction of this bridge must be convenient for all directions, but the project seems to be at a standstill now. Not to mention that it will be completed within three days as the designer said. If it continues like this, I am afraid that it will not be completed in thirty days. Stone bridge!

Speaking of the reason, the master stone bridge builder that Miss Shi Su relied on ducked to the waist during construction. So now the designer is in charge of directing the work, and Miss Shi Su is in charge of cutting the stone!

It was this stone-cutting Pokémon that refused to work that brought the entire project to a halt!

"Xiao Sheng's Pokémon food can turn any Pokémon into a Contest Condition full of fighting spirit! Where is the stone cutting site?" Looking at Xiao Gang's enthusiastic look, it seems that he wants to take care of this matter to the end.

Xiao Zhi and Dawn looked at each other and had no choice but to follow, but Chimchar was running around on the ground, looking like he wanted to go and have fun!

Under the leadership of Miss Shi Su, Xiao Zhi and his party came to the stone cutting site, and saw a Bibarel lying lazily on the stone. It also had an momentum belt on its head, which was quite impressive!

"The stone was cut by that Pokémon!"

This Bibarel is the house rat from Sinnoh Region. Normal and Water Type are well known as workers, but now they don't look like workers at all!

The opportunity came for Xiaogang to play. He carefully prepared Pokémon food and sent it to 613 in front of Bibarel, but when he saw the guy Stuff Cheeks, he ate it all in a few mouthfuls.

Such a strong appetite does not seem like a lack of energy!

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but become curious. He took a few steps forward and brought Chimchar to Bibarel, "Hey, why don't you want to work?"

Bibarel glanced at Xiao Zhi, turned over and turned his back to him, and fell asleep lazily again!

Xiao Zhi didn't care, "Miss Shi Su is under a lot of pressure because you refuse to work. You must at least give her an explanation!"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Bibarel really opened his eyes, splashed from Xiao Zhi's side, and came to Miss Shi Su. He saw it patting its chest, as if it was very determined!

"Miss Shi Su, look at it like this, it seems like it knows what it is! It doesn't want to work, there must be a reason!" Seeing Bibarel look like this [Xiao Zhi was also curious!

There must be some secret behind the construction of this stone bridge. After hearing what Xiao Zhi said, Miss Shi Su looked at Bibarel and nodded fiercely. Of course she was willing to believe Bibarel, "So Bibarel, what should we do?"

Who would have thought that Bibarel would actually lie down lazily on the rocks again.

"It wants you to wait for work and relax a little!" Xiao Zhi understood clearly. This Bibarel seemed to be dragging down the progress of the project and waiting for something!

"Wow, he really deserves to be a man who wants to become a Pokémon master!" Dawn looked at Xiao Zhi and her eyes lit up. He could actually understand this Bibarel's thoughts!

Sure enough, Bibarel, who was lying lazily, also raised his hand and gave a thumbs up to Xiao Zhi, which meant that Xiao Zhi was right!

Seeing this, everyone laughed!

If Ms. Shi Su is willing to trust Bibarel, then she will bear the pressure from the designer!

Who would have thought that as soon as he thought of the designer, this guy would drive an excavator and appear in front of everyone, and said fiercely to Miss Shi Su, "I will never leave the job to you again! I want to cut the stone myself." , and then complete the construction of the stone bridge!"

As he spoke, he threw a Poké Ball, and a strong Rhydon appeared in front of everyone, "Rhydon, use the Horn Drill to cut out the stone!"

"No, if it weren't for this Bibarel, there would be no way to complete the cutting according to the design!" Miss Shi Su quickly stopped [What Rhydon can do is to cause damage here and B!

"Xiaosheng also thinks what Miss Shi Su said is correct!" Of course Xiao Gang was willing to support Shi Su, but Xiao Zhi held Dawn back.

"Stop talking about it and do it, Rhydon!" The designer never listened to Shi Su and Xiao Gang. After giving the order, Rhydon stabbed the drill into the stone, and the stone was shattered all over the ground!

Bibarel was so anxious that he rushed out and knocked the Rock-type Rhydon away. It was obvious that he was really trying his best!

