
Chapter 691 Hearthome Conference! Dawn Went Astray!

"The encounter between people and Pokémon brings happiness. It is a joyful and exciting Contest that everyone has been waiting for for a long time! This time it is a place where local hearts come into contact with each other.

Hearthome City, come and host this conference for everyone!"

Miss Lily announced that the Contest was about to begin, and the audience immediately cheered!

As she introduced, Hearthome City was formed due to the encounter between people and Pokémon, and then developed into a business center. It was even voted as the most suitable place to live in the Sinnoh Region.

This is a city that children will love. There are many families and young mothers living here. Most of the buildings use escalators instead of stairs to make it easier for children and Pokémon to move around the building.

After just one day in Hearthome City, Xiao Zhi and his team could already feel the warmth of this city!

"The first review this time is a two-player performance using two Pokémon, and the second review is a two-player battle! The Pokémon are twice as beautiful and twice as beautiful [we will redouble our efforts to serve everyone!"

Xiao Zhi put on the brave suit again, holding the brave staff, standing next to Dawn and Zoey. The two of them also put on their costumes at this moment and dressed up carefully.

Interestingly, the eldest sister Jessie also came to participate in the competition this time. 937 Her double performance really made Xiao Zhi look forward to it!

"First review, double performance, first contestant, please appear!" Unexpectedly, the first one to appear was Mr. Nando. He didn't need to change clothes. His usual minstrel dress was enough to meet the stage requirements. What's more, he's holding a harp!

"Kricketune, Sunflora, is here!" He threw two Poké Balls calmly, and the sticker effects of musical notes and music scores matched him quite well!

This is a two-person performance, so the matching of the stickers on the two Poké Balls naturally becomes something that the coordinator needs to think about.

How to make people shine as soon as they step on the stage? As the first coordinator to appear in this Contest, it should be said that Mr. Nando did a perfect job!

In conjunction with the special effects of notes and music scores, Kricketune performs Sword Dance improvisation, coupled with the fresh and elegant floral fragrance of Sunflora. The three performances of visual, auditory and olfactory performance should be said to be better than Xiao Zhi's Disarming Voice!

"The bright Contest's Sword Dance performance immediately captivated the audience!" Ms. Marian's explanation was equally exciting!

"Sunflora, Grass Whistle, Kricketune, Sing!"

The Grass Whistle and Sing skills have exactly the same effect, which is to put Rival into sleep. Contest Condition, and in this two-person performance, Nando actually let them perform in harmony!

Coupled with his own performance, the Contest stage suddenly turned into a large-scale concert, and the beautiful music was fascinating.

Ms. Lily was also intoxicated and said, "In this case, the explanation is actually incomprehensible! Let's sum it up by saying that the charming singing voice of the magical uncles is so captivating!"

Standing next to Xiao Zhi and Dawn, Zoey couldn't help but admire such a performance, "It's really a bard-style Pokémon performance. It seems that he is indeed a coordination trainer!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but smile, sister, the situation is too small!

"Okay, next contestant, please come out!

The two-person competition continues, and it can be seen that the coordinators have different understandings of the two-person performance. For example, there is the joint performance of Solrock and Lunatone, a pair of Pokémon. The two complement each other, and it is difficult to have problems in coordination!

There are also very different contrasts, such as the combination of Steelix and Smoochum, which set off each other, highlighting the huge ferocity of Steelix and the petite cuteness of Smoochum. It is a pity that Trainer's performance is not delicate and bold enough. If you can think about it carefully, It must be a successful performance too!

Even if Marowak and Cubone came on stage to throw bones at Acrobatics, the score would not be high.

But no matter what kind of combination and performance, it must be the freshest performance for Dawn, who is exposed to a double performance for the first time!

"Hearthome City's Contest has attracted so much attention due to the gathering of many capable contestants. You can think of it as a preview of the Grand Festival!" Zoey has been preparing for this competition for a long time.

Hearing Zoey's words, Dawn became even more excited. It was finally her turn to take the stage!

"Then the next contestants please come out!"

Dawn calmed down and said, "No problem, it's okay!"

After cheering herself up, she threw two Poké Balls. Among the fireworks in the sky, Piplup and Pachirisu appeared charmingly!

During the training with Zoey, Dawn received a lot of advice [and she actually completed the performance she had in mind!

"Pachirisu, use Sweet Kiss! Piplup, use Bubble Beam!"

This time, she did not let Piplup use the Whirlpool skill. She had discovered during the previous training that it was very difficult for her to complete the combo of Piplup's Whirlpool skill.

Therefore, she decisively changed her direction and started with Sweet Kiss and Bubble Beam, which have more similar expressions. And now Piplup can control this move well!

Pachirisu made a lot of love, while Piplup spit out a lot of bubbles and enveloped the hearts, with love bubbles embedded inside. It was indeed a Contest!

However, neither Xiao Zhi nor Zoey smiled!

Xiao Zhi had already discovered during the Baiyang Conference that the focus of Dawn's performance seemed to be off track.

She began to pursue the Contest effect of moves, but ignored that the Contest competition was to showcase the Contest of Pokémon. Now, these bubbles are very Contest, but they cover both Piplup and Pachirisu!

Dawn's Pokémon are all cute little ones. In previous performances, she showed off the physical forms of Piplup and Pachirisu very well. Every time she performed, the audience exclaimed how cute they were.

But in recent training, Dawn completely ignored this!

Xiao Zhi looked at Dawn, hoping that the next performance could express this point.

"It's about to end, Pachirisu uses Spark, and Piplup uses Whirlpool!" Piplup's huge Whirlpool is wrapped with sparkling Sparks, which is really beautiful!

This performance was successful, but for the Contest competition, it was just flashy and missed the point!

On the contrary, it was Jessie's performance after her. She had already formed her own style. She borrowed James' Mime Jr. and Desert Naiya to perform. Mime Jr.'s special ability allowed it to synchronize with Desert Naiya's movements. As soon as she came on stage, she Show off the charm of two Pokémon!

What was really scary was that she actually let Desert Naia and Mime Jr. attack her by tickling her. She laughed horribly on the stage, but she endured the sting caused by Desert Naia and spun around on the stage. .

Such a performance was so shocking that even Xiao Zhi had to accept it!