
Chapter 635 Conquer! Piplup Who Refuses To Admit Defeat!

Little Zhi didn't know that this Piplup had noticed him from the river beside the bicycle road and followed them here.

At that time, by the river, Piplup was attracted to Xiao Zhi, although on the one hand it was for food, and on the other hand, it also wanted to have contact with Xiao Zhi.

After discovering that Xiao Zhi had taken away 10 stones from the pile of stones it had collected and left food and delicious Poffin behind, it had already fallen in love with Xiao Zhi and actually followed him all the way down the river.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi came in front of it and challenged it to conquer it. The fighting spirit aroused by Dawn's Piplup was completely ignited, and it accepted the challenge with a loud cry~!

In Xiao Zhi's opinion, this Piplup is very compatible with him. Just standing face to face makes him feel like an old friend at first sight. And its potential is no worse than Swampert, and much better than Dawn's Piplup.

Even judging from Paul's criteria for conquering Pokémon, it's great that Piplup has inherited the potential of Aqua Ring and Icy Wind!

For this conquering battle, Ms. Iris specially found a large pond in the courtyard, which is very suitable as a battleground for water-type Pokémon.

"The decision is yours, Yongqi Weasel!"

The Swimming Weasel, which has just been conquered and is already at a very high level, can form a contrast just from its attitude towards Dawn's Piplup and the Piplup in front of it!

When facing Dawn Piplup, this kid Yongqi Weasel folded his hands and ignored him completely! But he looked right at the one in front of him!


Feeling the momentum of the Swimming Weasel, Piplup roared loudly, full of fighting spirit!

The Swimming Weasel also waved at it, as if letting it launch an attack. It was very confident in its own strength, especially under Xiao Zhi's training, the power it had accumulated could finally be unleashed!

Unable to stand the Taunt of the Swimming Weasel, Piplup blew another Icy Wind over. Dawn's Piplup had already experienced the power of this move just now!

"Sonic Boom!"

This move was indeed fierce, but Xiao Zhi's command was achieved in the next moment. The swimming qi ferret swung its tail and a smile appeared on its face!

The forked tail swung violently, sending out waves of sound that penetrated Icy Wind and landed directly on Piplup. But this little guy reacted very quickly. After being hit for the first time, he hurriedly hid in the water, much faster than Dawn's Piplup!

But compared to the speed in the water, the Swimming Weasel is not to be outdone.

It jumped into the water suddenly, and its forked tail turned into a propeller and rushed towards Piplup quickly!

This Piplup is not afraid at all. He raises a pair of small wings high and forms a whirlpool in the water. This is the skill that Dawn's Piplup has just mastered, Whirlpool!

A whirlpool was set off in the water, but the speed of the swimming weasel increased instead of slowing down, as if it was going to rush straight into the whirlpool minister!

"Aqua Jet!"

Xiao Zhi gave the attack order at this moment. Swimming Weasel has already formed his own fighting style, and all the instructions Xiao Zhi makes during the battle are just to guide the best timing, so all Pokémon will feel very special during the battle. Comfortable!

This is also the reason why Yongqi Weasel is so obedient!

It can further display its full strength when fighting in the water. After its body is wrapped in water, it speeds up further and rushes into the whirlpool!

The power of Aqua Jet resisted the whirlpool, and actually passed through the whirlpool, hitting Piplup hard, knocking him out of the water!

However, Piplup, who was flying in the air, did not panic at all. He was protected by two Aqua Rings and was constantly recovering his physical strength!

Not only that, its beak also began to emit light, preparing to use Peck!

At this time, the Swimming Weasel used Aqua Jet Splash from the water and rushed over again, just in time to collide with Piplup's Peck!

The skills of both sides canceled each other out, and they fell from the sky one after another!

But Xiao Zhi gave the order at this moment, explode!"

The long and sharp tail of the Swimming Weasel was used to its extreme by Xiao Zhi. This move, Sonic Boom, was practiced very well by it. It was falling from the sky at the moment, but when it received the order, it swung its tail violently, and a Sonic Boom knocked Piplup away. , so that it could not return to the water, and landed right in front of Xiao Zhi!

Xiao Zhi squatted down with a smile, "Little guy, come with me!"

Who would have thought that Piplup jumped up from the ground, removed the Aqua Ring from his body, and stretched out his hands to him, as if asking for something!

Xiao Zhi touched his body and took out a few Poffins.

Seeing the way Piplup took it and put it into his mouth without any thought, Xiao Zhi suddenly understood, "Are you the Pokémon that helped us pick up stones by the river over there?"

Xiao Zhi's Poffin was only left by that river, and the rest were for his own Pokémon. Piplup looked like he had obviously eaten this Poffin before, so he must have eaten it by the river!


Dawn suddenly realized it, but exclaimed, "Did it follow us all the way from the river to Baiyang Town?"

"Poffin!" Piplup held up Poffin and nodded, looking proud!

Xiao Zhi gave it a slap on the head and raised the Poké Ball, "Then Piplup, please give me some advice!"

After taming this Piplup that followed it automatically, Xiao Zhi has tamed two of the three Sinnoh Pokémons, leaving only the last one, Chimchar!

Name: Piplup(3)


Ability: Do not admit defeat (when the ability is reduced, the attack will be greatly increased)

Bond value:120/140

Skills: Peck, Bubble Beam, Whirlpool, Aqua Ring, Icy Wind

Xiao Zhi discovered that this Piplup actually has a hidden ability. This ability is very powerful. When its ability is reduced, its attack will be greatly increased!

There are many skills that can reduce Rival's ability. All Pokémon can learn some at the youngest stage, such as Tail Whip, Growl, etc.!

How to improve the abilities of one's own Pokémon and reduce the abilities of Rival during the battle is also something that the Trainer must consider. Xiao Zhi has been able to defeat the weak several times "because he is able to do this skillfully!"

After subduing Piplup, Xiao Zhi and his group were about to leave the courtyard when a powerful Pokémon leaped from the treetops and landed in front of everyone!

"Is this Gallade?" Dawn recognized this Pokémon. Mr. Lucian sent Gallade to fight Xiao Zhi's Gardevoir before.

This Gallade looked particularly anxious and pointed in the direction it was coming from. It seemed that something had happened. Xiao Zhi and his team quickly retrieved all the Pokémon and followed Gallade.

But they found that the stone pillars not far from the entrance of the courtyard had been broken by an inexplicable force. They were twisted into twists and fell down. The scene was very spectacular. It was hard to imagine how powerful the Pokémon that attacked these pillars was. It was so hard to think about it. Terrible!

Looking at the pillar that had fallen to the ground and turned into a twisted shape, Dawn and Iris felt shuddering, "It's too much, who on earth did such a thing!"