But that was all. Rhydon tilted his body, and his thick tail violently whipped Bibarel away, causing him to fall to the ground and collapse!

Seeing that Rhydon was about to step down, Furrret stood up with all his might, used Super Fang, chewed on its feet, and threw it to the ground!

It tried its best to block the stone, trying its best not to let the designer do anything to the stone again!

The designer finally got anxious and threw out three Poké Balls at once. Aggron, Metang and a Charmander, four huge Pokémon surrounded Bibarel!

At this time, Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows and said, "I can't pretend that I didn't see it like this!"

Looking at this posture, there is a hidden secret in the construction of the stone bridge. This is not clear yet, but the method of beating up four Pokémon to one is absolutely against the Trainer's rules for using Pokémon!

This point is the jurisdiction of Xiao Zhi, the prosecutor!

"Chimchar, Flamethrower!" Xiao Zhi gave the order, and Chimchar, who could no longer hold himself back, immediately rushed out.

The Flamethrower, whose power was further enhanced under Xiao Zhi's training, swallowed up the Metang in one swoop!

Xiao Zhi is so jealous that such a guy can actually have a Metang, and how lucky he is, that he has never seen a wild Beldum, Metang and Metagross, let alone one!

Fire skills are extremely effective against Metang, causing it to be seriously injured in one hit!

However, Aggron on the side roared loudly, and under the command of the designer, he used Iron Head to rush towards Chimchar. At the critical moment, Chimchar had to avoid the situation.

Tao attack!

"Let's get rid of these guys together!" The designer became furious and asked these four Pokémon to launch a general attack!

Xiao Zhi smiled softly, and now even in such a scene, Chimchar was not afraid at all, "Flame Charge!"

Chimchar used his skills to avoid the attacks of the Duck-billed Salamander and Rhydon, then turned into a big fireball and knocked Metang away again!

"That's it!"

Suddenly, a strong voice sounded from behind everyone, and an old man wearing a headband appeared, being carried by Xinli.

Seeing him, Bibarel immediately greeted him with cheers.

"Bibarel, I made you worry about me!" This was the stone cutting master who flashed his waist. The headband Bibarel was wearing must have been given by him.

"I said it was a lie when I said I could reach my waist!" The master took out a roll of paper from his arms, "There is something wrong with this design!"

Hearing what he said, the designer immediately objected, "Shut up, my design is perfect!"

In fact, Xiao Zhi and his party have already understood everything at this point. The master made an excuse to duck down and study the design drawings, leaving Bibarel to try his best to delay the construction period. Otherwise, if the stone bridge is built according to the design drawings, things may not go well. !

In order to verify the conjecture, the master also made a model according to the design drawing, which confirmed that the scaffolding would collapse as soon as it was dismantled! In reality, although it would not collapse immediately like the model, it would at most be able to survive the inauguration ceremony, and then a big disaster would happen. tragedy.

"Mr. Designer, why did you come up with this kind of design?" Shi Su also understood and immediately asked the designer!

"Stop being verbose. If I use traditional methods, I will miss the completion date, and then I will lose all face!" The designer really only cares about his own face.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Zhi appeared in front of him.

"This is a warning to you, get out!"

As soon as Xiao Zhi finished speaking, Pikachu on his shoulder showed a wicked smile and knocked away the designer and all four Pokémon behind him!

The old man not only made a model, but also made changes to the design drawings. The project started again, and with the participation of Xiao Zhi and the others, the stone bridge, which was mostly completed, was quickly completed.

"Thank you for your help, I'll give this to you as a Present!" The old man presented a momentum belt, but Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up!

He took it and tied it on Chimchar's head. The little guy was so happy! This headband with a flame pattern fit perfectly with it.

Carrying this momentum band, even if it is attacked by a move that will lose its combat ability, it can sometimes retain its last bit of physical strength, and this last limit is the time when Chimchar will burst out with the most fierce fire!

Xiao Zhi can also use exchange points to upgrade it, turning it into a golden hoop and wearing it on Chimchar's head!