
Chapter 440 Pikachu’S New Skills! Splishy Splash

Although she didn't get the second ribbon medal, May was always happy from ear to ear while holding that Pokémon egg!

After leaving Giruba City, Xiao Zhi and his party were not far from the Battle Dome. Interestingly, Xiao Zhi suddenly discovered that Pikachu had learned a new partner skill!

In fact, since Pikachu learned Iron Tail and reached its current level, Xiao Zhi has not trained it much, but its strength is still improving!

Especially after Pikachu and Eevee both advanced and became partner Pokémon, Xiao Zhi has been focusing on Eevee, not only to slowly increase Eevee's bond value, but also to pay attention to Eevee's eight ways of evolution, and Learn other partner skills!

Xiao Zhi didn't pay much attention to Pikachu's partner skills, but now, he discovered that Pikachu had learned a new partner skill!

Splishy Splash!

A skill that injects electric energy into the huge waves to collide with Rival to attack, sometimes paralyzing Rival. Contest Condition!

Xiao Zhi's Pikachu is really good at surfing. When Xiao Zhi was on Dewford Island, he used the Pikachu Assist Surf Board and played "393" Surf with Xiao Zhi. During the trip, Xiao Zhi also met a dog that was very good at surfing. blue-eyed Pikachu.

Moreover, in the distant Alola Region, Pikachu can also evolve into another form, Raichu with Psychic Type.

Its tail has become larger and sleeker, and can be used as a surf board by stepping on it. It has the ability to control mental power. By focusing its mental power on its tail, it can float around on its tail.

Now, Pikachu's abilities in all aspects have surpassed Raichu's, so it's only natural that he slowly learns his partner's Surf skills!

But obviously, this still requires more exercise!

"Pikachu, let's try again!" Beside Xiao Zhi, Eevee and little Vulpix were cheering Pikachu on, but Qi Luli stood quietly beside Xiao Zhi.


Pikachu nodded, and electric currents burst out from his body, causing a wave of waves to hit the big tree in front of him!

However, after all, it is not a special move of this type. This wave is very unstable and disappears before it can be photographed.

"Well, it seems that practicing in a place without water is a bit half the result with half the effort, and it is completely inefficient!" Xiao Zhi didn't care. It's better to learn this skill slowly!

May came over with a Pokémon egg in her arms, "Xiao Zhi, did Pikachu use a water-based skill? Isn't it incredible?"

Xiao Zhi nodded, "It seems like we have to find a small lake or something to train!"

"Speaking of small lakes!" Xiaosheng took out the multi-functional navigator in time, "There is a famous fishing spot nearby!"

If you can fish, there should be a large body of water, and you can just relax there.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at this so-called "fishing resort", Xiao Zhi and his party were shocked. The water was turbid, the surrounding area was dilapidated, and there was no one around.

But we are here to practice our special skills anyway, so it would actually be better if there is no one here!

"Now let's get started, Pikachu! Use Splishy Splash!"

Xiao Zhi pointed at the water surface and gave the order. When he saw Pikachu shining with Spark, he rushed out. It seemed like it was stepping on lightning, but in fact it injected thunder and lightning into the water, gradually setting off huge waves!


Eevee and little Vulpix cheered beside Xiao Zhi. This move is so cool!

Pikachu stepped on the golden thunder light, and the huge waves under his body became higher and higher. When the waves reached the highest point, he was so fierce that he slapped them away!

But they saw that huge wave hitting the lake, setting off a huge wave again, and even hit the front of Xiao Zhi and his group, but Xiao Zhi took a photo of it casually!

"Okay, it worked!" Xiao Zhi was so excited that he threw his head up and laughed. The Skin God is getting stronger and stronger. It has even surpassed the scope of ordinary Pokémon and should be able to become a god!

At this moment, a Crawdaunt suddenly splashed out from the waves, clicking its claws toward Pikachu.

The next group of people finally understood why a good fishing resort turned out like this. It was all because of this Crawdaunt! This Crawdaunt has a hot temper and is very domineering. No other Pokémon will settle in the lake where it is!

Moreover, this Crawdaunt is slightly smaller than Xiao Zhi's big lobster, so it looks like a very high-level one!

"Pikachu, get it done!" For Pikachu, the leather god with a bond value of 310, Xiao Zhi didn't even need to give an order. Even Pikachu used Thunderbolt to smash the Power Trip's Crawdaunt. Crispy!

Now Xiao Zhi Normal doesn't let Pikachu play, otherwise it would be too bullying.

"Pikachu is so powerful!" A pleasant female voice appeared next to the group of people, who were also shocked by Pikachu's amazing power.

Seeing this young lady, Xiao Gang hurried up and said, "The young man's name is Xiao Gang. What is the young lady's name?"

"My name is Asagiri!" the young lady replied with some embarrassment.

"Miss Asagiri, you are as beautiful as the morning dew..." Before I could finish my words, my heartbroken Spinda had already appeared!

Pikachu returned to Xiao Zhi, and Chaowu finally came back to his senses, "Please, please help get rid of that Crawdaunt!"

It turns out that this lake was once a fishing resort that was so beautiful that even Dragonair lived there.

But a year ago, someone wanted to destroy the lake, build a leisure park here, and force Miss Asagiri and others to move out. Of course, Ms. Asagiri refused verbally, but soon the Crawdaunt appeared, causing destruction again and again, and the place became a lake without fishermen and Pokémon!

Now seeing that Xiao Zhi's Pikachu can easily defeat the Crawdaunt, Chao Wu can't wait to ask Xiao Zhi for help!

Of course Xiao Zhi would not refuse this, and he did not want such a beautiful place to turn into a dead place!

"Come with me!" The blue light on Xiao Zhi's body gradually converged, and the detection range of the advanced waveguide power was greatly increased. He had already noticed the trace of Crawdaunt!

He led a group of people to the woods by the lake, and sure enough he saw Crawdaunt, and the uncle who was going to build the lake into a leisure park, Mr. Heqiao!


Without saying a word, Xiao Zhi directly Discharged the Crawdaunt, and then slowly chatted with the uncle!

"Who are you?" Seeing that Crawdaunt lost his fighting ability with just one hit, Tears Bridge was also panicked!

"I am Xiao Zhi, the Pokémon Alliance investigator. You are suspected of destroying the ecological environment of Pokémon. I have notified Jenny to come over. I hope you will reflect on it!"

As soon as the words fell, Jenny had already arrived here on her motorcycle. She was so happy!

"Damn it, why do you want to keep this annoying lake? Wouldn't it be better to fill it up and build a leisure park?" When Jenny stood in front of him, he was not willing to review it!

"Nasty lake?" Xiao Zhi frowned and told Jenny not to do anything yet. It seems there is a story in it!

It turned out that this uncle was fishing here when he was a child, but was dragged into the lake and was about to drown. But when he woke up, he found that he was lying by the lake safe and sound!

How can such an evil lake continue to exist, and building a leisure park can also make him a lot of money!

Hearing such a willful reason, Xiao Zhi and the others were speechless...

Xiao Zhi shook his head, walked to the shore, and said slowly, "It seems that you don't know what happened at that time. You have such extreme ideas that you never thought of investigating!"

"Come out!"

With a call, behind May and others' surprised eyes, a Dragonair suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

This lake was once considered so beautiful that even Dragonair could live there. This is indeed true. Even now that the waters are destroyed, Dragonair has always lived under the water and never left! 3.7

This Dragonair is small in size and probably has impure blood. It cannot be compared with Xiao Zhi's Dragonair at all, but it is a Dragonair after all!

Xiao Zhi's waveguide power had already sensed it, "I'm afraid it was this Dragonair that saved you at that time!"

Seeing this Dragonair, the uncle's memory finally woke up. The figure he had seen when he was dying was exactly this Dragonair!

He stared at it and stepped forward slowly.

"I'm sorry, Dragonair!" He apologized to Dragonair and then looked at Xiao Zhi, "My savior lives in this lake. Please give me another chance to protect this lake together!"

Feeling that he was telling the truth, Xiao Zhi also asked Jenny for some purchases.

Jenny saluted, "In that case, Inspector Xiao Zhi, I'll take my leave!"

Dragonair has returned to the bottom of the lake. With the joint efforts of Dragonair, Miss Asagiri and Uncle, I believe that the lake will soon return to its former glory!

And Xiao Zhi is finally ready to meet the challenge of Battle Dome!